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“Long Distance Unrequited Love”

“Unrequited Love Season 1 Episode 2”

SMH! Hello my Unique friends. I’m here again to share information and awareness about our
fellow brothers and sisters. This story is one of many tragic eye-openers.

Yet another young girl has become a victim to the hands of someone close to her.

Jenae Gagnier was an Instagram model and an OnlyFans model out of Richmond, Texas,
Northeast of Houston Texas. She was 33 years old. She is better known as Miss Mercedes
Moore. Her Instagram page floods with beautiful pictures. She shows off her vibrant lifestyle.
She was well known by many across the U.S. Even big-time celebrities like Tory Lanez and Cardi
B. She had got up to 2.6 million followers on Instagram. Bow wow even posted that he spoke to
her the Thursday before she passed. Jenae was loved by many. Her family described her as Fun
and the life of the party. Her family also stated that she kept her life private. So how did this
happen to her?

Like most models she had many men messaging her and commenting on her photos. But one
man decided to travel over a thousand miles to get to her.

Jenae was found dead by her father, Mark Gagnier, in her apartment on August 29, 2021. Her
father stated that she was laying at the bottom of the stairs and her clothes were ripped and
torn up. She had suffered from strangulation and a traumatic concussion. Her father told police
that he was worried something might have been wrong, so he went to check on her because it
wasn’t like her to not answer his calls. After kicking down her door he discovered his daughter,
he also went upstairs and found her killer still alive suffering from what officials say a self-
inflicted stab wound to the neck. His cause of death was later confirmed as MULTIPLE sharp
force Trauma. The killer was identified as Kevin Accorto, 34 years old out of Florida. The father
felt that Kevin heard him trying to get in and stabbed himself. Did he manage to stab himself
multiple times? Mark stated that he watched him twitch and bleed out until the police arrived.
It was revealed that the killer had been at her apartment for a couple of DAYS! There were no
signs of forced entry police say. Her family told police that the man had stalked Jenae
constantly. Her family also stated that Jenae had never physically met up with the man nor had
any relations with him. But to Kevin it was more than that. He was so obsessed with Jenae that
he did everything in his power to find out where she lived. She posted a photo of her in front of
her apartment, and he used that to his advantage. She made that post on Aug 17 and was
murdered 12 days later. He traveled 1,052 miles from Florida to Texas to Jenae’s home. He had
unrequited love for Jenae. The family doesn’t know how he got into her apartment, but he
managed to write rambling messages on the wall like “I was used for money” “I wish I never
loved her” and “I should have stayed in Florida” in her lipstick and eyeliner. It is unclear as to
why he came all that way to hurt Jenae. Officials stated she had hundreds of social media
accounts that they had to investigate to link Jenae to her killer.

Family held a Vigil for her September 3rd at Terry Hershey Park. Her Instagram is still active, and
many are still commenting and loving her photos. The family wrote a message to the public that
reads “sincerely thanks each and every one for their prayers, condolences, florals and
expressions of kindness extended during the untimely and unnecessary death of our beloved
one. Please continue to keep our family in prayer, and it is our prayer that God continues to
bless you.”

Now for QUESTIONS??? Do you think living this type of lifestyle IS WORTH living? Do you think
they knew each other? How did he get in without forced entry? Why didn’t she have anyone
with her? Why did she have to be alone? Why did he feel the need to take her life? Why didn’t
he stay in Florida and just forget about her? Most of these questions will never be answered,
but all we can do is continue to pray for her family and wish them well.

This story should be a lesson for young women that live this type of lifestyle. No matter if you’re
a Instagram model or a OnlyFans model you should always watch who you let around you and
into your life. The money is good sure, but not worth losing your life over. These men will try to
use your lifestyle against you. Always be careful. Officials gave out helpful tips on how to keep
yourself safe. I pray that the family has peace and I hope that they can heal from this tragic
event. Thank you for watching.

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