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21st Century Skills

Partnership for 21st Century Skills has created a set of standards to

integrate 21st-century skills into the school curriculum. Such necessary skills
include civic literacy, awareness about the globe, health, environment, financial,
business, economic, and entrepreneur literacy. The purpose of the “Partnership
for 21st Century Skills” is to combine these themes with history or geography etc
to increase knowledge and awareness. I believe this is a good initiative as it will
help students to thrive in this “Information Age” (Francom, 2019 P. 44-45).
Besides, it enables students to creatively and collaboratively work and
effectively communicate with each other. The 21 st-century skills are based on
three components these include creativity, critical thinking, innovation, problem-
solving as well as collaboration, and communication. However, it is important to
provide opportunities and all resources to students to work and adopt these
essential skills. I think providing the opportunity to work on original projects by
solving complex issues and presenting ideas is the best way to allow students to
learn these 21st-century skills. In addition to this, technology in education is most
vital to assist in accomplishing the standards set by 21 st-century skills because it
can provide tools and innovative ideas (Francom, 2019 P. 46).
This will help in building perspective taking which means to understand
other perspectives effectively and share own. It deepens the critical thinking
ability and the ability to communicate well and respectfully and cooperate while
working in a team. These skills will foster the sense of empathy and broaden the
current themes placed by “21 st Century Skills”.
Francom, G. M. (2019) Educational technology for teachers. 

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