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Julie Weems

EDAD 631
Crisis Dos and Don’ts

When a crisis strikes, how it is handled can make or break an organization and its reputation. In a
crisis there are steps that need to be taken or avoided.
Crisis Dos:
 Communicate Immediately
o A public statement should be made within the hour, if possible.
o Communicating early shows a desire to solve the problem.
o Reporters are more sympathetic to organizations that are open.
o Keep communications factual, accurate, and concise.
 Contact Employees, Board, Shareholders, and Other Key Audiences
o Share public statements with them prior to contacting the media.
 Prepare the Spokesperson
o Choose a person to represent the organization who is relatable, genuine,
believable, and compassionate.
o Choose a person who has established a relationship with stakeholders.
 Listen to Stakeholders
 Apologize the Right Way/Seek Forgiveness
o Offer no excuses.
o Pledge specific action to correct the mistake.
o Ensure the mistake never happens again.
 Monitor the Media
o Pay attention to what the media is saying about the organization and its crisis.
o Monitor traditional media and social media platforms.
 Use Social Media Wisely
o Give rapid, direct communication of updates.
o Answer questions and handle customer support.
o Cite only credible sources.
o Pause any upcoming events and only focus on the crisis-at-hand.
o Deliver consistent messages across all media platforms.
 Communicate with Employees
o Update employees from top management to curb rumors and the spread of false
 Resolve to Follow-Up
o Revise statements and estimates as more information is discovered.
Crisis Don’ts
 Do Not Lie
o Tone, intent, and first words will be remembered.
o Comments may go viral.
 Do Not Ignore the Situation/Disappear
o The organization’s voice, presence, and guidance are needed.
o False information and rumors will spread.
 Do Not Make Jokes
o Being serious and respectful to all parties involved is essential.
 Do Not Make Reflexive Statements
o These statements are construed to mean the opposite of what was said.
o Phrase sentiments carefully.
 Do Not Minimize the Situation
o Offer feedback and information as it comes.
 Do Not Get Caught Off-Guard
o Monitor discussions and media platforms.
o Try to predict what may come next.
 Do Not Avoid the Media
o Get in front of the crisis by contacting the media immediately.
o Be assessable.
o Be open and honest.
 Do Not Be Arrogant
o Apologize.
o Express concern and empathy.
o Take responsibility.
 Do Not Ignore Others’ Feelings

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