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Research Design and Analysis

Summer 2018
I am glad I took this class early in my program because I had to relearn so much, like how to
access all the information I would need for this and other courses. This class was very time
consuming and even a bit stressful for me! But it put me back into the student mindset, and I am
grateful to have had it!
Relearning APA felt exhausting at times, but I found that I used the knowledge I acquired during
this class throughout all my other courses. It has also been useful in helping my high school
senior in his college classes, so I would say that is a win/win.
I feel very “old school” in the ways I teach and learn at times, and Research Design Analysis
took me out of my comfort zone and into a world on-line learning and resources. The library
assignment really opened my eyes to the plethora of information out there. Since, I have used the
CSC library many times over the years to assist me with assignments, but also just to expand my
knowledge on certain topics.
Being an elementary school teacher, my students go out for recess twice a day. They receive a
morning recess and a lunch recess. Over the years, some of the other elementary teachers have
taken away recess as a punishment for not turning in work, not completing work, etc. I have
always had a problem with this because, like any other subject, recess is part of the school day
and children need it. My research proposal was on the Effects of Recess on the Academic and
Social Growth of Elementary Students. It was a lot of work, but it remains one of my favorite
assignments. I have referred to it multiple times when teachers take away recesses at my current
school. I discuss how recess provides social stimulation, peer interactions, coping skills, and
problem-solving skills. I love that I was able to research something that not only interested me
very much, but something I am able to use in my current position to help students get the
relaxation and stimulation they need.

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