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Projections of 21st Century and Current

Phenomena of Education
21st Century Education

A 21st century education is about giving students

the skills they need to succeed in this new world,
and helping them grow the confidence to practice
those skills. With so much information readily
available to them, 21st century skills focus more on
making sense of that information, sharing and
using it in smart ways. The coalition P21
(Partnership for 21st Century Learning) has
identified four ‘Skills for Today’
21st Century Learning has identified four
‘Skills for Today’:
 Critical thinking
 Communication
 Collaboration

These four themes are not to be understood as units or

even subjects, but as themes that should be overlaid
across all curriculum mapping and strategic planning.
They should be part of every lesson in the same way as
literacy and numeracy.
The Main Characteristics Of 21st Century Learning

characteristics, namely 21st-century learning characteristics which

include integrative, holistic, scientific, contextual, thematic, effective,
collaborative, and student-centered.
 1. Learner-centered 
 2. Media-driven 
 3. Personalized
 4. Transfer-by-Design
 5. Visibly Relevant
 6. Data-Rich
 7. Adaptable
 8. Interdependent
 9. increasead transparency
The Importance of Teaching 21st Century Skills to 21st-Century Learners
You HAVE to be adaptable. You HAVE to be creative. You
HAVE to be tech literate. You HAVE to be a problem-
solver.  You need those skills because not a single college
course prepared you for this storm of the century.

1. Being Ready for Change

2. Being able to Find and Navigate Information
3. Tools for Real-World Problem-Solving
4. 21st-Century Skills Build Character
5. Competitive in the Workplace
6. Because Everyone Else is Doing It
7. Promote and Foster Innovation 
1. Being Ready for Change
The pandemic example already mentioned shows how
important it is to not only anticipate change but to be ready
for it and know what to do when it hits. The world is
changing all of the time, and quickly at that.

2. Being able to Find and Navigate Information

Now we have access to information literally anytime,
anywhere. What is relevant now is being able to navigate the
plethora of information out there; it is being able to locate,
organize, and make use of credible and accurate information.
3. Tools for Real-World Problem-Solving
Problem-solving is an important skill in itself, but being able to apply
problem-solving skills to real-world issues and scenarios is critical.
4. 21st-Century Skills Build Character
Twenty-first century skill-building opportunities help
students build character. It is important as collaborative
and social beings that children have empathy, compassion,
are ethical, have integrity, work well with others, and so
much more.
5. Competitive in the Workplace
This particular reason for adding 21st-century skill-building
to your curriculum is a blend of all of the other reasons
6. Because Everyone Else is Doing It
he world is changing, we've established that. You and your
students must change with it. Your students are at a
disadvantage if they do not possess the skills to live happily
and successfully in the 21st-century.
7. Promote and Foster Innovation

21st-century skills are important for individuals.

Students will fare better in their careers, for example,
and better maneuver life's personal challenges that are
inevitably thrown their way.
What are 21st century skills in education?

21st century skills are tools that can be universally applied to enhance
ways of thinking, learning, working and living in the world. The skills
include critical thinking/reasoning, creativity/creative thinking,
problem solving, metacognition, collaboration. 21st century skills also
include literacies such as reading literacy, writing literacy, numeracy,
information literacy, ICT information and communications technologies
digital literacy, communication and can be described broadly as learning
domains. Skills” such as creativity and innovation, critical thinking,
problem-solving, decisionmaking, life and career skills, citizenship,
personal and social responsibility, and information and communications
technology literacy were strongly featured, as opposed to areas such as
collaboration, communication, information literacy, and metacognition.
Here are ten characteristics that I
am exploring and starting to see
as crucial for educators in the
21st century and beyond, as we
continue to live in a world that is
continuously changing and
moving at tremendously fast
An effective 21st-century educator thinks about their
students' future and is aware of the career
opportunities that may arise from them
 Learner-centered classroom and personalized instruction :
As students have access to any information possible, there
certainly is no need to spoon-feed them knowledge or teach
one-size-fits-all content
Learn new technologies :
In order to be able to offer students choices, having one’s
own hands-on experience and expertise will be useful.
Since technology keeps developing, learning a tool once
and for all is not an option
Go global
Today’s tools make it possible to learn about other
countries and people firsthand. Of course, textbooks
are still sufficient, yet there’s nothing like learning
languages, cultures, and communication skills by
actually talking to people from other parts of the
Project-based learning
Today’s students should develop their own driving
questions, conduct their research, contact experts, and
create final projects to share, all using devices already
in their hands. All they need from their teacher is
Build your positive digital footprint :
It might sound obvious, but it is for today’s teachers to
model how to appropriately use social media, how to
produce and publish valuable content, and how to
create sharable resources. Maintaining professional
behavior both in class and online will help build
positive digital footprint and model appropriate
actions for students.
Keep learning :
As new tools and new technology keep emerging,
learning and adapting is essential.
5 Essential 21st Century Teaching Strategies

educators need to use teaching strategies to equip

students with the characteristics and skills that will
help them live in this ever-changing technological

1. Teaching Strategies to Be Able to Teach to All

educators have learned that students learn best when
they are taught to their own unique style and ability.
2. Be Able to Implement Technology
An effective educator will have the know-how and the
wherewithal of how to efficiently implement and
incorporate technology into the classroom in a way
that will be productive for all students.

3. Be Able to Foster Student Relationships

An effective teacher will have the ability to facilitate
interpersonal relationships within the classroom so
that students will have a sense of community and be
able to communicate with their peers on a higher level
than just social media.
4. Be Forward Thinking
Teacher must the ability to prepare students for the
unknown based on current trends and technology.
5. Be Able to Embrace Change
Technology changes daily, as do new teaching
strategies, testing techniques, and the way we are able
to learn and communicate with others. An effective
teacher living the 21st century has the ability to adapt
to anything and everything as well as embrace it.
the phenomenon of education in the 21st century
during the pandemic
The current coronavirus (Covid19) pandemic is having
a profound impact, not only on people's health but
also on how they learn, work, and live. Amongst the
most important challenges created by Covid 19 is how
to adopt a system of education built around physical
Strategy to Minimize learning loss
Have a growing mind
Educators must have a growth mindset, namely
thinking that grows and develops according to the
continuity of the times. For example, online learning
that was carried out during this pandemic actually
accelerated educators and students in facing the
digital era, which was growing faster from time to
Understand Socio Technical Knowledge Management
Educators also need to understand Socio Technical Knowledge
Management in the digital era which consists of Infoculture,
Infostructure and Infrastructure. Infoculture is the transfer
of information in the digital era, one of which we know as
blended learning, which is a combination of humans and

Apply modern class

Educators began to implement modern classes or Flipped
Classroom, which combines aspects of asynchronous and
synchronous effectively. In the asynchronous stage, students
learn the material individually outside the classroom, both
online and offline. Utilization of the Learning Management
System (LMS) application is the standard in this pattern
 1.
 2.
 3.
 4.
 5.
 6.
 7.
 8.
 9.
 10.
 11.
 12.
 13.

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