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1. Open browser.

2. Go to this link:

3. Hit F12 button to get the console.
4. Submit your key.
5. Submitting your key and failing the activation, will return the data you want to your browser. You can
review this saved data in the console :

6.1. On the console, go to the "Network" tab.

6.2. Inside the Network tab, click on the item that says "post", under the "method" column.
6.3. Picking the post item will open up a frame (on the right).
6.4. Look at the frame and click on the "Response" tab.
6.5. Under that tab, expand the JSON item "purchase_receipt_info".
6.6. Inside that expanded item you will finally find the "line_items", you mentioned.
7. There you will find the name of the DLC ("line_item_description").
8.1. Although you don't need it, you can also find the application id ("packageid"), which you can also
submit to
8.2. Just replace "packageid" on the link with that data number you found.

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