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Special Theory of Relativity -Length Contraction

Distance and Time don’t increase by the exact same amount. In fact, time doesn’t actually dilate enough
to account for the speed to remaining the same for both boys, something else happen- length

When objects are moving close to the speed of light, not only does time slow down but objects itself
contracts. This is called length contraction.

Therefore, the distance the light beam has to travel is actually smaller than we thought.

Inconclusion time dilation and length contraction work together to ensure that the speed of light
remains the same for both Alex and Bill.

Einstein preferred to think of space and time not as two separate things but one entity; he called it


Time slows down for objects travelling close to the speed of light; and time stops all together for objects
travelling at the speed of light; it then follows that time must go backward for objects traveling faster
than speed of light. So far it has been seen that no object can travel at the speed of light. On
approaching the speed of light, objects start to increase in mass rather than the speed and it would take
an infinite amount of energy for an object to achieve the speed of light. This is why we cannot travel
back in time, we have simple not been able to reach greater speed than the speed of light.

General Theory of Relativity

Einstein realized that the special theory of relativity which we can explained previously only worked for
circumstances when things moved at constant speeds through the Universe.

Einstein theorized that objects warped space time around it, it causing it to become curved and as a
result objects experienced gravitational attraction to each other. This warping of spacetime explains
how objects behave as they move through space.

This is the theory of general relativity

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