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Question 1: What is Space Time ? Explain Briefly.


Space time is a fundamental requirement to maximize any event. Without space time, we can not
major any event.

What Einstein said?

According to Einstein, Space time is relative, i.e., space does not exist without time and time
does not exist without space. This means that we can not walk in space without time.

For example, We can display this as a coin in general. If a part of coin is considered space and
the other part is considered time, then a coin reproduces the space time. From this, we can say
that coins exist in the space and time together. None of the space or time is exist alone.

Why did we need space time?

Einstein had said that the time is not constant,it depends on the frame of reference or reference
point. That is it depends on what we are talking about. Due to this we need distance mean space
and time to major an event. So we got to know that in order to major an event, we need space ie
x, y, z and time.

According to Einstein, Space Time is Responsible for Gravity. We all know that Gravity is the
force that takes place between two objects, depending on the distance between their mass and the
two, it was told by Newton.

But Einstein said that in reality Gravity is the reason due to the curvature of space time of any
object. If a space time is too much curved then gravity will be too much, it is called Einstein’s
General Theory of Relativity. 
What we understood?

So we understood that where space time is high, gravity is more. like the black hole is have too
much mass. So there’s a lot of space time curvature there too, that’s why the black hole’s gravity
is so high that the ray of light can not even come out.

Another advantage of space time is that with its help we can know the past of the event and the
future. If we draw the graph between the time and space then we can know what is the past and
the future of an event.

Question 2: What Were the ShortComings of Classical Mechanics Over

Quantum Mechanics ? What does Quantum Mechanics Explain ?

Answer :
The problems with classical physics led to the development of Quantum Mechanics and Special

Black Body Radiation: Classical physics predicted that hot objects would instantly radiate away
all their heat into electromagnetic waves. The calculation, which was based on Maxwell's
equations and Statistical Mechanics, showed that the radiation rate went to infinity as the EM
wavelength went to zero, ``The Ultraviolet Catastrophe''. Plank solved the problem by
postulating that EM energy was emitted in quanta with .

The Photoelectric Effect: When light was used to knock electrons out of

solids, the results were completely different than expected from Maxwell's equations. The
measurements were easy to explain (for Einstein) if light is made up of particles with the
energies Plank postulated.

Atoms: After Rutherford found that the positive charge in atoms was concentrated in a very tiny
nucleus, classical physics predicted that the atomic electrons orbiting the nucleus would radiate
their energy away and spiral into the nucleus. This clearly did not happen. The energy radiated
by atoms also came out in quantized amounts in contradiction to the predictions of classical
physics. The Bohr Atom postulated an angular momentum quantization rule L=nh,  for
n=1,2,3… , that gave the right result for hydrogen, but turned out to be wrong since the ground
state of hydrogen has zero angular momentum. It took a full understanding of Quantum
Mechanics to explain the atomic energy spectra.

Compton Scattering: When light was scattered off electrons, it behaved just like a particle but
changes wave length in the scattering; more evidence for the particle nature of light and Plank's

Waves and Particles: In diffraction experiments,light was shown to behave like a wave while in
experiments like the Photoelectric effect, light behaved like a particle. More difficult diffraction
experiments showed that electrons (as well as the other particles) also behaved like a wave, yet
we can only detect an integer number of electrons (or photons).

Quantum Mechanics incorporates a wave-particle duality and explains all of the above

phenomena. In doing so, Quantum Mechanics changes our understanding of nature in
fundamental ways. While the classical laws of physics are deterministic, QM is probabilistic. We
can only predict the probability that a particle will be found in some region of space.

Electromagnetic waves like light are made up of particles we call photons. Einstein, based on
Plank's formula, hypothesized that the particles of light had energy proportional to their

Question 3: How is Special Relativity is different from General Relativity ?

Answer :
Einstein in his theory of Special Relativity came up with the idea that space and time are not two
independent things. This is what is special about this theory.

Special relativity basically says that all laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames. 
The law of gravitation as given by Isaac Newton didn't quite fit into this theory suggested by
Einstein. After a lot of thought, Einstein came up with another theory, in 1915, called the
General Theory of Relativity. 

In this theory, Einstein says that the space-time he described in Special Theory of Relativity,
which he then considered to be flat, is not flat, but curved. By curved space-time, all he meant
was that the Euclidean geometry fails on this surface. It's very tough (almost impossible) for us
to imagine the curved 4 dimensional space-time as we are mere 3-Dimensional objects.

Question 4: Why Does Time Slow Down in Space ?

Answer :

Depending on our position and speed, time can appear to move faster or slower to us relative to
others in a different part of space-time. And for astronauts on the International Space Station,
that means they get to age just a tiny bit slower than people on Earth.

That's because of time-dilation effects. First, time appears to move slower near massive objects
because the object's gravitational force bends space-time.

The phenomenon is called "gravitational time dilation." In a nutshell it just means time moves
slower as gravity increases. That's why time passes slower for objects closer to the center of the
Earth where the gravity is stronger.

Question 5: Do Your Age Slower on Mars ?

Answer :
Einstein's theory of general relativity states that gravity isn't just a force that one object places on
another, but an actual distortion in the continuum known as space-time.
Earth's surface has a higher gravity than the Martian surface, so on Mars you will experience
your seconds slightly faster than people on Earth. So we age slower on Mars.

Question 6: Can We Stop The Time ?

Answer :

No, We can not. Time is not something that can be stopped. It will always move on no matter
what. Time can go faster or slower though depending on the effect of gravity. The people on
space are a couple of seconds because of the lower effect of gravity. Same goes with moving
near a black hole the huge gravity would make you think only a few seconds spent but it would
have been hours actually. Space-time bends according to the pull of gravity giving these effects.

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