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Unit 10 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: …………………………………………….

Date: ………………

Choose the correct answer. Write a, b, or c in the box.

 1 She lost ten points on the exam because she ________ the questions a hasn’t read
carefully.  b
b hadn’t read

c hadn’t to read 
2 The ________ controls hearing, seeing, talking, moving, and many other a heart
b forehead c
c brain 

3 Ignacio enjoys team sports, ________ basketball and soccer.  a examples a

b such

c like  b

4 “Who won the game?” a tied

“No one. We ________.”  b matched

c scored 
5 “What did you say?” a You said that

“________ I was sorry.”  b I said a

c I told that 

6 Elena didn’t remember to put on sunscreen when she went to the beach and a bone
now her ________ is bright red. 
b skin
c muscle 

7 They ________ a lot before they won the race.  a had trained
b had train

c were training 
8 She ________ that they’d fix the broken computer as soon as possible.  a told him

b said him a
c told to him 

9 The ________ cheered loudly for their favorite athletes.  a players b

b umpires

c spectators 

10 The doctor listened to her ________ because she had a really bad cough.  a shoulder
b stomach

c chest 
11 Alia has had a lot of problems with her health. ________, in January she had a By instance
the flu and in February she hurt her knee. 
b As instance a
c For instance 

12 When I arrived at the stadium, the game ________ and my team were a started a
b had started

B1 Pre-intermediate Personal Best © Richmond 2018
Unit 10 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ……………………………………………. Date: ………………
c was starting 

13 Two hundred and four countries ________ in the first summer Youth a took part
Olympic Games in Singapore in 2010. 
b played

c warmed up 

14 Jim can’t come to the movies with us. He said he ________ afford it.  a didn’t can
b couldn’t 
c hadn’t been able to 

15 I thought that I ________ a blue T-shirt, but when it arrived, it was green.  a did ordered

b had ordered

c would ordered 

16 Josh is very hard-working. ________, he worked late on Monday to finish a a Like

b For example

c Such as 

17 Germany ________ Argentina in the 2014 FIFA World Cup Final. My brother a won
wasn’t happy. 
b lost

c beat 

18 “Are there any seats left on the 3:45 flight to Cancún?” a weren’t

“No, the travel agent said there ________.”  b wasn’t

c hadn’t been 

19 After Finn had sent the application form, he ________ that he didn’t want a decided
the job. 
b had decided

c was deciding 

20 I told my daughter to hold my ________ while we crossed the street.  a ankle

b finger

c hand 

21 “Is Clara coming to Pilates with us?” a she was going

“No, she said ________ to visit her grandmother.”  b she going


c I’m going 

22 The race starts in ten minutes and the athletes are already ________.  a taking part

b giving up

c warming up 

23 He ________ finished the book yet.  a told that he hasn’t

b said that he hadn’t  b
c told that he hadn’t 

24 It was very difficult to use the computer when I broke my ________.  a wrist
b ankle

c knee 

25 Emilia ________ very far when she remembered that her laptop was at a didn’t get
home.  b hadn’t gotten  a
c wasn’t getting 

B1 Pre-intermediate Personal Best © Richmond 2018
Unit 10 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ……………………………………………. Date: ………………
26 The tennis player was badly injured, so the ________ stopped the match.  a referee
b umpire

c spectator 

27 I’ve given up salty snacks, ________ potato chips and olives.  a such as
b such like

c such 

28 Who ________ the most goals?  a scored

b tied

c won 

29 “Did George see the game?” a told to me he saw

b told me he’s seen  c
“Yes, he ________ it.”  c told me he’d seen 

30 Mark carried a lot of heavy boxes yesterday and now his ________ hurts.  a foot
b cheek

c back  a
31 The game ________, but some of the players were already giving up.  a hadn’t finished

b didn’t finish c wasn’t finishing 

32 She put the ________ around the player’s neck.  a trophy

b medal b

c umpire 

33 “What’s the answer to this question?” a me she’d tell

“She said ________ us tomorrow.”  b she’ll say

c she’d tell 

34 Professional cyclists have strong ________ in their legs.  a elbows

b muscles

c chins 

35 When I got home, there was a terrible smell in the kitchen because my a burned
children ________ the dinner.  c
b burns

c had burned 

36 Melissa agreed to marry Sebastian and he put the ring on her ________.  a thumb
b toe

c finger 

37 “I’m waiting for you in the café and I’m wearing a blue shirt.” “Sorry, I can’t a I was wearing
hear you very well. Did you say ________ a blue skirt?”  b you were wearing  b
c you wore 

38 Don’t look at my cards! That’s ________!  a losing

b cheating

c scoring 

B1 Pre-intermediate Personal Best © Richmond 2018
Unit 10 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ……………………………………………. Date: ………………
39 It’s difficult to talk without moving your ________.  a lips
b forehead

c elbows 

40 When I called, ________ TV? I thought I could hear someone talking.  a did you watch
b had you watched  c
c were you watching 

B1 Pre-intermediate Personal Best © Richmond 2018

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