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TP. 2019 / 2020

Choose the correct answers by crossing a, b, c, d or e !

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 – 4

On Saturday night, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a
large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in
twenty minutes time. Fifteen minutes passed and then at five to twelve, the clock stopped.
The big minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but nothing happened. Suddenly
someone shouted, “It’s two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!”
I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At
that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.

1. When did the clock stopped?

a. At 5.12
b. At 11.55
c. At 12.00
d. At 12.05
e. At 01.00

2. Why did the people gather under the Town Hall clock?
a. To see the newly bought clock
b. To strike the laughing people
c. To welcome the New Year
d. To stop people who shouted
e. To wait clock stop

3. Based on the text, where was the writer?

a. At the beach
b. At the market
c. At the centre of the town
d. At home
e. At school

4. When did the event happen?

a. Mother’s Day
b. The end of the year
c. At the weekend as usual
d. In the middle of the year
e. Hero’s celebration

Read the following text to answer questions number 5 – 13

A long time ago, very few people lived in the New Territories. There were only a few
villages. If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to pass
through wild and unsafe forest.

One day, a farmer’s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother and
brother. She brought along her baby son. When it was time for her to leave, her brother
said,”it is getting dark. Let my son, Ah Tim go with you through the forest.

So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying her baby.
When they were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They began to run to
avoid the danger, but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down. At once the wolves
caught him. The young woman cried to the wolves,”please eat my own son instead.” Then,
she put her baby son on the ground in front of the wolves and took her nephew away.

Everyone understood that this was because the woman was very good and kind. She
had offered her own son’s life to save her nephew.

They ran back to the house and called for help. All men in the village fetched thick
sticks and went back with her into the forest. When they got there, they saw something very
strange. Instead of eating the woman’s baby, the wolves were playing with him.

5. What separated between one village to another a long time ago in the New
a. Another village
b. Mountains
c. Hills
d. Towers
e. Forests

6. Who walked in front when they were in the forest?

a. Ah Tim
b. The woman
c. The woman’s son
d. Her brother’s nephew
e. The baby and his mother

7. How could the wolves catch Ah Tim?

a. He was afraid
b. He was stumbled by a stone
c. He ran slowly
d. The woman cried
e. The wolves were good runners

8. The woman gave her son to the wolves because

a. She loved her nephew than her son
b. She thought about how her brother would be
c. She wanted her son was eaten by the wolves
d. She was crazy
e. She kept a grudge on his brother

9. What did the villagers bring sticks for?

a. For the weapon to beat the wolves
b. To bring the woman’s nephew
c. For the fire woods
d. For play
e. For building a house for the woman

10. “all men in the village fetched thick stick ...”the word “fetched” has similar meaning
a. Received
b. Caught
c. Got
d. Lifted
e. Hit

11. From the passage we learn that the villagers were .....
a. Located in one huge area
b. Situated in a large district
c. Separated by untamed jungles
d. Wild and unsafe
e. Dark and very dangerous

12. The brother let her son go with his aunt as she left home because ...
a. Ah Tim wanted to see the wolves
b. His aunt wanted him to come long
c. Ah Tim was bored to live with his parents
d. The baby was too cute to be alone
e. Ah Tim would be a guardian for them

13. What is the purpose of the writer by writing the story above?
a. To describe the danger of the villages
b. To entertain the readers of the story
c. To tell the villagers’ relationship
d. To explain how important a relative is
e. To narrate how the wolves were playing with the baby

14. Anida : “I heard that you didn’t past the test. That’s too bad. I’ve told you not to
waste your time playing online game.”
Andra : “I will listen you next time.”
It can be concluded from the dialogue that Anida expresses her .....
a. Pleasure
b. Satisfaction
c. Happiness
d. Suggestion
e. Offering

15. Rani : Finally, it’s break time. ..... a cup of coffee?

Yudi : That’s very nice of you
a. Shall you
b. May you get me
c. May you help me get
d. May I offer some help to get
e. Would you like me to get you

16. Students : Is it okay to leave a bicycle in a hallway?

Teacher : “No it’s not. Leave it over there near the gate.”
The underlined utterance is used for .....
a. Offering help
b. Expressing dislike
c. Introducing others
d. Giving suggestion
e. Making an offer

17. Mom : “Don’t talk too much while you are eating. That’s impolite.
Susan : “I am sorry, Mom.”
From the dialogue above, the underlined sentence shows that Mom is .....
a. Accusing
b. Requesting
c. Discussing
d. Complaining
e. Suggesting

18. Sam : “would you like to watch a movie this weekend?”

Carly : “I can’t, I am low on cash right now.” ..... stay at home and watch TV instead
a. How about
b. What about
c. I think
d. Let’s
e. Shall I

19. Edo : “I have a lot of work to finish. I don’t know how I will manage.”
Sani : ..... half of it if you want
a. Would you
b. I will help you with
c. I think
d. Why don’t
e. Can I

This memo to answer questions number 26 – 30

To : Rian Perwira

Date : March 27, 2017

Rian, I need your help to announce all the managers that we are going to take a meeting on
Saturday, March 29. Also, you have to prepare the data of our finance report for this month.
It must be clear before the meeting because the data is included in the meeting and should be
presented in front of all the managers. I will be there on Friday to check your work.


Khairul Amri

20. What does memo talk about?

a. The meeting which will be carried out on March 29
b. The data of finance report
c. A presentation to the all managers
d. Checking the work of Rian Perwira on Friday
e. Presentation of Rian Perwira’s work

21. Why does Rian need to prepare the finance report?

a. Because the job is his regular work
b. The company hasn’t received the data for this month yet
c. It will be included and presented in the meeting
d. To complete the previous report
e. To report his job every month

22. When does Khairul come back?

a. As soon as possible
b. On Saturday morning
c. On March 29, 2017
d. On Sunday
e. A day before the meeting

23. From the text above, we can say that .....

a. Khairul is Rian’s staff
b. Khairul works for Rian
c. Rian is Khairul’s boss
d. Rian works for Khairul
e. Rian is Khairul’s manager

24. ...”it must be clear before the meeting ...”. the word “it” refers to .....
a. Meeting
b. All managers
c. Presentation
d. Finance report
e. Rian’s job

25. What will you think about this symbol?

a. There is a hotel
b. There is a cottage
c. There is an inn
d. There is a hospital
e. There is a bed

26. What kinds of the symbol is possible found to tell that there is intersection?

A.        B.          C.               D.      


27. Hendri : Can you tell me how to get to the nearest restaurant?
Nadin : ..... may be you can ask the policeman over there
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is .....
a. Yes, there is one across the street
b. Next to library
c. It’s this way
d. Behind the hotel
e. I’m sorry. I don’t live here

28. Stranger : Excuse me ..... where the nearest post office?

Sinta : Follow this way until second traffic light. It is on your left beside
Padang restaurant
Stranger : Thank you
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is .....
a. Can I help you find
b. Could you show me
c. Could I tell you the way
d. Could you come with me
e. Could I show you

29. Juno : Can you tell me where Doni’s house is?

Nanda : Just go along Sudirman street
From the dialogue we know that .....
a. Nanda doesn’t know where Doni’s house is
b. They will go to Doni’s house
c. Fino knows where Doni’s house
d. Nanda knows where Doni’s house is
e. Nanda is confuse where Doni’s house

30. Dita : Excuse me, Sir. Could you tell me where the police station is?
Mr. Riki : Please go straight this way. Turn left at the crossroad, go ahead and
you can see the police station is next to the hospital
Dita : Thank you, Sir
Mr. Riki : You’re welcome
The underlined sentence expresses .....
a. Agreement
b. Asking opinion
c. Giving direction
d. Advice
e. Asking direction

31. Hotel – park – is – in front – of – the – the. The correct order is .....
a. In front of the hotel is the park
b. The hotel is in front of the park
c. The park in front of the hotel is
d. Is the hotel in front of the park
e. The in front of hotel is the park
32. The opposite of “south” is .....
a. West
b. Southeast
c. East
d. North
e. Northeast

33. Talia : Ma’am, I plan to join the “Gamelan” class but I don’t know where the
place is. Would you please give me the direction?
Ms. Nayya : It’s on Tebet Barat Dalam I street, not far from our school. ..... It’s
near the park
a. I don’t know where is it
b. The building is painted green
c. We will go there together by car
d. I think you have to ask the security here
e. The station is not far from here

34. Farhan : ..... ?

Rayhan : Just walk along this street and turn right. It is at the corner
a. Will I go to the market
b. How do I go to the market
c. Is there a market near here
d. Can I drive you to the market over here
e. How far is it to

35. Do you have a ..... blade than this?

a. more sharp
b. sharper
c. sharp
d. sharpest
e. the most sharp
36. It was ..... thing I have ever learned
a. useful
b. usefulest
c. more useful
d. usefuler
e. the most useful
37. Rio : Which is more interesting. The Safari Park or Ragunan Zoo?
Daud : I think Ragunan Zoo is ..... as the Safari Park. Both of them have many good
things to see.
a. less interesting
b. more interesting
c. the most interesting
d. as interesting
e. interesting
38. Dani : Arya, look! Do you think that I’m fatter than the girl?
Arya : No, .....
a. You’re the taller
b. It’s difficult
c. She is fatter than you
d. I don’t know
e. You’re the tallest
39. Nadia is as ..... as her older sister
a. more diligent
b. the most diligent
c. diligent
d. diligenter
e. diligentest
40. Anna: Was Indonesia team as strong as Japan?
Cindy: No, I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia
Anna: But ..... China, Japan or Indonesia?
Cindy: China
a. Which team is the strongest
b. Which team is the weakest
c. Which country plays better
d. Which country plays the fastest
e. Which country plays good

1. B 6. A 11. C 16. D 21. C 26. C
2. C 7. B 12. E 17. E 22. E 27. E
3. C 8. B 13. B 18. C 23. D 28. B
4. B 9. A 14. D 19. B 24. D 29. D
5. E 10. C 15. E 20. A 25. D 30. C

31. B 36. E
32. D 37. D
33. B 38. C
34. B 39. C
35. B 40. A

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