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Homesman, worksheet

Consignes : Regardez attentivement la bande-annonce du flm Homesman sur YouTube

puis répondez aux questions suivantes :

1- What is the name of the protagonist ?

◊ Judith Bee Cudy ◊ Annie Bee Cudy ◊ Joline Bee Cudy ◊ Mary Bee Cudy

2- What is the old man's problem the frst time she meets him ?
◊ he is about to die ◊ he is tied to a tree with handcuffs ( = des menottes) ◊ he
has a rope ( = une corde) around his neck and he is tied to a tree

3- What does he say to her ?

He says : « Are you an a___________________ ?»

4- How many women in the village have lost their mind ?

◊ one ◊ two ◊ three ◊ four

5- Where are they going to go ?

◊ to South Dakota ◊ to Minnesota ◊ to Iowa ◊ to Missouri

6- How long will the journey take ?

◊ two weeks ◊ three weeks ◊ four weeks ◊ fve weeks

7- How will be their journey ?

◊ short ◊ peaceful ◊long ◊ easy ◊ diffcult ◊ dangerous ◊ relaxing

8- Complete the heroine's words to the old man.

She says : « Perhaps you don't r______________________ what a grand thing
you're doing t___________ these p___________, helpless w____________ home,
if you don't, I assure you, I do. It might be the fnest most
g_____________________act of your l________. »

9- What is the genre of this movie ?

◊ adventure ◊ western ◊ romance ◊ comedy ◊ science-fction ◊ action

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