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Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)

Published by Third Eye Games in Tampa, FL Playtesters: Sam Hake, Ben Kee-
ler, Pete Keeler, Doug Keester, Joseph
ISBN: 978-0-9905318-4-5 (Softcover)
ISBN: 978-0-9905318-5-2 (Hardcover) Kidwell, Daryl Kohlerschmidt, John
Lacy, Lee Langston, Troy Latta, Michael
Written and Created by Eloy Lasanta, Roebling, Brian Simpson, Kenji Snow,
Jake Baker and Rob Thomson Stacie Winters, Jackson Womack,
Development: Jay Peters
Editing by Carol Darnell
Layout and Typesetting by Eloy Lasanta
Cover Art by Maxim Lardinois
Interior Art by Maxim Lardinois, Amy
Phillips, Allen Morris

Copyright © 2015 Third Eye Games

All rights reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may
be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from
the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews or copies of the character sheet.
Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Year Two
Timeline of major events of AMP: Year Two
Chapter Two: In Our Borders
Detailed info on the US response to the AMP threat
Chapter Three: Global Reach
Information on how AMPs have affected the rest of the world
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn
Mechanics behind AMP: Year Two

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Chapter One:
Year Two
It wasn’t too long ago that people with su- Doctor Luminous lost all perspective and
perpowers were little more than ideas written left the school to find her, leaving behind
for kids in comics and graphic novels. In 2015, a group with no leader.
this became the reality for a small percentage VV Typhoon: This group is more interested in
of people in the world. Terrible experiments using their powers to further their goals.
performed by scientists long dead finally An AMP calling herself The Matriarch runs
came to bear fruit, haunting the descendants the organization, wielding the power to in-
Chapter One: Year Two

of the original test subjects. It was in their still loyalty in anyone she encounters. She
blood, handed down by corrupt hands with- has most of the criminal world at her beck
out the knowledge to truly handle the power. and call, each of them vying for her good
The first year of AMPs (people with Accel- will to grace them. Typhoon is responsible
erated Mutant Potential) flew by for some and for the mass production and distribution
was excruciatingly slow for others. It was a of many new drugs AMPs often become
year full of secrets, while the AMPs attempted addicted to, causing turf wars beyond any-
to keep their presence hidden even though thing seen in common rivalries. As 2015
the proof of their existence towered more and drew to a close, Typhoon was only begin-
more with every passing month. The weird ning to reach their potential... they still
and strange fact files started to become not had so much more to accomplish.
so strange and not so weird.
Many different groups came to the surface: VV Changelings: The group began as a ran-
dom collection of a few AMPs who had
VV Seekers of Enlightenment: The first was nowhere else to go. Most of their mem-
the Seekers of Enlightenment, founded by bers were deformed and mutated due to
Dr. Jacob Segal, who found an AMP named their new powers, making it impossible
Stacie Winters (later known as Doctor to live a normal life. Finding the group’s
Luminous and Critter, respectively) and leader, a young man named Conduit, was
began to study her powers and biological the first step to true acceptance within the
changes. This revealed a large amount of non-violent group. Once a bully, Conduit
data on how AMPs use powers and how grew to understand his place in the world
each Strain related to the others. Happen- once his powers revealed themselves, a
ing upon highly classified government re- power that made it impossible for him to
cords showed that the governments of the touch anyone without draining their life
world authorized and facilitated the orig- force. By the end of 2015, the Change-
inal experiments, suggesting AMPs were lings had established a collection of safe
not only an American situation. The group houses in Atlanta, GA, which became their
grew and shrank, even opening the Dono- headquarters, and had many smaller com-
hue School for the Gifted, where young munes throughout the nation. They knew
AMPs could come for instruction and sup- that hiding was the only way to survive
port in the use of their power. Sadly, once the hate and fear Saps (the nickname for
Critter went missing at the end of 2015,

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
non-powered humans) would experience
if they knew AMPs existed. 2016 Timeline
VV United Human Front: The presence of One cannot truly understand the effects
AMPs slowly became public knowledge, of 2015 on the nation without knowing how
first in small doses and then to the en- AMPs came to light. Their existence was a
tire world with a single event. Dr. Shavar well-kept secret bound to be revealed one
Stevens founded The United Human Front day, but it wasn’t until January 2016 and Pres-
to preemptively prevent an AMP takeover ident Aldridge’s State of the Union Address.
of Earth. Shavar used any data he found He began to tell the American people that
in hopes of curing the AMP condition, AMPs lived among them, but never finished
as his brother was one and this shamed his statement. An AMP with time traveling
him deeply. They had all the armory they powers suddenly appeared in the middle of
needed and began hunting AMPs to use as Congress and shot the president dead before
test subjects in their own twisted experi- the Secret Service gunned him down.
ments to find the cure. As 2015 ended, the This devastating event rocked the nation,

Chapter One: Year Two

UHF has spread far, indoctrinating several taking what could have been a gradual and
high-ranking officials within the govern- peaceful introduction of AMPs to the world
ment and several corporations, using their and turning it into a declaration of war.
influence to find and eradicate all AMPs. So begins AMP: Year Two and the continu-
ation of the story.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
February 2016 Critter’s Journal Entry #1
February 6
I found this notebook so I ‘spose I’ll start re-
Martial Law cording my thoughts here. There’s little else for
February 2 me to do otherwise. My name is Stacie, but a lot
Though most of the nation saw the grue- of people call me Critter. It’s been about a month
some assassination of President Aldridge on since I woke up in this room. There’s not much
TV only a few days earlier, the White House to really say about it either; it’s just a spacious
was reluctant to officially pronounce the pres- room with light green walls, a cot in the corner
ident dead. Medical geniuses were brought in where I sleep, some locked cabinets that had
to perform a number of radical procedures in proved unpickable, a TV that hasn’t worked for
hopes of reviving the president, many who weeks and a wall covered with pictures. There
just said, “there’s nothing I can do” before re- are pictures of me and Jacob, my love, people
turning home. from the school like Breezy and Inukpak and
some strange man. He’s not someone I’ve known
Chapter One: Year Two

This left the US in a state of limbo. Was

the president dead? Did what they saw on before, and yet the pictures have us laughing
TV really happen or was it all just a dream? and havin’ a ball together. One’s a fair, another
Why hadn’t the Vice President made a state- chaperoning a school function. He’s there in all
ment? Several people completely disbelieved of them, but who is he… is what I used to think.
the assassination was real at all, presuming Today I clicked on the TV again, as I always
it was all a ploy to create sympathy for the do, hoping it’ll work, and I can at least waste my
president going into the next election. It was days as a couch potato. It never worked before,
2016 after all. but it did today and it was all over every chan-
One thing couldn’t be denied, however; nel… the president was shot dead and they are
the number of police out in force stepped up saying a Kairam Ahmed Hamdan was the one
in every major city (weighing heavily on the who did it. I was shocked to see the man’s face
already overworked officers). The National on the screen, because it was the same as the
Guard deployed to several cities to quell ri- man in the pictures.
ots that popped up all over the nation. Wash- After I saw that, I finally used all my might
ington D.C. was on total lockdown for about to break the cabinets and what I found scared
a week’s time, air travel ground to a halt for me. Death certificates. One for me and for many
several days and every news channel, regard- of my friends… all dated for about a year in the
less of philosophical differences, was on the future.
edge of their seats as they contemplated the Who is this man? Why would he murder the
repercussions of such an event. People with president? Is there a reason why I’m in a room
powers killed the president on live TV. This covered with his things? Was he trying to keep
would go down in history as the most shock- me captive or trying to save me? The doors are
ing presidential death, even above JFK. locked from the outside, and I’m running out
The world had been introduced to AMPs, of food even if it has been tasting weirder and
but was it ready for such a discovery? weirder the longer I’ve been in here. The news
says this Kairam is dead, so I doubt he’s coming
to unlock the door and explain himself. I have to
find a way out.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Chapter One: Year Two
Registration Begins to having read the entire bill.
This act meant anyone with powers had to
February 9 immediately register with their local law en-
It was a mere twelve days after President
forcement office as being an AMP, a term that
Aldridge was pronounced dead to the na-
many of the president’s advisors seemed to al-
tion that Vice President, Travis Carpenter, was
ready have knowledge about. Failure to do so
sworn in as the next president and went on
would be grounds for arrest and possible de-
to fill some big shoes. While many respected
tainment in a federal facility until the authori-
President Aldridge for his stance of neutrali-
ties could assess an individual’s threat level. It
ty in most topics, Carpenter’s reputation was
was made clear no one was going to be hunted
for being a conservative with strong opin-
as a result of this act, unless they proved them-
ions, and he was never one to reach across
selves a credible threat to the public. Other
the aisle if he didn’t have to. Still, he worked
AMPs were to be left alone in peace.
together with Congress to put into place a
This created a divide within the AMP com-
stopgap for the atrocities that had occurred.
munity, as major federal action often does to
The American people were scared; their pres-
any group. Many immediately visited their
ident murdered before their eyes had proved
local police stations and happily gave their
that the stories of people with powers were in
name and information. “I have nothing to hide”
fact true! The public wanted someone to pay,
became a catch phrase that spread through-
eye for an eye, and a new Criminal AMP De-
out the AMP communities and eventually into
tainment and Enforcement Act (CADE) passed
the general public as well. Billboards and pro-
into law by full vote of the Senate and House
paganda with officials asking, “Do you have
of Representatives, though few actually admit

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
something to hide?” became commonplace, there… opportunities for abuse were numer-
pressuring AMPs to give in and register or risk ous, which would only prove to hurt AMPs and
being seen as a bad person who is keeping anyone they cared about. Nick, who served as
possibly dangerous secrets. an contract lawyer for years before discov-
Others in the community quit their support ering his powers and settling at the school,
groups, as not to be singled out, and went into could see glaring loopholes in this hasti-
hiding. They operated their lives as normal, ly-cobbled addition to the law.
but refused to use their powers, even for the He began sending his agents into the pub-
greater good. Reports of people disappearing lic and ordered them to find people to save,
after someone saw their strange manifesta- either from criminals (whose numbers had
tions became even more rampant than before. increased from last year), or from mobs and
Many believed it was the government kidnap- riots (which had increased severely in the last
ping AMPs under the cover of night, but they month since the president’s death) or from
didn’t even need to be secretive about it now any kind of accident (like car crashes to burn-
that it was publicly acceptable to hate a per- ing buildings). Footage of events where the
Chapter One: Year Two

son for being an AMP. What was to stop them use of powers was necessary began shifting
to kidnapping each and every AMP, locking the view of AMPs to the positive light. Some-
them away and throwing away the key? one captured Shell on video talking down a
man who was going to commit suicide from a
Two Paths: The Seekers ledge, while Inukpak gained notice as the gi-
ant who saved the bus full of kids. This strat-
February 17 egy had begun to take hold, but not as strong
The Donohue School of the Gifted became
as the pundits on 24-hour news cycles who
a very happening place. Several AMPs who just
found ways to criticize these heroic attempts
wanted to hide came to the school in hopes of
or even accuse the individual AMPs of cre-
refuge, and some parents whose children were
ating the situations only to try to look good.
displaying abilities needed to ensure their
Samuel Fokker, a well-respected and opinion-
safety. The school of course could only hold
ated conservative reporter, became especially
so many people, but they took in many peo-
popular for his anti-AMP rantings.
ple who wanted to learn how to control their
During this time, Doctor Luminous was no-
powers. Not to learn more about themselves
where to be found. He left with a team of his
and their capabilities, but more to be able to
most trusted AMPs to search for Critter and
hide their true natures. Breezy, an AMP with im-
had yet to return. Nick and Breezy were left to
pressive wind powers, became the headmaster
protect the name of the Seekers of Enlighten-
of the school and made sure to keep track of
ment without its founders, a task which would
anyone who visited. Their grounds were all but
prove quite difficult.
barred from the outside world, and no one ever
came to their land since they were relatively
in the middle of nowhere. There were talent-
ed illusionists in their faculty who could make
March 2016
everyone appear normal if they did happen to
have a visitor as well. UHF Solidifies
While Breezy stayed behind in Oklahoma
to look after the students, the head researcher March 1
of the Seekers of Enlightenment, Nick Czernek Anti-AMP camps had their work cut out for
began thinking of counter strategies to the them. The president spoke the words of the
AMP Registration Act. It wasn’t necessarily a new law quite clearly: “Only those people with
bad law to have in place, but the signs were powers who have proven to be a threat to the
American people and our way of life should

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
ner table. As more AMPs were outed for their
The U-Word powers and assumed threat levels, the UHF
The sad thing about propaganda, and activists groups clashed increasingly, but
especially the kind meant to promote the zealous group wasn’t afraid to attack pro-
prejudice, is anyone is susceptible to its test crowds or those who peacefully stood in
effects. The term unhuman is as offen- their way. Not only could AMPs be hunted, but
sive as it is incorrect and deemed every also those who helped AMPs escape the au-
AMP less than human or not human thorities or hide themselves became targets
at all. This message seeped into the in the UHF’s book. Even though the law tech-
subconscious of the US (even crossing nically protected these Saps, enacting Clause
overseas in some cases), leading to nu- 881 of the CADE quickly made it illegal to
merous hate crimes. It is not surprising harbor AMPs. Of course, the spin framed this
that the suicide rate went up shortly af- to be in the interest of everyone involved.
ter the intense campaign began, many Shavar Stephens saw the terrible acts and
of the victims testing positive for unhu- chaos caused by the group he began and

Chapter One: Year Two

man DNA. Though not everyone bought sought to take control of the over-thirty sepa-
into the hype and actively fought rate UHF cells in hopes to turn their collective
against the word spinners, unhuman fires into a pointed laser to cut away the AMP
still became common vernacular when cancer. There were the few good ones, like
referring to AMPs, some even calling it Stephen’s brother Michael, but overall AMPs
the U-word in mixed company. were the enemy. Shavar’s was the strongest
cell and, through a combination of tactics and
intimidation, he was quickly able to get oth-
have anything to worry about.” This meant the er leaders in line and take out the ones who
law didn’t protect them from hidden threats, didn’t. After that point, the group unified to
only the ones that had already hurt human- move forward with a single idea in mind: un-
ity’s chances for survival. Not surprisingly, dermining the pro-AMP movement and mak-
the United Human Front began taking hold ing sure AMPs never became the dominant
of more neighborhoods across America with species.
even more fervor than in previous months. Their first move was to begin spreading
This fervor, however, turned to recklessness the term “unhuman” as a way to refer to AMPs.
and destruction, as violence descended upon So-called journalists ate it up and began
AMPs in broad daylight. The first public ex- questioning just how human an AMP could
ecution happened with the shooting of Mi- be. Many even now believed AMPs were ac-
chael Tresca, an AMP who grew spiny fins. He tually no longer human. The shouts of liber-
was viciously shot after exiting his car in a al human rights activists were often muted
restaurant parking lot. The DA decided not by how vocal figureheads in the media were
to file any charges against the shooter, as he with their negative thoughts on the AMP up-
claimed he felt threatened. rising and the importance of the human race
Despite the Seekers’ efforts to afford AMPs to continue. Some networks went as far as to
more positive airtime, the populace began to frame peaceful protests as hostile riots to fan
view AMPs as less than people, and more as the flames.
things to be put down. This served the UHF’s
purposes just fine. The verbal war of human
right activists protesting, petitioning and oth-
erwise fighting for the rights of AMPs became
a common topic of discussion around the din-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Chapter One: Year Two

Troubling Times: Changelings forced to fight to the death. For such a display,
only the flashiest powers would do, a fact that
March 11 became clearer as one AMP able to create en-
Conduit, leader of the Changelings, called
ergy weapons faced off against another with
an important meeting of everyone who fol-
enormous claws. It then dawned on the gath-
lowed the tenets of his humble organization.
ering that one of the missing AMPs from their
By March 2016, they were easily two-hundred
numbers was Carver, a scientist with very
strong and in a hyper-defensive state, as they
large claws. It was he on the screen. An audi-
had been noticing a few members simply van-
ble gasp crept over the group as each of them
ishing. Lockjaw and Spearfinger, Conduit’s lieu-
took their time to absorb exactly what they
tenants and both on the aggressive end of the
were watching, but it was turned off quickly
spectrum, called the meeting to order and the
as Conduit pulled off the man’s sheet with a
gathering fell to hushed tones as their leader
bit of drama.
entered the room dragging a chair with a sheet
“This man before you is the one responsi-
draped over it. From its shape and whimpering,
ble for our brother, Carver, being subjected to
it was obviously a person. Had Conduit lost his
that horrible treatment. He crept into Carver’s
soft streak for some reason?
lab with a bunch of his friends and took him
Lockjaw also wheeled over a TV on a stand
away in a black van to be used for his employ-
and handed Conduit the remote; he imme-
ers’ entertainment. And now he’s going to tell
diately hit play. The screen lit up with grue-
us why…”
some images of Saps cheering on two AMPs
Conduit ripped off the duct tape over the
in chains in the middle of a steel cage being
man’s mouth, taking part of his mustache with

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
it. He screamed in pain that faded into dread #Call4Help
as he noticed the creatures looking upon him,
some with multiple eyes, fur and other terrifying
March 21
It was a simple message, but a powerful
features. He mostly pleaded to be let go. “I’ll tell
one repeated on almost every form of social
you whatever you want, just don’t kill me.”
media available. A Sudanese woman snuck a
“We’re not going to kill you,” Conduit said,
video into a work camp set up in central Af-
with a stark reaction from the group in disbe-
rica, showing the terrible conditions many of
lief. Certainly, such an action deserved swift
their people contended with every day. Tor-
retribution, but not in Conduit’s eyes. “I want
tured and beaten, often to death, attacked by
to know what kind of person does this to an-
soldiers and dogs, forced to work with little
other person.”
rest or food and their children stolen from
“You’re not a person. You’re unhuman,” the
their arms to make recruits for child armies.
man responded quickly and spit in Conduit’s
Stated plainly, the woman pleaded with these
face. Spearfinger moved quickly, but her lead-
new people of power.
er raised his hand for her to stop.

Chapter One: Year Two

“No one do anything you’ll regret,” saying
“You who have been blessed by God,
this both to the man and to the gathering.
do not forget us…. Just one person with
“We are AMPs, but we are still people, we still
your abilities could bring so much hope
breathe and we still bleed. Though I doubt
to so many of us. Isn’t there just one of
you can see such things with your blinders on,
you who will set aside your own prob-
but I’ll cut to the chase and make you a deal.
lems to help us deal with ours?”
In exchange for your freedom, you will lead us
to where these illegal fights are taking place.
Social justice warriors and victims from all
I promise no harm will come to you as long as
around the world pleaded for AMPs to come
our friend is returned to us.” Again, the crowd
out of hiding and start righting all the worlds’
grumbled. “No harm, or the perpetrator will
wrongs. The nameless Sudanese woman’s
have to answer to me.”
plea quickly fell to the bottom of the requests
He turned again to address to the gather-
by thousands of others wishing AMPs would
ing of Changelings, half of which seemed very
find the cure for Cancer and AIDS or fight
displeased by the way he was handling the
against the US corporations who were drain-
current situation. “I’m sure you are all won-
ing the world of all its resources and kids call-
dering why I called you here if I didn’t plan on
ing on someone to beat up their bullies for
taking action against these Saps. The answer
them. It became an exhausting trend and an
is clear, though… I wanted you to see the face
annoyance to many, though many of the calls
of a truly inhuman person: A brainwashed dis-
for help were quite legitimate.
ciple of hate who sees other people as ani-
mals to toy with. Look hard… and never be-
come like him.” TRAC Division Approved
While the meeting was supposed to rein- March 28
force that the Changelings were taking the As the boiling temperaments were about
right stance in their peaceful resistance, it in- to bubble over and the hate crime numbers
stead created a divide. While Lockjaw vowed were ever on the rise, President Travis Car-
he would be loyal to Conduit through thick and penter addressed the nation once more to
thin since the day he saved his life, Spearfinger announce the newest department to join in
had no such loyalties. She was unimpressed the fight for the safety of the country’s citi-
with the current way of things within the or- zens. The new federal Tactical Response and
ganization and began taking steps for change. Containment Agency (TRAC) had the task
of tracking down harmful AMPs and find-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
able, but they became the stand-in for police
From: LonelyBoi41 forces whose numbers were already stretched
The gangs in my area are at war. too thin. Overall, they became a positive face
AMPs aren’t helping. Please send TRAC for the government, showing that the citi-
to clean up East St. Louis. #Call4Help zens were cared for. Many of the #Call4Help
hashtags on social media stopped asking
From: DougBlaze AMPs to help and began pleading for TRAC
TRAC rulz, they’re the kinder gentler intervention.
SS. AMPs save me from my own govern- In just their first week, there were reports
ment. #Call4Help of a firefight with an electric Blaster in a New
York market and a cult leader calling himself
From AMPSmasher Savior who had used mind control to lure
@DougBlaze Unhuman Sock Pup- new followers in California. TRAC detained
pet. Hey TRAC why don’t you do some several unhumans in Atlanta, GA, a few of
real good and lock up this freak. #Call- the detainees claiming to report to someone
Chapter One: Year Two

4Help named Conduit. TRAC paid special attention

in hopes of tracking down this kingpin and
taking down whatever criminal organization
ing ways to contain them at Camp Lejeune,
of AMPs he had created.
now retrofitted specifically for AMP contain-
ment. The president was once again clear in
his wording: any acts of vigilantism, hate or
violence against AMPs by anyone outside of
April 2016
TRAC would be guilty of obstructing justice
and could get themselves seriously hurt. Paranoia and Prejudice
The new agency set about constructing a
set of rules for their agents to follow, includ- April 4
ing AMP tracking tactics, takedown strategies While the introduction of TRAC into every-
based on known power types and transpor- day neighborhoods was a blessing for the Saps
tation to the ARC (AMP Retention Center). who craved the feeling of safety, it had the op-
They took in recruits from a variety of differ- posite result for AMPs who still hid their pow-
ent military branches, primarily the Army and ers. Coupled with the “Do you have something
Marines, as well as new volunteers. Many of to hide?” mentality sweeping the nation, it be-
the new recruits to the unit already had UHF came increasingly hard for an AMP to operate
leanings, but others had a more altruistic view unnoticed. It was a witch-hunt where innocent
of the organization. It would be their chance people found themselves carted away by TRAC
to serve humanity as a whole and hopefully if accused of being an AMP by their neigh-
keep everyone safe while the government fig- bors, whether they really were or they had
ured out exactly what to do with AMPs. just seemed like they were. A paranoia crept
Principle boot camp and training com- into everyday vernacular and the way people
menced immediately at Camp Lejeune in viewed the world. If an AMP is spotted, call
North Carolina, and units received their spe- TRAC and they’ll handle the unhuman accord-
cial protective suits before deployment to ingly. A common phrase heard at Pro-Humanity
major cities. TRAC agents became a common rallies was “TRAC’s got my back!”
sight in almost any location with a sizable hu- This paranoia heightened to the point
man population. Their trademark armor which of several hospitals calling for unnecessary
protected them from harm and buffered their blood tests of any patient who crossed their
resistance to mind control made them notice- doors. For a long time, the individual hospi-
tals simply held on to this information as a

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
way to root out potential problem patients Presidential Candidates
and those who may need to be partitioned
from other patients for fear of contamination.
April 13
While the presidential race had already
When this story broke, of course, the informa-
been going strong for nearly two years, Pres-
tion was turned over to TRAC. Presumed il-
ident Aldridge’s assassination kicked the race
legal it is later revealed that this blood and
up a notch. With this in mind, many saw the
data collection was protected under the CADE
new laws put into place by new President Car-
thanks to the High Threat Protocols Clause
penter as posturing to remain president in
19. Page 884.
2017. He held tight to his conservative views
Soon, schools also began secretly test-
and continued to reach across the aisle to
ing their students to see if they were AMPs.
combine both Republican and Democrat views
After this list leaked, several parents began
on each topic. It was an obvious move for the
homeschooling or sending their kids to pri-
Democratic Party to select him as their nomi-
vate schools mostly funded with UHF dollars
nee; no one else in the primaries even came
for fear of their kids “going to school with an
close. The latest creation of TRAC went on to

Chapter One: Year Two

unhuman.” Debates started about if a parent
add to his reputation of addressing the AMP
should have to register their child as an AMP,
crisis, but there were others who did not agree
as they essentially have a loaded weapon
with his tactics.
attached to possibly imbalanced hormones.
Employers could demand their employees
Pro: President Carpenter has pushed
take a blood test or risk losing their jobs. If
the Democratic Party as a whole much
they came back positive, there were no laws
closer to the center. Here’s a President
in place to require the company to keep the
who’s willing to look at all the options
AMP on, so a large number of AMPs became
and take actions.
all but unemployed, resorting to day labor or
Anti: “Vice” President Carpenter is
travel assignments - the kinds of jobs where
not a Democrat. While he was once a
people seldom ask for credentials.
balancing force for his predecessor, his
It created a level of prejudice not seen
administration is a rubber stamp for
since before the Civil Rights movement of the
Republican ideology.
1960s. Stores refused service to AMPs, asso-
ciating with AMPs created a negative social
In a surprise move, Samuel Fokker was put
stigma and anti-AMP protests and rallies be-
forth as the nominee for the Republican Par-
gan outnumbering pro-AMP rallies overall. Ty-
ty. His exposure was through the roof due to
phoon stepped in to help downtrodden AMPs
the high ratings of his political editorial show,
cope with a dose of War Path or providing of-
and he was never one to back down on the
ten-lethal doses of Clarity OTC to make one
acting president. He protested most of the
passible. If someone was outed, AMPs in need
acts and laws put into place, actually going
could, with enough resources or desperation,
so far as to say they were not enough. In his
turn to Typhoon for new identities. Of course,
mind, America needed to crack down on the
all of this came with the price of blood sam-
AMP threat. Though he wore the nomination
ples and sizable bundles of cash. Typhoon had
as a badge of pride, it was obvious that he
already gained control over the US-Mexico
was already viewed as a right-wing nut-job by
border crossing, using this influence to make
a large portion of the US even before AMPs
moving AMPs out of the country much easier.
made themselves known.
A new political group, the New Humanist
Party, put forth their own candidate, Harry
Lewis. He quickly gained traction in many po-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
litical circles and framed his apparent hatred to eat them raw and even to drink the blood.
for AMPs in a much more cohesive manner, This isn’t normal. This isn’t me. Jacob, if you
stating, “The reason for my fear of unhumans ever do get to read this, I’m sure you’ll know why
is that we know so little. Containing them this is happening to me. I fear that if I let myself
isn’t an option if we don’t know what will drink the blood of an animal, I’ll be forever lost.
happen if we gather them together. Executing How I wish you were here, then I’d curl up in
them does no good, because there are more your arms and ask you to solve everything just
and more popping up each day. Our president like you always do.
hasn’t addressed the larger issues and impact
of what is to become of our country now. He America’s Most Wanted
and Samuel Fokker continue to yell at each
other and debate instead of doing something.
April 23
Four months had passed since the first day
I plan to change all of that.” The frankness
he had his face on the news next to the words
of this statement struck a chord like nothing
‘assassination’, ‘murdered’ and ‘dangerous AMP
else had and the polls began to favor Harry
conspiracy’. Kairam’s name had been smeared
Chapter One: Year Two

Lewis quite heavily.

all over the world and he dared not show his
face anywhere, not to his friends, not to his fam-
Critter’s Journal Entry #4 ily and showing up to his job was not an option.
April 17 Someone had stolen his face and now the entire
My seemingly endless trek through this forest nation was out to get him. President Aldridge
has gotten to me. I’m luckier than most because was one of the most beloved presidents of the
my animal friends have led me to safe places modern era. To kill him with such brutality took
to sleep, where to find fresh water and the best a special kind of nerve Kairam never had; he
places to hunt, I still have no clue where I am. was always a skittish person. A “Time Assassin,”
Staying in that room wasn’t an option, I know, as the news was calling him, he was not.
but at least it had a bed. A comfy bed, in fact, It had already been hard to evade law en-
with down pillows. I haven’t slept very well out forcement since all of this happened, regard-
here, I don’t even know how long it’s been, and less of the dye-job and different style clothes
there are constant noises in the wild that are he was wearing now. The past month and the
definitely no animal. I’ve had started feeling like introduction of TRAC only made his life hard-
I’m being tracked, like I’m the prey to someone’s er. Not that the neighborhood soldiers were
sick predator fantasy. Whoever it is hasn’t shown actually looking for him, since the actual kill-
themselves, so either they’re not very good at er was dead in a morgue somewhere, but Kai-
this whole hunting thing or I’m better than I ram had witnessed people gunned down in
thought I was. Then again, it could just be my cold blood because they looked only a little
mind playing tricks on me. like him, not even a lot like him, just because
I’m feeling like some kind of strange animal they reminded these crazy AMP hunters of the
urge is taking me over and leading me into less one who killed the president.
and less civilized parts of this forest. The deeper With nowhere left to hide, he was almost
I go, the more I feel myself slipping away. Cooked ready to give himself up to TRAC, until a shad-
meats haven’t made me full in a long time. No owy figure approached him in a random dark
matter how many animals I eat, I still feel hun- alley. He let out a sigh of relief to see a ca-
gry. And even that in and of itself is scary… I’ve sually dressed woman and not some sort of
been a vegetarian since I gained these powers. killer. She introduced herself as Rhiannon and
Hard to eat animals after having a conversation seemed to recognize him, offering him any
with them, but I don’t think I’m me anymore. I’ve kind of help he needed. She took his hand and
cooked them several times, but my body tells me promised she knew a place he could stay safe.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Someplace where no one could hurt him. For Kairam agreed. He didn’t know why… he
some reason, he trusted her implicitly only af- just… did.
ter a few seconds and followed her to a tow-
ering downtown office building.
A beam of light in the elevator passed over May 2016
them before going up. It went up at least 50
floors until the floor number displayed OF.
The doors opened to an office lobby where The Houndmaster
Rhiannon continued to lead Kairam past the May 10
receptionist, who didn’t say a word, and into In the secret base known as the Chamber,
an office marked with an M on the door. members of TRAC had been figuring out a way
“This is my office. No one will find you here to enhance their already impressive forces.
unless I want them to, and you’re much too The agency had existed for only a short time
important for that,” she said with a smile as and yet covered the majority of the nation
her clothing instantly changed from t-shirt with agents who protected the people. Un-

Chapter One: Year Two

and jeans to a business suit befitting the fortunately, their agents were already show-
highest paid CEO. “You have a power I want.” ing their fragility. They were, after all, normal
“I don’t have a power! I’m not this dead people in special suits that only helped them
time traveler guy. He just looked like me.” fight the unhuman threat. Fighting fire with
“If you don’t have a power now, then you’ll fire seemed like it would be much fairer. The
stay here with me until you do. When it arrives, UN had already decided months earlier that
and it will arrive, I’ll help you hone it into a use of AMPs in warfare was greatly discour-
weapon the likes of which the world has never aged, hence the need for secrecy.
seen. In the meantime, do you like steak?”

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
A project had already begun, using tech- insidiousness of their lives was now a well-
nology dreamed up by Amanda Schenfield, kept secret.
an AMP recruited out of high school at 16
years old for her gift of hyper-intelligence. Changelings Separate
Selected from the higher echelons of TRAC,
Michael Roebling was selected to undergo a
May 12
The reality was that the Changelings were
harrowing procedure. Through an intense sur-
fractured. The world was crumbling around
gery that retrained his muscles and grafted
them and the home their group built was be-
implants into his form, the body he once knew
coming more dangerous. Reports of the AMPs
became a mixture of flesh, metal and power.
taken to Camp Lejeune, forced to register and
He retained his identity to himself, but for all
sometimes never heard from again became
official records, he became known only as the
a real fear. Conduit’s calming words were
Houndmaster to anyone within TRAC.
enough for a few, but the simple statement
TRAC also placed technology matching the
that “they were more powerful together than
Houndmaster’s into specially designed col-
apart” didn’t quench some members’ thirst for
Chapter One: Year Two

lars implanted into the neck of several of the

revenge. Speeches about how the Change-
AMPs incarcerated in their secret prison. Sub-
lings were better because they were different
jects were selected from AMPs with a wide
began to fall on deaf ears. TRAC had already
range of powers, whomever the agency be-
taken a dozen of their numbers on scavenger
lieved could be used effectively in the field to
duty, and there was no sign of slowing.
take down the unhuman threat. These slaves
On May 12, Conduit and Lockjaw walked in
to the Houndmaster suffered the nickname
on Spearfinger holding a private meeting with
Hounds (or sometimes the Pack) and were
most of the Changelings. When they asked
given numbers instead of names. The will
what was going on, Spearfinger responded:
of the Houndmaster superseded that of the
Hound, forcing these AMPs to work for TRAC.
“We are fed up with your promises.
May 10 was the debut of this dedicat-
There is no better tomorrow waiting
ed unit, hinting at the fact this experiment
on the other side of this shitstorm. The
had been months in the making already. The
world is going to hell, and we’ve decid-
Hounds were comprised of never more than
ed not to go down with the ship. We
10 AMPs at any given time, as even the tech-
are leaving the Changelings and taking
nology of the Houndmaster had its limits.
the fight to TRAC and TRAC Elite and
After a particularly powerful, AMP with earth
the cops and anyone else who wants
powers known as Vigil was discovered within
to stand in our way. That also includes
a homeless community, normal TRAC agents
you, Conduit.”
were unable to arrest her. This encounter
even led to a massive earthquake that de-
The group grabbed their things and walked
stroyed several city blocks and caused mil-
out after Spearfinger who held her chin high.
lions in property damage. The Hounds came
The others looked for Conduit to give them a
in an hour later and they dragged Vigil into
nod, a smile, any expression of understanding
Camp Lejeune for processing.
they so craved from their once-leader to allevi-
Keeping the existence of an overriding,
ate their guilt. However, Conduit could do noth-
controlling force for the Hounds under wraps,
ing but hang his head. He had failed in protect-
the group actually became a positive symbol.
ing those who he cared about most and now
The Hounds were called TRAC Elite in their
his family turned their backs to him. He didn’t
public personas, and many began referring to
deserve to look at them or to say goodbye.
them as “the good ones,” the AMPs who actu-
A handful of Changelings stayed behind,
ally worked to make the world safer. The pure

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
mostly those too weak to be of any use to Chinese President Heng Jūn was the one
Spearfinger, but also those who still believed leader who openly challenged Ivanov, regard-
in what the Changelings stood for. Most im- less of their past alliances. “China is not afraid
portantly, Conduit’s best friend and confidant, of a nation using tricks to bully smaller na-
Lockjaw stood by him. A new plan would have tions into subservience. We will not stand for
to be constructed, and it might involve leav- such treatment, and Ivanov should consider
ing Georgia entirely. his challenge accepted. Any hostile act in our
direction will be seen as an act of war Russia
Russian Aggression will never recover from.” Many suspected that
China must have secured their own AMPs in a
May 19 defense force to make such brazen remarks.
While the US ramped up their Houndmas-
ter project within TRAC, they were far from
the only nation to use AMPs for their own pur- Celebrity AMPs
poses. Reports indicated Russian president, May 30
Pyotr Ivanov, had presented medals of nation- Since the awakening of the world to the ex-

Chapter One: Year Two

al pride to a handful of his own AMPs. Each istence of AMPs, those affected had only been
of them born and raised in the motherland, regular people, but then came the day when
they took on the mantle of Russia’s protec- celebrities started outing themselves. The first
tors with a shout and complete acceptance of was Jennifer Stewart, America’s darling. She
their citizenry. It seemed the Russian people had already won two Oscars and enjoyed a
swallowed the existence of people with pow- reputation of a carefree nature when dealing
ers much easier, seeing as there were only a with the press. Seldom did she hold her tongue
handful of them in Russia. from spouting a joking (and sometimes raun-
Unfortunately for Russia’s enemies, frankly chy) remark, and the public loved her for it.
any of their neighboring nations, Ivanov was On the set of her new romantic comedy, Lost
not above leveraging his newfound power Loves, she was supposed to slip and fall onto
to influence international negotiation. Rus- a cushion (and she always insisted on doing
sia had successfully usurped a portion of her own stunts), but on the fourth take, she
Crimea in 2014, stealing away some of their really did slip and instead launched herself
independence before signing treaties to place through a window, scattering glass and blood
new borders. In May 2016, however, this trea- all over the place. As she laid unconscious on
ty was revoked and a levy of tanks was sent the ground, on-set paramedics attempted to
into Crimea led by Koshmar who struck fear in help her but floating glass kept them at bay,
any forces that opposed them, making it easy attacking anyone who got too close. The glass
for the rest of the country to come under the fell to the ground once she awoke. Her cuts
frightening control of their new power-hun- were superficial and actually seemed to heal
gry president. faster than expected from their depth. One of
This Russian aggression created an im- the gaffers leaked the video online, forcing
mediate international backlash. The United Jennifer to own up to her powers in a press
Nations and Russia’s neighbors frowned upon conference the next morning.
using AMPs as weapons to fight wars. Even
without saying it expressly, Russia has issued “Yes, I’m an AMP, but this doesn’t
a warning to anyone who opposed them that change anything about the art I create,
they would use every weapon in their arsenal the roles I play or how much I love my
to show their dominance. They had already fans. This revelation has surprised me
set their sights on Ukraine and Kiev for an- and made me ponder my place in this
nexation next. world. I think we should all take a mo-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Conspiracy #1: The New Serum
With AMP aggression at an all-time high, the number of people who made the
Choice was increasing. The majority was choosing to have their powers removed, so
they could return to their human existence, but there were still fighters who wanted
to accept their birthright and make their stamp on the world, danger and all. In either
case, the Seekers, despite being a group divided, were busier than ever.
Upon learning of his new powers, Doctor Luminous sent back a new formula mix
with his own blood. He had learned from experiments on his crew that his blood al-
lowed him to sense whoever received an injection of it, no matter how far away they
were. Jacob was determined never to lose anyone else, and this development gave him
a way to make this a reality. As even those who chose to have their powers removed
require a series of shots and those who chose to keep their powers need booster shots
from time to time, in a short time, without anyone’s knowledge, hundreds of AMPs now
carried Doctor Luminous’ blood in their veins.
Chapter One: Year Two

ment to reflect on our current views on his group of twenty loyal AMPs scoured the
AMPs and the danger that surrounds us nation for Critter that his hunches for which
all. Not from AMPs, but from the abuse direction to travel were more than that. Using
of power I’m seeing from law enforce- his mobile laboratory, which obviously lacked
ment and TRAC in particular. So, hat- in comparison to HQ lab back in Oklahoma,
ers… stop hating. That is all.” he tested his blood and found he was indeed
positive for the AMP gene. His power was less
Jennifer Stewart wasn’t the only celebrity flashy than others were, but he could sense
to come out afterward, which then brought energy signatures of people and things, espe-
the very restrictive anti-AMP laws of California cially if they were AMPs. He was attuned to
into question. It was, after all, illegal to employ power and could use this sensation to track
AMPs in the state, which forced several studios others. That meant they were growing ever
to move their operations outside of the state. closer to finding Critter. He knew everything
While some went to New York, which proved there was about her, from the way she felt to
to be much more liberal toward AMP employ- her scent, and now could feel their group get-
ment, others went to Hawaii, which welcomed ting closer to where she was.
any AMP. Many celebrity AMPs and their asso- To test it out, Doctor Luminous led his en-
ciated studios who didn’t want to lose such forcers to find the rumored Georgia Change-
big names moved to the island state, which lings. Instead, they met a group of militant
became known as New Hollywood. AMPs preparing for war, Spearfinger’s group.
At first, they were defensive, but tensions
eased when Jacob explained who he was and
June 2016 that he was with the Seekers of Enlighten-
ment. Spearfinger scoffed at them, “I’ve heard
of you through the grapevine, and we’re not
The Doctor’s Power interested in yours or anyone else’s peace
June 6 missions. Take your choice and shove it.”
There had always been the suspicion that Doctor Luminous smiled. “You may not
Doctor Luminous was in fact an AMP whose have heard then. We’ve traveled around and
powers had not developed yet. It became in- killed more Saps than anyone else for the last
creasingly evident as the good Doctor and six months. Anyone who would attack AMPs
because of the DNA they were born should be

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
put down just like the dogs they are.” ally required a person to prove they were an
“You’re telling me all those AMPs perform- AMP to access. What the patron found when
ing good deeds, that’s not you Seekers trying they entered the market ranged from firearms
to dance for your masters?” to identity passes to Sap blood samples to
“Me and my group of friends here, we’re forge test results and doses of Clarity OTC,
the real Seekers.” War Path and the new drug, Bliss, which had
“Please… tell me more.” recently hit the market and was even more
The two seemed to share an undeniable popular than War Path.
sense of loss and anger. Doctor Luminous The new gun laws and Typhoon’s involve-
explained he couldn’t stay, as he was on ment proved to ramp up the level of violence
an important mission, but that he’d leave a and rhetoric spreading around. It made just
quarter of his group there to aid Spearfinger walking down the street dangerous enough to
and would call his school to have supplies make a lot of people just stay home. It also led
shipped to them. to a terrible even that happened soon after.

Chapter One: Year Two

Gun Laws and Black Markets Aberdeen Massacre
June 9 June 19
In the wake of the recent events encircling During a terrible firefight in downtown Ab-
the US, gun lobbyists and the NRA proposed erdeen, South Dakota, witnesses gave a star-
several new bills to strengthen personal gun tling account of the events that took place.
owner rights. Many cited the existence of Said firefight began as TRAC agents chased
AMPs as a direct reason for this. If AMPs could down an AMP with the power create force
carry weapons with no registration and no fields. The public knew him only as Shell, one
background checks and the government failed of the random AMPs who would occasionally
at forcing AMPs to do so under the CADE, why save someone in trouble and disappear. How-
were honest gun owners penalized. ever, this mysterious figure also refused when
On June 9, Congress passed the proposed TRAC agents demanded his surrender and
bills into law, widely implemented across the registration. The famous giant, Inukpak, and
country. It expanded on the number of le- celebrity psychic, Arbiter, who recently came
gal situations for using a firearm, mostly to out as an AMPs after Jennifer Stewart’s revela-
address threats from AMPs who use powers tion, also stepped into the fray attempting to
akin to firearms, as well as the types of pur- save their comrade.
chasable weapons and lowering the bar for In what would become known as the Ab-
purchasing requirements. Background checks, erdeen Massacre, many other AMPs came to
which many liberals pushed for, were com- Shell’s aid, shouting that he was only doing
pletely disregarded except for those who what was right and helping Saps. TRAC laid
were AMPs, who received additional restric- down as much suppression fire as they could,
tions to purchasing guns on top of their al- even aided by concerned gun-carrying cit-
ready existing powers. States that observed izens who used their new rights, but Shell’s
the Stand Your Ground law also widened its powers kept his friends safe for a short time.
implementation for the average citizen using Then TRAC Elite showed up on the scene, and
reasonable force for defending self, property Loco Diablo, who had the power of fire, began
or loved ones from anyone exhibiting powers to break down Shell’s defenses. He burned the
akin to unhumans. building and walls protecting their targets,
The leaders of Typhoon took the oppor- while another AMP named Nether appeared
tunity to profit from this new law, creating a out of the shadows, striking down each and
type of underground black market that actu- every AMP on the scene with surprise attacks.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
About an hour later, all the AMPs (and a few lizard hybrid and could detach her limbs,
bystanders) were dead, the firing stopped and found the center of this new budding indus-
TRAC began collecting the bodies, until yet try: The Purple Ring, a casino-style hotel that
another appeared. She was a figure made of housed several lower levels where the action
blue flame and no amount of bullets seemed took place. Lizzy allowed them to capture her
to affect her. Loco Diablo’s fire had no effect in order to infiltrate the organization. With
and neither did Nether’s shadow blade. She luck, they were able to burst in through a
hovered over all of the dead and bathed them hidden air vent, taking the Saps in charge of
in her blue flame, each one of them springing the ring by surprise while they were count-
back to life almost instantaneously and at full ing their blood money and laughing. The
power. The agents opened fire again, but the new group slaughtered every last Sap in that
AMPs chose to run away, escaping through a basement and even tracked a few gamblers to
portal at the back of an alley, apparently also their rooms and murdered them in their sleep.
created by the strange blue lady. This was just the tip of the iceberg, but on the
The last minute rescue didn’t hit the In- walls, they left a message written in blood:

Chapter One: Year Two

ternet, however, as anyone with cameras were
removed from the site during their clean up. “Retribution is coming for you. Say
This event echoed with Jennifer Stewart’s your prayers.”
speech about abuse of power and began put-
ting TRAC under microscope. President Car-
penter gave a press conference saying, “There July 2016
were mistakes made, and we will be holding
those agents responsible. We are putting pro-
cesses into place to ensure something like Big Fish Caught
this doesn’t happen again.” Not only did the July 2
Aberdeen Massacre put doubt in TRAC being For months, TRAC had been on the tail of
good for the American people, but his back- the Changelings, attempting to take them
tracking lost the president support from the down. It didn’t matter that the group had been
more gung-ho anti-AMP voters. It was not a largely inactive recently, since the orders had
great day for AMPs or the president. already been issued. So, it was at the begin-
ning of July 2016 that Conduit and a handful
The Purple Ring of his most trusted followers were just wak-
June 22 ing up. Their trek was arduous and they had
After acquiring several new weapons and been on the move for days, trying to find the
gear from a Seeker shipment, Spearfinger and safest route out of Atlanta without notice.
her band of once-Changelings started target- TRAC agents burst through the doors
ing anti-AMP groups. They attacked several without warning and held the Changelings
headquarters based in and around Georgia at gunpoint. Conduit attempted to negotiate
and slowly spread out to Florida, Alabama with the agents, saying, “Take me, but let ev-
and the Carolinas, all of which also had strong eryone else go,” but the agents weren’t hear-
anti-AMP sentiments on their streets. The ing it. They knocked Conduit out and covered
group took on new members, expanded and him with a rubber cloth to stop his touching
contracted until they had a steady number of anyone. Lockjaw, as repayment for harming
members to really start their war. his leader, took a chomp out of one agent’s
Their first major target: the underground shoulder with his massive jaws, while another
AMP fighting rings. Spearfinger and her new Changeling turned themselves into a spiral of
lieutenant, Lizzy, who mutated into a human/ wind shoving a few others out of the window.
Sadly, it didn’t matter how much they resist-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
ed, the TRAC forces captured Conduit, Lockjaw be able to answer this very basic question. Most
and a few others. of all, Jacob. Find this, please, and fix this. Even
The Aberdeen Massacre was still on ev- if I’m long dead, fix this for others like me. If
eryone’s mind, but this type of news could something like this ever happened to our stu-
overshadow past mistakes. Sure enough, the dents, I don’t know what I’d do. I long to see
capture of Conduit began headlining every their faces, but I wouldn’t show mine there. Not
newspaper, online news outlet, blog and net- today. Not like this. I’d kill myself if I ever hurt
work news station. He was later identified as them or any Seeker. I’m contemplating doing it
Jeff Zitomer by old schoolmates who called now anyway to keep from killing and, dare I say
in tips to the police, robbing him of any an- it, eating anyone else.
onymity he might have enjoyed. It worked. I started writing this journal for fun, but now I
The public saw Conduit’s capture, the arrest need it. I need it to remember. My mind is leaving
of a domestic terrorist of extreme propor- me. I don’t know who I am anymore now that the
tions, was a win for public safety and many cravings can take me over. I write here because I
anti-AMP groups demanded his immediate still can and I fear I won’t be able to soon.
Chapter One: Year Two

execution. Pro-AMP protested this idea; he

should be tried just like any other human be- Blissful Music
ing. Due process was what the US legal sys-
tem was built upon, and this Jeff Zitomer was
July 16
Soon after Conduit’s capture, TRAC suffered
an American after all.
yet another PR nightmare as the drug Bliss
As much as TRAC would have loved to get
spread through the US, particularly the western
their clutches on Conduit for the Houndmas-
states. Those who took this small pink pill felt
ter project, he was too high profile for such
no effects immediately, only to lose control of
secret operations. This was Lockjaw’s fate,
their bodies moment later. Taking the drug has
however; they carted him off to the Chamber
been described as an out-of-body experience
and made him the newest Hound. No, Conduit
unlike any other. Swallowing the pill gives a
was going to be the face of everything the
slight feeling of elation, not unlike ecstasy, and
people had to fear. He was detained in Camp
then removes all control. The drug-takers get
Lejeune under 24/7 observation in a rubber
up and begin wandering like “joy-zombies,” as
suit that made it impossible for him to touch
many Bliss circle members tend to call some-
anyone. Here he waited for his trial to begin, a
one currently under its effects.
trial that would change the face of American
Any actions taken are viewed almost like
culture forever.
observing them in third person, which some
described as life changing by some. Police and
Critter’s Journal Entry #11 TRAC officials condemned the new drug, put-
July 8 ting it on the dangerous substances list along
It happened again. I woke up today covered with heroin and War Path. TRAC scientists eval-
in blood. My mouth, my hands, my clothes. There uated the drug and found traces of AMP DNA
were three dead bodies, dead things near me contained within, which meant the ingestion
when I came to again. Last time there were of unhuman fluids had the potential to affect
only two, which means this was either killing by a normal person’s chemistry for the worse. Use,
convenience or my hunger is growing even still. possession and sale of this drug became a cap-
Their heads are gone. Organs everywhere. Why ital offense greater than any other.
am I doing this to these people? What am I turn- To date there had been hundreds of arrests
ing into? What is wrong with me? for Bliss alone and that number rose every
I’m putting these questions down on paper day. The worst of these cases was on July 16th
in hopes that someone will find it and one day at Tunes-Apalooza, an open concert for peo-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Conspiracy #2: What They Do With The Bodies
Nā ‘Aumākua is primarily comprised of Ferals suffering major side effects from their
powers, such as animal features and an inability to control their actions. Most of the
AMPs and criminals caught receive very public send-offs and then never heard from
again. The citizens are much happier for getting rid of the bad element and everyone
feels a bit safer.
In actuality, it is Kyle Hickok (he keeps his last name under wraps to hide his asso-
ciation with the Hound, Loco Diablo) who has created a quite ingenious scheme. Using
his powers of illusion and memory manipulation, he is able to craft deeply immersive
scenes of a criminal’s repentance and banishment for all to see. This, of course, comes on
the heels of that same criminal having been disposed of by his more monstrous brothers
and sisters beforehand. Bodies are either devoured by the Nā ‘Aumākua leaders or simply
thrown into Kilauea Volcano, which is half-active and melts the body instantaneously.
All of this is important to the continued prosperity of Hawaii. Or that’s what Nā ‘Aumākua
believes. The State is no autonomous city-state, so no one is technically barred from going

Chapter One: Year Two

to Hawaii. Visiting with the intent to do harm, however, ends only one way.

ple coming together to celebrate and spread Na ‘Aumakua Founded

peace and love. A mixture of Bliss and War
Path in the crowd and a willingness to take
July 24
Since the beginning, Hawaii took a very
drugs handed to them without even knowing
pro-AMP stance during months of controver-
what they were, created a terrible atmosphere
sy. When outed celebrities and their studios
the exact opposite of peace and love. It be-
came under attack, Hawaii was the perfect
gan well enough, as the music lovers felt the
place for them to move. Not only did big
music and crowd-surfed, stripping and sing-
names immigrate to the island, but also ev-
along. When the drugs were introduced, the
ery other AMP who could afford the trip. Costs
riled up patrons on War Path began an ag-
for flights to Hawaii rose astronomically, due
gressive streak that turned the concert into a
to the proposed dangers of flying into a state
riot full of people who soon became joy-zom-
with so many AMPs living there.
bies, unable to run from those on War Path.
Soon after, a group calling themselves Nā
It ended in a blood bath and required over
‘Aumākua, which translates to sacred guard-
one hundred TRAC agents and a few Hounds
ians, took root in the state. They began as na-
to end, as the local authorities just could not
tives to the islands who wanted only to keep
handle the threat level.
their state safe from the troubles the rest of
While the events of Tunes-Apalooza were
the nation suffered. When they started, TRAC
definitely attributed to the use of Bliss and
agents harassed their people and put every-
blamed on the government as not doing
one in danger. Nā ‘Aumākua’s first act was call
enough to keep these drugs under control, the
for the ousting of TRAC authority through a
administration easily skirted the blame to the
series of petitions to President Carpenter.
usual suspects: the youth. Not only had the
Native AMPs then began capturing and rid-
youth been demonized for their general use
ding themselves of dangerous AMPs and
of body enhancements, but also now for their
crimes/destruction rates fell well below 1%.
rampant drug use that put others in danger.
The agency decided their efforts were better
Blame was later shifted toward the unhuman
spent elsewhere. TRAC left only a small office
threat by the UHF, spouting, “These unhuman
behind in case they were ever needed.
things are poisoning our youth against us.”

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
As the influx of AMPs increased, Nā The casualties were staggering, with over
‘Aumākua grew as well. Typhoon attempted in- 1200 dead and another 400 wounded. TRAC
filtration several times, but were always rooted and the Los Angeles police worked together
out. Nick Czernek of the Seekers of Enlighten- to profile the unhuman responsible from re-
ment attempted to appeal to Nā ‘Aumākua to coverable video footage and witness accounts.
act for the betterment of all AMPs, but they The discovery pieced together revealed the
knew what they were and did not want to in- terrorist was Dan Schuett, a seemingly normal
teract with the chaos on the main continent. citizen with no criminal background. Accord-
They found caches and sources of drugs like ing to family members who spoke with him
Bliss and War Path, and even Clarity, expelling earlier that day, it was a normal day for Dan:
them, and any dangerous AMPs or members of he dropped his son off at school and bought
anti-AMP groups (like the UHF), from the land. groceries, but instead of returning to his busi-
This created the idea of a perfect utopia for ness he ran out of his home, he instead set
AMPs. Even anti-AMP groups started spouting upon causing a terrible tragedy at LAX. No
slogans like “Go to Hawaii Already” at their one ever uncovered a motive, which makes it
Chapter One: Year Two

rallies, further ingraining this idea into the seem like foul play may be involved. Since it
public. Soon, AMPs began saving every penny happened so soon after the Aberdeen Massa-
they could make in hopes of visiting Hawaii cre, however, many news networks reported
and finally being accepted for being them- the event with a fearful tone, increasing the
selves. Of course, the island is only so large, so assumed threat level of AMPs.
they could not accept every AMP as a resident.
The AMP Scare
August 2016 August 11
For too long, the fear of AMPs and the “us
vs. them” attitude was only prevalent on the
The Big Bang streets. The fact that the UHF had a large de-
gree of influence on the government made
August 6 it even easier to separate oneself from the
The police and fire departments rushed to calamity taking place in everyday neighbor-
LAX, responding to a report of an unhuman hoods and cities. As the year progressed, how-
terrorist attack. Witnesses in the busy termi- ever, paranoia made its way to Capitol Hill.
nal, unusually high due to the influx of sum- Politicians started an investigatory committee
mer tourists, saw a man standing in the middle not unlike the times of McCarthy after World
of the main walkway. Most people just passed War II. The idea that representatives in Wash-
him until he began to crackle with electrici- ington could possibly be AMPs, thus pushing
ty and beams of energy shot out of him. Mo- a hidden unhuman agenda on the back of US
ments later, he exploded and brought half citizens, became all too encompassing.
the terminal down with him in seconds. The The president, vice president and entire-
ground crumbled and the ceilings collapsed. ty of Congress underwent several rounds of
The blast vaporized people in his immediate lengthy interviews asking questions like “Are
area, but his shockwave extended above and you secretly an unhuman?” and “Are you har-
below him for hundreds of feet, even reach- boring or associated with unhumans in your
ing out to destroy planes docked outside. It family or community?” Less-convincing sena-
also created an EMP effect and knocked out tors had further invasive background search-
several traffic control towers, causing three es perform, including harassment of their
crashes. family and friends and blood tests. Only two
senators, both from the House of Represen-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
tatives, possessed the DNA to become AMPs,
which destroyed any and all political careers Conspiracy #3 - The
either had built, along with the lives of their
families. The entire process began in June, Ones They Didn’t Kill
came to a head in mid-August and (combined Plenty of political leaders and activ-
with the ongoing terrorist attacks) caused the ists were killed during this time, but not
people to look to TRAC even more for protec- all of them were the Hounds’ doing. The
tion, even from those who were supposed to Matriarch spent the last three months
represent them. turning Kairam, the time traveler, from a
If the AMP Scare had found nothing, it may scared wimp into a formidable killer in
have ended there. The discovery of even just his own right. Sadly, this also came with
two unhumans in Washington, however, led to a terrible War Path addiction, making
citizens demanding their governors, mayors and him a tad irritable. He had not reached
almost every state official, pastor or fast food the level of power required to actual-
manager to submit to the same invasive treat- ly travel through time yet, but he did
exhibit minor time manipulation. This

Chapter One: Year Two

ment, leading to another twenty AMPs outed
from their positions before the end of the year. was promising for the Matriarch, who
decided to test his abilities by sending
him out on assassination missions. She
Hound Strike Force hoped to reawaken the raw power he
August 20 would possess in the future, and even
After the embarrassment caused by the wondered if Kairam killing the presi-
Aberdeen Massacre, TRAC unit suffered a PR dent was by her order. Only time would
nightmare. The Houndmaster and her Hounds tell, but if the future needed to change
failed to bring TRAC the public praise they to suit her needs, so be it.
wanted. Most of the public respect belonged
to the everyday TRAC agents walking the
streets. While TRAC Elite remained on standby
to aid if TRAC couldn’t handle a particularly in their direction. The protesters had no proof
strong target, they pulled the Hounds from of the Hounds’ involvement, and pro-TRAC
active duty to plan for their comeback. During groups enjoyed shouting them down, as they
this time, each of them underwent training to reveled in the more hands-on approach the
become assassins, tools for the Houndmaster agency began taking. Their recruitment in-
to use to kill anyone TRAC required dead. creased, and they had more boots on the
What followed was a string of deaths and street in a month than they did in the last six
disappearances of TRAC’s enemies, including months. Good thing certain senators who op-
several leaders of the pro-AMP movement, a posed increase funding failed to appear be-
handful of politicians and lobbyists on Capitol fore an Emergency Budget vote.
Hill and seemingly unimportant people who
were fed to the Houndmaster by the United
Human Front. Loco Diablo’s penchant for ar-
son, Nether’s shadow assassination skills and
Lockjaw’s terrible jaws were all assets used
to kill powerful people all over the world for
months to come.
These assassinations were expertly han-
dled (unlike their more public affairs), with
only a few outlandish accusations launched

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
The Lion of Africa mutation and death earlier in the year.
The world was on the edge of its seat,
August 25 waiting for every report of the Lion of Afri-
The eyes of the world fell to the Sudanese
ca news organizations could release. Reports
region of Africa in late August. A single man
of families reunited, tyrants eliminated and
called only the Lion of Africa, discovered his
a calm falling over the region became the
powers and decided to use them for a great-
headline every day. It wouldn’t be long before
er purpose. While the US squabbled over
the Sudan would be one of the most peaceful
AMP-legality and the Russians used them as
areas of the world, and it was due to AMPs.
weapons, the Sudan was about to be freed
Many praised the Lion of Africa, using it
from its decades of oppression and death by
as an example of the good that could come
a single AMP. The idea of one man taking on
from incorporating AMPs into society as
warlords and armies and later destroying la-
equals. Most Americans thought, however,
bor camps and death squads seemed lofty at
“What would happen if someone with this
best, but the Lion of Africa was blessed with
much power was ever discovered in the US?”
more power than any other AMP had pos-
Chapter One: Year Two

The country had already experienced its own

sessed in their short history. The only other
heartbreak over the death of President Al-
case of an AMP possessing several powers at
dridge, but the idea that a single AMP was
very high measurable levels happened once
capable of overturning an entire region was
in the US in 2015. These results released by
altogether more frightening.
FutureTech called the patient Apex, but the
report showed results of the patient’s utter

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
September 2016 dalism and destruction and doing it all in the
name of their fearless leader, Conduit. How
could a man who turned his dogs loose upon
the world sit on the stand and insist he was
The Trial Begins non-violent?
September 8 Regardless of his peaceful, calm and posi-
For two months, Conduit sat in an isolation tive responses, the public at large was already
cell awaiting his day in court, hastily sped up convinced of his guilt before the trial began.
by a system wanting to make an example out This was far from the end, however, as the
of him. He entered the courthouse, surrounded prosecution was planning series of damning
by the media, but he wasn’t allowed to speak testimony to come.
as his captors rushed him past the frenzy of
reporters hoping for a condemning sound bite.
They did make sure to linger on the heavy met-
A Dream of Chaos
al gloves Conduit wore to nullify his powers, September 9
however. The camera flashes hurt Conduit’s The morning after Conduit’s first day of tri-

Chapter One: Year Two

eyes, making him grimace, which the media re- al, every AMP with the power to see into the
ported as an “angry demeanor.” future or past or manipulate dreams awoke
The courtroom was still, and the jury, media from a terrible nightmare. Rumor of the
and spectators were completely quiet as the dream spread throughout the AMP communi-
judge read the laundry list of charges against ty en masse, until almost everyone had heard
Jeff Zitomer, aka Conduit. This included domes- the story, including Saps.
tic terrorism and conspiracy, even aggravated The dream began with a terrible feeling of
assault from the initial attacks on his girlfriend dread. Once-historic buildings lay in rubble, not
over a year prior to the trial. When asked how a person in sight. Many of the tall and once-his-
he pleaded, Conduit’s lawyer stood up to an- toric buildings were now rubble. Inside bodies
swer but was motioned to sit by his client. Con- of dead TRAC agents and bloody monsters lay
duit instead stood up and spoke. strewn among the debris, along with several
“I plead Not Guilty, your honor,” he said, and innocents just caught in the crossfire. All of a
only then did the courtroom erupt with chat- sudden, the bodies began to burn and so did
ter. “Also! I choose to represent myself against the dreamer, until they were turned to ash and
these terrible allegations,” at which point the woke up. Not only did this introduce a horrible,
judge was forced to call for order due to the looming future for all of humanity, but also in-
outburst of shock. dicated a possible outcome: outright war be-
The assistant DA stood up and responded, tween humans and AMPs.
“Then without further ado, I call Jeff Zitomer
to the stand.” UHF Gadgeteer Vigilante
Conduit’s time on the stand was brutal. September 14
The DA lobbed every wild accusation about The UHF worked for months on anti-AMP
AMPs against him personally, including the technology, a way to even the odds against
potential for powers to be used to further the those with powers, and this was their first
AMP agenda, the terrible terrorist attacks ex- phase. A number of their members, no more
perienced only a month before and even the than regular humans, were equipped with
failings of TRAC Elite. Conduit had become special equipment to help them combat the
the poster boy for all of AMP-kind. The most anti-human element that now permeated the
damning, however, was the mention of Ret- world. This included specialized body armor
ribution, the new radical AMP group who is and weapons designed by gearheads.
overtly attacking TRAC agents, causing van- At a time of heightened fear in the AMP

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
community, reports of several of their kind the secret deaths of many of their opposers,
being eliminated by some sort of vigilante made it simple for the group to come back
spread through the Midwest. Stories told of with open arms. Nether and the other Hounds
a single attacker, many suspecting it to be had been prepared for the rally, instructed to
an AMP with teleportation powers. If they be on their best behavior or end up “removed”
thought Nether (who now served as a Hound) from the program (and no one ever left alive).
was terrible, the vigilante called the Faceless, Unbeknownst to either group, the UHF had
named so because the figure’s face appeared plans to ambush the event. Many of their peo-
completely blank, was much worse. ple had been killed, and they suspected it was
Not only did this epidemic spread farther TRAC’s doing. Bringing these abominations
and wider as the year progressed, but rumor back as heroes and idols was a bad idea, and
turned into official reports in the nightly news, they had received the order to put it to an end.
praising the Faceless for his efforts against They loaded up their heaviest armored trucks
the unhuman scourge. The UHF had proven and set upon the rally with mini-guns, rifles
its point; humans, with the aid of technolo- and lots of other gadgets created to take
Chapter One: Year Two

gy, could start taking on AMPs head on. The down AMPs. Even the Faceless vigilante was
organization began walking down the path on board with the attack.
of ridding themselves of several of their AMP The scene that followed was far worse than
members. There was no longer a need to keep anyone could have imagined. As the Hounds
them around, as it only hindered their over- went on stage with the mayor of Washington
all mission statement: destroy the unhumans DC to accept their medals of service and to re-
and ensure humanity remains the dominant affirm their positions within TRAC Elite, an ar-
species on Earth. mored truck pulled up. The UHF began firing
The only thing left to do is to begin work on the crowd, first hitting many of the TRAC
on phase two. agents and then the stage itself, regardless of
who got in the way. They were willing to take
Clash of the Titans out AMP-lovers and unhumans alike.
Spearfinger arrived with Doctor Luminous,
September 22 and cut through several UHF soldiers herself, but
On September 22 came an event that over-
called for a speedy retreat after a sniper gunned
shadowed the Battle of Reno and the Aberdeen
down a few of her people. The Hounds fought
Massacre combined. It rocked the foundation
with all their might, attempting to look heroic
of the AMP communities and what even Saps
for the millions of people watching the rally at
began to expect from their neighbors.
home. Nick Czernek and the original Seekers, also
The day began unassumingly enough for
in attendance, attempted to help the people in
the Seekers and Retribution. The two groups
the crowd escape, and were even somewhat suc-
had found their way to each other yet again,
cessful. Doctor Luminous and his squad made a
proving their soft alliance was helpful. Doc-
beeline to the stage to apprehend Nether, nab-
tor Luminous leaned on Spearfinger’s muscle,
bing him and teleporting away while the other
while she in turn asked for more intelligence
TRAC Elite members fought the UHF.
from her new comrade. It was a win-win sit-
The violence continued, Jacob and his
uation. Then Doctor Luminous received word
Seekers escaped with Nether, with wisps of
that one of the members of TRAC Elite, the
fire, bullets and blood flying through the air.
one called Nether, had information on Critter.
It left behind a battlefield in the middle of
Luckily for the Seekers, after a month of
Washington with dead humans and unhu-
laying low, TRAC Elite has organized a rally
mans, AMPs and TRAC agents, UHF and Retri-
to welcome the group back to the public eye.
bution members. TRAC reported Nether miss-
The realization of the Lion of Africa, as well as
ing, while Loco Diablo was dead on the scene.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
It was a tragic day that would have extreme the grand scheme of things. If I am elected, I
consequences in the months to come. The have plans to expand TRAC beyond what the
media referred to it as the Clash of the Titans, president has ‘allowed’ it to grow, because it
using the fanciful imagery to drum up ratings provides a vital and irreplaceable service to
and overshadow the true horror of the event. the American people.”
The UHF used their sway to avoid implication, When Fokker spoke up (out of turn, of
the attack instead attributed to a different course) against a government takeover seem-
(and less influential) anti-AMP group who ingly proposed by the New Humanist Par-
was more than happy for the press. ty, Lewis responded by pointing out that he
and the president had both gone through the
blood tests to prove they weren’t unhumans.
October 2016 “Why haven’t you taken the test, Mr. Fokker?
Do you have something to hide?”
This statement resonated with the public
Upsetting Debates to an extreme degree, and even the idea that

Chapter One: Year Two

October 6 one of the presidential candidates was an AMP
The US had experienced so much recent was enough to make Republican poll numbers
tragedy, and the people feared electing a weak drop to almost zero. Not only that, but the cli-
president to office for 2017. With October came mate of the AMP Scare also ensured Fokker’s
the beginning of the official presidential de- show was stripped from the air, and he became
bates between President Travis Carpenter for almost unemployable. When his results came
the Democrats, Samuel Fokker for the Repub- back (late, due to a paperwork mix-up), he was
licans and Harry Lewis of the New Humanist not an unhuman after all, but he was forever
party. All parties came out of the gates swing- tainted in the eyes of the public.
ing, each one accusing the other of being weak
on unhuman policy, the biggest topic on the Critter’s Journal Entry #17
docket. Carpenter stood firm on his choice to October 10
create TRAC and the implementation of TRAC This is all scribbles and probably my last letter.
Elite, which had just helped to save many lives The hunger has taken me. It is hard to make words.
during the Clash of the Titans catastrophe. I stayed in a shelter and seed terrible things on
Fokker appealed more to the conservative the TV. Why do they do this to us, to our people?
constituents, insinuating that TRAC under the I couldnt hold it. Six died in my rage, innocents
current president was still too soft and his whos only crime was being near me when I heard
decision-making wavered when hundreds bad news. I have no control anymore.
of human lives were on the line. He became Im lacking myself away. I don’t know where
flustered, however, when asked what he would Ill go. I barely recognize streets anymore. Its all
have done differently; creating a sound bite blur, but clear I have no trust for me. Maybe they
destined for endless replay for years to come are right about us? I’m a monster and what if
“I’d just kill ‘em all.” As much shock as this cre- this is all out fate?
ated, there was a significant number in the vot- If you read this, my love. Don find me. Take
ing base who supported that sentiment 100%. care of the kids. I cannot face you. If I ever hurt
Harry Lewis stayed mostly quiet, and was you... I’m so scared. I try to remember your name,
actually much more courteous than the other but cont. I will hold on to the “J” with all my
candidates were. He addressed each question might, until the day I dy.
calmly when giving his views. The rest of the journal and bits of this page
“TRAC is a step in the right direction and appear to have been ripped to shreds.
I commend the president for having taking
that step. However, it is only one small step in

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Terrible Testimony Silent Halloween
October 19 October 31
The prosecution went to great lengths Unlike Halloween 2015, where AMPs
drag out the trial. The assistant DA had very left their homes to explore a world without
specific instructions to make an example of limitations based on how they looked, this
this unhuman defendant, and he was deter- year was quite the opposite. Most AMPs sat
mined to do so. Several witnesses no one ex- in their homes, watching and debating the
pected were called. Many of Jeff’s old class- ongoing Conduit trial with heavy hearts. It
mates and teachers testified at his terrible was a shame what they were doing to the
behavior and bullying ways. His old buddies obviously peaceful AMP.
told stories of their petty crime days. His pe- For Saps, the AMP Scare also created the
diatric psychiatrist told the court of his is- need for more security on the streets to make
sues with his parents’ divorce at a young age sure “the children are kept safe and not at-
and his aggressive tendencies. Doctors who tacked by these unhuman freaks,” as spoken
Chapter One: Year Two

examined members of Changelings captured by Samuel Fokker’s replacement on the con-

in many raids following Conduit’s arrest tes- servative news cycle. The sentiment echoed
tified of the systematic indoctrination tactics through the nation, ending with most Sap
used to create loyalty from other unhumans. children staying home as well.
All of which wildly damaged his credibility. Those children who dared leave the
Though the Clash of the Titans was a house were indeed treated to their same
blow to Conduit’s defense, the crippling blow candy-stealing ways of previous years, while
came from the testimony of a high-rank- young AMPs with horns, claws or mental
ing member of the US Department of Sci- powers they couldn’t control stayed indoors
ence and Technology, Dr. Shavar Stevens. He away from intolerable Saps and wandering
brought to light many of the facts already TRAC agents looking for someone to shoot. It
known within the AMP community and made was overall a silent and uneventful evening,
them public knowledge. The Law of Attrac- unlike what occurred the next morning.
tion had caused millions in property dam-
age, and it was not something controllable
like Conduit had claimed in his testimony. November 2016
No, it was a biological imperative that took
over an unhuman at random times, making
each into a ticking time bomb no American All Souls’ Day
would be safe from. Backed by his scientific November 1
results, this witness put the last nail in Con- Halloween is the harbinger of the Day of
duit’s courtroom coffin. the Dead, believed to be the day when the
Shavar Stevens was the leader of the veil between the living and the dead was at
UHF, having actually founded the organiza- its weakest. As the sun rose so did the spirits
tion from nothing. He recently stepped down of the dead from their resting places. Those
from his position, but still fed information he buried at death gathered in the crowded
found back to his colleagues from within the graveyard, confused by what was occurring.
US government. Somehow, he knew that de- The cremated appeared above their urns or
feating the system from within was the way from where their ashes were scattered.
to win the future. As miraculous as this sounds, it was
frightening for most normal people. Awak-
ening to the sight of one’s dead nana can

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Chapter One: Year Two
scare even the most hardened people. Most people with powers running amuck, but the
people asked their loved ones for informa- dead had returned as well. Could the AMPs
tion of what it was like on the other side. The have received their powers from a higher
ghosts had little recollection of what was re- power? What could this mean for the future?
ally going on after one died, but all of them
seemed relieved to be back in the land of the Election Day
living, even if they were incorporeal.
The day was filled with a collection of dif-
November 8
Election Day arrived and almost every
ferent events. Some people ran through the
American took an interest in politics this
streets, crying to the heavens out of fear or
year. Though Fokker’s name was on the
happiness. Others stayed indoors with their
ballot, no one really expected the Republi-
loved ones to spend time with them as they
can nominee to win after his horrible per-
always hoped they could. Some saw it as a
formance at the debates. The true race was
sign of the apocalypse, while others immedi-
between the incumbent President Carpenter
ately turned to the church to ask forgiveness
and Harry Lewis of the New Humanist Party.
and for possible answers. Heaven had to
There was a concerted effort to keep
have answers, right? Almost every employ-
anyone who looked like an AMP away from
er received a call from their workers saying
the voting booths. Even though their num-
they were “sick,” but it was ok because they
bers were less than 1% of the population,
were “under the weather” as well.
the public saw a threat to voting locations
When the sun set that day, the ghosts dis-
around the country and TRAC was enlisted
appeared into smoke. They left behind more
to stand guard. It was a successful deterrent;
questions than answers. Not only were there

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
most AMPs stayed home as not to be killed School on the Edge
or hauled away by TRAC on trumped-up
November 15
Nick Czernek had done all he could. His
Every news station reported the numbers
efforts to suppress TRAC and TRAC Elite or to
quickly and it was a landslide win, called
move for the suspension of mandatory blood
even before votes from the West Coast
tests for school fell on deaf ears under the
were even in. The New Humanist Party had
weight of the AMP Scare. He returned home
reached critical mass and won the presi-
to the Donohue School for the Gifted to help
dency, bringing in new ideas and a fresh
prepare for the coming holiday, only to find
perspective the American people craved.
it in utter disarray. Their huge mansion was
Celebrations poured into the streets. Newly
over capacity with kids and teens with su-
elected President Harry Lewis stood before
perpowers, each of them dropped off by par-
his supporters and addressed the nation
ents who either didn’t want them or were
with his acceptance speech.
completely scared out of their mind.
Chapter One: Year Two

All of the Seekers had returned home and

“My fellow Americans, no lon-
stayed under the radar for the last few months.
ger will we be locked in a stalemate
No saving people, no helping the needy, just
with the future. I will lead this nation,
trying to take care of these kids. With every
Democrats and Republicans and New
student arriving with a new and strange pow-
Humanists alike, to a better and more
er, their hands were certainly full. The school’s
prosperous time for the United States
headmaster, Breezy, was having a hard time
of America and all of human-kind.”
keeping track of everything. The biggest prob-
lem was Doctor Luminous, their trusted leader,
had abandoned them months back, also tak-
ing a sizable chunk of their funding. The tui-
tion paid by some parents wasn’t even close
to offsetting the students who showed up in
the night. They were hemorrhaging money
and no one had discovered an AMP with the
power to create food from thin air quite yet.
Czernek had returned, though, and wanted to
make this place as safe as possible. If not for
the Seekers, like Arbiter who had given up her
life to serve, then for the kids.
It was obvious the school would be a tar-
get soon if something didn’t change. TRAC
was always on the lookout for new AMPs and
a mansion with a collection of tents around
it would eventually stand out. Until that day,
all they could do was try.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Final Verdict after all in the Chamber, and had him trans-
ferred in secret. His particular power of ener-
November 18 gy and superpower absorption was one the
When it came to his turn, Conduit prompt-
government had particular interest in.
ly stood before the judge and made a shock-
ing statement of having no witnesses to
call. He simply sat and waited for the assis-
tant DA to make his closing arguments. The
December 2016
long-winded speech involved the bombing
at LAX, the Clash of the Titans, the Aberdeen Leaving Earth
Massacre, the Lion of Africa, the introduction
of Bliss to the youth of America and even the
December 11
The people needed the spirit of Christ-
fall of Hollywood, pinning every offense ever
mas and the holidays to bring them a little
made by an AMP on Conduit. One of the jury
happiness while they were still reeling from
even clapped upon its completion, breaking
the ghosts, elections and trials of November.

Chapter One: Year Two

the hush that had taken over the courtroom.
What occurred on the morning of December
Conduit stood for his own closing argu-
10, was a gift to some and a terrible omen
ments. The judge rolled his eyes. The jury was
to others.
a mix of those disgusted to hear his voice and
A group of AMPs calling themselves the
those ignoring him. The cameras followed
Orphans hijacked the airwaves of almost ev-
him as he paced the center of the courtroom,
ery TV in the nation. It was obvious from their
so quiet a dropped pin could be heard. After
appearance some of the Orphans once be-
a long pause, he pursed his lips and finally
longed to the Changelings. Their spokesper-
son, a woman with aquatic features named
“There is no defense for me. The prose-
Tidal, delivered a controversial message to
cution talks like I am personally responsible
the world.
for every offense an AMP has made on you
“The treatment of our kind has driven us
so-called normal people. If that’s what you
to find a new way. The new president spoke
need me to be, then I will be that for you.
of a brighter future for America, but many of
This world has been overcome by fear of a
our kind have seen a different future. One
man who only wanted to be left alone. Do I
without us. To that point, myself and the
have powers you don’t? Sure, but who came
rest of the Orphans will be leaving Earth
hunting for who? I went as far as hiding in
at 2 PM tomorrow. We are inviting any AMP
sewers, away from every Sap who could harm
who wishes to come along to meet us at the
me or my friends. But my fear could never be
Gates of the Mountains in Montana.” With
beaten by yours. You win. I hand myself over
that, the TVs returned to normal program-
to you. It is your duty to find me guilty, if only
ming, leaving many normal citizens dumb-
for the children.”
founded. Several AMPs, however, packed in a
The jury came back with a guilty verdict
hurry in order to race to Montana before the
after only five minutes of deliberation. It was
the verdict everyone expected, but now it
At the mouth of the river, an AMP glowed
was a reality. Conduit was sentenced to three
with bright golden energy. If asked what
consecutive life terms in a maximum-secu-
leaving Earth meant, the answer was that
rity prison and carried away immediately by
the meaning was quite literal. There would
security officers.
be another world out there for AMPs to in-
As he had served his purpose, leaders of
habit if they only believed hard enough. Each
TRAC decided they may have a use for him
AMP who made it in time and wanted to also

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
leave Earth touched the man and took on a From that moment, he made a new vow.
similar glow. All and all, there was a collec- Maybe if he could live up to what Critter
tion of about ninety AMPs ready to leave. wanted from him and the movement they
When TRAC arrived, they aimed their guns began together, just maybe she could return
at the AMPs in preparation for an attack. This one day and accept his help. With that, the
was obviously a ploy to gather AMPs togeth- wayward Seekers returned home to put right
er in some sort of army, and leaving Earth what had gone wrong for so long.
was code for getting rid of humans. The
agents received the order to take down the Back from the Grave
AMPs, but before they could pull the trigger
all the AMPs turned into beams of golden
December 20
Ghosts became a normal occurrence for
light and shot into sky. They left behind their
those sensitive to the supernatural. While
packed bags and even the clothes on their
not as widespread as on All Soul’s Day, spir-
backs, each of which was thoroughly exam-
its had developed a love of returning and
ined by TRAC scientists to no effect.
Chapter One: Year Two

new reports of ghost sightings popping up

at least twice a week.
The Room Left Empty Something else happened too... cer-
December 15 tain people began returning from the dead.
The door to the shack shattered as the These individuals weren’t ghosts, however;
Seekers kicked it down, and Doctor Lumi- their spirits left the world of the dead and
nous stepped inside to his horror. The dirty returned to their bodies, allowing them to
and mostly destroyed room had multiple walk the world of the living once more. Most
splatters of blood covering the floor, walls people mistrusted claims of immortality, but
and debris. Nether was only somewhat help- was that really any stranger than people
ful, but it did help him find this shack. She who could fly or phase through walls?
should have been there. On the morning of December 20, one more
This was the last of his leads. Doctor Lu- hand reached out of his grave in Mount Cav-
minous screamed in frustration, and kicked alry Cemetery in Richmond, VA. He crawled
over the mattress in the corner of the room. out of the hole and dusted himself off, im-
After clearing his mind, he noticed some- mediately feeling his body for wounds. The
thing through the dust... a journal. Flipping bullets were all gone and his body healed.
through the book, he began reading the en- Then someone walked by who noticed him…
tries Critter wrote throughout the year while
she’d been gone. Each entry terrified the “Oh my goodness! Is that President
Doctor. What could be happening to Critter? Aldridge!?!?!”
Was there anything he could have done to
prevent this? Who kidnapped her in the first Rumors of his return circulated afterward,
place? but were disregarded as the wishful thinking
When he finished reading her final plea of more moderate politicians. Tim Aldridge
for him to never look for her again, he fell to went into hiding, eventually finding a place
the ground and wept. He knew he had been among the homeless until he could eventu-
foolish, left everything behind, put himself in ally find a new direction for his life. He was
terrible danger, but it had all been for her. a dead man. What does a dead man do when
But if Critter didn’t want to be found, he he’s no longer dead?
knew no new powers were great enough for
them to be together again.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Conspiracy #4: Critter’s Fate
Few know the truth, but Critter’s fate was not an accident. Her abduction was at
the hands of the Time Traveler was because he needed to get her away from Doctor
Luminous. It was another step in his multi-part plan to save the future. The Doctor
needed to go through his own personal transformation and learn what was really
important, and he couldn’t do that with Critter by his side. In the alternate future, Ja-
cob never truly found his answer and took his and Critter’s life as a result. He grabbed
Critter and placed her in a safe house, just to keep her secluded for a short time, but
got himself killed along the way.
When Doctor Luminous gathered blood samples from Critter’s shack, he discov-
ered she was pregnant! Kairam was friends with the Doctor and Critter in the future
and knew their child would be different, but he calculated wrong and separated the
two too late. The mixture of Doctor Luminous’ and Critter’s blood inside her caused
that began changing her, both physically and mentally.

Chapter One: Year Two

Eventually, Jacob would realize his blood is the catalyst for a dark future. The
same blood he had already mixed with the Seeker’s serum given to hundreds of
AMPs out there. If Critter reacted to his blood by developing mutations, what if the
same happened to others?

The Collapse They waited until a day close to Christ-

mas, when their intelligence said only relief
December 28 agents were on duty. With a flurry of energy
Spearfinger had destroyed all of the major
blasts and strategic attacks on key guard lo-
AMP fighting rings (though there were like-
cations, the TRAC agents all fell before the
ly more) and worked hard to kill any TRAC
alarm could even be pulled. Once inside,
presence she could find, but still there came
knowing their powers were useless, Retribu-
more. Her approach to the injustice just
tion packed every corner of the place with
wasn’t working, not that Conduit’s non-vio-
RDX and set it off simultaneously to collapse
lent tactics were any better. The calamity of
the building’s foundation and bring the pris-
the Clash of the Titans made it obvious that
on down.
working with other groups wasn’t viable ei-
Spearfinger stalked the hallways un-
ther, as they were more likely to use Retribu-
til she found the Houndmaster, who threw
tion for their own ends than help AMP-kind
a few choice words at her about the dom-
as a whole.
inance and superiority of humanity. She
One last thing she learned before parting
wasted no time, however, and simply cut
ways with Doctor Luminous, however, was
the life-support system connected to the
the location of a certain prison. One that
abomination. In moments, the Houndmaster
housed dozens of AMPs perfect for her army.
was dead, leaving behind a strange smile.
The Chamber was her next target. The ini-
Spearfinger showed she was a clear choice
tial plan was to take down the facility with
for a new leader, and many AMPs followed
the Seekers, but Spearfinger was good at
her out. That is, of course, except for Conduit
improvisation, and the sheer muscle of her
and Lockjaw. Conduit approached her and
crew could not be discounted. The Seeker’s
attempted to point out the terrible mistake
weaponry was sure to make dealing with any
she had made.
TRAC agents a simple task.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
“You may think you saved us, but power-zapping material as the Chamber, and
you’ve buried many others of our kind they pushed their operation into high gear.
in your destruction. Regardless, I’ve Their members were trained and ready, and
learned the truth of this place. You’ve they took to the streets to fight against the
doomed the world by releasing the AMP threat. The Faceless Vigilante was on
AMPs here, Spearfinger. They are dead- the scene and began training more regular
ly, dangerous and crazy, and complete- people to be just like her while waiting for
ly willing to take out their anger on the phase two of their technological plan to be-
people out there, TRAC or no. I hope come active. Learning how to forge the tools
you are happy with your decision, but to fight on par with AMPs was important for
don’t confuse yourself for a hero. You the continuation of the human race.
just made everything worse.” In the midst of this chaos, the Change-
lings found each other again and seclud-
She scoffed at his words, but they secretly ed themselves away once again. This time,
resonated with her. As the walls crumbled, however, they would not hide forever. They
Chapter One: Year Two

every AMP held within was released, some knew the time had come to step out of the
innocent and others imprisoned for a good shadows and save humanity from the terri-
reason. What had been done was done, how- ble mess it created.
ever, and Retribution left before TRAC rein- The Seekers had their leader back, and
forcements arrived on the scene. Doctor Luminous instituted a few chang-
es to the school and their organization. He
had returned to his kinder, more caring self,
January 2017 much to the amazement of his colleagues.
They had lost a few Seekers along the way,
including Shell who left with the Orphans,
Diabolical Chaos but they would be stronger now because of
January 10 the hardships they endured. And maybe one
The AMPs set free from the Chamber day, Critter would find her way home.
wasted no time. One of them began murder- Typhoon reveled in the chaos, as the Ma-
ing random people in a nearby grocery store, triarch took steps to ensure the time trav-
while others who had developed strong eler was contained and safe now that war
bonds while imprisoned worked together had come. She also stepped out of her steel
to topple buildings and shoot planes out of fortress to approach many of the strongest
the sky. It only took days for this chaos to criminal AMPs now free from the Chamber to
spread to the entire nation. Battles between join her. Of course, they gave the only answer
some AMPs who considered themselves he- one could to the Matriarch... Yes.
roes and others out for revenge took place
almost every day in some cities. At each of
these encounters were increasing numbers
of TRAC agents to fight them and hopefully
save innocent lives.
The UHF knew this would happen eventu-
ally, and had already taken precautions. They
had reinforced their facilities with the same

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
New Law of the Land ray of new weaponry and armor (created by
UHF insiders) for TRAC agents. Among these
January 21 weapons was the implantation of five more
On January 16th, President Lewis an-
Houndmasters to control the AMPs still held
nounced his intent to push forth radical
at Camp Lejeune, though this part of the plan
legislation regarding the increased threat
(and many others) were still quite secret.
of AMPs across the nation as his first presi-
The announcement rocked America and
dential act. The obvious danger presented by
split public opinion. The US would become
AMPs like Conduit and several of the recent-
somewhat of a police state, living under the
ly escaped criminals set a terrible precedent
constant threat of AMPs with only TRAC to
on how AMPs should be treated.
protect the citizens, but many also feared
Then came January 21, coincidentally a
the development of an institution with no
day while both the House and Senate were
limits to its influence. Nevertheless, their re-
out of session. President Lewis held many
cruitment was never so bolstered and TRAC
Recess Appointments and signed several
would go on to grow into a new branch of
executive orders, including the Aldridge Act,
the military that served within its own bor-
which provided near-unlimited funding to
TRAC to expand and protect the people of
America. This included rebuilding the Cham-
Thus ended Year Two, the year of fear.
ber, this time publicly, and creating a vast ar-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)

Chapter Two:
In Our Borders
The national response to the assassina- from harming others, but were concerned
tion of President Aldridge on January 28 was with the rhetoric coming from various sen-
swift and, in the view of some, quite harsh. ators, representatives, and television talking
The government was already walking a fine heads aimed at imprisoning AMPs without
line between protection of its citizens and trial. The Southern Poverty Law Center soon
Chapter Two: In Our Borders

violating their rights (some say it had already lent their voice as well, mainly due to rising
crossed that line) before the emergence of activities of anti-AMP militia groups in the
AMPs, and the death of the President on live South and around the country.
TV pushed an increasingly conservative Con- This rising tide of pro-AMP sentiment
gress into action immediately. caused the anti-AMP contingent to regroup
The day after the assassination, AMPs be- and adjust their tactics. A secret meeting be-
came a major topic of conversation in Con- tween the sitting President Carpenter and
gress and on all national news networks, key conservative leaders in Congress (in bed
with ultra-conservative news host Samuel with the UHF) took place where the presi-
Fokker dedicating an hour special to ranting dent revealed his plans for a new agency
about the emergence of AMPs. Within weeks, within the Department of Homeland Securi-
they had enacted new laws. Within months, ty called the Federal Tactical Response and
a new Department of Homeland Security Containment Agency (TRAC). This new agency
agency was in place to deal with the “threat.” would be a public face for the American fight
against AMPs, but there would be aspects of
TRAC’s operations the public would not and
Anti-AMP Legislation could not ever know. For now, the president
advised the leaders to dial back their rhet-
Fueled by the hateful ranting of Fok-
oric and work with the other side to create
ker’s extremely vocal followers, conservative
laws the American public could accept.
members of Congress introduced multiple
The day after the meeting, Senator Bed-
pieces of anti-AMP legislation in the days
ford Hicks of Tennessee introduced legislation
following the death of President Aldridge.
that called for strong crackdowns on all AMPs
More liberal members of Congress recog-
who were known criminals, with no language
nized they needed to do something, but
in the bill about non-criminal AMPs. This was a
stopped short of calling for specific laws tar-
step back in rhetoric, just as the president had
geting only a small subset of the citizenship.
asked for. Somewhat taken aback by the sudden
As the anti-AMP fervor surged rapidly,
change of direction, the opposition congratulat-
the press also rallied alongside those liber-
ed Hicks and his fellow conservatives on seeing
al members of Congress. The American Civil
the light and taking steps to ensure AMPs who
Liberties Union stepped up and led the op-
had done nothing wrong were neither prose-
position to the hatred. The ACLU made it very
cuted nor persecuted. The bill sailed through
clear that they were not opposing honest and
the Senate and the House with only minor
legal methods of preventing criminal AMPs

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
squabbles and, despite some mistrust from the ing criminal AMPs. Their true purpose was to
ACLU and a few other liberal organizations, the round up all known AMPs by any means nec-
Criminal AMP Detainment and Enforcement act essary and ensure that AMPs were no danger
– CADE – was signed into law almost immedi- to the human race nor America in general.
ately to help calm the American people. On March 28, just two months after the
assassination of President Aldridge, Presi-
dent Carpenter held a press conference to
Camp Lejeune announce TRAC was formally in operation,
and sending hundreds of TRAC agents into
At its heart, CADE allowed the imprison-
the neighborhoods of everyday Americans to
ment of known or suspected criminal AMPs
keep them safe and secure. He also officially
in an ultra-secure military installation at the
announced his intention to run for President
US Marine’s Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.
in the upcoming election, stating his an-

Chapter Two: In Our Borders

These criminal AMPs, though denied bail, could
ti-criminal AMP platform to be his top priority.
still receive council; any religious beliefs they
Unaware of the president’s full aims and ac-
held would not be suppressed or denied, but
tions, and thinking he was being too soft on the
they were ultimately assumed guilty until in-
danger posed by all AMPs, conservative celeb-
vestigators proved their innocence. The ACLU
rity Samuel Fokker announced his intentions
and other civil liberties groups lambasted this
to enter the Presidential race as well, running
stance, but the majority of Americans seemed
on a platform of unapologetic AMP hatred.
satisfied that they only detained the “bad guys”
and didn’t seem to mind that due process was
denied the inmates.
Camp Lejeune, of course, was but the first
step in the government’s plans against AMPs. The Federal Tactical response and Con-
They had lined many of the cells built within tainment Agency (TRAC) became a new
the facility with materials brought over from subset of the Department of Homeland
the Chamber, which dulled an AMP’s powers Security, headquartered at the Marine base
while being held. It didn’t take long before Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. The agen-
one detainee turned into three and later into cy oversees daily, constant monitoring of
ten, each new AMP adding to their unpredict- all currently known AMPs, using traditional
ability. On top of that, news cameras were methods of tailing and following, as well as
onsite almost constantly, with reporters ask- modern electronic surveillance, Internet ac-
ing for information on their latest catch or tivity monitoring and tracing/tapping voice
what the future plans were for detainees. communications. In addition, TRAC operates
Soon, President Travis Carpenter moved ARC – the AMP Retention Center – on the
forward with his plans for TRAC. To over- base, serving as both capture specialists and
see the detainment facility at Camp Le- guard for their detainees.
jeune and to track down known criminal The Marines at the base have a strange
AMPs, the President developed orders for relationship to their new bedfellows. The sol-
this new agency to also act as a watchdog diers are aware of TRAC’s mission and over-
group, keeping track of suspected criminal all agree with it, but most of them can’t help
AMPs and patrolling neighborhoods in case smelling something fishy. Their command-
threats popped up unexpectedly. What the ing officers have ordered them to stay out of
public – and indeed most of the members of TRAC’s domain and leave policing the AMPs
Congress – were not told is that TRAC would to the professionals, but the marines know
go far beyond merely watching and detain- they’ll be called in as backup sooner or later.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
As most TRAC agent were pulled from other Chamber, to act as highly paid prison guards for
branches of the military at first, they sought the world’s worst AMPs the nation didn’t even
comfort from their brothers and sisters they know about. Most jumped at the chance, while
previously served with, each of them assur- those who refused were silenced in one way
ing nothing strange was going on. Of course, or another. Knowledge of the Chamber was
only the higher-ups really knew the truth. tightly controlled, so only a few trusted parties
Andrew Harter, Director of TRAC, had been could know its location and happenings.
involved in the government’s facility in Reno There are several field officers spread
codenamed The Chamber, serving as Senior all over the US, with more popping up each
Intelligence Officer to Captain William Trom- month as the AMP threat rises and volunteers
melen who still runs the prison. With TRAC roll in. The head of each field office reports
being an official and public agency now, Har- to Commissioner Andrew Harter. Each field
ter convinced the president to move most of office has an office staff of two or three dozen
Chapter Two: In Our Borders

The Chamber’s functions to the new facility individuals, ranging from clerical assistants
at Camp Lejeune. The technology developed and receptionists to regional intelligence
there proved to be invaluable for the new analysts. In addition to the office staff, each
location, but the two are very different. The office has about a dozen field agents on con-
Chamber still exists as an ultra-top secret stant standby for an AMP attack. Local and
laboratory, whereas ARC is an ultra-secure state police and National Guard are on stand-
prison and nothing more. by and have standing instructions to respond
immediately to assist if TRAC puts up an alert.
TRAC Agents
Also known as TRACers (pronounced
“trackers”), they are the primary field opera- Project Hound
tion agents for TRAC. At a glance, most Amer- Immediately after the official announce-
icans would assume a TRAC agent was a uni- ment of TRAC, Captain Trommelen and Director
formed field operative or heavily-armored Harter ordered the creation of a special unit
SWAT unit, even though most of the first par- within TRAC that most were unaware of for
ticipants in the program were from the mili- some time. The new unit needed someone very
tary. As months went by, however, the agency special to lead it, and after putting several can-
picked up more volunteers with little to no didates through rigorous physical and mental
military or combat experience, which creat- evaluations, they were confident Michael Roe-
ed a reliance on their high-tech equipment. bling was the right person for the job.
On the surface, all TRACers look alike in their Full details of Project Hound were revealed
uniform, but experiences vary based on who to Roebling shortly after signing the NDA,
wears it. Agents receive a certain amount of DNR and all other manner of confidentiality
training to make them capable in the field, forms. He was to be sent to The Chamber to
but some are more capable than others are. undergo experimental cybernetic surgery to
The majority of TRAC’s initial equipment is graft implants to his body, in hopes of creat-
standard military-grade weapons and tech- ing a way to control the emergent AMPs. They
nology. While several new weapons were had already attempted the procedure several
under development at The Chamber, for the times already, with no survivors to date, and
most part TRAC field agents were initially though the surgery was touch-and-go, in the
outfitted similarly to FBI or ATF field agents. end Roebling came through and the Director
As their numbers grew, the agents with the couldn’t have been happier with the result.
most seniority and training transferred to the He was connected to tubes, wires and ma-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
chines, each on used to keep him alive. While VV The Lance: Caught playing vigilante,
Michael Roebling could walk around his room, his healing ability makes sure the other
exercise normally and function relative- Hounds return to their master
ly normally, if he ever left the comfort of the VV Radiant: She is a hostile young woman
Chamber and his room, he would die. What he with flight and the ability to glow, making
gained from this procedure, was a connection her a great scout.
to AMP Control Collars (ACC) placed on each
VV Lockjaw: Arrested along with Conduit of
AMP within the Chamber’s prison system. The
the Changelings, Lockjaw makes up the
ACC is a device that fits around the neck of
primary muscle of the Hounds.
an individual and completely suppresses the
AMP’s own mental cognition, effectively turn-
These five were affixed with fitted
ing them into living automatons under the
semi-permanent collars around their neck
control of the Houndmaster. The Hound’s own
Chapter Two: In Our Borders

and were then pushed forward to “serve the

consciousness is still present but cannot ex-
public.” If any of the five ever didn’t make it
ert control, effectively viewing their world as
back alive, there is a pool of other AMPs who
a nightmare they cannot wake from. With a
would serve whether they wanted to or not.
thought, regardless of their distance from him,
Their first public success against the AMP
he could see through their eyes, hear with their
Vigil was a wonderful example of how the
ears and control their every movement. With
Houndmaster program would work. They
around fifty AMPs in the prison, he became an
were able to capture a number of several
almost omniscient presence for any AMP with
other AMPs, including a man with wings who
the unfortunate luck to be at his command.
claimed he could see the future, a martial
Upon recovering fully from the surgery, Roe-
artist who manipulated luck and the leader
bling became known as the Houndmaster and
of a terrible street gang with ice powers. All
went about getting to know his Hounds.
of this prompted hundreds of thousands into
The Hounds would go on to become a very
additional research and development, which
public face of TRAC called TRAC Elite, using
could only lead to growth of the program…
the power of the controlled AMPs to take
despite the inevitable failure of the Chamber
down others. Of course, none of the Hounds
at the hands of Retribution at the end of 2016.
were volunteers, but it was up to Michael
Roebling to choose the few who were most
willing to play nice with him. A Hound who
resisted too much was of no use, because it
Phase One
would exhaust his mental powers over them The UHF has put a lot of plans into place
after a short time, but the AMP also had to since its inception, which was all a part of what
have the skill to handle themselves in field. they called Phase One. Their first was going
From the various candidates available, the down a political path, immediately gaining
Houndmaster chose five special members: the favor of prominent members of the Senate
VV Loco Diablo: A fire blaster, picked up af- and House of Representatives and eventually
ter several arson attempts and bad street to the president himself. Of course, President
performances Aldridge was then assassinated, which meant
they needed to dig even deeper in order to in-
VV Nether: A shadow manipulator who was
grain their cause into the very fabric of America.
a menace to AMPs already. He was all too
Bringing the term ‘unhuman’ into the everyday
willing to join the team if it meant killing
vernacular of the average American helped the
AMPs, though he asked for protection of
propaganda they spewed and fueled the ha-
his children in return.
tred felt for AMPs by people who had never

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
met one in their lives. The group also started hit, identical uniforms were created and hand-
assimilating a variety of other militia groups ed to other heroic members of the United Hu-
into itself, growing bigger and bigger. man Front. All over the country, sightings of
The second part of Phase One was con- the Faceless popped up, giving the people in
tinued genetic research. Getting their hands every state something to get behind. Two of
on the several AMP blood samples and exam- the Faceless could never operate at the exact
ining the differences in DNA, UHF scientists same time, so the illusion of there only being
began experimenting on their brave, self-sac- a single vigilante remained strong in the con-
rificing soldiers, attempting to find a way for sciousness of the American people.
humanity to compete without changing the
very fabric of what it meant to be human.
Through many attempts, they brought a lucky Existence of Spirits
few humans into a state of more-than-human,

Chapter Two: In Our Borders

There was no single event that left the world
enhanced with several kinds of animal DNA.
baffled more than that of All Souls’ Day 2016.
This level of genetic tampering became the
For a single day, thousands of spirits appeared
norm for UHF’s highest-ranking members, but
to their loved ones to reveal secrets, haunt them
not everyone survived the process.
or even just to chat. Their appearance was over
The final part of Phase One, which was by
as quickly as it stated, but left some people with
far the biggest success, was the Faceless Ini-
the ability to see those spirits who stuck around
tiative. By using advanced technology cooked
or those of the freshly dead.
up by their brightest minds, they were able to
All Souls’’ Day brought up a lot of philo-
not only enhance existing weapons and muni-
sophical questions for humanity. If their truly
tions, but also create brand new contraptions
was an afterlife, if ghosts really existed, then
and gadgets specifically designed to give so-
do people really have souls? For AMPs, it be-
called Saps an edge against their unhuman
came a question of whether their powers came
aggressors. The first candidate for the Face-
from a higher source, as the existence of ghosts
less Initiative was a highly trained ex-special
logically spoke to the existence of magic and
forces agent, Bridgett Carlson, who donned a
the paranormal. What of vampires, werewolves
uniform with specially crafted armor, blades
and the like, were those real as well, or were
and a mask that hides her identity, even the
ghosts the only glimpse the world would re-
fact that she was a woman since her clothes
ceive of the supernatural. One thing was defi-
were bulky enough to conceal her gender.
nitely true… from that day forth fewer people
She began a forward assault on AMPs, killing
called others quacks for their belief in magic.
them in cold blood regardless of the number
AMPs began seeking answers to these
of witnesses there were, and the people her-
questions, and science was not going to suf-
alded the Faceless as a hero of the people.
fice. A small religion began to spread through
the AMP community, speaking of a level of
“The Faceless represents us all. He
doesn’t have a face, because it wears consciousness an AMP could hope to achieve
the face for all of us, because it is us. to find true answers to their nature of their
He’s going out there and showing those existence and where their soul goes when
unhuman bastards that humanity’s not they die. It was a chilling revelation that not
going to just sit back and take it. We’ll a single ghost encountered was of an AMP
give it back just as hard.” who had passed on. Finding the existence of
- Senator Jarad Marsh (R - MS) a single psychic communication wavelength
all AMPs could enjoy was but one of their
Once the Faceless Initiative proved to be a revelations. More would come with time.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Spread of Typhoon August, Typhoon sent yet another shipment
of War Path to Hawaii, coming ashore from a
Typhoon came to prominence in August of boat on a less populated part of Oahu and
the previous year. Led by Rhiannon Carneski, the Nā ‘Aumākua knew about it. What resulted
aka The Matriarch, Typhoon became a force was a huge battle at the docks that caused
of organized crime, quickly taking over nearly massive damage from flooding and fire to the
half of all organized crime in the country. For small neighborhood nearby. Evidence of this
Typhoon and The Matriarch, their motivation battle was swept under the rug and blamed
was not equality for AMPs, not even AMP dom- on a freak storm hitting the coast.
inance over normal humans, but pure greed
and desire for an empire over all who were
not Typhoon. Efforts by law enforcement to
rid the streets drugs (new and old) ramped up
The Regional

Chapter Two: In Our Borders

as reports of hostile AMPs grew, but Typhoon
had people in both the state government and
police subtly redirecting attention away from
As the government created both a public
their distribution source.
and secret response to the AMP threat, put-
Typhoon was less active during 2016;
ting on one face for everyday citizens and
there were fewer news reports about their
another in private, individual states and terri-
members than most of the other active
tories forged ahead with their own responses
groups like Retribution and the UHF. Tak-
– some of which are clearly unconstitution-
ing advantage of the increasing chaos in
al and others are downright confrontational.
the country, Typhoon spread their tentacles
In addition to the responses throughout the
deeper into the organized crime families
United States from various local governments,
and infiltrated governments, which became
several militia organizations rose to the fore-
harder once those governments instituted
front, spurred on by the United Human Front.
mandatory blood tests nationwide. Any drug
These groups turned their attention from an-
produced by Typhoon had a hint of AMP DNA
ti-government and anti-immigrant rhetoric
in it, making anyone who took come up with
into anti-AMP movements.
a positive result, whether they were an AMP
or not. It wasn’t long, however, until the Ma-
triarch had irrefutable evidence about Proj-
ect Hound and the Chamber. She debated
leaking this information, but knew it would
be better to hold onto it for if she found her- Vermont
self in a tight situation. It came as no surprise the one area of
Typhoon’s main enemy to arise in this new the US that was almost universally in sup-
year was the Nā ‘Aumākua in Hawaii. Having port of AMP rights was the northeast with
seen how War Path devastated entire com- Massachusetts, New York, and Vermont being
munities, the Nā ‘Aumākua considered it one the most vocal. Vermont was the first state
of their primary goals to keep the drug (and to pass an AMP Equality law, guaranteeing
others like it) out of their state. Typhoon fo- AMPs in Vermont would be free from perse-
cused on trying to push their drugs and their cution and illegal prosecution. The governor
tentacles into New Hollywood specifically, signed the AMP Equality law just three days
but the Nā ‘Aumākua were even more adept after the formation of TRAC in direct re-
than TRAC in weeding out all attempts. In late sponse to that agency. Two weeks later, other

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
states in the region passed similar laws. While she did not arrive… someone else did.
It was from this state, specifically Milton, In the doorway stood a young, but hard-
Vermont, that Blue Wing came to be. A new ened figure who called himself Kairam. He
adult, Olga Camacho woke up to a hellish dis- greeted Critter’s mother, father and sisters,
covery as all of her hair had fallen out in the as well as extend family, but made it clear
night. Over the course of the next few days, he was not there for pleasantries. With the
she lost all of her body hair bit by bit, until Winters sat around him, he relayed:
the day came that then her skin began to peel
away, revealing a blue flame energy beneath. “I know you were waiting for Stacie to
She ran away from home shortly after - or come and this was always one of her fa-
rather flew away as she discovered she could. vorite places. She has, sadly, died recent-
Her very touch seemed to heal others as well, ly. She is one of my dearest friends, and
but she needed no such thing. Nothing could this news… I had to come in her place to
Chapter Two: In Our Borders

damage her, as her body was mostly intangi- let you know. But I want to give you this;
ble. Olga had a new path ahead and knew she it was the last thing she gave me. Will
couldn’t return to her old life. Taking on the you hold it here for safe keeping?”
name Blue Wing, she simply wandered the
world hoping to one day find her destiny and What he handed to the Winters was some
why this happened to her. kind of a wand or cane with an ornate E carved
into his metallic surface Kairam said stood for
enlightenment. It was obviously a relic of the
Maine future to anyone else, but the Winters weren’t
Of course, the controversy of Critter’s
known for their technical know-how. It was
disappearance was startling to the Seek-
shortly after dropping this device off that Kai-
ers of Enlightenment, and they undertook a
ram traveled to assassinate the president, but
new mission to track her down. There were
what purpose did this device have?
others, however, deeply affected by her go-
Strangely, the Winters also started receiv-
ing missing, namely her family. The Winters’
ing more guests as 2016 continued. Not only
brood was expecting Stacie for the holidays.
had the Seekers missed Critter, but also so
did any other AMP who had met her. Making
Critter’s Last Message a trip up to the ranch where the first AMP
The new focus of Doctor Luminous’ grew up became a weird tradition that many
branch of the Seekers was on finding AMPs starting undertaking. Enough good
what happened to Critter. She went will could possibly bring her back, right?
missing on her way to visit her fam-
ily in Maine. The last communication New Jersey
from her was a text she sent to Se- The Seekers attempted for months to fight
gal on January 8 as she was chang- the growing tide of hatred toward AMPs with
ing trains in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania acts of heroism, but were not able to make
– “Boarding the next train. Hopefully much of a dent in public opinion. After the dust
I don’t have to sit beside drunk gram- cleared from most states instituting their own
ma like on the last one! LOL!” The only mandates about the treatment of AMPs, one
thing they knew for sure was that Crit- other name came to mind as a heroic figure. A
ter never got on the next train; she hero calling himself Sigmund (nobody knew
simply vanished somewhere inside if this was his real name) began popping up
Pittsburgh Union Station. during some of the worst crimes of the year,
only to stop them without much difficulty.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
There was the incident with hostage situ- came the best place for people to get dis-
ation over someone losing their job, but Sig- covered for their AMP skills. One AMP named
mund was able to go in single-handed and Citizen Arcane began filming a short series
bring the criminal out to the police. Of course, of YouTube videos for his fans, while another
his elastic arms saved that bus full of children named Bot became the first AMP to direct,
just in the nick of time as well. Many wondered star in and be his own crew on the set of a
how Sigmund was able to handle so many of movie, since he could control machines. An-
these issues in the city and Jersey’s top journal- other AMP calling herself Nymph was outed
ists started looking into him. After finding out on the runway of Versace fashion show, and
who he was through facial scans, it turned out became a worldwide name within days.
their hero was just a lowly mechanic. One who It seemed like everything as looking up for
knew the hostage taker he stopped and sold New York and there would be no end to the
him the gun, as well as the one who had done prosperity experienced in the state. That was,

Chapter Two: In Our Borders

repairs to the bus just earlier that same day. until Conduit was arrested. When this hap-
Sigmund was outed as a manufactured pened, an unspoken hostility began boiling
hero, an AMP staging accidents so he could beneath the surface. When Conduit was found
swoop in and save the day. He attempted a few guilty and sent to prison for domestic terror-
more ploys, but was recorded by a YouTuber ism, riots erupted all over the state. There
and mocked internationally. This did no good was outright violence in New York with AMPs
for the pro-AMP lobby. Comments on the You- using their powers to their fullest extent and
Tube video all followed the same trend - peo- TRAC and the NYPD putting aside their differ-
ple willing to put children at risk or talk a man ences in a united front against the unhumans.
into taking the lives of his coworkers are sick New York began the process of reversing
and should be put down. Sigmund’s example all of its pro-AMP legislation and then at the
was yet another unfortunate event Conduit end of 2016, the state was flooded with hun-
took the ultimate blame for during his trial. dreds of criminal AMPs. They banded togeth-
er in weird cliques, seeming led by members
New York of the group called Retribution. A war was on
Surprisingly, the arrival of AMPs meant the horizon which would go on to destroy all
an economic boon for New York. Many of the the good the state had done up to that point.
movie and music studios once found only in
California relocated to either Hawaii or New
York. With the state’s no-nonsense, AMP-ac- South
cepting laws on the books, it made it easy to
go to the state without fear of blatant an-
ti-AMP aggression. It actually became more
The South is traditionally a hotbed of racism
of a battle between NYPD, who was there to
and bigotry towards those deemed different.
protect all people, and TRAC, who felt the
This is also where many AMPs found themselves
need to single out AMPs specifically. There
after following the call of the Changelings. The
weren’t firefights in the streets, as both
group always did their best to stay away from
agencies were there to keep the peace, but
Saps, but Georgia became the first state to pass
the two organizations began getting in each
anti-AMP legislation. The law required all AMPs
other’s way as much as possible.
to register with the state and be issued a formal
The vast majority of movies filmed in
ID, also prohibiting them from owning firearms,
2016 took place in New York, from profes-
gathering in groups of three or more or holding
sional studios to indie productions. It be-
public office (far before the rest of the country

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
caught up). Going by the name the Purple Ring, in-
This made the Changelings a target, since vites to these secret cage fights spread all
they had nearly 100 members at their max. over the South, but especially in Alabama.
Once law enforcement and TRAC learned of Many of the criminals made deals with local
their existence, the state of Georgia declared militia (and even a few corrupt TRAC agents)
the Changelings to be outlaws and issued a to have captured AMPs delivered to the fight-
warrant for the arrest of their leader, Conduit, ing rings instead of to Camp Lejeune. Videos
which led to his arrest, the fracturing of the of these vicious battles began to surface on
group, and Conduit’s eventual trial. Several popular Internet sites depicting brutal cage
members of the Changelings have gone on fights between the AMPs. The videos gave no
to turn themselves in, but other members indication of the location of the fights, but
are attempting to rebuild. Their future is ten- comments by the video uploader indicat-
uous, especially if Conduit does not return to ed they were happening somewhere in the
Chapter Two: In Our Borders

lead them into the coming chaos. South. In the matches, a masked MC calling
himself Smoke announced the participants
South Carolina and “The Rule” – all powers were legal inside
The conflict from Georgia spilled over the ring, but none allowed outside of it. The
into surrounding states as militant AMPs in videos quickly garnered thousands of views
Tennessee, Alabama, and South Carolina took each, and comments left indicated about a
the fight to the Saps, creating a new group 50/50 split between rabid appreciation and
called Retribution. Open fighting between abject hatred for the bloodsport. In late Au-
TRAC and Retribution overtook the streets gust, the first death occurred in one of the
and governors called the National Guard fights, and the unedited video was uploaded.
on several occasions throughout the year to Retribution set out to eradicate this group,
protect key government buildings and aid and even took down some of the major loca-
state police in tracking down the ringleaders tions, but the Purple Ring continues.
of the various factions.
The blood in the street died down after a
few months, as Retribution gained more of a Great Lakes
foothold on the region and the group’s leader,
Spearfinger, claimed South Carolina as their
home. If they ever stayed in one place, the
The Great Lakes region pulled strong for
AMPs would have been defeated, but she had
AMP rights. At the same time, in the interest
learned from the Changelings’ mistake. Their
of self-protection, this was the site of secret
crew remained nomadic, so TRAC and those
blood testing at hospitals and schools. All
they serve would never know what hit them.
public schools began having blood draws
under the guise of testing for communica-
Alabama ble disease and an increased push for vacci-
As soon as people with power were discov- nations. On May 9, a family in Gary, Indiana
ered, the underground fighting circuit decided challenged the blood testing of their children
to make a spectacle of this new breed. At first, it by the school nurse and discovered the real
was one pet AMP who won almost every match reason for the testing – the school was keep-
and no one knew why they were unbeatable. ing a secret list of any children who tested
As AMPs became more commonplace, however, positive for the AMP gene, and this informa-
the number of cage fighters and the call for tion was being passed on to city and county
more and varied fighters increased. governments. The family contacted the ACLU

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
who soon slapped the school district with a made blood tests mandatory and completely
lawsuit. Within days, other instances in every legal, which passed easily. The new law pre-
Great Lakes state came to light, and more vented the names of those who tested pos-
lawsuits were filed. Pro-AMP politicians intro- itive from being publicly revealed, but that
duced legislation outlawing the illegal blood doesn’t mean this didn’t happen.
testing for signs of AMP genetics, but in every On November 16, an anonymous leak re-
state except Minnesota the legislation failed vealed the names of over seventy-five of
due to lack of enough support. Opponents these children, some tested at birth and oth-
of these efforts created their own bills that ers at school. Two days later, Cindy Williams,
an eighth grade girl in Lundee, Indiana, whose
name had been leaked, was found beaten and
hanged in her school gymnasium. A note
pinned to Cindy’s clothing had the

Chapter Two: In Our Borders

words “All freaks die!” written
in her own blood. The cor-
oner’s report revealed Cin-
dy’s test was a false positive, but
this was never made public.

Many know Detroit as the Mo-
tor City or the home of Motown,
but today it is a city struggling with
an economic blight that has forced
several from their homes, businesses
to close and promoted a bleak atmosphere.
Crime rates have steadily risen for years as
fewer jobs are available, forcing the residents
to turn to other means to survive. That is, until
they heard the news of Africa.
A young man by the name of Jerry Groce,
having just turned 18-years
old, had been follow-
ing the story of
the Lion of Af-
rica, who had
been cleaning
up the Sudan.
He looked at
the newspa-
per clippings
talking about
his only real
claim to fame
as the Brick
Bandit, but

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
suddenly wanted something more. His home drowning and made sure fishing was plentiful,
was not his home anymore; it was a desolate but no one has ever truly seen such a spirit.
wasteland that he intended to fix. Rashar never leave the comfort of the lake,
Shortening his name to just Bandit, Jer- feeling completely at peace and ignoring the
ry gathered his own gang of other young, world outside and the chaos that is on the way.
like-minded Detroit natives to promote
change. They were amazed when he touched
an old, rundown home only to see the shat- Great Plains
tered doors reform, holes in the walls and
foundation mend and a brand new house
stood before them in minutes. As America’s Oklahoma
gaze stayed firmly on the presidential race, The Great Plains states are an interesting
internal issues like the Siren and the trail of mix of conservative social values and strong-
Chapter Two: In Our Borders

Jeff “Conduit” Zitomer, very few news reports willed libertarianism, and this mix made for
followed the small, unnamed crew trying one of the least uniform regional responses
to improve their hometown. It wasn’t until to the emergence of the AMPs. The strong
Eminem mentioned the Bandit in one of his presence of the Seekers of Enlightenment
songs that people started to notice and the in Oklahoma went on to sway the normally
response was wholly positive. conservative state into accepting AMPs who
were not criminals or overt threats. Their
home state was one of the few places their
Lake Erie ultra-heroic deeds resonated with the peo-
For much of 2016, most AMPs just need to
ple to create an accepting place… or at least
find a way to get away from the overbearing
small pockets of safety.
fear others have of their kind. This is definite-
However, Oklahoma’s stance began to
ly true for a young man named Rashar, who
change after the Seekers changed their fo-
belongs to a family in Ohio who were part of
cus from being diplomats to avengers. With-
a militant anti-AMP group. His family didn’t
in weeks of Doctor Luminous’ change, the
know the truth about of their own, of course,
Seekers became more proactive in hunting
and he was not going to let them, but he also
down those who hurt or killed AMPs. They
just couldn’t take it in his home anymore.
did whatever they could to find their lost
During a school trip to Niagara Falls, he
comrade, Critter. For months, the Seekers
feigned an accident. While posing silly with
chased false lead after false lead, often lead-
other students in front of falls, he pretended
ing them into conflict with various factions
to trip and fall into the crushing waters be-
of the UHF and Typhoon. Doctor Luminous
low. Instead, however, upon hitting the water,
even teamed up with Retribution, a group
his gills opened and he let the power of the
the other Seekers would find detestable, as
waves flow through him until he turned into
a means to an end. Blinded by his hatred, he
water itself. His family mourned his loss, but
steered many of the group the wrong way.
used the excuse of his death to even further
During that time, the more peaceful mem-
devote themselves to their cause instead of
bers of the Seekers back in Oklahoma con-
think about their hurt.
tinued to do their best to aid AMPs in need.
While most think him to be gone, Rashar
They began to advocate for AMP rights, espe-
instead flowed with the natural currents until
cially in light of the rising tide of anti-AMP
he reached Lake Erie where he made his new
sentiment. Their aims were skewed, however,
home. Those who visit the lake whisper about
by other members of the Seekers who took
the spirit of the lake who has saved many from
Doctor Luminous’ new mission statement to

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
heart and took the fight – literally – to the an- state legislature passed a measure banning
ti-AMP factions within the state of Oklahoma. all AMPs from the state – any AMPs caught
Numerous firefights and brawls took place in the state would be escorted to the nearest
throughout the state as the summer slid into state line and sent across.
fall. All of this on top of managing a school Talk about the Longmire Incident spread
was tough to handle, and yet their teachers almost everywhere in the nation as a horror
hold it together until Doctor Luminous re- story about AMPs and their increased dan-
turns to the fold to hopefully guide the Seek- ger when on drugs. Several lighter-heart-
ers of Enlightenment closer to their goals. ed infomercials were released shortly after
teaching kids to stay off drugs using the line
North Dakota “Or you may turn into an AMP and this might
A lot of folks looking for a new life ar- happen,” followed by TRAC agents dragging
the user away. It was absurd, obviously, but

Chapter Two: In Our Borders

rived in the Bakken oil fields North Dakota,
and AMPs were no exception. Most of the many now believe that drugs can turn their
crews asked few, if any, questions, and the families into horrible monsters.
influx of employees left the already taxed
local and state police too busy to focus on Iowa
AMPs who kept their powers under wraps. In Iowa, two massive footprints were dis-
Unfortunately, this also brought in criminals covered near Larchwood. The prints matched
of all types, each one hoping to profit off the prints found the previous year near Fair-
the downtrodden, including human traffick- field, 350 miles southeast of Larchwood.
ers and War Path dealers. On March 14, an The residents expected the worst follow-
AMP named Jonathon Longmire showed up ing many of the terrible events which had
for work on an oil rig near Wheelock, North occurred since AMPs were discovered. They
Dakota high on War Path. When the supervi- begged the governor to send in the Nation-
sor demanded Longmire leave the work site, al Guard to help TRAC protect them, but the
the drugged-up AMP became enraged, went governor refused. On July 29, a man doing
on a rampage and killed six co-workers. The some night fishing at Fisher Grove State Park
result was nineteen wounded attempting to in northeast South Dakota was startled by
escape the oil rig, which was destroyed. This a twenty-foot tall creature with oversized
also caused a spillage of several thousand feet. The creature was described as looking
gallons of crude oil. Longmire eluded the like an odd cross between a human and an
state police and TRAC agents were at a loss. ape, wearing a homemade kilt. The creature
Some suspected Longmire had ways to hide was drinking water from the river when the
his location, either through invisibility or ne- angler came to check on his lines. It stared
gating his energy signature altogether. He is at him for a moment, and then bolted off
now on TRAC Elite’s Top 10 Most Wanted list. to the northeast. It ran surprisingly swiftly
The death and destruction wreaked by and smoothly for its size and considering
Longmire caused an almost immediate back- the oversized feet. He also noted that it was
lash against AMPs in the Bakken region (con- exceptionally quiet as it ran away. A sizable
sisting of northeastern Montana, western party of locals stalked the area over the next
North Dakota, extreme northwestern South two weeks, hunting for the creature/person,
Dakota and parts of southern Saskatchewan, but it seemed to have once again vanished.
Canada), resulting in oil companies imme-
diately terminating the employment of all
known AMPs. On May 4, the North Dakota

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
South Dakota Pacific Northwest
Oklahoma and its surrounding states be-
came the focus of Seekers of Enlightenment
to scour for potential dangers and defeat Idaho
them, hopefully with a camera on them at The region is a combination of mostly lib-
the same time. South Dakota was overall ac- eral social values and libertarian beliefs, and
cepting of AMPs as long as they didn’t cause Idaho was the only Pacific Northwest state to
any trouble, but one day in June 2016, an an- pass an anti-AMP law. The law allowed state
ti-AMP agenda began to overflow. and local police to respond to the presence
This all began with Shell, a known crusad- of known AMPs with lethal force, regardless
er for the Seekers, watching a car accident of the AMP’s intentions. This new law cou-
about to occur. As a force field manipulator, he pled with looser gun-control laws through-
Chapter Two: In Our Borders

summoned a shield that stopped a city bus out the country was bound to be a deadly
from colliding with the side of a building. Un- combination.
fortunately, this made the bus ricochet and hit On May 16, Idaho State Police killed two
a series of parked cars instead. No one was AMPs at a truck stop outside of Idaho Falls.
injured, which was a good thing, but the own- The pair of AMPs – a man and woman – were
er of one of the cars exited a nearby building apparently on their way to Oregon and got
and drew a firearm on Shell. Newcomers to into an argument with the manager of the
the scene made many assumptions about the truck stop when he refused them service.
scene going forward: What did that AMP do Two troopers were having lunch in the din-
to cause that man to pull his gun? The AMP er, heard the argument and responded with
must have caused this accident. The AMP guns blazing after it became obvious the
must also be aggressive, because why else pair were AMPs. Reaction in town and in the
draw a weapon? Other civilians drew their regional media was overwhelmingly in sup-
concealed weapons, firing shots that Shell port of the actions of the troopers. “Troopers
easily deflected with his force fields. Slay Dangerous Duo” read one local head-
Sadly, his fellow Seekers arrived only to line. The precinct received credited TRAC
see people shooting at their friend. Inukpak, status and was supplied with the very best
a hulking strong man, picked up one of the equipment so the troopers could “keep up
men he assumed to be a criminal of some the good work.”
sort and threw him into a building. Arbiter,
an emotional manipulator, also arrived and Montana
sent another shooter into an instant bout of For the most part, the response in Mon-
depression. Then TRAC showed up to see a tana was left to the local city and county
gang of AMPs terrorizing downtown Aber- governments. On the eastern side of the
deen… that led to one of the most gruesome state, most counties followed suit with North
encounters of the year, dubbed the Aberdeen Dakota after the Longmire Incident, and city
Massacre (pg. 19). and county law enforcement was put on high
After the event, though it hurt TRAC’s im- alert after Longmire was spotted near Poplar,
age from their overreaction and killing of so Montana, headed west. In western Montana,
many AMPs who had done nothing wrong, the more liberal cities passed local pro-AMP
the town continued without blinking an eye. measures, welcoming AMPs into Missoula,
Business as usual was the phrase of the day, Kalispell, Butte, and Bozeman.
and its citizens were ready for another AMP It was in these cities that the Orphans
to try something. movement began. The group of AMPs start-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Chapter Two: In Our Borders
ed small, with only a band of five meeting distasteful treatment of AMPs and it wasn’t
to discuss the current state of chaos having much better anywhere else on Earth. They
hit the US. It didn’t take long, however, be- needed to leave the planet and only Starfield
fore they exponentially grew in size. New had the power to make that happen (one of
members were drawn to the leader named his other gifts). Tidal became the spokesper-
Starfield, a man full of wonder about the fu- son for the Orphans, even having one of their
ture and despair about the world today. The members interrupt the entire nation’s TV sig-
Orphans watched the formation of TRAC and nals to invite others to leave with them.
the atrocities the new agency began wreak- On December 11, 2016, the Orphans got
ing on their brothers and sisters. They saw their wish. They, and any other AMP who
the Judas AMPs working for TRAC Elite, sell- wanted to join them in an escape from Earth,
ing out their own kind for a brief moment vanished in a flash of light. No one knows
in the spotlight. They saw the length AMPs where they actually went, but TRAC is look-
went to for a bit of control, like the explosion ing for signs, as are the Seekers of the En-
at LAX. They trembled in fear of the Faceless lightenment.
along with other AMPs, as well. Everything
that happened, they felt every bit of it ten-
fold; such was Starfield’s gift.
Starfield’s best friend, named Tidal, con-
vinced him it was time to take drastic mea-
sures. The US was not going to stop their

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Southwest state reeling in disorder and depression.

California While none of the other Southwestern
In the Southwestern states, numerous lo- states passed laws as extreme as the Tex-
cal and state ordinances went into effect very as law, it was clear that AMPs were not wel-
soon after the formation of TRAC, all of them come in the region. Despite this, a fair num-
detrimental to AMPs. Even normally liberal ber of AMPs congregated in the Las Vegas,
California passed a law forbidding any com- Nevada area, where enforcement of Nevada’s
pany doing business in California from em- own anti-AMP laws – passed in the wake of
ploying a known AMP. While the law did not last year’s Battle of Reno – was notorious-
specifically make it illegal to be an AMP in ly lax. The state authorities overlooked Ve-
Chapter Two: In Our Borders

California, it effectively prohibited open AMPs gas’ lax attitude until August 14, when three
from gaining employment in the state. AMPs high on War Path rampaged down the
The biggest impact of this law was when Las Vegas strip, killing fourteen and sending
several well-known actors and more than two over three dozen to the hospital. If not for
dozen stunt performers were revealed to be the intervention by several TRAC agents, it
AMPs. This led to a major shakeup in Holly- would have been worse. After this incident,
wood, as numerous actors, producers, writers, Las Vegas began enforcing the state’s an-
and directors left the state – and not all of ti-AMP laws, arresting any who were obvi-
them were AMPs (many were just supporters). ously AMPs and forcibly removing them from
By the end of the year, all of the major stu- the state (transporting most to California).
dios had moved their headquarters out of the Most AMPs knew not to venture into Ne-
state and out of the region, with several of vada, since it was Typhoon territory. Despite
them moving to the New York City area and all of the terrible acts done to AMPs in the
others making their home in Hawaii. name of keeping the peace, the organization
Disney was made a very public example continued to put out new and interesting
after they refused to fire AMP employees. drugs. First, it was War Path and then Bliss
The federal law hit the company hard with followed, creating a whole new reason for
several fines, which crippled the internation- the war on drugs to kick into overdrive. The
al brand. Many stopped visiting Disneyland, governments instituted drug raids all over
and Disney World by extension, which de- the state, cracking down on as much traf-
stroyed their tourist revenue. Within months, ficking as they could find. While they found
the company had lost so much that its board lots of the everyday drugs like cocaine and
of directors were forced to abide by the law heroin, only a handful of dens had even the
or risk losing millions more. smallest amount of these unique AMP-laced
The economic drop hurt California con- drugs. Where were these drugs coming from
siderably. Almost overnight, entire neighbor- and how were people getting them if not in
hoods became ghost towns. Stock markets the usual way? The authorities continue to
crashed and some of the wealthiest in the be baffled by the Matriarch’s plans.
state instantly lost their fortunes. It wasn’t
only the Hollywood elite escaping California; Texas
it was everyone else too. Some stayed behind In Texas, extremist religious groups pro-
because of sentimental attachment to their claimed AMPs to be a tool of Satan and a
hometown or other reasons, but the jobs mar- clear sign of the End Times. They managed
ket dried up almost completely, leaving the to ramrod legislation that declared AMPs to

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
not be human, furthering the moniker of un-
human or “non-human persons,” ostensibly
Washington, DC
drawing legal connections between this law The seat of the White House sits be-
and a law passed by India a couple of years tween the South’s restrictive legislation
earlier. Whereas the Indian law was designed and the Northeast’s accepting nature. This
to protect non-human persons from being region, however, is also firmly in the center
hunted or exhibited for profit, however, the of the debate both geographically and po-
Texas law was designed purely to remove litically. Walking the streets of DC is where
the rights of all AMPs in Texas. No language the most TRAC agents per square mile are
was included offering any protections, rights found, keeping national landmarks and the
or freedoms. This effectively made it legal to president himself safe from the possibility
kill an AMP without provocation. Within days that a terrorist with superpowers (not one of
of the passing of the Texas law, over five doz- these AMPs treated like terrorists, but actual

Chapter Two: In Our Borders

en people across the state were killed in a terrorists) will target and destroy them. This
slew of confrontations. only heightened after the Clash of the Titans.
In Houston, an AMP with the power to form Countless protests and rallies can be
a black sword-like weapon out of thin air be- found everywhere in Washington DC, some
gan calling himself the Executor. He would for AMPs and some against, but always large
then track down anyone who had harmed or and loud. It is a truly polarizing topic and the
killed an AMP in cold blood and take that American people are not shy. More frequent
person’s life by beheading them. The Execu- were individual attacks on those who passed
tor quickly rose to the top of TRAC’s and the the restrictive laws in the first place. Several
Texas Rangers’ Most Wanted List, but by the senators wondered if they should leave their
end of the year had not been caught, and homes, after the attempts on four senators’
all while performing over two dozen execu- lives. Luckily, TRAC was there to save the day
tions. By the end of the year, the Executor for two of those instances. The other two vic-
had drawn the attention of the Hounds and tims, sadly, met their end in 2016.
even the Faceless, each determined to bring
him in or bring him down.
This connection of dark intent to the Alaska
power to manipulate shadows became all
too apparent. The public knew the TRAC Elite Like Montana, Alaska debated both pro-
member, Nether, from his heroic exploits tak- and anti-AMP laws but passed neither. While
ing down AMPs for the good of the people, there were a couple of minor incidents in
but few outside of AMP communities knew of Juneau and Anchorage, Alaska did not ex-
his seemingly endless death toll for months perience any significant issues that led the
before his capture and “rehabilitation.” The state’s population to demand action one way
Seekers of Enlightenment have run addi- or the other. A group identifying itself only as
tional tests on those with Darkness powers, Solitude formed a small camp in north cen-
hoping to find a link to the mental instability tral Alaska, a few miles off the famed Dal-
the power caused in those who possessed it. ton Highway. One member of the group is
To date, there is no new information to share. known to have illusory powers used to hide
their camp from the cursory searches by au-
thorities and local anti-AMP groups. Solitude
shares a lot in common with the Changelings,
except they are more than willing to defend
themselves from attacks. The group quiet-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
ly spread word of their existence through who claimed to have been falsely accused by
psychic channels, offering a place for AMPs the Nā ‘Aumākua, tried by their secret courts
to live in peace and quiet, miles away from and executed. A few of them even devoured
civilization. Their numbers have only risen whole by the leaders of the group.
to around 14 members, but each of them is Charon attempted to infiltrate the Nā
quite powerful. What they lack, currently, is ‘Aumākua’s camps to expose the truth, only
direction, and many wonder what will hap- to be captured and strung up. He demand-
pen if members of the Seekers of Enlighten- ed his freedom, but Kyle Hickok, one of the
ment, Typhoon or even the Hounds approach higher ups, ordered instead to drown Charon
them. Each Affiliation is likely drag Solitude and throw his body into the nearest volcano.
in their direction for better or worse. As the Nā ‘Aumākua members dragged Char-
After North Dakota passed its anti-AMP law on up the volcano, he loosed a grenade from
following the Longmire Incident, the Prudhoe his pack and blew himself and his captors to
Chapter Two: In Our Borders

Bay oil fields had a sudden influx of AMPs kingdom come. Having Regeneration made it
seeking jobs in the same high-paying indus- easy for Charon to return from this blast, but
try they had been working in. While there was the others weren’t so lucky. In the end, he de-
some anti-AMP sentiment among individuals, cided to leave the island of his own accord,
no laws, ordinances or bans were in place and but plans on going back with reinforcements.
the new employees were welcomed.
New Hollywood
After the mass migration of the entertain-
Hawaii ment industry from California to Hawaii, many
Hawaii passed a very strong anti-discrim- studios moved their production headquarters.
ination law following the formation of TRAC, In September, a New Hollywood sign was of-
and proclaimed itself a “domestic safe haven” ficially erected on the slopes above Honolulu,
for all AMPs. Wanting to aid in these efforts, a proclaiming the area as the new center of the
gathering of AMPs formed the Nā ‘Aumākua, entertainment industry. Most actors outed as
the Sacred Guardians, who became proactive AMPs also moved to the islands, including Jen-
in keeping rogue AMPs in check. They weren’t nifer Stewart who became the media darling
going to let one bad apple spoil the bunch; of AMPs. Filming of several films were halted
the bunch in this case was the values and in the wake of such a business exodus, but
society handcrafted by the Hawaiian people. most studios compensated by incorporating
The Nā ‘Aumākua would not let these evil el- their stars’ powers into the films to save on
ements invade their land. It wasn’t long until budgetary needs. Still, theaters across the US
everyone knew about the Hawaiian AMPs’ refused to screen any movie with major AMP
secret courts where they would try and judge actors, even leading to a few terrorist attacks
those deemed criminals. on those who didn’t follow suit. Conversely,
The crime rates dropped dramatically several movies about lone gunmen taking on
over the course of 2015, nearly being elim- terrible enemies, with the head bad guy usu-
inated. The last incident on record occurred ally being an AMP of some kind (through the
after All Souls’ Day where an AMP named magic of makeup and special effects, of course),
Charon ventured to the island in search of became all the rage and raking in millions at
refuge, like most others who made their way the box office. The biggest star of 2016 was
to Hawaii. When All Souls’ Day brought hun- Andrew Carrico, who played the role of Duke
dreds of ghosts back from the dead, Charon Carnage, a no nonsense, AMP-killing veteran.
was known to have spoken to several ghosts

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Chapter Three:
Global Reach
AMPs did not just appear in the United human rights to AMPs. Meanwhile, China and
States of America, but in all regions around Russia have declared all AMPs that do not
the world. The mutant populations in oth- work for the state as enemies thereof, even
er countries grew at different rates. While taking a page from TRAC and looking to use
Chapter Three: Global Reach

in most countries this experience has been AMPs to take each other out.
slower than in the United States, a handful of Just as countries react on a national level,
countries were already dealing with their own each community, each individual, reacts as well.
mutant problems by the time of the Presi- Some communities act to isolate themselves
dent’s assassination at the beginning of 2016. from the changes, trying to wall out the prob-
While accurate worldwide demographic lem until others have dealt with it. Wherever
information is impossible to come by, analysts religious and community leaders have raised
from the Seekers of Enlightenment and other their voices against mutants, children who are
organizations have used predictive modeling different - whether they are mutants or not -
techniques to make estimates. They estimate feel compelled to stay silent and hide those
that the five countries most involved in Proj- differences as best they can. Each day brings
ect Black - Germany and Russia in Europe, Co- a new report of some community turning into
lumbia in South America, and Thailand and a violent mob against a suspected AMP. Those
China in Asia - have the highest per capita who are different but not graced with super-
AMP population after the United States. How- powers fear for their own safety.
ever, the mutant potential has awakened in However, not all societies react with vi-
people all across the globe. Suspected caus- olence and fear. Those groups who had no
es of this widespread dissemination include power in society before see within AMPs their
increased population mobility and the influ- power to effect change for the better. Others
ence of major wars. Of those continents and see mutants as harbingers of a great social
countries that were not principles in Project revolution. The popular symbol of a raised fist
Black, Europe and Japan stand out as having has begun appearing surrounded by a halo of
larger AMP populations than expected. energy - a clear indication that revolutionary
To the chagrin of the Seekers and the now- groups have adapted to the new situation.
gone Suppression, some public bloggers have Still other communities view amps as a
used the same techniques to identify six nations source neither of fear nor disruptive change,
as having an exceptional number of AMPs. None but as a new facet of the world that needs
of them knows what this might mean, but to embracing. These societies attempt to work
those who do, it is a step toward dragging the with AMPs to keep society stable and all the
secrets of Project Black into the public eye. people within it fulfilled and safe. This is the
Each country where mutants have ap- toughest row for any community to hoe due
peared is trying to find its own way of dealing to the unstable and destructive potential
with them. Whereas the United States - due to within any single AMP.
the president’s assassination - sees AMPs as a
threat to national security, countries such as
Sweden have already passed laws that extend

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
AMPs and Globalization search.” On the other hand, Genetik has hired
local AMPs to supplement its security forces.
Whereas governments must cope with the Meanwhile, AMPs and their gifts pose se-
existence of AMPs on a national security level rious questions to the scientific community.
and communities on the social stability level, They threaten to overthrow not just evolu-
business sees within them a fertile new niche tionary biology, but physics, chemistry and
for potential profits. ADE security has already other fields as well. Because of the near im-
started mass-producing “anti-amp security possibility of getting an AMP into a controlled
measures” to market to fearful homeowners. environment for study, though, the scientists
Meanwhile, research and development firms who could most benefit from this research
seek to employ AMPs to give them an edge over can only gnash their teeth in frustration.
their Sap competitors. They may use a blaster

Chapter Three: Global Reach

as a living, mobile power source; or a shaper
to manipulate a hundred machines simultane- International Waters
ously; or a mindbender to perform sociological
It’s always the same. The boat is out in
research at undreamt of levels of detail.
open water, not a single echo on the radar,
Despite new opportunities, however, AMPs
when a mist rises from the water. The crew
also pose a threat to the marketplace. Their
hears cackling and clawing sounds. Over-
battles can cause millions in damages. A sin-
whelmed by fear, they lock themselves inside
gle AMP with a grudge against a company can
their cabins or stations. A boat with unknown
grind operations to a halt. MilCorp has been
markings approaches, and the Siren and her
quick to call in government troops to protect
crew of pirates enter the doomed ship. To date,
their weapons-manufacturing facilities around
they have not taken a single life, due to Siren’s
the world against AMP saboteurs even while
aura of fear that keeps the crew subdued. The
they scheme to capture the culprits for “re-
Siren radios a ransom demand with a short
timetable, sometimes just a few hours. She
“This is a paradigm shift of unfath- threatens that if the ransom is not paid, the
omable proportions. The things these boat and its cargo will never be seen again.
people do supersede the limits of known The first time The Siren and her crew pulled
science. We can now say without a doubt this operation, the parent company responded
that even our most cutting-edge theories with a generic, “We do not deal with terrorists.”
in the fields were just too narrow-mind- The Siren replied, “We are no terrorists, sir.
ed. While these individuals have leap- We are the voices of those lost at sea, come to
frogged our understanding for now, I reclaim what is ours by right. If you sail across
know for a fact that the methodology of our corpses, prepare to pay our price.”
science will catch up and bring these ben- When the deadline for that first ransom
efits to every living person on the planet. elapsed, The Siren proved as good as her
Someone, somewhere, knows something. word. When rescue ships arrived at the last
These superhumans didn’t just come from known location of the missing vessel, they
nowhere. By not sharing their knowledge found nothing but a single life raft containing
with the world, they are stealing from the skeleton crew who had been aboard the
future generations and threatening the tanker. When asked what happened to their
well-being of humanity as whole.” tanker, the captain’s eyes went wide and he
whispered, “It vanished with the mist.”
- Dr. Samantha Belrose, Wageningen The Siren has struck more than a dozen
University and Research Center. boats since that time, mostly transports carry-
ing international goods, whaling vessels from

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Chapter Three: Global Reach

Japan and oil tankers. Half of those times the

shipping companies paid her ransom, the
Central and
other half they did not. Either way, it cost the
companies millions of dollars.
South America
Companies that rely on international trade The history of South America is one of vio-
are growing worried about these attacks. The lence and recovery, crime and justice. It was the
Siren strikes in open water, far from the usual pawn of the old-world powers during the age of
hunting grounds of modern-day pirates. Some colonialism and a chessboard for the machina-
businesses have even started requesting mili- tions of the United States and the Soviet Union
tary escorts across the oceans, or have taken to during the Cold War. Then, just as the countries
hiring mercenaries to protect especially valuable of South America have stabilized, AMPs showed
cargo. However, Sap mercenaries have proven up and complicated thing even more.
just as susceptible to The Siren’s fear aura as the While in many ways the countries of South
crews themselves. It’s just a matter of time before America are the least prepared to deal with
someone hires an undercover AMP crew, hoping the AMP phenomenon, mutants also provide
they are immune to The Siren’s fear aura and ca- the region with a margin of hope. Whereas
pable of bringing her to justice. the mutant population is spread more dif-
fusely in Europe and Asia, South America’s
mutant population is centralized in Colombia,
and diversifies from there.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Brazil recruiting the poor of Peru into his mystery
Despite being a regional super-power, only cult. This AMP began making appearances in
a handful of AMPs have appeared in Brazil. January 2016 over villages and towns, calling
Because of this, the maturity of that country’s the downtrodden to make the climb to his
civil systems and the government’s no-non- camp in the mountains. Eyewitnesses inter-
sense attitude toward AMPs, Brazilian AMPs viewed by Peruvian media describe him as
must either isolate themselves or risk rapid a winged serpent covered in white feathers.
police responses. To some, recruitment by Ty- They say Quetzalcoatl promised that he could
phoon agents seems like the best alternative grant his followers the powers of the Gods.
to incarceration or exile. Outside observers are certain that Quetzal-
coatl is a shape-shifting AMP. They are much
less certain about this entity’s promises of
Cuba granting its followers powers.

Chapter Three: Global Reach

Cuba’s smaller population, lack of direct
In May, Typhoon sent an expedition into
involvement in Project Black and isolation all
the mountains, using its connections in the
conspire to prevent any native AMPs from ap-
local government to make it look like an of-
pearing in this country. Despite this, the Com-
ficial operation. None of the dozen soldiers
munist government has been quick to recog-
who accompanied the Typhoon operatives
nize the potential in AMPs, and has seized upon
made it down the mountain alive, and the sin-
a unique opportunity. One day after the reveal
gle Typhoon AMP who did ranted and raved
of TRAC in the United States, Cuba made a dra-
about “the wings in the sky” before having to
matic public broadcast announcing that, “The
be sedated and taken to a hospital.
people of Cuba embrace our AMP friends. To
After the incident, the Peruvian government
those AMPs who are hunted, who are feared by
has approached the situation with an eye to-
their own people, we offer our hand in friend-
ward containment. Local authorities have set up
ship. Cuba declares itself a refuge for all AMPs.”
roadblocks on all the main paths up the moun-
Despite the CIA’s attempts to censor this
tain, but this has done little to keep savvy lo-
message in the United States, it was carried
cals from abandoning their villages and making
and spread across new media until it reached
their way up to join Quetzalcoatl’s group.
all ears that cared to hear it. There were few
No one knows what Quetzalcoatl’s end
takers at first - even hunted, hated and per-
game is. He could have a hundred or a thou-
secuted, few wanted to leave their homes or
sand followers up in the mountain with him.
the culture they knew. However, as the United
The Peruvian government is terrified Quetzal-
States ratcheted up tensions, first a few AMPs,
coatl’s claims are real, and they may soon be
then a few more fled to safety in Cuba, where
faced with a super-powered cult.
they were met with open arms and celebra-
tion. These refugees realize all too well that
the Cuban government is using them for pro- Colombia
paganda purposes, but so far, Cuba has kept Colombia was one of the six Project Black
its word. The handfuls of AMPs that have im- principals, and the repercussions of that partic-
migrated to Cuba are treated like heroes. ipation have etched dire consequences across
this troubled country. Still struggling with the
problems of crime, drugs and violence, the
Peru appearance of the first AMPs in this country
High in the mountains of the Andes near
proved one problem too many for the govern-
the ruins of Machu Picchu, another force has
ment. The sheer numbers of mutants who have
begun drawing people from their homes.
appeared in Colombia have swamped authori-
Whereas Cuba is attempting to draw in AMPs,
ties’ ability to cope with them.
an AMP calling himself Quetzalcoatl has been

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
The view of the Colombian on the street is
AMPs are a destabilizing factor their country
cannot afford. While some high-profile mem- In March, after the revelation of AMPs’ ex-
bers of the church hierarchy have offered istence to the entire world, an aid-worker in
AMPs sanctuary and guidance, the mood of the Sudan uploaded a short video to YouTube.
the commoner is that mutants should just go After panning around a refugee camp, the
away and take their troubles with them. camera settles on one tired-looking woman,
Colombian AMPs awaken into a very vio- children playing at her feet. She looks up at
lent country. A resurgent FARC (Revolutionary the camera and begins to speak, her words
Armed Forces of Columbia), boosted by a few accented but clear, “Wherever you are now,
AMP soldiers, has launched attacks against remember that we need you. You, who have
the government in many regions of the coun- been blessed by God, do not forget us. The
try, forcing the legitimate government to re-
Chapter Three: Global Reach

world has forgotten us, massacred by our own

treat from outlying cities altogether. Even if countrymen and abandoned by aid organiza-
an AMP can avoid that conflict, other criminal tions. You can help us. Just one person with
organizations and drug cartels actively recruit your abilities to could bring so much hope
new AMPs, promising them safety, drugs, mon- to so many of us. Isn’t there just one of you
ey, sex, whatever it takes to convince them to who will set aside your own problems to help
join them. On top of all of these native prob- us deal with ours?” As she spoke, the camera
lems, Typhoon has imported its own forms of pulled back, showing the thousands of ragged
misery into the country. From its main head- survivors milling around the camp.
quarters, the manufacturing facility of the For two months, this anonymous wom-
drug War Path, Typhoon sends its own AMPs an’s plea became a media blur but ultimately
- recruited in Colombia and elsewhere - out went unanswered. Then one day, the answer
on training missions that leave devastation came from a surprising place. This time, the
in their wake. By the end of 2015, Colombia camera operator captured an unscripted
descended into uncontrolled chaos. Between scene. The footage starts with people running
the civil war with the resurgent FARC, conflict past the camera, then the roar of an engine
as Typhoon wrestles control from the other becomes audible; the camera pans into a
drug cartels and the government desperately dust-cloud kicked up by a military jeep slid-
trying to defend the last vestiges of its power, ing to a stop. Four men armed with automat-
there is practically no region of the country ic weapons jump off, firing into the air. The
spared from tragedy. gunmen wade into the crowd, recruiting girls
The United States government, strug- and boys into their militia by grabbing them
gling with its own internal problems, has and hauling them away. The camera shakes
condemned the situation but made no of- as it zooms in on a single man hunched down,
ficial offers of aid. Everyone realizes that a standing between one gunmen and a group
destabilized Colombia is bad for the entire of children. The gunmen shouts at him, but
hemisphere, however, so the CIA and other the man just clenches his teeth. With a sneer,
extra-governmental actors have covert ops gunman raises his assault rifle to his shoulder,
teams at the ready to infiltrate the country and squeezes a burst into the refugee.
and restore stability, but the powder keg of The man curls as the bullets thud into him.
Colombia is already exploding, and these co- The soldier laughs, moving toward the wide-
vert ops teams might be too little too late. eyed children. Then a miracle happens. Si-
lence spreads like wildfire as the man stands
up. There is no blood. His dirty clothes hang
off him in rags. Now all the soldiers raise their
weapons, overloading the portable camera’s

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
gunfire; even grenades did not faze him. He
The Lion’s Oath could run at speeds so fast he became invisi-
All people - AMPs and Saps alike - ble and his strength seemed without limit. He
who want to work with the Lion, must never ate and he never tired.
pledge themselves to uphold the follow- After single-handedly disarming dozens
ing oath. The Lion etched the oath into of militia groups, the Lion’s ethical core ap-
a stone monument in the capitol capital peared just as strong as his superpowers. He
city. “I will use the strength God has giv- never killed anyone who surrendered or re-
en me to improve the welfare of others, treated. While he fought bandits and soldiers,
never for my own benefit. Where I am, he spent just as much time building infra-
the defenseless shall have a shield, and structure, establishing working civil govern-
the voiceless an unignored call. To those ments and recruiting the Sudanese people to
who threaten the peace of the Sudan, I aid him. He charged a handpicked cadre of
Chapter Three: Global Reach

will bring swift and merciful justice.” followers called the Pride to keep the peace in
liberated regions as he moved on to the next
microphone as they unload burst after burst one. Moreover, even though the Lion invited
into the man until their clips run dry. Flattened aid groups into the Sudan to help, he kept the
slugs clatter around the man’s feet like rain. He focus on using the resources and people of
walks toward the soldiers. One steps forward, the Sudan to improve their conditions.
rifle raised and slams the butt of it into his By late August, the Lion had stabilized
face. The man shows no reaction to the blow large areas of the Sudan. He had established
and backhands the soldier. The camera twists the framework for a thriving political party
to follow as the man flies back fifty feet un- system, but when the country had its first free
til he lands like a rag doll, smashing into the elections, it surprised no one when his party
windshield of the jeep. The camera snaps back won all the seats in parliament and after the
to the new super-powered man who rips the people spoke, The Lion himself was the new
rifles away from the other soldiers, twisting Prime Minister. After giving a stirring speech
the iron into useless knots with one hand. The about his love for the Sudan and its people, he
soldiers run, piling into their jeep and raising began the final push to eliminate the remains
another dust cloud as they drive away. Children of the previous regime and to rid the Sudan of
run back into the arms of their sobbing parents, warlords. By December, the Lion had control of
but the camera stays trained on the AMP as the entirety of the Sudan. There was not a sin-
he grinds the weapons the gunmen dropped gle small arm to be found that wasn’t in the
into dust. When the man turns to the camera, hands of the Lion’s army. Civil works achieved
his face is set in a mask of determination. The at a scale never seen before catapulted the
camera zooms into the man’s face as he speaks, Sudanese economy. Month-to-month gains of
“Hear me, you who have forgotten the Sudan, 50% GDP fueled housing development and
you who use it as a playground for your terror. rapid industrialization. Foreign economists
From this day forward, you are no longer wel- predicted the Sudanese economy would soon
come here. The Sudan is free.” drown under inflation, but this predicted, even
On that day, things began to change in the longed for catastrophe never occurred.
Sudan. The man known to the world as the The world’s attention, distracted by their
Lion of Africa fought back against the region’s own AMP-related troubles, turned around to
warlords and corrupt government. As more find a stable and powerful Sudan rising to
videos of his exploits surfaced, it became ob- rapid prominence in eastern Africa. Anti-AMP
vious the Lion was more powerful than any groups jumped on the opportunity to point
other known AMP. He seemed immune to to the disruptive potential of AMPs. Neigh-
boring towns and villages in Chad and Ethi-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
opia began clamoring for the Lion to protect ularly around London and Cardiff.
them, and when the Lion showed interest in A handful of AMPs and their sympathizers
extending his domain to include them, all the hide in the miles of forgotten underground
adjacent countries began militarizing their tunnels beneath London. This refugee city-
borders as quickly as possible. The world within-a-city has ties with the Changelings
waits and watches to see what the new year in America and other similar groups around
will bring; will the Lion attempt to annex Europe. Knowledge of this “London Under-
land from his neighbors, or will they form an ground” has been reported in the tabloid in
alliance to try to eliminate the Lion first with ways so sensational that few believe them. Of
a preemptive strike? course, that was the whole point of planting
The Lion has begun recruiting AMPs to fill the stories in the first place.
the gaps he himself cannot fill, and to ease In August the novel, “The Weal of the
his workload so he can concentrate on the World” was published in the UK. A semi-au-

Chapter Three: Global Reach

task of leadership. As the Lion and his Pride tobiographical narrative of an Iranian ex-pat
forge a new path for the Sudan, some outside living in London, it dealt with the author’s dis-
observers have started calling the Sudan the covery of his mutant abilities, and his internal
world’s first AMP-tocracy. battle to find balance between his religious
beliefs, his adopted culture and the shocking
changes to his body and mind. Despite in-
Europe tense critical praise for its compassionate and
insightful narrative, and despite being nomi-
While concentrated in Germany and Rus- nated for several book awards, no publisher
sia, all the countries in Europe have AMPs in outside of Europe has seen fit to print it. In De-
higher numbers than found in South Ameri- cember, after receiving multiple death-threats
can or African countries. This may be due to and fatwas, unknown assailants murdered the
the influence of Germany and Russia during author in his home with scrawls of “Death to
the Second World War, or due to the prosperity mutos,” in spray-paint over the spines of the
and mobility around the region. The European books in his extensive library.
response to the appearance of AMPs has been
as varied as its many cultures. Some nations
experience anti-AMP violence and paranoia, France
while others have extended a hand of friend- The impacts AMPs have created on the
ship toward this new subspecies of humanity. rest of the world have had little effect on
France because of the simple and curious
fact that not a single mutant has appeared on
The United Kingdom French soil. Even cursory demographic analy-
As a country familiar with hate-motivated sis shows France should have dozens of AMPs
violence, it came as no surprise that anti-AMP by the end of 2016, but it does not even have
hate groups would be on the rise in the UK. The a small handful. This lack is a complete mys-
UHF has connections with several sister-orga- tery, especially as the nation is adjacent to
nizations within Great Britain. These groups Germany, one of the nations with the highest
already had ties into both houses of the British AMP population. This statistical anomaly has
parliament, connections they use to enact AMP the Seekers not just curious, but worried, and
registration laws. Around Great Britain, police they’ve organized several research teams to
mobilized to ‘escort’ AMPs to registration cen- try to find the cause.
ters. When the police turned a blind eye to the Meanwhile, the Fifth Republic is using this
firebombing of a business owned by mutant breathing space to try to approach the prob-
sympathizers, social activists swarmed into the lem without the sense of emergency that has
street to protest. The situation is tense, partic-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
blinkered other countries. The government in- The case of Wilhelm Durchen illustrates
troduced new training programs to police and the success of Germany’s programs. A salaried
other emergency responders. An open public employee of Deutsche Technicorp, Durchen
debate occurs at all levels of society. France led a group of scientists developing nanobot
sends observers to study Germany’s Extraor- technology. His research group had already
dinary Crimes Research Group. France feels made great progress, and under controlled
ready to greet its first citizen AMP with cau- conditions, their bot swarms were able to per-
tious friendship, with a studied balance not form unsupervised repairs on different types
afforded to any other industrial nation. Still of machines. Deutsche Technicorp was ready
it waits, and its people wonder if there isn’t to patent this technology and begin selling
already an AMP who can rebuff other AMPs them into the marketplace.
living among them. Then Durchen - a man already in his
mid-forties - awakened to his AMP heritage in
Chapter Three: Global Reach

Germany the middle of a marketing demonstration. The

As one of the principles in Project Black, Ger- corporate executives in attendance were hor-
many has a very high per-capita population of rified as the swarm of millimeter-sizes ma-
AMPs. The governmental and social reaction to chines broke out of their inductive workspace
mutants in Germany is mixed. The view of the - a feat that should not have been possible
average German on the street is AMPs are peo- - and began consuming Durchen. There was
ple who have a problem and need help. While screaming, but not from Durchen, who sat on
Germany has had troubles with AMP-related the ground, wrists on his knees, not resisting
crimes, most Germans believe they are tempo- as his life’s work consumed his body. When the
rary problems they can overcome. Hate groups executives fled from the room, only Durchen’s
have manufactured an image of non-German assistants remained to try to help him. They
AMPs as universally criminal in intent; one tried to brush the nanobots off his body, but
high-profile incident involving foreign crime the machines attacked them. One of the as-
syndicates operating on German soil was sistants sustained wounds so grave he was in
enough to sway public opinion enough that critical condition by the time he reached the
Germany has started deporting foreign mutants. University Hospital of Bonn.
Ironically, the AMPs involved in the incident in By the time corporate security arrived on
question were all German citizens. the scene, there was nothing left of Durchen.
Reflecting the mood of the nation, Ber- However, the nano-machines had multiplied
lin created legislation for the formation of in mass, and as they rose up into a shambling
the Ungewöhnliche Verbrechen Vorschungs- human shape, the freaked-out security guards
gruppe - the Extraordinary Crimes Research fired into the mass. The machine-entity sham-
Group. This group, staffed by Sap scientists, bled forward. The guard who lost his nerve
detectives and forensic specialists, develop and ran was spared the fate of the other, as
methods to identify AMP crimes and detain the hungry machines consumed him.
AMP criminals in such a way the justice sys- The government quarantined the building
tem can handle them. and called in the Extraordinary Crimes Re-
Meanwhile, Germany has also begun pro- search Group. Antje Koch, the group’s comput-
grams to rehabilitate AMPs back into society. er expert, hacked into the nano-swarm’s dis-
These steps not only provide Germany with tributed low-energy wireless communication
more stability than other countries, but also protocol. To everyone’s surprise, she learned
aid the German economy as rehabilitated Durchen wasn’t dead, at least his mind wasn’t.
AMPs filter into new roles in industry, engi- The swarm had absorbed his personality,
neering and science. memory and powers - the very same power
that animated the swarm. Sadly, the process

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Chapter Three: Global Reach
had driven Durchen mad. mounted with what one observer described
Durchen escaped the quarantine zone as “lightning-throwing cannons” were able to
and began rampaging around Bonn, dissem- use synchronized electromagnetic bursts to
bling matter and reforming it into child na- contain and disable Durchen.
no-swarms. These swarms were not held in Durchen, although guilty of murdering
check by the least bit of human conscious- several people and causing millions of Eu-
ness, and they attacked everyone and every- ros worth of damage, never faced trial. After
thing as they spread. The Group, unable to months of rehabilitation gave the human side
contain Durchen, focused on taking down of Durchen control over his new nano-swarm
these lesser nano-swarms. After two days of body, the Group offered him a position working
fighting, they discovered the swarms had a in their Technology Research Division, which he
weakness to certain kinds of electro-magnet- accepted rather than face justice for his crimes.
ic frequency bursts - the same kind of energy
that had contained them within their original Poland
inductive workspace. In October of 2016, journalist Bianka
The government declared a state of emer- James with Warsaw’s Gazeta Wyborcza was
gency in Bonn and began evacuating the city. desperate for a new story. Her career had
Just before the military initiated a plan to de- been struggling for the last two years, and she
stroy Durchen with a missile barrage - better knew if she didn’t come up with a big story
to demolish a quarter of the city than lose all soon, they’d let her go. That’s when the mail-
of it, they reasoned - the Group finally corned room sent her up a mysterious package with
Durchen in a wide-open parking lot where her name and address, but no return address.
he would have nowhere to hide. Three trucks Inside, Bianka found a beat-up leather jour-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
nal, a map of Poland folded so many times it exploded in her office. Following Adalbert’s
was almost illegible and a single video tape. map and notes, she has begun retracing the
She absorbed the contents of the video tape youth’s footsteps, hoping to find the hidden
and journal, and began banging out a story bunker for herself and to reveal to the world
on her typewriter. The next day, she had four what its secrets are.
column-inches on page three under the head- A secret the Suppression will kill to keep
line, “Local Student Missing After Uncovering from getting out.
Lost Nazi Warehouse.”
“... Adalbert Wojcik, junior at the As panic and wonder spread through the
University of Warsaw, did not spend his world as more and more mutants appeared,
summer hanging out with buddies, trav- there was a mixed reaction from the religions of
eling with his family, or taking a sum-
Chapter Three: Global Reach

the world. Debate over the nature of AMPs and

mer internship. Instead, he took a scant the source of their powers became common-
€5,000 and traveled around Krasnystaw place. While some twisted the interpretation of
County looking for the unmarked grave their religious scriptures to be in line with what
of his grandfather, a forgotten war hero. they already feared about mutants, the Vatican
Instead, what he found will shock you...” took a strong stance in the other direction.
In a papal bull, the Pope wrote in part, “These
Accompanying the story was a grainy im- are extraordinary times filled with extraordinary
age taken from Adalbert’s film, showing a people. But we must remember that they are
dimly lit interior of a chamber that looked still people and they have souls. Within them
like a cross between a tomb and an aban- is the capacity for redemption.” The bull went
doned science laboratory. As Bianka’s story on to clarify that no priest could refuse to give
explained, after realizing its history-reshap- communion to or hear confession from an AMP,
ing importance Adalbert had resealed the lab which a few had already done.
as best he could. Then, for an unknown reason This decree paved the way for many coun-
he packaged all of his findings into a bundle, tries to stop reacting in panic to the AMP situ-
and shipped them to Bianka. She concluded ation, and instead turn toward trying to find a
her story by saying she was unable to reach way of incorporating mutants into their societ-
Adalbert Wojcik; neither his parents nor the ies. Sadly, not everyone listened to His Holiness.
university had seen him since then.
A few days after publishing her story, Bian-
ka received a phone call from a man claiming Russia
to be Adalbert Wojcik. The voice on the phone
asked her to meet him in secret at a seedy ho- During the months after the US president’s
tel. Bianka intuition told her it was a trap, but assassination, Russia diplomats played a coy
she went anyway. When she got the hotel, two game avoiding talking about or acknowledg-
men in masks jumped her. Only Bianka’s cun- ing the existence of mutants. Russian media
ning, glib wit and a hefty dose of good luck downplayed the events in the United States,
got her out of that situation alive. even going so far as to say that any hint of
What did Adalbert find in that tomb? a special actor was paranoid Western propa-
Where did he vanish? Why did he send his ganda. At the same time, Russian watchers
notes to Bianka? Whatever it was, it must be could not help but notice the surge of Spets-
important if people were willing to kill for it. na’s activity within Russia’s own borders, and
Telling no one but her editor where she was reports trickled out of people gone missing.
going, Bianka left Warsaw for Krasnystaw to Then, in April, Russian unveiled to its own
investigate. The next morning, a mail bomb people and to the world the newest branch

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
of its armed forces. Walking and flying with as a major success of the AMP initiative.
the thousands of regular soldiers across Red A few months later, Russia mobilized its
Square, two dozen super-powered AMPs wear- AMP Section again, this time against an an-
ing crisp Russian military uniforms saluted the ti-Russian demonstration turned violent in
Prime Minister. This was followed by a media Chechnya. This time, the battle was carried on
blitz; the state-controlled news sources hailed all major news networks and social media as
the arrival of the Super Power Age, and Russia’s Russian AMPs and tanks fought armed insur-
unique position in it, the first, and so far only gents in the streets of Grozny. After the con-
country to have an AMP military force. flict dragged on for two weeks of door-to-door
Politicians in Europe and the US denounced fighting, Russia claimed victory, again hailing
Russia’s move as “provocative.” Pundits called its AMP Special Forces as the deciding factor.
it the “new arms race,” but it appeared to be a As Moscow banged the drum of nationalism
race only Russia was running in. ever harder, the nations bordering Russia grew

Chapter Three: Global Reach

Then, not a week after their public unveil- more and more nervous about a new wave of
ing, Russia’s super-powered armed service Russian expansionism. Ukraine, Norway and
members went into their first combat mission. the Baltic states scurried to kick start their own
When terrorist seized control of the Baikonur AMP Initiatives to match Russia’s new threat,
Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan called on Russian but none has had as much success as Russia so
aid. The world watched as the disciplined far. By May, Russia had annexed Ukraine, which
and ruthless Russian AMPs spearheaded a only heightened everyone’s paranoia.
counter-strike against the terrorists. They dis- While the Russian government and media
patched the terrorists with surgical precision, crows about these success stories, watchdog
causing no civilian casualties. Russia hailed it groups are calling Russia’s apparent secret mu-
tant round-up a violation of human rights, going
so far as to call it illegal imprisonment. Russia
Soviet Supersoldier denies these accusations, saying only that the
Experiments soldiers in its AMP Section are all volunteers.
Taking lessons from the CIA’s MK-UL- To the Russian citizen on the street, AMPs
TRA and their own punitive psychiatry are a source of national pride. In their view,
programs, in the 1960s the Soviets while the rest of the world scrambles to cope
started a secret research program try- with the appearance of mutants, Russia is
ing to create their own breed of super- showing leadership in harnessing this new
soldiers. Knowing nothing of Project power to benefit its people. Public appearanc-
Black, Soviet scientists and doctors be- es by the AMP Section aiding in public works
gan experimenting on gulag inmates, have helped foster this image in the common
subjecting them to brainwashing, sur- consciousness. As a new air of nationalistic
gical alterations and pharmaceutical pride grows, those whose family or friends
series designed to give them strength, have disappeared remain silent in fear of at-
speed, pain-resistance and above all tracting unwanted attention.
an unwavering obedience to the Party.
While their research produced nothing
other than a steady flow of corpses, this
program - hidden even from the Soviet
Archives and known only to the doctors,
scientists and KGB officers who partici-
pated - has provided Russia with a vital
head start on AMP research.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Iceland evacuation on the part of the AMP rescue crew
enabled the majority of the rescue workers to
Iceland’s small and homogenous popula- get away to safety just before the fire AMP det-
tion has shown no signs of AMPs so far, but onated with the force of a small atomic bomb.
that does not mean they haven’t had AMP-re- Geologists working on Vatnajökull are now
lated issues. very concerned over the stability of the glacier,
Earlier in the year, two unidentified AMPs and are seeking ways to stabilize it before the
were seen fighting over the country. The bat- continuing ice quakes do irreversible damage
tle raged across the skies of Reykjavik before and slide the entire glacier into the ocean.
moving east. One of the AMPs burned with
fire, the other glowed like the Aurora Borealis
itself. Ground observers lost sight of the battle East Asia
Chapter Three: Global Reach

as the two went to ground on the Vatnajökull

Asia has a large and diverse population
glacier. Some time later, observers filmed the
combined with widely differing cultures and
living aurora flying out of the country.
religions. One out of every three people in
When volunteer search teams were unable
the world calls China or India their homeland.
to find any evidence of the flame-powered
Moreover, half of the principles in Project
AMP, they gave him up for lost. That’s when
Black were Asian countries - China, Thailand
the first ice quake hit the glacier, causing a
and India. Thus, any attempt to talk about an
violent out-flow that engulfed a small town
Asian response to the AMP situation is impos-
before it ended. Scientists working on the
sible. Instead, each country approaches the
glacier had not predicted this seismological
situation uniquely. In some ways, it is a labo-
event, and suspicion fell upon the presence
ratory of social change.
of the fire AMP. After weeks of searching, their
instruments picked up a massive heat signa-
ture buried deep beneath the ice. Thailand
That’s when the first ransom demand came When the scientist Thaksin Wattana returned
in. Accompanied by a grainy video of a man to Thailand from the defunct and buried Project
wearing a green, red and purple mask, this AMP Black, he faced a far different country than the
demanded a million Euros or he would unseat one he had left. His beloved king Rama VII had
the entire glacier, causing it to roll into the sea. abdicated and left the country under military
Reykjavik called on both the Seekers of control. Moreover, the things he had seen and
Enlightenment and Germany’s Extraordinary done as part of Project Black haunted him. As
Crimes Research Group for aid. The two groups one by one he lost contact with his fellow scien-
worked side by side; the Seekers called in sever- tists, he realized something was wrong. He did
al AMPs to exhume the fire AMP trapped under not know the Suppression by name, but he knew
the glacier while the Group’s specialists tracked he lived under threat.
down the source of the ransom demand. One morning he awoke from a dream in
The German specialists tracked the crimi- which he had spoken to King Rama. “I am not
nal down to his underground base in the far dead,” the king said, “I have taken the serum,
north of Norway. Supported by a team of Spe- and it has granted visions more clear than
cial Forces from that country, they confronted any I have ever had, but it has laid my body in
The Aurora. The battle was pitched and sever- ruin. They are coming for you, men who would
al people were lost before they subdued him. rather keep the secrets of what we have done
However, their efforts may have been too buried forever. They will kill you to prevent
late. The Aurora hit a switch in his base just what you know from getting out. But do not
before being captured. Over at the Icelandic fear; I will guide you, and we will make sure
glacier, a last-minute premonition and hasty these secrets are revealed in future genera-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
When the last of
his notes were hidden,
Thaksin sat, meditat-
ing and waiting for his
end to come. He did
not hear the bullet, but
he died having accom-
plished a great task. If
anyone were to unrav-
el his clues, to trace his
pilgrimage and find his
notes, they would have
a huge advantage in

Chapter Three: Global Reach

the race to study, under-
stand and even control
Fast forward to 2016.
Thailand does not have
a single response to the
emergence of mutants.
The military junta de-
clared martial law after
the first AMP-related
act of violence, but af-
ter a few mishandled
incidents, have not been
harassing or rounding
up mutants. So far, they
seem to be content with
making sure that daily
life in the cities moves
along without interrup-
tion. Thus, AMPs are free
to move about Bangkok
without fear of arrest. Of
tions wise enough to handle them.” course, they have to deal
Taking nothing but the clothes on his back, with organized crime and hate-groups as they
his research journal and a faded copy of the do anywhere else.
Buddhist Sutras, Thaksin went on a pilgrim- Some AMPs have left the cities for the
age to visit as many of the ancient temples of countryside. Where AMPs are seen to be pull-
his homeland as possible before the shadow ing their weight, the Thai people extend a
assassins caught up with him. At each of the warm welcome to them. Those who don’t are
temples he visited, he buried pages from his driven away. Some have even formed their
research journal. He then left clues and rid- own isolated villages, trying to create new
dles to reveal their location to the wise, and lives for themselves.
traps to ensnare the foolish. King Rama visit-
ed the head monk of each temple in a dream,
ensuring aid in his quest.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
China hai shopping center. Meanwhile a covert ops
The number of AMPs in China is too great group planted evidence that the Taiwanese
for the central government to manage a sin- government was experimenting on AMPs to
gle message. While some citizens might be- use against China. Nu’s job in all of this was
lieve the state media’s claims that Taiwanese controlling the three mutants, as his powers
and other foreigners are trying to collapse enabled him to control people’s minds using
their great nation with these terrifying new psychotoxins his new body produced.
mutants, many know AMPs as their brothers, However, when the time came, he was un-
daughters or spouses. The Chinese govern- able to follow through with his orders. He let
ment was months behind Russia in instituting the three mutants go into the shopping cen-
its own AMP recruitment program, and during ter as ordered, but only after injecting them
that time the numbers and visibility of AMPs with paralytic toxins so that their predicted
rampage would not cause any deaths. Nu
Chapter Three: Global Reach

increased to a point where a total detainment

or registration program was unfeasible. himself fled the scene.
Not that Beijing didn’t try. Nu Jaipeng was a After a journey of many months dodging
student at a University of Singapore when the Chinese Special Forces, Nu reached an AMP
change came over him. He was sitting in a lec- tent-city far from the nearest village. There
ture taking notes like every day when his skin he worked the land in the open air with the
twisted and grew bark-like. He stumbled away sun on his leaves. He and his comrades tried
from the classroom as his fellows screamed to live without provoking the attention of the
and ran away. The word ‘freak’ echoed in his ear. Chinese government. But Nu paid attention to
When the police came, he batted them aside the news broadcasts, and underneath the of-
with a strength that seemed borne up from the ficial lies about Taiwanese aggression toward
Earth itself. He felt a pull toward a distant land, China, he knew the truth. When the news re-
felt the sunshine there on his leaves already ported that China was sending warships to
as Chinese spec-ops herded him with flame- interdict Taiwanese shipping as retaliation for
throwers into a metal-lined van. the so-called attacks, Nu’s conscience would
Nu spent an untold number of months be- not let him sit on the sidelines any longer.
ing indoctrinated into his new life. He’d never With a small number of fellow AMPs he was
thought of himself as a patriot, but he’d al- able to recruit to his cause, Nu seized control of
ways discarded the revolutionary pamphlets the local Party offices, state television and ra-
passed to him in the hallways of the univer- dio services. Nu began broadcasting the truth
sity. He would have been an excellent candi- for the entire world to hear. It was not long be-
date for brainwashing, except that his brain fore the regular armed services responded. His
now ran with sap instead of neurons. group weathered the first infantry assault, but
Nu Jaipeng excelled in his first mission. when the tanks started rolling in, Nu realized
Along with five other Chinese AMP special they had to surrender their position. He volun-
operatives, he took out a major drug suppli- teered to stay behind to provide cover so the
er deep within China’s natural territory. The rest of his group could get away. For one last
methamphetamines drove him crazy; he did time, Nu felt the sunshine on his face.
not so much smell them as sense them cloy-
ing against his bark. Recognizing his fervor Japan
and drive during the mission, he was selected Japan’s AMP population embraces the dis-
for an even more covert operation. tinctive cultural features of their homeland.
Three Rampagers whom the Chinese gov- The hyper-media saturated culture fell into a
ernment had captured and been unable to love-hate relationship immediately. While Ja-
control were selected for release into a Shang- pan has its fair share of hate groups that rival

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
the UHF in vocalness and ferocity, the youth “We can’t hide,” wrote user Ten10Jyu
culture has embraced AMPs with a particular on channel /coila, “Even on a crowded
single-mindedness. street, we stand out. We can’t just dress
Early on, one group of mutants began asso- like everyone else, keep our heads down,
ciating themselves with the Japanese religious and disappear into anonymity... and why
tradition. Referring to themselves as kami - spir- should we? We’re gifted, and our gifts
its of the native Shinto religion - they formed make us stand out. I know this is going
relationships with a number of local shrines, to be hard for some of you, but our exis-
setting themselves up as shrine guardians. A tence changes the entire world. Japan’s
surprising number of these mutants showed no different. Japan will have to change.”
physical changes that made this association
easy, such as developing dog-like tails or fox- Those sentiments didn’t move Japan’s law-
like ears. They also began wearing costumes makers, who instead listened to the voices

Chapter Three: Global Reach

to emphasize the relationship. The Japanese of concerned parents and businesses. “We’ve
do not believe these AMPs are actually kami, made sacrifices for our son. We could afford a
but are willing to accept them in traditional bigger apartment if we didn’t pay for his cram
roles. Shinto priests are just as skeptical, but school. I’m not complaining - we want him to
welcome the opportunity for increased visibil- succeed. But now he just wants to be one of
ity and attendance for their shrines. those Coils. His grades are plummeting. Who
AMPs who did not become part of the will take responsibility for this?”
kami movement came face-to-face with Ja- Unlike other countries, Japan has not react-
pan’s xenophobia. Let go from jobs, expelled ed to this emergency by enacting registration
from schools, they floundered; their place in laws on a national level. However, some dis-
the conformity-loving culture compromised tricts have passed new laws enforcing strict
by events out of their control. Some found standards of appearance. These laws would
refuge in the criminal underworld while oth- only affect Coils, not the traditionally cos-
ers attempted to prove their worth to Japan’s tumed kami. However, no arrests have been
high-tech sector. However, a growing number made under these new laws yet, as the dis-
embraced Japan’s youth culture, calling them- tricts that have passed them aren’t the ones
selves Coil Children - Coil being a reference where the Coils congregate.
to the double helix structure of DNA. These In Kyoto, the kami of Toji temple provides
mutants adopted flamboyant public personas, a service for all kami and Coils within the city.
dressed in the most outrageous costumes, Once each of them has visited the temple and
and engage in extensive body modifications let this kami enter their minds, she links them
designed to make themselves look like robots, into the Kyoto Dreamscape. The Dreamscape
aliens, or even characters from pop culture. is a surreal layer that the kami adds on top
Whereas the kami avoid attention from of the AMPs usual perceptions that appears
anti-AMP groups by hiding within the frame- populated by strange sprits. People connect-
work of Japan’s cultural heritage, the Coil Chil- ed into the Dreamscape can communicate to
dren take their refuge in audacity. Some claim these spirits, using them to send messages
to be the very things they are portraying; an to other Dreamscapers, or asking them ques-
AMP going by the name Ramen Jupiter claims tions about things happening anywhere in
to be an actual Jovian. They make public spec- the Dreamscape. Due to the activities of a cer-
tacles of themselves wherever they go. tain webserver run by a tech-savvy Coil, they
can also access information about people and
places encoded into the Dreamscape. It’s like
using Wikipedia, except instead of multime-
dia webpages, the information comes in the

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Chapter Three: Global Reach

form of phantasmal spirits. rogation chamber, the doors of the place

Meanwhile, Typhoon has been trying to in- opening of their own accord to let her in, but
filtrate Japanese organized crime operations, Typhoon had prepared for this. A powerful
but has been having trouble due to their in- Bulk equipped with an experimental helmet
sular nature. Instead, the Yakuza employ their to resist AMP Mindbenders attacked her. He
own AMPs, not only as enforcers, but also as grabbed her and pushed her against the wall,
specialists with abilities like reading minds throttling her. The Siren just laughed. “You
and probability manipulation. Typhoon and think your little toys can stop me? It’s not
the Yakuza share a common enemy in The Si- your mind I’m after,” She reached an intangi-
ren, whose activities have been spoiling their ble hand into his chest and caressed his heart.
profitable trade. In a joint operation, they The Bulk staggered backward, eyes wide with
captured one of Siren’s crew whose tongue madness. “Get out of my head,” he screamed.
loosened well after too much complimentary As the poor creature sank against the wall
sake. As they began torturing him for infor- with his terror-struck colleagues, the Siren
mation, a mist rose up to enshroud the small freed her crewmember and carried him out of
fishing village. The mist carried primordial the room, clucking at him like a disappointed
fear within it. Shapes moving within the mists mother. The mists closed the door behind her.
looked like phantoms of the drowned. Citi- Ever since that incident, the Yakuza and Ty-
zens barred themselves into their homes, and phoon have elevated The Siren to the highest
those caught on the street huddled into the threat level. It hasn’t been hard to turn their
alleyways, faces pressed into their knees. governments against her, as her activities
The Siren floated into the Yakuza inter- have cost the businesses that fund politicians

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
millions of dollars. It looks like the Matriarch India
may become personally involved with this While India’s headlines are filled with
growing problem. stories of AMPs from modern cities like New
Delhi, India has the largest population of in-
Bangladesh digent AMPs in the world. These AMPs, bereft
This small south Asian country has a hand- of things most Westerners take for granted
ful of native AMPs, but none of them has like education, basic health care and plentiful
caught their fellow citizens’ imaginations food, are easy prey for all kinds of manipula-
as much as Sanghrila Channa, Bangladesh’s tion. After all, it doesn’t matter if you have the
glamorous movie starlet. When this small power to project thoughts into another’s head
country seemed ready to turn completely if another can rule your own thoughts.
against AMPs, she appeared on national tele- This large indigent AMP population has

Chapter Three: Global Reach

vision. Already loved for her award-winning formed communities apart from the popu-
film roles, the country was shocked when she lation of India, much like the Changelings in
revealed herself as an AMP. She appealed to America. However, they face levels of violence
her compatriots for their support, “We AMPs and hatred from all sectors in society that
are just people like you. We have hopes and would make Western AMPs quail; at least in
fears like you, we care for our children and America, mutants have the Seekers on their
our parents like you and we want to laugh side. No wonder a number of them have turned
and live and love like you. We have faith like to banditry, or with the onset of mental illness
you. I don’t know why Allah has given us these triggered or exaggerated by their mutations,
gifts - I don’t think anyone does - but I believe full-on villainy. Even worse, these indigent
He gave them to us to test our faith, to see AMPs are more prone to become mutant mon-
what we would do with a tiny bit more power. sters, what the Indian media dubs ‘asuras’.
How we - we as AMPs and we as human be- Where there are villains, there are also he-
ings - behave now defines who we will be in roes. Hailing from Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad
the glorious future that is to come, and how and other prosperous cities, nine Indian AMPs
we will be remembered by those living there.” tower above the all the others in terms of
Sanghrila’s popularity and her speech came visibility, popularity and raw power level. Per-
immediately after famed US actress Jennifer haps taking a cue from the kami movement
Stewart came out as an AMP as well, and edged in Japan, this group of AMPs calls themselves
the door open to an understanding between the Incarnations of Dharma. While these AMPs
AMPs and Saps in Bangladesh. While some left may be individually powerful, what makes
the theater even as she was speaking, more them unassailable both literally and in the
hung on her every word. It certainly did not imagination of the public is the fact they have
hurt her case that her new powers made her combined forces into a single super-powered
even more glamorous, as the very light in the team. An attack on one of them is an attack on
room seemed to cling to the air around her. all of them, and the Incarnations of Dharma
By the end of 2016, Sanghrila’s latest film have proven their willingness to bring their
has become the number one best-selling Ban- full might against those who oppose them.
gladeshi movie of all time, and the entertain- The Incarnations worry many in India.
ment press reports that she is making a new Politicians fear they will use their popularity
film, which is expected to gross even higher to usurp power in their local areas, as AMPs
as it is the first film to star an AMP. New Hol- have done in other places. Human rights or-
lywood even picked it up for US distribution. ganizations point out that the Incarnations’
professed desire to return to a more tradi-
tional India seems to point backwards to a
time which includes widow burning and strict

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
The Nine Incarnations and Hinduism
The Nine Incarnations and Hinduism. An AMP who calls himself King of Heaven
leads the nine Incarnations. He calls Mumbai home, where he competes for fame with
the Bollywood elite. He can fly and project energy fields. The King’s right-hand man
goes by the handle The Sword. True to that name, he carries a sword larger than his
body that he wields effortlessly. A third member is a dwarf who can grow into a giant.
All nine of them have manicured images of themselves that remind a Hindu of the nine
avatars of Vishnu. Skeptics think they have chosen their names and public personas
to grab onto the positive cultural connotations many Indians have with these images.
The Incarnations denounce these accusations, saying they did not choose their group
name, The Nine Incarnations of Dharma, to have a religious meaning.
Certain comments made by various members of the Incarnations over time hint at
Chapter Three: Global Reach

the existence of a tenth member of the team. This is a clear reference to Kalki, the final
incarnation of Vishnu

caste rigidity. In a country that prides itself on then began preparing for war, claiming the
its democracy, some worry the Incarnations government of India was responsible for a
are unanswerable to the people of India, that direct attack against them. The war of words
their sometimes violent and destructive ac- escalated, until the leader of the Incarnations
tions have no checks or balances. came right out and said, “The division of Paki-
Despite these misgivings, the Incarnations stan from India is a historical mistake; we are
are very popular across all strata of India, stronger as a unified whole. Too long have we
from Gujarat in the North to Tamil Nadu at let religious fanatics divide our people. It is
the southern tip. To many, the Incarnations time to undo the wrongs of history.”
are living symbols of their pride in India, of The Indian government immediately dis-
its rich cultural and religious heritage. Incur- owned this statement, saying India has no de-
sions into the cities by rampaging mutants sire to annex Pakistan. Despite this, tensions
have been turned aside by the Incarnations; have been rising across the entire border
many people watch these fights as the me- area. Several border skirmishes have already
dia cover them live. The paparazzi fawn over happened in disputed territory Kashmir. The
then, and the Incarnations do nothing to dis- Incarnations take every opportunity to belit-
courage their ever-growing fandoms. tle India’s elected officials for their mishan-
This activity has not gone unnoticed dling of this crisis.
across the border in Pakistan. Much as in
India, Pakistan suffers from too many AMPs Bhutan
who come from impoverished backgrounds; Bhutan is a small country located North of
the weight of their newborn powers proving India nestled between India and China. In this
too much of a temptation for them. When the mountainous country, a strange event has tak-
Pakistani military proved insufficient to deal en place. In a small Buddhist monastery one
with a number of uncontrollable mutants, of the monks awakened as an AMP. As spines
the Incarnations came to its aid. That battle corkscrewed their way out of his skin, he grew
destroyed most of a small town. When the enraged and began trashing the monastery.
Pakistani military turned their weapons on Isolated from the world without even a tele-
them, the Incarnations attacked them as well, phone line connecting them to the nearest
destroying war machines and killing soldiers village, the monks dealt with this situation
before withdrawing back to India. Pakistan in the only way they knew how; they prayed.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Somehow, it worked. The Rampager calmed zation operating out of Sweden frequently
down as the prayer bells rung and never be- interferes with Seeker operations in Europe.
came violent again. It is rumored the founder of this group was
a former associate of Doctor Luminous, and
there’s some kind of rivalry between them.
Beyond their Borders Meanwhile, the Seekers have begun estab-
lishing a communication network all over the
world. They use a variety of off-the-shelf sup-
The Seekers plies and custom high-tech components to
The Seekers of Enlightenment have never distribute communication rigs to individual
shied away from taking their mission all over AMPs and communities. These devices oper-
the world, even if they are chartered and head- ate on rotating wireless frequency bands, us-
quartered in the US. Before the world’s aware- ing distributed computing to create an infra-

Chapter Three: Global Reach

ness of the existence of AMPS, this was a rela- structure resilient to disruption. As more and
tively easy task. As 2016 progressed, however, more of these devices - some designed to look
every country in the world began to take more like radios, others built into cell phones, some
interest in handling their own AMPs. There- miniaturized and placed into watches or jew-
fore, Seeker cells learned to operate covertly elry - come online, the network becomes ever
in countries alerted to their activities. In those more secure. The range of these communi-
countries that see AMPs as a military resource - cation devices depends on power supply, but
Russia, China, Cuba, Israel - the recruitment ac- as long as any one device can talk to another
tivities of Seekers often brings them into direct device in range, the two devices act as nodes
conflict with officials of that country. extending the range of each other. Thus, each
While the Seekers official policy is to not device acts not only like a cell phone, but also
interfere with the internal politics of any like a cell tower. The more devices in a par-
country, individual cells have a large amount ticular region, the harder it becomes to com-
of autonomy in how they proceed during a pletely disrupt the Seeker’s network.
mission. There is considerable debate within
the group as to the correct course of action, Typhoon
and Doctor Luminous is not around to give While Typhoon has been relatively quiet in
direction. Some in the organization see it as the US, they’ve been very busy abroad. Any-
a moral duty to present the Choice to an AMP where there is crime, Typhoon claims dominion.
who faces conscription into military service. Its agents work to subvert both local authority
Others think being too aggressive in these and the local crime scene. Given the number
countries might backfire against them. By of AMPs who come from poor or impoverished
mid-2016, various intelligence organizations situations everywhere in the world, Typhoon
have a good enough handle on the Seekers has had any easy time gaining recruits. Once
and their members to blacklist them for entry an AMP joins on, they are sent away from their
into their countries. home area. This serves a dual purpose; one, it
On the other hand, some choose to work means the only social network the AMP has in
directly with the Seekers or with sister groups. his new area are his fellow Typhoon agents,
Due to existing trade and research laws, the and two, it removes any attachment the agent
Seekers can operate without fear of govern- might have that would cause him difficulty in
ment reprisal in Canada, Mexico, England and fulfilling Typhoon orders.
several island nations in Polynesia. A sister In some regions, Typhoon’s biggest threat
group of the Seekers operates in Thailand, is not the law or other criminals, but revolu-
and the two organizations exchange research tionary movements. Unlike standard criminal
and personnel. However, one sister organi-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
motivations, revolutionaries are harder to cor- nities that rely on technology. The Freehold
rupt with the usual package benefit of wealth, Manifesto claims AMPs have been given gifts
sex and power. Whether it’s FARC or Hamas, that exceed the limitations of technology, and
the IRA or the Occupy movement, these or- AMPs will never realize the full potential of
ganizations see AMPs as potential wild cards their power as long as they hobble them-
and recruit them just as aggressively as Ty- selves with the clumsy tools of the old Sap
phoon does. Clashes between Typhoon agents hegemonies. The manifesto emphasizes com-
and revolutionary groups have resulted in munal action and AMPs using their powers to
sensational AMP battles. By the sunset of aid fellow AMPs. While Rakterin’s followers
view him as a prophet for AMP-kind, for now
2016, there are battles between these two
the Freehold remains small and struggles
groups that have been running for months.
to become self-sustaining under its leader’s
Typhoon has had good luck subverting
strict guidance.
criminal groups in the Americas and Pacifica.

Chapter Three: Global Reach

The largest Changeling-like community is
Elsewhere in the world, it must contend with located near Gangtok India, nestled into the
organized crime - such as the Mafia in Italy, the mountains where the AMPs can retreat into
Triads in China and the Yakuza in Japan - where caves to weather the frequent assaults they
cultural difference force it to take a more sub- suffer. These attacks come from all sides; these
tle, infiltrating approach. The Matriarch knows outcaste AMPs, most of whom have already
the longer these organizations have to recruit faced years of discrimination as Dalits (un-
their own AMPs, the harder it will be to assim- touchables), have few friends in India. Whenev-
ilate them into her organization. er a mob of disenfranchised Saps swarm their
living space, enraged by what they see as a fi-
The United Human Front nal unfairness; or whenever a group of armed
While the UHF is an organization rooted thugs attack them; or whenever one of the
Nine Incarnations of Dharma makes a show of
in the United States, leaning as much on re-
rooting asura from their ranks, the outcastes
actionary patriotism as on fear, almost every
retreat into the caves. Even the aid organiza-
country in the world with a significant AMP tions that would normally be tasked with help-
population has their own locally grown and ing India’s rural poor keep a wide berth from
nearly identical hate-group. The AMPs of the this place, not wanting any of the anti-mutant
world should count themselves lucky these factions to damn them by association.
groups just as often hate each other on na- On the border between Russia and China,
tionalistic, religious and ethnic lines as they Nu Jaipeng’s group has formed a new com-
do AMPs, a flaw that keeps them from uniting munity, drawing on escapee AMPs from both
into a truly horrific front. countries. Having divested themselves of Nu’s
fatal idealism, they try to avoid attracting at-
The Changelings tention and wait out what they see as the com-
The Changelings of North America have a ing war between mutants and mundanes. They
loose alliance with other groups of isolation- remain mobile, carrying their tents on their
ists AMPs. These stylized camps or ghettos backs as they cross between Russia and China
have sprung up wherever the population of in the unpatrolled spaces between these two
AMPs is dense enough. countries. Russian and Chinese officials - un-
One of the most interesting of these willing to cooperate with each other over what
groups is the Rakterin Freehold, located in both see as a military resource - have had no
the vast northern expanse of Norway where luck finding the group, but each side accuses
the indigenous Sami people still herd rein- the other of illegally crossing the border, and
deer. This community, founded by the Dutch tensions mount between the two nations.
AMP Rakterin, has divested itself of reliance
on technology and connections to commu-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Chapter Four:
New Fires to Burn
Themes/Moods Conversely, it should be noted that many
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

of the Anti-AMP forces believe they are doing

AMP: Year Two shifts the established story what’s best for humanity. TRAC recruits vol-
in a startling direction, due to the death of the unteers who want nothing more than to help
President at the end of Year One. We have in- their fellow human in a time of fear. The UHF
cluded a couple new suggested themes that wants only to keep humanity as a viable spe-
play a major part of the continuing narrative. cies, not completely overrun by super-powered
Combined with those from AMP: Year One, freaks. It’s all about how individual members
there are many kinds of stories to tell. proceed that will define them.

Witch Hunts Developing Stories

There is a palpable fear in the US over peo-
ple with superpowers since the AMP Scare. Running games using AMP: Year Two has a
Many look upon AMPs not with wonder and different feel from AMP: Year One. This can be
hope, but with terror and panic. Propaganda especially true if the group is moving into the
created by the UHF bombards every citizen new year and moving along the timeline them-
to the point where they’d gladly turn over selves. Many of the tips and story hooks from
someone they thought was an AMP to TRAC. AMP: Year One can extend to AMP: Year Two,
AMPs know this and have to be careful not to but of course brand new Affiliations have also
let people see their powers if they can help it. been introduced, which can alter the game in
Unfortunately, their powers are simultaneously amazing ways.
the reason they are hunted and possibly the
only way they’ll survive. Everyone is out to get
AMPs in Year Two. No one is safe.
The idea that any AMP is at risk for capture
and delivered to the Chamber for conversion
Doing the Right Thing into a Hound is all too real. The Houndmas-
Piggybacking off of the previous theme, ter only controls a certain number at any giv-
characters in Year Two have to think twice en time, but has plenty of AMPs on reserve in
about every action. Even if they are saving case a mission calls for the special talents only
someone, the wrong person could call TRAC or the character possesses. Hounds are trained to
decide to use the new gun laws to act inde- be lethal, especially against other AMPs, and
pendently after seeing them. Doing the right should expect to be sent on missions to combat
thing becomes increasingly hard and could others of their kind with regularity and later pa-
force even the most altruistic heroes to turn raded before America as heroes (as TRAC Elite).
their back. It becomes a question of whether When they are not, TRAC locks them away in a
the character truly believes in the best nature hollow prison with terrible conditions. Sunlight
of humanity or if they accept the harsh reality becomes connected to the smell of death, which
that is the current state of the nation. almost inevitably changes a person.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Stories for Hounds should include some VV Prison Riot: Life in the Chamber is far from
sort of prologue, so each of the players knows pleasant, and inmates have separated out
how their character lost their freedom. Free- into groups for protection within its walls.
dom is at the forefront of these games, as each There is no power-usage in the Chamber,
Hound hopes to one day break away from the so that means the scales are even. What
pack. In between their prison break plotting, happens when a prison riot breaks out?
Hounds are tracking down other AMPs and Will the characters attempt to gain su-
capturing or killing them, always looking for premacy among the prison populace?
a moment when they may be able to break the What happens if they take out another
collar around their neck. Oh, if the Hounds ever inmate the Houndmaster was saving for a
found themselves in a room alone with the special mission?

Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

VV Find A Way Out: During a fight with an
electric AMP, their collars malfunction. This
Story Hooks is finally their chance to break free from
VV Assassination: The Hounds’ mission is to the Houndmaster’s control. Where do they
kill a certain politician suspected of stand- go? What do they do? Can they win against
ing in the way of TRAC getting the fund- the army of TRAC soldiers sent to retrieve
ing it needs to expand. She has plenty of them? They are, however, assets the orga-
armed guards at her mansion, and when nization cannot afford to lose; not to men-
the characters make their way through tion the secrets they have about TRAC.
these obstacles, they find she is also an
AMP. What happens when they clash with
an AMP who’s been hiding in plain sight?

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Na ‘Aumakua harder with every new AMP who decides to re-
Characters who become members of Nā side on the island.
‘Aumākua are accepting a sacred duty: protec-
tion of the island of Hawaii. In public, they are Story Hooks
heroes to the people, stopping bad AMPs from VV Alpha: Nā ‘Aumākua is secretive and rare-
wreaking havoc and keeping other groups out, ly takes in new members, but what trials
regardless of Affiliation. Under the surface, will the characters have to accomplish to
however, they are often savages who take the join their number? Will it involve brining
quickest route to justice, simply killing (and a criminal to justice or defeating another
sometimes devouring) anyone in their sights. member in a battle to the death? Winning
Many of their members are Ferals and some the trial brings prestige among the group,
possess voracious appetites.
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

but may also win them enemies.

Stories involving Nā ‘Aumākua often con-
tain the hunter/prey ideology. The group roots VV Say No to Drugs: For months, Typhoon has
out any perceived evil and takes swift action attempted to get their drug supplies into
to stop it. Many of their stories are reactionary. Hawaii, where many AMPs have moved.
“Who is here to mess with us? Let’s go take The characters go to the shipping docks
them out!” The group walks on eggshells, how- to check out a shipment caught by Nā
ever, as horrible public displays may corrode ‘Aumākua inspectors. Inside the dozens
their image as heroes, so it must be carefully of crates are War Path, Bliss and tons of
protected as well. This becomes harder and Clarity. What do they do with the drugs?

checks when interacting with the Hawaiian

New Affiliations people. Must be an AMP.
AMP: Year Two introduces a number of
new Affiliations players may choose during
character creation. Retribution
Headed by Spearfinger, these AMPs have
cornered the market on hostility and dom-
Hounds inance, especially against Saps who might
The Hounds are AMPs who have been threaten them. Through intense training,
captured by TRAC and placed under a spe- they receive one free Augment for their
cial form of control… their implanted collar Primary Power (still subject to normal lim-
allows the Houndmaster to take control itations). They also receive a +4 bonus to
at any moment. Otherwise, as long as the Stealth for the purposes of Surprise attacks
Hounds are obeying their masters, they
(guerrilla warfare). Must be an AMP.
have a modicum of free action. They gain
a +2 bonus to all Fighting checks against
other AMPs, and enjoy a +4 bonus to any TRAC
non-combat Skill check related to a direct TRAC agents are usually normal peo-
order given by the Houndmaster. Must be an ple (Saps) who have signed up to protect
AMP. and serve the everyday people on Ameri-
can streets. Enlistment gets the character
special equipment made to defend against
Na ‘Aumakua AMP powers. They receive a +3 bonus to re-
Nā ‘Aumākua means sacred guardians, sist mind-intrusion powers, as well as a uni-
and that’s what these characters have be- form providing AR 3/2 with no Hindrance.
come to the island of Hawaii. They receive Their guns may look normal, but they deal
x1.5 the normal bonus from the Community +1 damage to any target. Must be a Sap or
and Justice Loyalties when in Hawaii and have the Clean Bill of Health Gift (pg. 85).
gain a +2 bonus to Persuasion or Deception

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
How do they respond to the Typhoon rep- does the group handle this member when
resentative who comes looking for their they fail at an important mission?
packages? VV The Faceless: Everyone’s heard the stories
VV New Hollywood: The major film studios of the Faceless, the vigilante sending AMPs
have called Nā ‘Aumākua to assist in find- to their grave on an almost nightly basis.
ing a murderer who has already killed three This can’t stand! Spearfinger sends the
famous actors. Following the trail brings characters to track down the Faceless and
them from one iconic set to another and take him or her out. What if, however, she
face to face with some of their film heroes. was ready for the characters?
What happens when they find the killer?
What if the killer is one of their own? TRAC

Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

Saps run rampant in TRAC (Tactical Re-
Retribution sponse and Containment Agency), each one
Members of Retribution have broken from joining this specialized police force to protect
the Changelings, claiming a new mission their communities from the AMP threat. Agents
for themselves. Not only do they identify as possess special clearance and the authority to
non-human, but they are also looking to ag- contain anyone suspected of being an unreg-
gressively take out any human who looks down istered unhuman. Their missions often involve
on them for it. They operate with guerrilla tac- patrolling neighborhoods, securing prisoner
tics, but otherwise hate hiding their true na- delivery or tracking and capturing a dangerous
ture away. Retribution will work with anyone AMP. Like the United Human Front, TRAC is an
who agrees with them and simply ignores unlikely group for AMPs to belong due to all
those who don’t, but will save other AMPs from the blood tests the organization run to ensure
danger to give them the chance to join the cru- their agents are human.
sade. TRAC agents better look out. Stories for TRAC are about the other agents
Stories for Retribution are about going on and their fellowship. Agents have to watch
the offensive. These are the AMPs who are their back as they fight against a threat that
looking for UHF buildings to ransack, Anti-AMP looks just like them; only the other person
protests to break up (violently) and TRAC head- wearing TRAC colors is really on their side.
quarters to blow up. Few of their members Some agents put on the uniform to take their
have regard for their own well-being; the only fear out on unhumans who truly don’t deserve
thing that matters is the destruction of the en- it, but the vast majority is really attempting to
emy in the end. be positive force.

Story Hooks Story Hooks

VV The Raid: Retribution doesn’t pay…money VV Routine Check: The characters are sent to
that is. For all the good they do they have check up on a registered unhuman. A re-
to take what they want. Turns out the next port says witnesses saw them using their
UHF warehouse has all the food and water powers to mug someone. Upon visiting the
they’ll need to last for months. Of course, home, TRAC discovers the home is actual-
several rugged-looking paramilitary re- ly a haven for AMPs, housing over a dozen
cruits guard it. Piece of cake, right? unregistered unhumans. It quickly turns
VV The Hound: Retribution picks up new from routine check to a catch-em-all sit-
members all the time, but there’s some- uation.
thing about the newest member. The AMP VV Prison Break: The local prison has called
is the only Hound to have ever escaped TRAC to help them with a problem. One
their master’s grasp. This means they could of their most dangerous inmates has re-
be a spy, whether knowingly or not. How cently erupted with power and is using it

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
to kill every prison guard and assemble Step One: Concept, Loyal-
a new gang of the city’s worst criminals.
The characters need to get in, take out this ties (14) and Affiliation (1)
AMP and secure the prison before they fig- This step remains unchanged, except Saps
ure out the controls to release the crimi- receiving 14 Loyalty points (instead of 10) and
nals into the public. Can they do it? may choose between TRAC, United Human
Front or Unaffiliated as their Affiliation without
VV No! It Can’t Be: The characters go to visit restriction. Players may also play a sympathizer
a mutual friend/family member and find with another group (like Seekers of Enlighten-
out they have developed a power. They ment or Typhoon), but forfeit any AMP-specific
now face a choice: help their family mem- bonuses that would have been provided.
ber flee the country, possibly risking their
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

uniform, or call in backup to capture their

loved one. It is a difficult choice that spells
Step Two: Choose Skills (30)
Saps receive 30 Skill points to spend (in-
disaster in either outcome.
stead of 35), as their bodies are less condi-
tioned by science. If the player chooses, they
Saps Step Into the Ring may convert up to 10 Skill Points directly to
BP on a 1-to-1 basis to purchase available Sap
The average, everyday person didn’t really powers. This can even be done after character
stand a chance against an AMP during Year creation, with the same limitation.
One. All of that changed in Year Two, however,
as the TRAC Agency was established to fight Step Three: Spend Bonus Points
against the unhuman threat and the United The characters begin with 20 BP if they
Human Front completed phase one of their chose an Affiliation or 24 BP if they chose to
advanced technology program (Gadgeteering). be Unaffiliated (instead of 12 and 16). Saps do
While these two groups usually have it out not have a Strain and cannot choose Powers or
for AMPs, this isn’t the case with every Sap. AMP-Specific Gifts/Drawbacks, with the excep-
There are plenty of pro-AMP activists, loved tion of the Hideout Gift (AYO, pg. 56).
ones who want to help their AMP friend or They do, however, gain access to the new
family member and even TRAC agents who Gadgeteer Power (pg. 103) - and other powers
would help a fellow person, AMP or not, if they to come - which follows the rules of any oth-
were in trouble. Saps are no longer resigned er Power, costing 3 BP per level if Primary, 4
to the sideline or background while the AMPs BP per level if Secondary and 5 BP per level
duke it out… they can join in and often go toe if Tertiary. Only Saps may have Gadgeteering
to toe with super-powered enemies. as their Primary power. They may spend 2 BP
Players who want to play as a normal per- to buy additional Gadgets Types, just as AMPs
son can now do so, using the below rules as can buy additional Augments for their Primary
a guideline. It should be noted that Saps are power, also limited by their Gadgeteer level.
inherently less powerful than an AMP, having
not been engineered by science with Juice or
Powers. For a Sap to jump into the fight means
Step Four: Record Integrity
they actually care quite a bit about the conflict, and Derived Stats
so their stories are less about controlling pow- Obviously, Sap characters do not have Juice
ers and more about why they are in the fight to to keep track of, but their other calculations
begin with. are otherwise exactly the same.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn
New Gifts Junkie (5): The AMP receives a greater re-
turn from drugs consumed. Any beneficial ef-
Clean Bill of Health (3): The character’s blood fects receive a x1.5 bonus, while any negative
does not give positive results in an AMP test, effects are halved. An adrenaline needle would
possibly because they can alter it or because only inflict 1B (instead of 2B), while taking Ec-
their powers are mostly mental. The AMP can, stasy would give them 3 Juice (instead of 2).
however, still be exposed as an AMP through Available to Saps and AMPs, though Saps obvi-
other more invasive procedures, like brain biop- ously get no Juice benefits.
sies or spinal taps. Available only from the Psych
and Mindbender Strains, or AMPs with the Bio- Upgraded Tech (2): A Gadgeteer has the op-
morph or Shapeshifting powers. tion to make their inventions even better by up-
grading their efficiency. With this Gift, they pick
Ghost Sensitive (4): The character became one of their Gadget types and can now use the
a ghost sensitive after All Souls Day of 2016. Upgrade option when constructing the item.
They can see and speak with ghosts as a natu- This Gift can be purchased multiple times for
ral effect. Nothing in this Gift allows the char- some Gadgets, so read them carefully (pg. 104).
acter to control ghosts in any way. If the char-
acter already has the Mediumship power, they Useful (2): A Gadgeteer has altered their
can now access their area sensing ability with- gadget blueprints to allow for additional Uses,
out spending Juice. Available to Saps and AMPs. gaining +1 Use for that type each time this Gift
is purchased. No item may have more than 5

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
New Drawbacks an out-of-body experience. Their physical form
becomes a ‘joy-zombie’, dancing, laughing and
Glitchy (2): The Gadgeteer has learned how having a great time as they float around feel-
to make many items, but one of their Gad- ing the most sensational high.
get types has a fatal flaw. Whenever using an For all intents and purposes, this puts the
item of that type, getting a Natural 1-4 on any user into a form of Astral Projection, meaning
check (regardless of actual success or failure) they can see things normally invisible and are
removes +1 Use from the item. Cannot be ap- intangible during the time. However, unlike As-
plied to items limited to 1 Use. Available to tral Projection, they remain tethered to their
Saps and AMPs. body up to 5 ft., unable to leave it if they want
to (though their urge to leave is lessened by
Puberty (2): As if puberty wasn’t bad enough, the drug effects). The effects last around 3 hrs.
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

an AMP going through the experience cannot for a single dose, not even ending if they are
count on their chemicals to flow correctly, due injured. If their physical form dies while under
to hormones. At the start of each day, roll 1d20 the influence, they become unbound ghosts
(with no bonus) and the result determines the with no hope for the afterlife.
character’s starting Juice for that day. If the
character has Extreme, they add +1 Juice to
their result. Available only to AMPs. New AMP Powers
Result Starting Juice Name Strain
1-3 1 Energy Sense Blasters
4-6 2 Glass Elementals
7-17 3 Horror Mindbenders
18-20 4 Hypnosis Psychs
Immortality Bulks
Tagged (3): The character’s blood is on file
with TRAC, giving them information on the AMP’s Limb From Limb Shifters
powers and even their location. This is a common Summoning Travelers
Drawback for AMPs who have registered with the Tick Ferals
government. Available only to AMPs.
Velocity Shapers
Wanted (2): TRAC has the character’s identi-
ty on file and is on the lookout for them. Inter-
acting with anyone they don’t know could spell Energy Sense (Blasters)
an ambush, so the character is always on their
Check: Energy Sense + Perception
toes. This just makes life much harder. Avail-
Range: (Energy Sense + Discipline) x 10 ft.
able only to AMPs.
Duration: Scene
Resistance: None
New Drugs Core Ability: An AMP with Energy Sense has
the ability to feel universal vibrations in the
world released when AMPs use their powers.
They can see trails of energy wherever some-
Bliss one has used a Power (even if the target does
Type: Ingested, Cost: 2, Addictive: Yes not have the Trail Drawback, AYO, pg. 63). Add-
The latest drug on the streets, mostly found ing (Energy Sense) to Survival checks to track
in the Midwest. Once ingested, it creates such a down AMPs who have used powers within the
feeling of ecstasy that the person actually has last (Energy Sense) hours, adds a +4 bonus to

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
this check if the Energy Type being tracked partments or just learning why the power
matches their own. The AMP may spend 1 Juice bill is so high every month.
to further extend their senses to perceive any- VV Bioelectric Sense (E3): The AMP can now
thing normally invisible to the naked eye, in- sense low-level bioelectric signatures to
cluding spirits and those using Invisibility or sense the location of any living creatures
Astral Projection. in the area. Cannot be reduced lower than
E1. Range: 100 ft. radius.
Enhancements Preconception (T1)

Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

VV Dormancy (E1): The AMP is harder to find, Check: None
creating a (Energy Sense) penalty to anyone Range: Self
attempting to track them by their own trail. Duration: Instant
Effect: The AMP can sense an attacker us-
VV Mental Check (E1): Immediately able ing a Power (does not work against mundane
to tell if someone is under the effects of attacks) and has a split second to adjust their
Mindbender and Psych powers. Reaction. They receive a +5 bonus to their Re-
VV Illusion-Proof (E1): Must have Mental action check. This Trick is reflexive.
Check. They can now see through Illusions
by reading energy signals. Spectrum Sight (T1)
VV Listen In (E1 - Sound): Must have Bio- Check: None
electric Sense. Can now sense radio waves, Range: Line of Sight
allowing them to listen in on any conver- Duration: Scene
sations going on in their vicinity. Effect: Adjusting the energy their eyes per-
ceive, the AMP can now see radio waves, radar,
VV Power Grid (E2 - Electricity): Must have infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, microwaves
Bioelectric Sense. Instantly senses every- or even radiation. This alleviates penalties
thing hooked up to a power source and from darkness or smoke easily.
how much power each one is draining.
Great for rooting out secret rooms or com-

X-Ray Vision Spectrum Sight Power Level

Preconception Energy Sense Mental Check

Dormancy Bioelectric Sense Illusion-Proof

Disrupt Power Grid Listen In

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
X-Ray Vision (T2) In addition, spending 1 Juice can adjust
Check: None glass qualities to change any glass surface into
Range: Line of Sight a mirror or ever a two-way mirror. They may
Duration: Scene also make glass more resistant, giving (Glass/2)
Effect: Must have Spectrum Sight. The AMP as AR against damage. For the same cost, they
can now separate energy signatures they see, can simply shatter any glass object they see,
allowing their vision to bypass barriers and ef- regardless of how thick it may be.
fectively reproduce X-Ray vision. They see what
is on the other side of a wall, inside someone’s
pocket, what’s going on in their body, etc. Augments
Disrupt (T3)
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

Check: Energy Sense + Discipline Enhancements

Range: (Energy Sense + Fortitude) x 10 ft. VV Felt the Edge Before (E2): Must have
Duration: Support (1) Protrusions. Their body becomes resistant
Effect: Must have Dormancy. They release a to attacks from glass, blades and oth-
wave of energy that disrupts the use of Powers er edged weapons, granting (Glass/2) as
in the area. Activation costs are raised by +1 Juice AR against these attacks. Does not affect
and anyone within the Radius suffers a -3 penalty blunt or crushing weapons.
to their next Power use (if it requires a check). VV Tiny Fragments (E2): Must have Shat-
ter Song. In addition to damage from the
Power Level (T3) piercing shout, the shattered glass turns
Check: None into a dust cloud of death. Victims in the
Range: Line of Sight blast begin to inhale tiny glass fragments,
Duration: Instant damaging their internal systems for 4B if
Effect: Must have Spectrum Sight. The AMP they do not succeed in a second Resistance
can perceive how powerful another AMP is, check. Cannot be reduced below E1.
quite literally sensing their Power level. They in-
stantly sense the target’s Strain, how many pow-
ers they possess and the levels for said powers.
They are unable to discern exactly what powers
the target has without first seeing them in ac- Shard Attack (T1)
tion. Cannot be reduced lower than T2. Check: Glass + Marksmanship
Range: (Glass + Perception) x 10ft.
Duration: Instant
Glass (Elementals) Resistance: Dodge/Find Cover
Effect: A shard of glass cuts itself out of the
Check: None AMP’s body and flies toward the target, inflict-
Range: Line of Sight ing 2B damage upon impact. If they are unable
Duration: Instant to pay the Juice cost, the AMP has the option to
Resistance: None take 1B instead.
Core Ability: One of the most abundant ele-
ments, AMPs with Glass possess a unique mastery Shatter Song (T1)
in the modern world. The subtleties of Glass make Check: Glass + Performance
it an unassuming power many underestimate. The Range: (Glass + Fortitude) x 100 ft. radius
AMP becomes hyper-aware of every movement Duration: Instant
reflected on any surface, from glass to metal to an- Resistance: Fortitude
other’s eyes. This makes them immune to Surprise Effect: The AMP lets out a shout that extends
Attacks, adds (Glass) to Perception checks and fur- their already impressive ability to shatter glass
ther adds (Glass/2) to Initiative. in a surrounding area, instantly affecting any-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Mirror Cage Intro the Void Travel By Mirror

Felt the Edge Before Glass Light Refraction

Protrusions Shard Attack Shatter Song

Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

Sharpened Whirlwind Tiny Fragments

thing made of glass, regardless of Integrity. It is Mirror Cage (T3)

loud enough to also deal 2B damage to anyone Check: Glass + Discipline
within Range, unless they successfully Resist. Range: Touch
Duration: (Glass/2) days
Into the Void (T1, +1 if small) Resistance: Fortitude
Check: None Effect: Must have Into the Void. By touching
Range: Self a target and a mirror at the same time, they can
Duration: Concentration trap their victim within the glass. This is a tricky
Effect: The AMP walks into a glass surface, maneuver, as the AMP can become trapped as
becoming one with it. They then appear as a re- well. If they do not succeed at a Moderate (20)
flection in the mirror and can move anywhere check (even if they beat their target’s check)
along its surface or even to the other side with- they are also locked in the glass, though for
out incident. Large surfaces are easy, but they half the Duration. If the glass is shattered, any-
can even rest inside a compact or hand mir- one trapped inside suffers 4B that cannot be
ror, though at a higher Juice cost. If the glass negated or reduced, and they are ejected from
is shattered while they are within, they suffer the mirror.
4B that cannot be negated or reduced and are
instantly ejected from the mirror. Travel by Mirror (T3)
Check: Glass + Travel to avoid attacks
Light Refraction (T2) Range: Line of Sight
Check: Glass + Fortitude Duration: Support ((Glass + Fortitude)/2)
Range: Self Effect: Must have Into the Void. With this
Duration: Scene Trick, the AMP using Into The Void can jump
Effect: Must have Into the Void. The AMP from one reflective surface to another within
has learned to affect the way their body re- sight in an instant, allowing for quicker travel
flects light, making them more capable of and avoidance of enemies in a pinch. Though
stealthy maneuvers. This adds a (Glass/2) bo- this effectively lasts for the Scene, they can
nus to Stealth. only make ((Glass + Fortitude)/2) jumps before
needing to recharge. If they fail their Moderate
(20) check, the number of jumps is halved. May
be used Reflexively.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Protrusions (T3) ror truly understands the awesome power of
Check: None true fright. The AMP’s aura exudes a natural
Range: Self Fear effect, adding (Horror) to Intimidation and
Duration: (Glass) Rounds making them immune to Intimidation or Fear
Effect: Must have Shard Attack. The AMP effects used on them. This also means they
creates shards that protrude all over their cannot gain Juice from fear.
body, making their attacks much deadlier. They By spending Juice, they can cast out an un-
now deal +1B damage with unarmed attacks or natural Fear (15 + Horror) effect, forcing a Re-
+2B to those who Grab the AMP. sistance check from anyone looking at them.
A failure causes a -2 penalty to all checks (in-
Sharpened Whirlwind (T4) cluding Initiative) for each Juice spent. Even if
Check: Glass + Discipline the victim has succumbed to the AMP’s initial
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

Range: (Glass) x 10 ft. Fear effect, additional Resistance checks are

Duration: (Glass/2) Rounds necessary against individual Tricks. As with all
Resistance: Find Cover emotion-based powers, causing fear in a target
Effect: Must have Protrusions. Shards eject may create unforeseen reactions (AYO, pg. 189).
from the AMP’s body and fly around, cutting
and slicing everything in the area for 3B dam-
age, and another 3B at the beginning of each
Round until the effect ends. If the AMP fails
their Moderate (20) activation check, the dam-
age reduces by 1 for every Round that passes. Enhancements
Cannot be reduced lower than T2. VV Focused Dread (E1): Instead of affecting
everyone in the area, the AMP sends in-
tense fear directly at a single target, who
Horror (Mindbenders) suffers a -2 penalty to their check. Range:
Line of Sight.
Check: None VV Increasingly Frightful (E1-5): Raises the
Range: (Horror + Intimidation) AMP’s Fear effect by +3 per Juice Spent.
Duration: Scene VV Driven By Fear (E2): Must have Remove
Resistance: Fear (15 + Horror) Fear. The AMP is mentally connected to
Core Ability: Fear fuels many things, and those who fail their Fear check, strengthen-
while an AMP with Heartstrings has their hand ing their body with pure terror. Each victim’s
in many different emotions, only one with Hor- failed check grants the AMP a +3 bonus to

Terrifying Visage Focused Dread Paralyzing Fear

Increasingly Frightful
Horror Fear Alone

Tainted Power Remove Fear Driven By Fear

Siphon Fear

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Movement and a +1 bonus to close combat pear as silhouettes, while those who are scared
checks. The maximum bonus gain is +15/+5, appear as glowing figures. They can ignore
but the normal Fear may still affect addi- any sight-based penalties, such as darkness
tional targets. Cannot be reduced below E1. or heavy rain, and this removes any benefit to
VV Siphon Fear (E2): Must have Remove hiding from the AMP.
Fear. Each victim who fails their Fear check
against the AMP further makes them stron- Remove Fear (T1)
ger, each one giving a +3 bonus to Might
Check: None
checks and +1 damage. The maximum bo-
nus gain is +15/+5, but the normal Fear Range: Line of Sight
may still affect additional targets. Cannot Duration: Battle
be reduced below E1. Effect: The AMP removes even the slightest
fear from the target with a look, negating any

Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

positive or negative (usually negative) penalties.
Tainted Power (T2)
Fear Alone (T1) Check: None
Check: None Range: Self
Range: Self Duration: Reaction
Duration: Battle
Effect: Must have Increasingly Frightful.
Effect: Must have Focused Dread. The AMP
They are now immune to being read by powers.
alters their vision to see only fear, meaning
No attempts to use mind reading or control,
they are able to see the aura of anyone afflict-
pick up visions or sense the AMP are success-
ed with Horror. Objects in the environment ap-
ful, instead only instilling a feeling of dread.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
The attacker suffers a -3 penalty to all checks this state, the AMP can ask questions about
for the rest of the Scene as a result. This may what they are thinking, what they are doing,
be used Reflexively. how they are feeling, etc. Most questions are
answered without a second thought, but any-
Paralyzing Fear (T3) thing going against their nature (divulging a
Check: None horrible secret or betraying a friend) or going
Range: Self deeper than surface thoughts is impossible.
Duration: (Horror/2) Rounds Targets can add any Authority, Illusions or
Resistance: Core Ability Mnemonics they may possess to their Resis-
Effect: Must have Focused Dread. The vic- tance, and this ability cannot be used in com-
tim feels nothing but a crippling fear leaving bat. The AMP’s mind is also strengthened, add-
them unable to move or take action. They may ing (Hypnosis) to any checks against Mental
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

still defend themselves if attacked, but cannot Trauma.

Move, take Actions (except Retreat) or retreat
while affected.
Terrifying Visage (T4)
Check: Horror + Discipline Enhancements
Range: Line of Sight
Duration: Battle VV Digging Deep (E1): Questions that go
Resistance: Mental Trauma further than surface thoughts can now be
Effect: Must have Increasingly Frightful and asked, allowing the AMP to gather sensi-
Focused Dread. They choose a target, delve into tive information or unlock knowledge the
their deepest subconscious and pluck out the target didn’t even know.
form of the victim’s darkest fears. Then the AMP VV Closed Eyes (E2): Effects can now be used
literally becomes their victim’s deepest fears, on a target regardless of eye contact.
causing the target to immediately fail any Fear
checks against the AMP and suffer a -4 penalty VV Groundwork (E2): Once the AMP has hyp-
to all combat checks. The AMP also now deals notized the target this time, the AMP does
+2B damage against the target. Targets with the not require Concentration to keep them
Phobia Drawback (AYO, pg. 58) do not receive under for up to 5 minutes the next time.
a Resistance check. Not even the AMP knows VV Combat Hypnosis (E3): Must have Closed
what they will change into. Sometimes it’s the Eyes. They may now use Hypnosis during Bat-
victim’s abusive parent, while other times they tle, essentially trading their Action (and Con-
become snakes, spiders or the embodiment of centration) to rob the target of their Action for
an ever-decreasing space around the victim. the Round. Cannot be reduced below E1.
Cannot be reduced below T2.
Hypnosis (Psychs) Suggestions (T1)
Check: Hypnosis + Discipline Check: Hypnosis + Persuasion
Range: Line of Sight Range: Core Ability
Duration: Concentration Duration: (Hypnosis) days
Resistance: Mental Trauma Resistance: Mental Trauma
Core Ability: A classic ability of psychics, Effect: This Trick plants an idea into a hyp-
an AMP with this power can trap their target notized target’s mind of an Action to take
in a hypnotic, highly suggestible state. With a or habit to break. This can be anything from
meeting of eyes and 1 Juice, the target halts “You’ll feel physically ill the next time you
all action and falls into a half-sleep trance. In reach for a cigarette” to “Quack when someone

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Closed Eyes Combat Hypnosis Friends and Enemies

Digging Deep Hypnosis Groundwork

Refreshing Words Suggestions Damning Ideas

Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

says the word ‘somewhere’.” The idea stays ac- Friends and Enemies (T3, +1 per Round)
tive for the Duration, which means regular vis- Friends and Enemies (T3, +1 per Round)
its to the hypnotist is often necessary to keep Check: Hypnosis + Intimidation
the effects ongoing. Suggestions cannot be Range: Line of Sight
anything to make the target harm themselves Duration: 1 Round
or another. Causing a sickening effect creates Resistance: Mental Trauma
a -2 penalty when attempting to perform the Effect: Must have Combat Hypnosis. The
disallowed action. AMP reverses the idea of friends and enemies
in the target’s mind, making them switch sides
Refreshing Words for the Duration. They view friends as enemies
Check: Hypnosis + Persuasion and enemies as friends and act accordingly,
Range: Core Ability including and up to trying to kill those most
Duration: 1 day important to them if the situation demands.
Resistance: Mental Trauma
Effect: Must have Suggestions. The AMP
puts thoughts of pleasant things into the tar- Immortality (Bulks)
get’s mind to lessen burdens, such as a sense
Check: None
of well-being or calmness about an aspect of
Range: Self
their life. The target is granted a +3 bonus to
Duration: Permanent
Mental Trauma checks and +1 starting Juice for
Resistance: None
the Duration. Cannot be used on one’s self or
Core Ability: While those with Regeneration
during combat (even with Combat Hypnosis).
may live longer than Saps, AMPs with Immor-
tality go far beyond their limits. First, the char-
Damning Ideas acter simply stops aging when their power be-
Check: Hypnosis + Intimidation comes active. It is often discovered by accident,
Range: Line of Sight after the AMP succumbs to their first death, but
Duration: 1 day it can also spontaneously start at any age a
Resistance: Mental Trauma player’s concept creates.
Effect: Must have Suggestions. The AMP im- Immortality doesn’t actually stop one from
plants damaging ideas into the target’s hyp- dying, but does ensure the AMP returns to life af-
notized psyche, such as artificial fears or feel- ter suffering any kind of death… for a price. Each
ings of terrorizing panic. The victim suffers a -3 time they die, their maximum Juice capacity is
penalty to Mental Trauma checks of any kind lowered by 1 (most characters have a maximum
and -1 starting Juice for the Duration. Cannot of 10 Juice). For example, an AMP who has died
be used on one’s self or during combat (even twice would only have a Maximum of 8 Juice.
with Combat Hypnosis). Only if they are killed without any Juice capacity
left to they finally succumb to death’s embrace

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
and cease returning. Returning from the dead umship. Of course, the AMP lacks any con-
takes (6 - Immortality) days (minimum of 1). So, trol or insight into the spirit beyond simple
an AMP with Immortality 3 would spring to life interaction.
three days after dying, while Immortality 5+ VV Dead Like You (E2): Must have Spirit
means it only takes 1 day. Sight. The AMP becomes immune to spirit
The AMP also reduces any Pain penalties by attacks and damage. Duration: (Immortal-
(Immortality/2) as they become more accus- ity) Rounds.
tomed to dealing with the pain death brings.
VV Dying With Purpose (E2): Must have Play
‘Possum. When the AMP dies (voluntarily or
Augments otherwise), they may split their maximum
Integrity evenly between their comrades to
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

heal them. Range: 20 ft. radius.

VV Pain-Free (E0): Reduces Pain penalties by Tricks
full (Immortality)
VV Death Senses (E1): The AMP can hear and Play ‘Possum (T1)
feel everything happening to or around Check: None
their body while they are dead. If the scene Range: Self
is chaotic, they may attempt an Intuition + Duration: Scene
Perception check to figure out what hap- Effect: Must have Death Senses. They force
pened when they awake. themselves into a death state. For all intents
and purposes, they are dead to anyone who
VV Sage Advice (E1): Must have Wisdom of checks their body (regardless of technique or
Heaven. The AMP can now grant half the equipment used), but they can spring back to
Wisdom of Heaven bonus to another by life at will for 1 Action. This Trick is reflexive.
providing wise advice. It is no longer Re-
flexive if they use this Enhancement.
Only Mostly Dead (T2, +1 per hr.)
VV Spirit Sight (E1): Being bedfellows with Check: None
death, they are now able to see and speak Range: Self
to spirits; once only the purview of Medi- Duration: Scene
Effect: Must have Play ‘Possum. If the AMP
was supposed to die, they are able to spring
Dying With Purpose

Play ‘Possum Only Mostly Dead Drag You Down Wtih Me

Death Senses Immortality Replenish Lives

Pain Free Spirit Sight Wisdom of Heaven

Dead Like You Sage Advice

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
right back to life within 1 hr., plus 1 hr. per check accounting for 1 hr. of meditation and
additional Juice spent. Any effects that would constant contact with the victim (usually re-
have occurred from dying still occur, but this quiring restraints of some kind). When the ritu-
could the difference between finishing an im- al ends, the AMP regains one of their lives and
portant deed and failing horribly just because raises their maximum Juice capacity by 1 (can-
they happen to die. Death can be such a nui- not raise above normal limits). Obviously, this
sance. This Trick is reflexive, but cannot be Trick cannot be used in combat. If used on an-
used again until they actually die. Cannot be other AMP with Immortality, they transfer Juice
reduced below T2. capacity from one to the other. The victim only
fully dies after being drained entirely.
Wisdom of Heaven (T2) As a strange side effect, the loved ones of
Check: None the now-soulless victim feel somehow drawn

Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

Range: Self to the AMP and feel intense animosity toward
Duration: Instant them; even if they have no clue their loved
Effect: Must have Spirit Sight. Having trav- one is dead. These individuals receive a +2
eled to the afterlife and back, the AMP is grant- bonus to all checks against the AMP and deal
ed insight one can only gain from death. This +1 damage if these encounters come to blows.
Trick gives a bonus to any Skill check by tap- Depending on the victim, the AMP may incur an
ping into this wisdom. They receive a +2 bo- Enemy Drawback as well (GM’s choice).
nus to the check, with an additional (Lost Juice
Capacity) bonus as well. For example, an AMP
who has died twice and lost 2 Juice capacity Limb From Limb (Shifters)
can gain a +4 bonus by using this Trick. May be
Check: None
used Reflexively.
Range: (Limb From Limb) x 10 ft.
Duration: Scene
Drag You Down With Me (T3) Resistance: None
Check: Immortality + Fortitude Core Ability: An AMP with Limb From Limb
Range: Touch has the quite disgusting ability to remove
Duration: Reaction pieces of their body yet still retain control of
Effect: Must have Play ‘Possum. When the them. For 1 Juice, the AMP may disconnect any
AMP dies, they grab a hold of their killer’s soul part of themselves or reconnect a part for the
and take it with them. This inflicts (Immorality + Scene. This ability can be used to easily get out
5) Brutal damage as payment for their deed. This of handcuffs (by removing their hands) or re-
damage cannot be reduced with AR, but powers attach an arm cut off by another AMP’s claws.
like Invulnerability or those that grant Temporary They can control (Intuition/2) limbs with a sin-
Integrity can be used to dull this damage. gle Action. Limbs removed do not bleed or suf-
fer increased chances of infection.
Replenish Lives (T4) Due to their body’s unique makeup, they
Check: Immortality + Fortitude add (Limb From Limb/2) to any Fortitude Re-
Range: Touch sistance checks and are immune to Bleeding.
Duration: Permanent While Limb From Limb may sound comical,
Effect: Must have Drag You Down With Me. people who watch this power in use must
In order to keep their Immortality going, many make a Moderate (20) Fortitude check to keep
AMPs turn to supplementing their lives with from losing their lunch at the disgusting sight,
the souls of others. It leaves the victim dead gaining a +2 bonus each time they see it in use.
and removes any idea of them coming back to
life or a journey to the afterlife.
The process requires (Target’s Fortitude +2)
successes on an Extended Check, with each

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Scurry My Little Friend My Much Bigger Friend

Pain Suppression Limb From


Sticky Limbs Extended Control Reassemble

Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

Sensory Lending Patchwork Disassemble

Augments form a task. This can be anything from deliver-

ing a message or acting as a spy (if combined
with Sensory Lending). The AMP can perform
actions at a distance with My Little Friend,
Enhancements but suffers a -2 penalty to checks. If they fail
VV Extended Control (E1): They can now control a Moderate (20) check during activation, this
their limbs up to (Limb From Limb) x 100 ft. drops to a -4 penalty. The creature moves at
VV Sensory Lending (E1): Removal of a limb (Movement/2) and does not suffer the above
disconnects it from the body completely, penalty to Stealth checks.
but now the AMP can retain the associated
senses. For example, a disconnected ear can
still hear. This also goes for smelling with a Pain Suppression (T1)
detached nose, seeing with an eye or tasting Check: None
with a tongue. Touch is the only sense that Range: Self
does not require Sensory Lending. Duration: Scene
VV Scurry (E2): Must have My Little Friend. The Effect: Removing limbs is not an enjoyable ex-
creature created (big or small) by the AMP perience, often coupled with an intense pain many
now moves at full (Movement) and gains a grow accustomed to only over time. An AMP with
+3 bonus to Stealth checks. Pain Suppression, however, negates pain entirely.
VV Sticky Limbs (E3): Any part removed can
be attached to another surface (including Reassemble (T1)
another person). Remember, the AMP still Check: Limb From Limb + Might
retains control of their limbs even while Range: 1 mile
detached. Check: Limb From Limb + Might, Duration: Instant
Resistance: Strength. Resistance: Strength
Effect: Must have Extended Control. The
Tricks AMP calls any and all parts of their body to
put themselves back together. Limbs on the
ground suddenly launch into the air and fly to-
My Little Friend (T1) ward the AMP, but those being restrained may
Check: Limb From Limb + Discipline
make an Opposed check. If the limb is locked
Range: Core Ability
away or otherwise cannot get to the AMP for
Duration: Scene
some reason, the AMP instantly senses its di-
Effect: The AMP removes one of their hands
rection and receives a +4 bonus to Survival to
or feet and creates a small creature to per-
track down their lost limb, regardless of Range.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn
Disassemble (T2) the AMP’s existing Skills and Powers and a +2
Check: Limb From Limb + Speed bonus to Fighting, Initiative and damage. If
Range: Self they fail a Moderate (20) check, they lose these
Duration: Reaction bonuses. When the Duration ends, the limbs re-
Effect: Must have Reassemble. They are so ad- turn to the AMP automatically, as if they used
ept at removing parts they can will them to dis- Reassemble.
connect instantly, even at the very instant an at-
tack is coming at them. This is particularly good Patchwork (T3)
versus attacks on particular parts of their body. Check: None
In any case, it allows the AMP to convert Brutal Range: Self
damage from a single attack to normal damage Duration: Permanent
or ignore it entirely if it is a Targeted Strike. Effect: Must have Reassemble. There are
times when an AMP’s limbs become damaged,
My Much Bigger Friend (T3) mangled, broken or otherwise unusable. This
Check: Limb From Limb + Discipline Trick lets the AMP simply take someone else’s.
Range: Core Ability If the AMP has lost their hand, they can chop
Duration: (Limb From Limb) Rounds off someone else’s hand and attach it. Any lost
Effect: Must have My Little Friend and Re- Integrity from the part heals instantly. The part
assemble. The AMP removes either both their does not ever truly match, but once assimilat-
arms or both their legs to create a terrible ed it converts to a shape and size suitable to
creature to fight for them. The friend possess- the AMP’s use (including powers). The strange
es half the AMP’s Integrity, but is much more sight of an AMP with a hand of a different skin
ferocious. My Much Bigger Friend fights with tone, the arm from another gender or a slightly

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
decayed leg (if taken from a corpse) is all too jects (my mother’s locket) or something
common. One should also be careful not to end general (a newspaper). Range: (Summon-
up with two left feet. This can only be used on ing) miles.
someone of normal human size, not those us- VV Larger Tidings (E2): They can now sum-
ing Sizing or shapeshifting abilities. Cannot be mon items up to Size 4. Cannot be reduced
reduced below T2. lower than E1.
VV From Anywhere (E3): Must have From
Summoning (Travelers) Nearby. They can now summon items from
any distance as long as it is Marked or they
Check: Summoning + Persuasion have interacted with it at some point in
Range: Line of Sight their past. Cannot be reduced lower than
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

Duration: Instant E1. Range: Unlimited.

Resistance: None
Core Ability: An AMP with Summoning pos- Tricks
sesses a versatile ability many covet. It is the
literal representation of “if you want some-
thing, take it.” By spending 1 Juice, they instant- Mark (T1)
ly teleport any Size 1 or 2 object they see to Check: None
their hands. If they fail a Moderate (20) check Range: Touch
when using Summoning, the item appears Duration: Permanent
near them, but not in their hand. If the item is Effect: The AMP touches an item and places
sentimental and emotionally connected to the a mystical (and visible) symbol on it, marking
current owner, the AMP suffers a -4 penalty to it as theirs. From that point on, the AMP can
Summon the object weighed down by its emo- ignore the check to summon this particular
tional anchor. item and it cannot be summoned (or affected
by Item Drop, AYO, pg. 163) by any other AMP.

Augments Summoned Defense (T1)

Check: Core Ability
Range: Core Ability
Enhancements Duration: Reaction
VV Distance Mark (E2): Must have Mark. They Effect: The AMP summons an object to
can now Mark any object they can see. withstand an incoming attack. The item ab-
Range: Line of Sight. sorbs the attack, protecting the AMP as long as
it’s sturdy enough. Summoning a metal beam
VV From Nearby (E1): Extends the range to or concrete slab is likely to absorb all damage
encompass a wider area without the need from a sword, while a wooden chair may only
to see the object. Affects only specific ob-

Mark Distance Mark Reverse Summoning

Summon Shelter Summoning Summong Defense

Larger Tidings Reinforcements From Nearby

98 From Anywhere

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)

half the damage. It is all based on what the
AMP can see to Summon.
Tick (Ferals)
Check: None
Reinforcements (T3) Range: Self
Check: Core Ability Duration: Scene
Range: Core Ability Resistance: None
Duration: Instant Core Ability: Animals of all types and envi-
Resistance: Fortitude ronments nourish themselves from the blood
Effect: Must have Larger Tidings. The AMP of other creatures, and AMPs are no different.
can summon up to (Comrades) others to them Those with Tick have become literal vampires,
within Range. They must have a positive emo- many getting a negative reputation due to the
tional connection to the targets, such as friends gruesome nature of their power. First, the AMP

Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

and loved ones (cannot be used on strangers adds (Tick/2) to checks against Poison and be-
or enemies). It is useful for scouting ahead to come immune to Bleeding.
then summon reinforcements when the coast For 1 Juice, they can sprout a blood-sucking
is clear. If the target is unwilling, they receive a orifice (chosen at creation), be it vampire-like
Resistance check. fangs from their mouth or lamprey suckers in their
palms. While in a Grab, they may make an Inflict
Reverse Summoning (T3) Harm Action, dealing Brutal damage and regain-
Check: None ing Integrity at a rate of 2-to-1 (cannot raise above
Range: Core Ability normal limits). For instance, if their bite inflicts 6B
Duration: Instant damage, the AMP regains up to 3 Integrity. Drink-
Effect: Must have Distance Mark. Instead ing the blood of the dead (anyone whose heart
of Summoning an item to themselves, they has stopped pumping) or from an AMP with Bio-
bring themselves to one of their Marked items morph (Bloodless) provides no benefit.
within Range. Clever AMPs with knowledge of
where a battle is bound to go down can easily
stack the deck in their favor with strategically
placed marked objects around the area. Cannot
be reduced lower than T2.
Summon Shelter (T4) VV Nectar (E0): As long as they suck blood
Check: None at least once per day (dealing at least 2B
Range: (Summoning) x 10 ft. damage), they can otherwise ignore the
Duration: Concentration need to eat or drink normal food.
Effect: Must have Mark and Larger Tidings. VV Paralyzing Bite (E1): Must have Latched
The AMP Marks a building the size of a cabin or On. Bites also create a -1 penalty from Pain
small home to then be able to instantly sum- to all checks for each point of damage
mon it to their current location. The building done (max: -10), causing the victim’s body
is uprooted, leaving the area appearing as if it to atrophy. If they suffer a -10 penalty from
has simply vanished, but returns as soon as the this effect, they cannot act until the pain
AMP wants. Some AMPs use this Trick as a way has faded away.
to avoid the dangers of Mother Nature, while
VV Painless Bite (E2): Must have Nectar.
others see it as a way to bring all their equip-
Sucking the victim’s blood causes zero pain.
ment and precious items to them in an instant.
Clever Ticks even drained their victims
without stirring them from their sleep. As
soon as the victim drops to half their Integ-
rity, however, they’ll wake up instinctually.
Cannot be reduced lower than E1.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
VV Ravenous (E2): Must have Latched On. Tentacles (T2)
The AMP now regains Integrity at a 1-for-1 Check: None
basis while sucking blood. Range: Self
VV Blood Sack (E3): Must have Ravenous. Duration: Scene
They can store excess blood drank for later Effect: The AMP grows additional append-
consumption. After inflicting damage from ages with lamprey-like suckers at their ends.
their bite and healing Integrity to their These can extend up to (Tick + 10) ft. for suck-
maximum, the AMP can store up to (Tick/2) ing blood at a distance. They can make a Grab
excess Integrity to heal reflexively at any check on targets within Range using Marks-
time within the next (Fortitude/2) hrs., at manship instead of Fighting.
which time it becomes unusable. Cannot
Extracting Size (T4, +1 Juice per Reduction)
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

be reduced below E2.

Check: None
Range: Self
Tricks Duration: Scene
Effect: Must have Nectar and Tentacles. Af-
Latched On (T1) ter drinking blood and dealing at least 10B
Check: None damage within the Scene, the AMP can choose
Range: Touch not to heal, but to instead pump up their body’s
Duration: Instant size and strength. For every 10B dealt, they add
Effect: After initiating a Grab, the AMP bites (Tick/2) to Strength checks, gain +1 damage to
down and latches on to the victim, who suffers close combat attacks and grow by 25% (up to
a -4 penalty to any Break Grapple checks. If the double their size). They can spend additional
target is able to break free anyway, they suffer Juice, reducing the necessary damage dealt be-
(Tick/2) Brutal damage as the bite rips their fore activating by 2. For instance, spending 6
flesh. May be used Reflexively. Juice (T4 + 2) means they receive bonuses for
every 6B inflicted. Cannot be reduced below T2.

Tentacles Extracting Size Nectar

Tick Painless Bite

Paralyzing Bite Latched On Ravenous

Blood Sack

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Velocity (Shapers) Augments
Check: None
Range: Self / (Velocity + Speed) x 10 ft. Enhancements
Duration: Permanent / Varies
Resistance: None / Strength VV Always Ready (E0): Adds full (Velocity) to
Core Ability: Velocity is the power to con- Initiative.
trol the motion and inertia of things around VV Feel the Rush (E1): When performing a
the AMP. Immediately, this improves the AMP’s Rush Attack (AYO, pg. 175), they receive triple
reaction time, adding (Velocity/2) to Initiative, the normal bonus to their follow-up attack.
and makes them immune to effects that would
otherwise slow them down (i.e. Gravity Energy Tricks

Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

Effect). They may further add their full (Veloci-
ty) against checks to outright stop them while
in motion (i.e. Constructs (Cage)). Fast as a Bullet (T1)
For 1 Juice, the AMP adjusts their own or Check: None
Range: Touch
someone else’s effective momentum, multi-
Duration: Instant
plying their own Movement by (Velocity/2) or
Effect: The AMP adds (Velocity) to a ranged
subtracting (Velocity) from their target’s Move-
attacks, making bullets, javelins or other
ment. This modifier has a half-life of 1 min. For
ranged weapons fly even faster through the air.
example, an AMP with Movement 10 and Ve-
This Trick is used Reflexively.
locity 4 could spend 1 Juice to move at Move-
ment 20, then Movement 15, then Movement
12, then Movement 11, reducing at each 1 min. Behind the Wheel (T1)
interval until they return to Movement 10. This Check: None
can only affect (Intuition/2) targets at any giv- Range: Touch
en time, but can be used Reflexively. Duration: Instant
Effect: Must have Feel the Rush. When pi-
loting or driving a vehicle, the AMP is able to
pull off amazing feats and stunts by influenc-
ing the velocity. They may add (Velocity) to any
Travel checks when behind the wheel.

Always Ready Launch Match Velocity

Fast as a Bullet Velocity

Dead Stop Change Trajectory Feel the Rush

Momentum Reversal Behind the Wheel

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Change Trajectory (T2) drop it for any reason, the target returns to the
Check: None original Movement speed instantly. If used on
Range: Self a vehicle, riders suffer Collision damage since
Duration: Reaction their momentum isn’t affected. May be used
Effect: The AMP can now affect the direc- Reflexively.
tion and momentum of incoming attacks, cre-
ating a (Velocity) penalty to a single attack on Launch (T3)
them. May be used reflexively. Check: Velocity + Travel for maneuvers
Range: Self
Dead Stop (T2) Duration: Concentration
Check: Velocity + Discipline Effect: Must have Always Ready. By manip-
Range: (Velocity + Speed) x 10 ft. ulating their own velocity, the AMP launches
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

Duration: Instant into the air to fly at (Movement x (Velocity/2)).

Resistance: Strength This Trick lasts as long as the AMP continues to
Effect: Must have Change Trajectory. No move; they are unable to hover or simply float
matter how fast the target is moving, they sud- like other flight abilities allow. However, while
denly come to a dead stop. This can be used in flight, attackers suffer (Velocity) as a penalty
to stop an AMP rushing toward them or on to hit the AMP due to the sheer speed.
someone falling. If a Target fails their Resis-
tance check, they essentially lose their Action
for the Round and continue to do so as long
as the AMP retains their Concentration. If they

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Momentum Reversal (T3) erwise follows normal Level cap requirements.
Check: Velocity + Discipline Obviously, only Saps can select Gadgeteer as
Range: (Velocity + Speed) x 10 ft. their Primary, since an AMP’s Primary power al-
Duration: Instant or Reaction ways comes from their Strain. Gadgeteer is not
Resistance: Strength an on-the-fly power, but allows a character to
Effect: Must have Dead Stop. A target on gear up before hitting the streets.
the move should fear an AMP with this Trick, VV Crafting: The Gadgeteer can create unique
who launches them backwards with extreme items for a variety of purposes, each item
force. Failing a resistance check sends the tar- requiring a Moderate (20) Extended check,
get flying backwards (target’s Movement) x2 ft. with each check representing 1 day of
and knocking them down, requiring a Prepare work (note the bonus from power ranking).
Action to stand again. If the target was Sprint- The number of successes needed to craft

Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

ing, they are thrown back (Movement) x20 ft. the item is listed for each Gadget, some
instead. Cannot be reduced below T2. definitely easier than others. The GM may
also place material requirements to build
certain gadgets (such as obtaining proper
Match Velocity (T4) fuel for Rocket Boots). Characters may add
Check: Velocity + Travel for maneuvers (Brainiac/2) or (Technopathy/2) to any craft-
Range: Self ing checks, if they happen to possess these
Duration: Concentration powers. Items created by the Gadgeteer are
Effect: Must have Launch. The AMP picks suited only to them, and anyone else who
something moving in their environment and attempts suffers a -3 penalty to all uses.
syncs with its velocity. This lets them travel at VV Uses: As Juice is not used to power these
the same speed of a car, a jungle cat, an AMP items, they are instead limited by how
with Acceleration or even a low flying plane, many times they can be used before need-
but also in the same direction. The moment ing repair or rebuilding. Some of the more
they lose or break their Concentration, the AMP explosive devices have only 1 Use, while
returns to their normal velocity. Cannot be re- others may have multiple Uses. If the gad-
duced below T2. get is victim to a Targeted Strike and sus-
tains at least 5 damage, it loses 1 Use. The
Useful Gift (pg. 85) can be purchased for
additional Uses, but none can have more
New Universal than 5 Uses.
VV Starting: At Level 1, the character receives
Power one Gadget they know how to make, and
then receives one additional Gadget Type
at each even level (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10). Up-
grades can be purchased with the Up-
Gadgeteer graded Tech Gift (pg. 85) for 2 BP. If it the
character’s Primary power, they can buy ad-
Check: Gadgeteer + Crafts ditional Gadget types for 2 BP, just as AMPs
Range: Self can buy additional Augments (AYO, pg. 52).
Duration: Scene
VV Encumbrance: The character may carry
Resistance: None up to (Strength/2) Gadgets with them at
Core Ability: The perfect power for a char- any given time. The exception to this rule
acter who wants just the right tool in any sit- is Improved Vehicle and Remote Vehicle. If
uation. Gadgeteer is a special power because multiple types affect the same item, such as
anyone, AMP or Sap, can learn how craft these an Improved Weapon (Sword) given a Made
special gadgets. It can be selected as a Primary, For You handle and made into a Hidden
Secondary or Tertiary power, thus granting a +5 Weapon or Wear This Mask combined with
bonus, +2 bonus or +0 bonus to checks when Optics, the gadget only counts as one item.
putting together these special items, but oth-

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Gadgets metal detectors, this weapon is the best to
bring when secrecy is necessary.

Custom Grenades Homing Object

Craft: 3 Successes Craft: 6 Successes
Uses: 1 Uses: 3
Range: (Gadgeteer + Athletics) x 25 ft. Effect: Must have Improved Weapon. A
Effect: Must have Improved Weapon. One of thrown object usually travels in a straight line,
the most useful tactics is to lob a grenade at but a weapon with Homing Object can hit the
one’s enemy before ever having to deal with intended target and then some. The Gadgeteer
them up close. When choosing this Gadget, the throws the object normally and receives a +3
bonus to hit their target. If the attack misses,
Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

character learns how to make one of the be-

low types. All grenade types deal 3B damage they can spend 1 Use to make another check
to a (Gadgeteer/2) x 10 ft. radius of the blast, (that must also be Reacted to). They can contin-
unless otherwise stated. Custom Grenades are ue this barrage, still only using 1 Action, until
one use, so cannot be raised above 1 Use. If the they wish to stop, switch targets (costs 2 Uses)
Gadgeteer chooses not to add an additional ef- or run out of Uses. For instance, throwing the
fect, it requires only 1 success to craft. object at a target and making them dodge two
VV Ice: Releases a frost on the area, dealing attacks, then targeting a second target twice
+2B damage and icing the ground. This would cost 4 Uses (1 for second attack on the
forces an Athletics + Survival check to keep first target, 2 for first attack on second target, 1
from falling to the ground if victims in the for second attack on second target).
radius move. Upgrade: Switching targets only costs 1 Use.
VV Fire Bomb: Also covers the affected radius in
a layer of flammable oil that burns for up to Improved Armor
(Gadgeteer/2) hrs. Anyone caught in the fire, Craft: 4 Successes
takes an additional 1B damage per Round. Uses: 3
VV Big Bang: Explodes in a giant blast unseen Effect: There are a lot of ways to improve
anywhere else, dealing damage to every- upon one’s garb, including making it tougher,
one within double normal radius. damage-resistant and stain-resistant. The Gad-
VV Smoke: Deals no damage, but creates a -5 geteer begins with an existing set of armor or
penalty due to partial blindness. clothing and builds upon it, adding AR +1/+1
Upgrade: Learn how to craft an additional and halving any Hindrance penalties. The
Grenade type. character must still have the Might required to
support its Weight accordingly and the proper
Wealth to purchase the armor (AYO, pg. 178).
Hidden Weapon Unlike other items that define Uses as “per
Craft: 3 Successes
attack,” an entire Battle normally counts as 1
Uses: 3
Use for Improved Armor. If they are hit for 10
Effect: Must have Improved Armor. Crafts a
damage in a single attack, this automatically
weapon hidden on their person, such as a re-
removes 1 Use. This armor can only be worn by
tractable staff or bendable blade. The weapon
the Gadgeteer.
is almost impossible to find if someone search-
The armor can become resistant to a cer-
es their body (-6 penalty to Perception checks
tain type of attack, including blades, bullets or
to find it). However, in an instant, the weapon
different types of Energy Effects by adding 2
can be in the character’s hand without a Pre-
Success while crafting. This adds AR +3 against
pare Action. Otherwise, it has normal stats ac-
that particular type of attack.
cording to weapon type and quality.
Upgrade: Provides AR +2/+2 (instead of
Upgrade: The weapon doesn’t set off de-
+1/+1) and can now have two Resistance types
tectors of any kind. From x-ray machines to
at a time (still adds 2 Successes per Resistance).

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Improved Gear items that define Uses as “per attack,” an entire
Craft: 2 Successes Scene where the Improved Vehicle is in the
Uses: 3 fray counts as 1 Use.
Effect: Some Gadgeteers become adept at Upgrade: The vehicle moves up one Speed
creating new and improved versions of exist- category and deals another +3B damage in a
ing gear to help with a variety of non-combat collision.
tasks. This can be anything from a camouflage
suit (bonus to Stealth) to an advanced medical Made For You
scanner (bonus to Medicine) or a clue-finder Craft: 4 Successes
(bonus to Perception). Depending upon what Uses: 1
item they are making, it adds (Gadgeteer/2) to Resistance: Speed + Crafts
one Skill for appropriate checks. The GM may Effect: Must have Improved Weapon. Wheth-

Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

require a certain Wealth Level to afford com- er a sword with a handle that cuts the wrong
ponents for specific gear types. wielder’s hand or a metal orb that releases
Upgrade: Add full (Gadgeteer) to checks 1000 volts into anyone but the character, the
with the item, but adds +2 successes to Craft- Gadgeteer can craft a weapon for only their
ing needed. use. If someone else attempts to use it, they
may make a Moderate (20) Resistance check to
Improved Weapon let go fast enough before taking 4B damage.
Craft: 3 Successes By adding 1 Success to the requirements, they
Uses: 3 can cause one Energy Effect to occur upon ac-
Effect: The character creates weapons more tivation as well.
capable than their mundane counterparts can, Upgrade: Object deals 6B damage and au-
including anything from a specially designed tomatically creates an Energy Effect without
staff to a gun that removes recoil. They add the need for another Success.
(Gadgeteer/2) to all checks with the weapon,
which also deals +1 damage. Alternatively, the Optics
Gadgeteer may eliminate their check bonus to Craft: 4 Successes
double the Range of a ranged weapon. Unlike Uses: 2
other items that define Uses as “per attack,” Effect: Must Have Improved Gear. The charac-
an entire Battle counts as 1 Use for Improved ter has crafted a pair of glasses, goggles or shades
Weapons. to provide an ability from the following list:
Upgrade: An Energy Effect can be applied
VV Scope: Can be used in either a telescopic
to the weapon (+2 successes needed), which or a microscopic way.
activates on any successful attack. This creates
items like an Electric Baton, blinding disks or VV Nightvision: Allows the character to ignore
Gravity Gloves. This addition reverts Uses to darkness/nighttime penalties (unless cre-
ated by the Darkness power (AYO, pg. 138))
per attack, draining the weapon’s effectiveness
of the Scene.
with each attack.
VV Illusions: Allows the character to see
through illusions, and gives a +2 bonus to
Improved Vehicle resist other Mindbender or Psyche powers
Craft: 10 Successes for the Scene as well.
Uses: 4
VV Targeting: Provides targeting assistance,
Effect: Some Gadgeteers are defined by the
giving a +2 bonus to ranged attacks for the
vehicle they drive into battle, so it’s often nec- Battle. For 1 Use on a single attack, this
essary to improve their ride. It takes time, but bonus is raised to +5.
when they are complete, the vehicle has (In-
tegrity x2) and (Gadgeteer/2) in AR against all
attacks, reflecting reinforced armor and pos-
sibly bullet-resistant windows. Unlike other

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Rocket Boots Remote Vehicle Wear This Mask

Improved Vehicle Improved Armor Hidden Weapon

Utility Belt Gadgeteer Improved Gear

Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

Custom Grenades Improved Weapon Optics

Made For You Homing Object Zip Line

VV Internet: The character can access the In- up to 50 ft. off the ground. All maneuverabil-
ternet or their personal network from their ity checks are made with Gadgeteer + Travel,
goggles for the Scene. For 1 Use on a sin- but suffer a -2 penalty to all other checks as it
gle check, they also receive a +3 bonus. takes concentration to keep from crashing.
Upgrade: Two effects can now be built into Upgrade: +10 Movement and can now fly
a single pair of Optics. up to 100 ft. off the ground.

Remote Vehicle Utility Belt

Craft: 3 Successes Craft: 4 Successes
Uses: 2 Uses: 3
Range: 10 miles Effect: As a master of tools, the Gadgeteer
Effect: Must have Improved Vehicle. The crafts a belt that has almost any tool they need
character has way to control their Improved to solve a problem. This is limited to Size 1
Vehicle from afar. This means staying in a se- items and should have a basis in reality and
cure area while their vehicle chases down ene- on the character’s individual concept. No such
mies with a phantom driver or calling on one’s thing as shark repellent. They may, however,
vehicle in times of need. The vehicle seems happen to have chloroform when a sponta-
like it has a mind of its own. All maneuverabil- neous plan calls for knocking a guard out or a
ity checks are made with Gadgeteer + Travel, dog whistle when they need to drive a canine
but suffer a -3 penalty due to not being in the crazy to distract an enemy.
driver’s seat. Upgrade: The utility belt can be used for
Upgrade: Range extends to 25 miles and quicker access to other gadgets, removing any
removes maneuverability penalty. Prepare penalties for the Scene for 1 Use. Sin-
gle use Gadgets (i.e. grenades) also receive a
Rocket Boots +2 bonus to use.
Craft: 7 Successes
Uses: 1
Effect: Must have Improved Vehicle. Wheth-
er it takes the form of actual rocket boots, a
hovering disk or a jet pack, the result is the
same: limited flight for the Gadgeteer. They
can move at ((Gadgeteer/2) x 10) Movement

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Wear This Mask Zip Line
Craft: 3 Successes Craft: 4 Successes
Uses: 2 Uses: 3
Effect: Must have Improved Armor. The Gad- Effect: Must have Improved Gear. The char-
geteer creates a mask to serve multiple pur- acter has figured a way to get across chasms
poses. First, it hides their identity, making it al- or to higher positions in a snap: a modifier zip
most impossible to tell who they are. Likewise, line/grappling hook. With it, the Gadgeteer
they also apply one of the following effects: fires the zip line up to six stories or across a
VV Rebreather: The mask supplies a steady 100 ft. distance to then zip quickly to their des-
stream of oxygen, allowing the character to tination (a higher floor or the other side). While
ignore gases/inhalants or breathe underwa- traversing the area, they are considered to be

Chapter Four: New Fires to Burn

ter. Air supply lasts for one Scene per Use.
Upgrade: Zip Line can now be used of-
VV Vocoder: Obscures the voice and may even fensively. Firing at a target with Gadgeteer +
artificially alter speech patterns to eliminate Marksmanship wraps the grapple around their
any chance of identifying them by voice. Vo- leg or arm and, with a good pull (Opposed
coder can be used for one Scene per Use. Strength checks), can be used to yank the tar-
VV Scary: The mask has a hint of fear to it, giv- get to the ground or even disarm them.
ing the character a +3 bonus to Intimida-
tion for one Scene per Use.
Upgrade: Optics can be built into the mask to
combine effects or can be made into a HUD dis-
play for easy access, gaining +1 Use per crafting.

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Agent Danielson
Ever hear the story of the hero cop who won several accommodations and medals, but ignored
their family? That was Morris dad, and even though he basically grew up without his dad in his
life, he couldn’t wait to become a police officer. He joined the force the day his father retired,
easily surpassing others in his graduating class, but Morris had big shoes to fill. Sadly, a rookie
mistake of his at a shootout in a hostage situation led to the death of two civilians. No one ever
filed any official charges, but the amount of guilt Morris felt was enough to drive him crazy. He
spiraled quickly after that, but knew well enough to not succumb to the bottle. It would take time
for him to tackle his depression, time he couldn’t give if he still tried to serve as an officer.
Morris gave up his badge and donated his time to working with the youth of his neighbor-
hood, becoming a coach and community organizer. It wasn’t long before an AMP with the power
to manipulate machines put his school in danger; it ended with Morris taking down the culprit
with a well-placed baseball bat to the dome. When announcements of TRAC recruitment went up,
it was kismet. Morris donned a new uniform, one where he could make a new name for himself,
without having old expectations to overcome. He became Agent Danielson, that day, and has
never looked back.

Sap Name: Morris Danielson

Affiliation: TRAC
Integrity: 16, AR: 3/2
Loyalties: Community 4, Comrades 3, Hu-
manity 2, Perfection 2, Truth 3
Skills: Athletics 3, Deception 1, Disci-
pline 3, Fighting 3, Fortitude 6, Intuition
5, Knowledge 2, Marksmanship 5 (Rifles),
Might 4, Perception 3, Persuasion 3, Speed
3, Stealth 3
Primary Power: None
Gifts: Wealth (2), Rank - TRAC (2), Connec-
tions - Media (2) and Judicial (3), Quick-
draw (2)
Drawbacks: Big Mouth (2), Lifesaver (3)
Other: Initiative +8, Movement 11,
Strength +7, Carry/Lift 150/300

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Cassy was a friendly normal girl, involved with her school track team and generally leading
a happy life. She lived with her mother and older sister, who taught self-defense courses for
women. That all ended when her older sister, Raina, got involved with a group of AMPs who were
up to no good. They quickly attracted the interest of TRAC who went after Raina, as well as the
rest of the family, obviously following the trend of powers being genetic. The raid on her house
triggered Cassy’s power over kinetic energy, as she used it to take down a few of the TRAC agents
before her eventual capture.
Her talents did not go unnoticed, and her captors brought Cassy to the Chamber for indoc-
trination into Project Hound. She was reassured that no harm would come to her family as long
as she played her role and didn’t disobey orders. Her troubles in the prison have only escalated
as she has the penchant for eavesdropping on other prisoners’ business. This has won her few
friends. They have only sent Cassy out a few times into public, mostly because the Houndmaster
senses her willingness to flee the moment she see the chance. She clings to the hope her sister
might someday be able to come save her, but with each day that passes that hope wanes just a
bit more.

Sap Name: Cassandra Villeneuve

Affiliation: Hounds
Strain: Blaster (Force)
Integrity: 13, Juice: 1-4 (+1)
Loyalties: Comrades 1, Love 2, Per-
fection, Self 4,
Skills: Athletics 4, Crafts 4, Disci-
pline 4, Fighting 4 (Axe), Fortitude
3, Intuition 2, Knowledge 2, Might
1, Perception 3, Performance 3, Per-
suasion 2, Speed 2, Stealth 2, Tech-
nology 2
Primary Power: Constructs (Force) 6
Augments: Appendage (T1), Wea-
ponized (E0), Energy Lifeform (T1)
Secondary Power: Velocity 2
Augments: Change Trajectory (T1)
Gifts: Sprinter (4), Extreme (4)
Drawbacks: Trail (2), Curious (2),
Puberty (2), Tagged (3)
Other: Initiative +5, Movement 10,
Strength +5, Carry/Lift 75/150

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Jerry “Timex” Groce a mutant that has sway over luck didn’t know that it ran both ways and how
fickle Lady Luck could be until May 18th 2015. On his daughter’s 7th birthday, his luck ran out.
For Alyss’s Birthday they went to visit Ruby Falls, where Timex and his daughter were involved in
a cave in. Timex watched his daughter duck, dodge and flip her way out of harm, and he slowed
time just enough to get himself underneath a larger rock wedged croocked enough to create a
small pocket for him to fit. Trapped in this small space, Timex used the only power that he could,
and called upon his sway over luck to create a Miracle. Timex woke up in the hospital, but before
he blacked out he remembers his daughter lifting a heavy rock out of the way to get to him.
Alyss “Cutiepie” Groce is one of the youngest amps to gain powers. Since she was 3 her dad
has trained her in martial arts, weapons, and gymnastics. This normally wouldn’t matter because
of her size, and age, but Alyss is a Bulk who’s been blessed with Behemoth and Evasion, which
makes her one scary little Girl. Cutiepie’s is a outgoing energetic 7yr old. Her favorite things are
fruit cups, chicken nuggets, lab rat’s TV show, and doing flips and kata’s all over the house. Her
weapon of choice is a dull-bladed katana.

Sap Name: Alyss Groce

Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Bulk
Integrity: 10, Juice: 2
Loyalties: Community 1, Comrades 2, Hu-
manity 2, Love 4, Self 1
Skills: Athletics 8 (+2), Discipline 2, Fight-
ing 7 (Martial Arts, Swords), Fortitude 2, In-
tuition 4, Might 5 (+8), Perception 2, Persua-
sion 2, Speed 5
Primary Power: Evasion 6
Augments: Accurate (E0), Combat Reflexes
(E1), You Missed (T1), Avoid the Crash (E2)
Secondary Power: Behemoth 4
Augments: Crush (E1-3), Boost Jump (T1-5)
Core Ability: +8 to might checks, +200 to
carry and +2 to close combat dmg
Gifts: Quick Draw (2), Fast Acting (2)
Drawbacks: Kid (5), Phobia - Being by her-
self (3), Shy (3)
Other: Initiative +16, Movement 17, Strength
+21, Carry/Lift 320/640

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Doctor Luminous
Jacob Segal was just your everyday doctor, practicing medicine and providing a service to his
community. That was, until she walked in… meeting Stacie Winters, who would go on to be called
Critter, changed Jacob’s life forever. Together, they went on to found the Seekers of Enlightenment,
an organization researching the AMP phenomenon, and a special bond grew between the two of
them. Within this new group, Jacob took the name Doctor Luminous, reflecting the bright future
he saw for humanity with AMPs by their side.
Only weeks after proposing to Critter, she went missing and that’s where Jacob’s story takes a
turn. He left everything he and Critter had built behind to search for her, wandering the country
for almost a year in hope of just a glimpse of her face. His usual pleasant and honest demeanor
twisted into depression and anger at the loss of everything he cared about. Jacob’s seen some
dark things in his time on the road, including the butchering of anyone who dared attempt to
stop his personal crusade.
Of course, to see Critter again is his only goal in
this life. His determination, he believes, is even why his
powers to send energy manifested. It was his body’s
final attempt to aid in his quest. While not physically
intimidating, he has a superior mind to many others
and leads a pack of Seekers who are both deadly and
solidly loyal.

Sap Name: Jacob Segal

Affiliation: Seekers of Enlightenment
Strain: Blaster
Integrity: 10, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Comrades 2, Humanity 2, Love 5,
Perfection 1
Skills: Athletics 2, Beast Handling 2, Crafts
3, Discipline 3, Empathy 3, Fortitude 2, In-
tuition 4, Knowledge (6), Marksmanship 3,
Medicine 6 (Genetics), Perception 3, Speed
2, Technology 4
Primary Power: Energy Sense (Light)
Augments: Preconception (T1), Mental
Check (E0), Illusion-Proof (E0)
Secondary Power: Gadgeteering 2
Gadgets: Improved Gear, Utility Belt
Gifts: Wealth (3), Linguist (3), Direction
Sense (1), Rank - Seekers (5)
Drawbacks: Not a Fighter (4), Scrawny (2)
Other: Initiative +6, Movement 9, Strength
+2, Carry/Lift 50/100

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Not every member of the United Human Front is a stalwart defender of humanity. Some of
them are simply killers who need a target. Such is the case with Maria, who graduated high
school to eventually move on to a career in the U.S. government, as an assassin. She spent years
seducing politicians, stealing intel and assassinating whomever her employers wanted, until it
began to take a toll on her. It was a particular target, a man who did nothing wrong besides lead
a rally against a particular politician with criminal ties and a hefty pocketbook. After acclimating
herself into his life as a new girlfriend, she had planned the best time to kill him, which just so
happened to be the same day he introduced her to his daughter. She walked away with the blood
of two victims that night.
After surviving on the street for another few years, Maria had experienced true loss of resourc-
es, of shelter, of self. When she was at the bottom, the United Human Front picked her up, brushed
her off and gave her a job… the next target to kill. Maria felt content that her target was not a per-
son, because she had already had her fill of that. Instead, the target was an abomination, an unhu-
man, something that would go on to kill countless others. At this point, she has no feeling. Maria
could be talked into killing almost anyone with
the right argument or by convincing them they
are not people. This makes her the perfect first
inductee into the Faceless program.

Sap Name: Maria Palaez

Affiliation: UHF
Integrity: 12, AR: 4/2
Loyalties: Community 2, Humanity 5,
Justice 2, Perfection 4, Self 1
Skills: Athletics 2, Crafts 3, Deception
2, Discipline 4, Fighting 5, Fortitude
2, Intuition 3, Knowledge 3, Might
2, Perception 4, Speed 4, Stealth 4,
Technology 5
Primary Power: Gadgeteering 4
Gadgets: Improved Armor, Improved
Weapon, Wear This Mask, Custom
Gifts: Fame (2)
Drawbacks: Curious (2), Indebted (3)
Other: Initiative +8, Movement 11,
Strength +4, Carry/Lift 100/200

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Kirby grew up on the island, catering to tourists and putting on shows. Above all else, however,
he loved his island and always wanted to keep it safe. When news of AMPs began to spread, he
too exhibited strange new abilities. He was immensely strong and could inspire fear in just about
anyone. He was already larger than anyone else was, but now his powers reinforced that he was a
true beast to deal with. He became known as Holoholona (Hawaiian for beast) and his community
gathered to his side to push out any undesirables.
Establishing the Nā ‘Aumākua came easy; it was the logical next step to keep out the influence
of TRAC and more insidious groups like Typhoon. Holoholona personally tackled the biggest and
toughest AMPs sent by any group from outside the
island, as well as any Hawaiian native AMP who
wanted to fight for supremacy. His stature, his size
and his base prove to be too much for most. Holo-
holona went about recruiting the most feral, bestial
AMPs to Nā ‘Aumākua, the easiest to manipulate and
the most eager to take out the garbage. He turns a
blind eye to their most savage displays, and they do
his dirty work.
As it stands, Hawaii is an independent state. It
has the influx of economy from New Hollywood,
as well, which has done nothing but propel the is-
land’s importance to its limits. It is Holoholona’s job
to protect it from those who would spoil the nature
of his home.

Sap Name: Kirby Kamakau

Affiliation: Nā ‘Aumākua
Strain: Bulk
Integrity: 20, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Community 4, Justice 4, Perfection 2
Skills: Athletics 2, Beast Handling 2, Disci-
pline 2, Fighting 5, Fortitude 5 (+1), Intimida-
tion 5 (+1), Intuition 2, Knowledge2, Might 6
(+12), Perception 2, Performance 2, Speed 3,
Survival 2
Primary Power: Behemoth 4
Augments: Immoveable Object (T1), Crush (E1-3)
Secondary Power: Horror 4
Augments: Focused Dread (E1), Paralyzing
Fear (T3)
Gifts: Giant (5), Quick Healer (4), Tough (3)
Drawbacks: Paranoia (3), Enemy (3), Bulging
Muscles (4)
Other: Initiative +5, Movement 10, Strength
+20, Carry/Lift 400/800

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Lockjaw’s lived a long life, but never really felt at home anywhere. His family was nice enough,
and he never wanted for anything in his community, but there was never a moment where he felt
truly at peace. When his powers developed and his craving for blood began, he learned why. He
was never human to begin with. This simultaneously shed light on his life and scared the piss
out of him.
Then he met a man who would change his future… Conduit. He was the leader this old AMP
had always hoped for: idealistic, honorable and merciful. Lockjaw was facing off against a mem-
ber of Typhoon with ice powers, who proved to be just a bit too tough for him. As his enemy was
just about to stab him in the heart with a blade made of ice, Conduit touched his face and he
fell to the ground, drained of all his power. Conduit offered Lockjaw a place at his side within the
Changelings, and he vowed he’d repay his new leader somehow.
His chance came when he attempted to sacrifice himself to let Conduit escape capture at the
hands of TRAC. It was, sadly, a failed display of sacrifice, as they captured both of them. Conduit
went on trial, and Lockjaw was thrown into the
Houndmaster program. He hopes to one day make
it back to Conduit and make sure he’s alive.

Sap Name: Lockjaw

Affiliation: Changeling
Strain: Feral
Integrity: 14, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Community 2, Comrades 3,
Justice 2, Self 2, Truth 1
Skills: Athletics 4, Discipline 3,
Fighting 5, Fortitude 4, Intimidation
4, Intuition 2, Might 5 (Bite), Speed 3,
Stealth 3, Survival 3
Primary Power: Tick 6
Augments: Ravenous (E1), Latched
On (T1), Paralyzing Bite (E1), Blood
Sack (E2), Nectar (e0)
Gifts: Hideout (Defenses 2, Size 1), In
Control (2), Pain Resistant (4), Fear-
less (3)
Drawbacks: Bloodthirsty (3), Enemy
(2), Prison Record (2)
Other: Initiative +5, Movement 12,
Strength +9, Carry/Lift 175/350

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Loco Diablo
Bryan was on the run for a long time. After a failed career as a street performer, fire shows, he
found himself the butt of several jokes in the AMP community. The fire blaster who only burned
his reputation. They guy who couldn’t even come up with a handle correctly (his Spanish isn’t
great). It wasn’t long before his number was up. He heard the TRAC footsteps barging into his
apartment and he knew he couldn’t run any more. The agents slapped handcuffs on him and
dragged him away to the Chamber, but it was the best thing that could have ever happened to
After facing down the Houndmaster, he was selected to be one of the members of TRAC Elite,
the face of AMPs within TRAC. The other members tried to escape or hated their captivity, but
three squares and public notoriety were bonuses for Bryan. Not only did he get better at using
his fire powers, but everyone knew his name and began seeing Loco Diablo as the best member
of TRAC Elite. Kids pretended to be him when they played superhero and he was invited to speak
on several news channels.
The other Hounds hate Bryan, of course.
No one likes the slave who likes being a
slave, but he doesn’t care what the others
think. He’s finally able to be the star he’s
always wanted. Hounds or not, he’s a hero.

Sap Name: Bryan Hickok

Affiliation: Hound
Strain: Blaster
Integrity: 13, Juice: 4
Loyalties: Comrades 1, Justice 2, Per-
fection 1, Self 4, Truth 2
Skills: Athletics 4, Crafts 3, Deception
3, Fighting 3, Fortitude 3, Intuition 2,
Marksmanship 5, Perception 2, Per-
formance 5, Persuasion 3, Speed 3,
Technology 3, Travel 2
Primary Power: Bolt (Fire) 4
Augments: Pyromaniac (E0), Shock-
wave (T2)
Secondary Power: Flux (Fire)
Augments: Energy Effect (E0)
Gifts: Extreme (4), Fame (2), Fast Act-
ing (2)
Drawbacks: Tagged (3), Deep Sleeper
(3), Lecherous (3)
Other: Initiative +9, Movement 12,
Strength +4, Carry/Lift 50/100

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
No perfect life ever lasts. Nether had a good thing going, but the animosity built up with other
AMPs got him turned into TRAC quickly. After everything, Nether's faith in humanity took a bit of
a hit. Having to leave his perfect community devastated him emotionally, but he was thankful
his children managed to escape capture safely, even though his wife did not. He was brought to
the Chamber and was one of the first picks for the TRAC Elite program. Every other Hound knew
he was Nether, and so the name stuck… even though he still hates it. For now he steels his will
against his captors, as well as mentally mapping out his prison in hopes of figuring out an escape
His time in the Chamber has been interesting, to say the least. Nether quickly became a tar-
get by the other prisoners as payback for his actions before his capture. It only took a few failed
attempts before this calmed down, especially after he stood atop one of his would-be killers and
shouted, “You assume because I cannot access my
powers, that I am somehow less dangerous. Consider
yourself corrected.”
Of course, he was kidnapped from the Hounds
by Doctor Luminous and is currently on the run. He
knows that one moment’s hesitation will get him
caught, but he has to find his kids and make sure they
are still alive. Anything in his way will meet a quick

Sap Name: Tom Corris

Affiliation: Hounds
Strain: Shaper
Integrity: 15, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Self 3, Humanity 1, Community 1,
Perfection: 3, Justice 1, Comrades 1
Skills: Athletics 3, Deception 3, Discipline 5
(Perfection), Empathy 2, Fighting 7 (Perfec-
tion), Fortitude 3, Intimidation 3, Intuition 2,
Knowledge 2, Might 2, Medicine 1, Perception
3, Persuasion 1, Speed 2, Stealth 5 (Perfection),
Survival 1, Technology 1, Travel 1
Primary Power: Darkness 8
Augments: Puppets (E0), Black Blade (T1), To-
tal Darkness (E0), Shadow Dodge (T1)
Secondary Power: Invulnerability 2
Augments: Energy-proof (E0)
Gifts: Unreadable (2), Fearless (2), Fast Acting (2)
Drawbacks: Bloodthirsty (3), Infamous (4), Cu-
rious (2), Ugly (2)
Other: Initiative +8, Movement 9, Strength +5,
Carry/Lift 100/200

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Iona was the oldest child of a large family stuck in poverty. No matter what her parents tried
to do, they could never seem to get ahead. Watching her parents work themselves to an early
grave just to put food on the table was a powerful lesson… one she wouldn’t repeat. Work being
nonexistent in her town, Iona joined with a local motorcycle gang to make money. With her size
and determination, she managed to become a full member instead of someone’s main squeeze.
The gang’s end came when the leader started working for the mysterious group called Typhoon.
Iona questioned the wisdom of this, but was shouted down as the rest of the gang only saw dollar
signs. Things came crashing down as her gang was destroyed by a UHF ambush. Iona would have
been one of those captured or killed, but her powers manifested for the first time to aid her escape.
Iona returned home, and felt she was given a
second chance to make amends for her past deeds
by the Goddess. Traveling the highways and by-
ways, Iona tries to do as much good as she can. On
one of these travels she rescued a young pregnant
woman display AMP abilities from a lynch mob.
With nowhere else to go, the young woman moved
in with Iona and the two soon fell in love. Now,
Iona is contemplating settling down for the first
time and giving up her traveling ways.

SAP Name: Iona Lawrence

Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Strain: Elementals
Integrity: 18, Juice: 4
Loyalties: Humanity 2, Justice 2, Love 3,
Self 2, Truth 1
Skills: Athletics 2, Discipline 4, Empa-
thy 5, Fighting 5, Fortitude 4, Intuition 2,
Marksmanship 5, Might 2, Perception 0
(+6), Speed 3, Travel 3
Primary Power: Glass 6
Augments: Shard Attack (T1), Protrusions
(T3), Sharpened Whirlwind (T3)
Secondary Power: Regeneration 2
Augments: Healing factor (E2)
Gifts: Attractive (2), Bodybuilder (2), Ex-
treme (4), Gang Past (2), Wealth (1)
Drawbacks: Bloodthirsty (3)
Other: Initiative +6, Movement 10,
Strength +5, Carry/Lift 150/300

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Kairam’s life was just like any other American’s was. He grew up happy and healthy in a fairly
stable home with his parents and his brother and sister. Then came the day when, while hanging
in his dorm room, he noticed his face on the news, saying he shot the president. Strange thing
was it was his face, but older, harder. It was him from the future. He packed up whatever he could
and quickly left, fearful of the law. They were after him for a short while, but since anyone with a
television saw him die in the middle of Congress, his bank accounts were frozen; his family held
a funeral and he was officially dead.
Soon, the Matriarch paid him a visit. Few people had ever met the mind behind Typhoon,
and her charms (and her powers) were too strong for him to ignore. Kairam began working for
Typhoon that day, as she promised to train him to use the full potential of his power and figure
out why he came back, a constant question he wants answered. If some terrible event happens in
the future, he must be ready to either accept it or risk causing a paradox. Time is a strange thing,
but he has devoted hours to attempt to understand the subject, in hopes it aids him in any one
of his possible futures.

Sap Name: Kairam Ahmed Hamdan

Affiliation: Typhoon
Strain: Traveler
Integrity: 11, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Comrades 2, Perfec-
tion 4, Self 2, Truth 3
Skills: Athletics 2, Craft 3, Disci-
pline 4, Empathy 2, Fighting 3,
Fortitude 1, Intuition 3, Knowl-
edge 3, Marksmanship 4, Might
2, Perception 2, Travel 3
Primary Power: Chronos 6
Augments: Delay (E1), Blink (T1),
Time’s Favor (E0)
Gifts: Rank - Typhoon (2), Fast
Acting (4), Accurate Eye (3), Lin-
guist (2), Stable Psyche (2), Light
Sleeper (2)
Drawbacks: Phobia - Claustro-
phobia (3), Infamous (2), No Con-
trol - Blink (2)
Other: Initiative +14, Move-
ment 10, Strength +4, Carry/Lift

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Unlike many of her former compatriots within the Changelings, Antonella didn’t come from a
stable childhood. She didn’t just now start to feel different. Regardless, she found her home with
the outcasts and tried her best to contain the rage that has been building for years, but one day
she was just unable to do so any longer. Spearfinger, a nickname given to her for her grotesque
claws, disagreed with the Changelings’ non-violent stance toward those who hated them. The
fight need to be brought to the humans, or they would never respect the power AMPs truly hold.
Splitting from the group, Spearfinger founded Retribution and led teams of AMPs across the
US south massacring hundreds of AMP haters in their wake. She worked with her team to break
AMPs out of captivity, to bring down several TRAC offices and to send a message to the govern-
ments… AMPs are not only not human, but something to be feared.
Regardless of how much success she achieved,
however, Antonella cannot let go of her anger. Every
TRAC agent she impales on her claw is a symbol of the
hurt she experienced as a child. Every brother or sister
she saves is someone who she knows, deep down in-
side, will one day turn their back on her. Still, she keeps
fighting. Fighting is all she has left in this world.

Sap Name: Antonella Allende

Affiliation: Retribution
Strain: Shifter
Integrity: 15, Juice: 3
Loyalties: Justice 4, Perfection 3,
Self 2, Truth 1
Skills: Athletics 3, Beast Handling
2, Deception 2, Fighting 5, Forti-
tude 5, Intimidation 3, Intuition
4, Knowledge 2, Might 4, Speed 4,
Stealth 2, Survival 4
Primary Power: Shapeshifting 4
Augments: Fat or Skinny (E1), Abnor-
mal Mimicry (E3), Animal Form (T3)
Secondary Power: Limb From Limb 4
Augments: Extended Control (E1),
Reassemble (T1)
Tertiary Power: Claws 2
Augments: Slice (T1)
Gifts: Destiny (3), Inspirational (2)
Drawbacks: Wanted (2), Infamous (4)
Other: Initiative +8, Movement 12,
Strength +7, Carry/Lift 150/300

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Aberdeen Massacre.......19, 22, 24, 28, 32, 52 Gadgeteering...................................27, 103
Affiliation Rules (New)............................82 Georgia...................................................47
Africa................................................11, 62 Germany.................................................66
Alabama...........................................21, 48 Gifts (New).............................................85
All Soul’s Day................................30, 34, 43
Anti-AMP Legistration..........................7, 38 H
Hawaii..............18, 23, 24, 45, 47, 54, 56, 113
B Houndmaster....................................15, 41
Bangladesh.............................................75 Hounds...................................16, 25, 41, 80
Bliss.............................19, 22, 32, 54, 82, 86
Brazil......................................................61 I
C India.......................................................75
California................................................54 Indiana...................................................48
Camp Lejeune...............12, 16, 22, 36, 39, 48 International Waters................................59
Changelings........................4, 10, 16, 21, 79 Iowa.......................................................51
China................................................17, 72
Clash of the Titans..................................28
Colombia................................................61 J
Conduit’s Trial...............................27, 30, 32 Japan......................................................72
Critter’s Journal...............6, 14, 22, 29, 33, 35
Lake Erie................................................50
D Lion of Africa.....................26, 28, 32, 49, 62
Developing Stories..................................80
Drawbacks (New)....................................86
F Michigan.................................................49
Faceless.................28, 36, 43, 53, 55, 83, 112 Montana.................................................52

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Nā ‘Aumākua......................................23, 82 Sample Characters................................108
Nevada...................................................54 Sap Character Creation Rules..................84
New Hollywood..................18, 45, 56, 75, 83 Seekers of Enlightenment...4, 8, 18, 28, 32, 77
New Jersey..............................................46 Serum.....................................................18
New York................................................47 South Carolina........................................48
North Dakota..........................................51 South Dakota..........................................52

Oklahoma...............................................50 Texas......................................................54
Orphans.......................................33, 36, 52 Thailand.................................................70
TRAC.......................................11, 25, 39, 83
P Typhoon....................................4, 14, 45, 77
Powers....................................................86 U
-Energy Sense (Blasters)....................86 Unhuman..................................................9
-Glass (Elementals)...........................88 United Human Front...............5, 8, 27, 28, 79
-Horror (Mindbenders).......................90 United Kingdom......................................65
-Hypnosis (Psychs).............................92
-Immortality (Bulks)..........................93
-Limb From Limb (Shifters)................95 V
-Summoning (Travelers).....................98 Vermont..................................................45
Presidential Race...............13, 24, 29, 31, 36 W
Project Black...........................61, 66, 69, 70 War Path...........................................22, 82
Washington, DC......................................55

Retribution........................16, 21, 28, 34, 83

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Kickstarter Backers
Jerry Groce Adam Stauffer David
Monkeytopia pdcurry Jacob Wood
Bri Jason Marks Derek Mayne
Thozmp Corris Troy Latta Carl Congdon
Steve Donohue Danielle Lauzon mike bowie
Harry Lewis Andrew Ertl Bill Stilson
Michael James Roebling Amy Veeres Liam Murray
Jacob Segal Jeff Swanson Kyle Pinches
Bryan Hickok Karl Larsson Bigbywolfe
PHGraves a.marchena.siarum@gmail. Jon Stoltenberg
Daniel Patrick Schuett com Jack Gulick
Hubnutzen Roderick W Petersen Rosia
Nick Max De Cuba Thomas Browne
William Trommelen Curt Meyer Matthew McFarland
Jeff Zitomer Alex Villemure Andy Fundinger
Erica Schmitt Marc Plourde Roberto
Jeff NMI Ruiz Thomas Clegg Chris Garland
Michael Wight Elizabeth Chaipraditkul DivineWrath
Nick Bower Adam Waggenspack Andrew Harter
Andrew Gorman Martin Hoag Shelton Windham
Mikaela Barree Greg Hardy Lee Langston
Kyle Laverty Shawn C Campbell Aaron Pothecary
Oliver Peltier Tommy Brownell Ramon Jaimez
Travis Bryant Brandon Aten Ralph Mazza
Kyle Rimmer Jonathan Finke Ross Webb-Wagg
novakowski SE Weaver Basileus
ron beck John D Kennedy Jason Sperber
Mark S Adam Everman shane a bryner
Lauri Hirvonen Gerry Saracco Brett Anderson
Stephan Szabo Stacie Winters Jim Searcy
William E. Burns III Brett Ritter Jonathan Ly Davis
Robert Anderson Vigilance Press David Terhune
Cory Williamsen Manuel Ordoveza Jason Blalock
Brandon Perkins Robert H. Mitchell Jr. Matthew Ian Fawcett
Infinite Jest Mark Reed Doug Keester
Drew Wendorf Crystal Stewart Tad Kelson
Jesse Thacker CongoSteve Magdrion
Robert J. McCabe Morgan Weeks David Lucardie
Ignacio Rodríguez Chaves Andrew Moreton Keith Fannin
Benjamin Terry Michael Feldhusen Brian Goubeaux
Tiffany Korta Jen Woods Robert Daley
Heath_Bar Ben Keeler Matthew B
Sophie Lagace Thomas Ladegard David
Lee DeBoer Keegan Bateman Matt

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Bradford Moreland Christian Nord oshingen
Candice Bailey Greg Leatherman Russell Ventimeglia
Eric Lohmeier Gian Timothy Eagon
Mark Harris wadledo oliver specht
martin krebs Alex Hunter Ovid
Ryan Percival Wade Geer Michael Blanchard
Kevin Donovan Martin Greening Lukas Myhan
Daryl Kohlerschmidt Cyan Dave Harrison
Simon Carter CtrlAltFaceroll AsenRG
H. W. McCray Daniel Doherty Patrick Hilligoss
Clete Collum Neal Dalton Sproutli Games
Steven Warble Kyle Simons Wyldstar
Mario Dongu Ryan Marsh Adam Rajski
Armin Sykes wraith808 DivNull Productions
Caelestis Designs Julius Müller Nicholas Ahlhelm
Jake David Nadj Josh Rensch
James Santagate John M Campbell Bill Stripp
Daniel Crisp lonejedi Jinnapat Treejareonwiwat
David Turner ChaosModifier Sergi Planas
David Jarvis/Gun Metal David Walker Lee Stetson
Games Gilbert Isla Craig P Brown
Samma Fagan Benjamin Welke Christopher Avery
Stephan Corniuk Phillip Bailey Jim Ryan
Lucas Cooperberg Liliyana Greer Horváth Gábor
Adam Stein Jason Kurtz Brian Wilson
Shawn Robert Maxwell stephen.esdale Wayne Harris
Simon Ward James Graham Donald P Seifrit Jr
Ian Howard Logan Castonguay JH
Tiff Brian Bergdall Eric G
Matthew Caulder Tony Love Austin Lehrer
Nihil James Dillane 32767
Alex Fux Michael Hill Sergio Silvio Herrera Gea
chris mobberley David Comer Christopher Kobbe
Gary Anastasio Bruce Hill Steven Lord
Karl R. Olson Michael Novy Martin J. Manco
Mark Miller Ash Walter Rocambole
Richard Greene oldstevo Charles E Miller
Michael “Maikeruu” Pierno James Husum Sechin Tower
Shauna Forrister Stephen Eagles Dave Michalak
John Pyrich Joe D Eric Damon Walters
Daniel Jones Jay Watson
Mike Davis Lloyd Moore
peregrinefalcon D Howard
Nestor Rodriguez Aaron Scott
Jay Peters Zack
Sean M Dunstan James Holt
Jason Corley James Byrne
Ed Kowalczewski Tim Soholt

Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)
Jose Manuel Topa (order #8343554)

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