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♦M 3, 2022

Montgomery Baptists will prioritize the gospel above all by doing the following:
Meet human need while planting gospel seed;
Evangelize the River Region while planting and replanting churches;
Discover, develop, and deploy disciples of Christ to be missionaries across the street and around the world

The Sweet Joy of Salvation

“In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the
presence of the angels of God over one sinner who
repents.” Luke 15:10
Let’s face it. The best day at church is when someone
gets saved and makes their decision public. Nothing
will make a Baptist want to dance faster than
someone walking the aisle of their church asking,
“What must I do to be saved?” The angels in heaven
Neal Hughes rejoice, too. There is a smile on Jesus’ face. All are
Director of Missions
celebrating that a “sinner has come home.”
When Mary and I lived in Woodstock while serving at the North American
Mission Board, we joined our nearest church, First Baptist Woodstock.
Over time, Mary became a significant part of their three hundred voice
choir. Although I had duties elsewhere each Sunday as a transitional interim
pastor in the region, I was privileged to become a deacon, and a Sunday
School teacher at the 8:00 am hour.
Mary’s and my Sunday School class was made up of many from all kinds of
life. It was a class filled with joy, mission hearts, and a huge “welcome” to
others as they entered. Somehow, the Holy Spirit had begun to fill the class
with those who visited FBC Woodstock’s community ministry department
during the week and outsiders from the southern culture. One such friend
was Bruno from Brooklyn.
Bruno was new to Georgia. He built tall buildings and was one of those who
risked his life every day at heights you and I wouldn’t dare. At the time, our
new friend was working on one of the tallest buildings in downtown
Atlanta. Someone invited Bruno to church, and he landed in our early
morning class.
Bruno had a mouth on him. He couldn’t talk without using the word “h---”
in every sentence. The day always began with Bruno smiling and innocently
asking, “Neal, how the h--- are you?” That didn’t go too well when we met
in the elevator one day among a crowd of dressed-up Southern Baptists.
When Bruno asked questions, h--- was always in the conversation. When he
saw that word in the Bible, his comment was “the h---- you say!” He was a
colorful guy, but you know, lost people behave like lost people. Our class
mission was to give him “Jesus.” And the class gladly accepted the charge.
One night we had a Billy Graham video in one of our member’s homes.
Bruno began to weep as the invitation was extended. The following Sunday,
we all shared our testimony of how we came to Christ. Bruno’s heart was
tender, and he began to weep again. One time he said, “I don’t know why
the h--- I’m crying. Would someone please tell me!”
Gently, one of our class members shared the gospel to him again, and Bruno
wept his way into the lamb’s book of life. The Sunday School class was
ignited with joy. Bruno was saved!!! A few weeks later, I had the privilege
of baptizing him. Somehow, our new brother in Christ had left the h--- word
and had now picked up the d---- word. After he was baptized, he told the
person who pulled him out of the baptistry that this experience was “d----
fine!” As the Lord cleaned up Bruno’s heart, he cleaned up his mouth. We
all rejoiced! Our brother in Christ eventually returned to New York. One
day I will see him in heaven. I hope he doesn’t hunt me down and say to
me, “Neal, heaven is d---- fine.”
Who is the “Bruno” in your life? Love him and tell him the good news that
Jesus saves. Then rejoice with the angels when a sinner comes home. Mary
and I love you and count it a joy to serve the River Region looking for more
Together WE Can!

Montgomery Baptist Association • PO Box 3319 • 20 Interstate Park Dr. • Montgomery, Alabama 36109 • 334-271-6227 •
This publication is made possible by your churches’ contributions to Associational Missions.
♦M 3, 2022

Montgomery Baptists will Proclaim the “Gospel Above All” by:

Meeting Human Need While Planting Gospel Seed; Revitalizing, Planting & Replanting Churches; Calling Out the Called

Montgomery Baptist Association • PO Box 3319 • 20 Interstate Park Dr. • Montgomery, Alabama 36109 • 334-271-6227 •
This publication is made possible by your churches’ contributions to Associational Missions.

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