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Q.1. Read the following and answer any four questions from ()-(0):
Creation of diversity over succeeding generations. The original organism at the top will giu
to, say, two individuals, similar in body design, but with subtle differences. Each of thee rise
will give rise to two individuals in the next generation. Each of the four individuals in tha m,
row will be different from each other. While some of these differences will be unique ottom
be inherited from their respective parents, who were different from each other. others will

(1) (2)

3) (4) "(5)
Fig. 9.5

(The type ofreproduction shown in the given diagram is:

(a) Vegetative propagation (b) Budding
(c) Binary fission (d) Regeneration
(i) Which of the following statement is not correct regarding variation in species?
(a) Depending on the nature of variation, different individuals have different kind of
(b) Selection of variants depend on environmental factors.
(c) Variation is basis of evolutionary process.
()All variation in species have equal chances of survival in the environment.
(ii) Each generation is slightly different from the previous one. Main reason for this is
(a) inaccuracy duing DNA copying (b) sexual reproduction
(c) changes due to external factors (d) asexual reproduction
(iv) From the following which individuals retain most of the original traits:
(a) 3 and 5 (b) 2 and3 (c) 1 and5 (d) 1 and4
() These subtle differences accumulate over generations and lead to:
(a) Geographical isolation (6) Evolution
(c) Perennation (d) No change
Ans. (i) (c) Binary fission
(i) (d) Only those variation which are useful and have advantage get selected.
(ii) (a) inaccuracy duing DNA copying
(io) (d) 1 and 4
() (6) Evolution
Q.2. Read the following and answer any four questions from (i) (v): -

Cellular DNA is the information source for making at

proteins in the cell. A section
provides information for one protein is called the gene for that protein. Let us take oftheDiv
of tallness as a characteristic. We know that Plant
plants have hormones that can trigger gro lant
height can thus depend on the amount of a particular plant hormone. The amount or
hormone made will depend on the efficiency of the enzyme

process for making it. Consider now

that is important for this process. If this enzyme works efficiently, a lot of hormone will De ade
and the plant will be tall. If the gene for that makes the enzyme
enzyme has an alteration that makes
less efficient, the amount of hormone will be less, and the Contr

characteristics or traits.
plant will be short. Thus, 8ene
( Genetic material is exchanged during
(a) budding. (b) sexual reproduction.
(c) asexual reproduction.
(d) mitosis.
( Select the statements that describe characteristics of genes.
() Each chromosome has only one gene.
(i Genes are located on a particular chromosome.
in Genes are specific sequence of DNA.
(iv) Genes do not code for proteins.
(a) ) and (i) (b) (i) and (ii) (c) (i) and (ii) () ) and (iv)
i On chromosomes certain structures are arranged in a linear order these are
(a) Ribosomes. (b) Centromeres. () Centrioles. (d) Genes.
Genetics is the study of
(o) heredity and variation.(b)heredity and environment.
differences among individuals.
(c) (d) none of the above.
() New species may be formed if
(i) mating does not take place.
(i) DNA undergoes significant changes in germ cells.
(ii) there is no change in genetic material.
(iv) chromosome number changes in gametes.
(a) (i) and (iv) (6) (i) and (io) (c) (i) and (i) (4) () and (ii)
Ans. ( () During formation of gametes meiosis occurs resulting in exchange of genes by the process
of crossing over.
() (c)Each chromosome has many gene. Gene are made up of DNA which codes for proteins.
(i) () This is the correct answer.
(io) (a) Genetics deals with heredity as well as variation.
(o) (b) This is the correct answer.
Q.3. Read the following and answer any four questions from () - (v):
Different species use very different strategies for this. Some rely entirely on environmental
cues. Thus, in some animals like a few
reptiles, the temperature at which fertilised eggs are kept
determines whether the animals developing in the eggs will be male or female. In other animals,
such snails, individuals can change sex, indicating that sex is not genetically determined.

However, in human beings, the sex of the individual is largely genetically determined. In other
words, the genes inherited from our parents decide whether we will be boys or girls. But so far, we
have assumed that similar gene sets are inherited from both
() The two versions of a trait (character) which are brought together in zygote by male and
female gametes are located on
a) different chromosomes. (6) copies of same chromosome.
)any chromosomme. (d) sex chromosomes.
(i) Which of the following are correct ?
( ) Dominant trait are expressed in both homozygous and heterozygous conditions.

( ) Dominant traits cannot be expressed in heterozygous condition.

(iii) Recessive traits are always expressed in heterozygous condition.
(iv) Recessive traits
are oniy expressea homozygous condition.
(b) (i) and (ii) () () and (io)
(a) () and (ii) (d) (i) and (io)
(iii) How many number of pairs of sex chromosome are present in human zygote?
(b) Three (c) One (d) Two
(a) Four
inherited from the
father will develop into a
(0) A zygote which has an X

(a) male.
(b) female.
(c) either male or female.
determine sex of a child.
(a) X chromosome does not
() Sex ofa child is determined by
(b) cytoplasm of eg8
(a) diet of mother.
(d) health of mother.
(c) type of sperm fertilising the eg8
termed homologous
Ans. () (6) Chromosome are paired and are
(i) (c)TT = Tall (Homozygous)
Tt Tall (Heterozygous)
tt dwarf (Homozygous)
() (c) In males XY and in females
(iv) (6) This is the correct answer.
50% sperms have X chromosome and rest 50%ha have
() (c) Male produces two types of sperms
X chromosome fertilises ovum the sex of child will be
Y chromosome. If sperm having
chromosome fertilises the eg8 the child will be malo
femaleand in case sperm having Y
four questions from () (v) :

Q4. Read the following and answer any

invertebrates on the sea-bed die, and are buried in the sand
Let us start 100 million years ago. Some
More sand accumulates, and sandstone
forms under pressure. Millions of years later, dinosaurs
are buried in mud. This mud is also compressed into
living in the area die, and their bodies, too,
invertebrate fossils. Again millions of years later, the
rock, above the rock containing the earlier
bodies of horse-like creatures dying in the area are fossilised in rocks above these earlier rocks.
Much later, by erosion or water flow wears away some of the rock and exposes the horse-like
fossils. As we dig deeper, we will find older and older fossils.
() Some dinosaurs had feathers but they could not fly but birds have feathers that help
to fly. In terms of evolution it means
(a) reptiles have evolved from birds.
(b) feathers of both are analogous structures.
(c) there is no evolutionary connection between reptile and birds.
(d) birds have evolved from reptiles
(i) According to evolutionary theory, formation of new species is generally due to
(a) movement of individuals from one habitat to another.
(b) cdones formed during asexual reproduction.
)spontaneous generation in nature.
(d) accumulation of variants during several generations.
(ii) Observe the diagram given below and give it a caption

Fig. 9.6
(a) Mollusca (b) Echinodermata () Vestigial organs (d) Fossils
(iv) According to the passage, fossils are
(a) dead animals.
(b) dead animals present today.
c)remains/impressions of dead plants or animals.
(d) dead plants.
() Age of the fossil can be determined by
(1) Annual rings (2) 1C dating
(3) Depth at which they are found (4) Cannot be determined.
(a) (1) only (b) (1) and (3) (c) (2) and (3) (d) (4)
Ans. d) There are certain
birds which
fossils of ancient reptiles which have both reptilian
that birds have evolved
as well as feature of
proves from reptiles.
(i) (d) Accumulation of variants during several generations leads to formation of new species.
(ii) (d) All are fossils.
(io) (c) remains/impressions of dead plants or animals.
() (¢) (2) and (3)

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