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B2-U 7-9

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Instructions: Choose the correct option (ac).

____ 1. My flat is ____ the tenth floor.

a. on
b. at
c. in
____ 2. Why don't we meet ____ Jimmy's flat tomorrow evening?
a. up
b. at
c. on
____ 3. When you go ____ my office, you'll see the papers you need on the floor.
a. down
b. next
c. into
____ 4. The café is ____ the top of the building and there's a fantastic view.
a. at
b. in
c. to
____ 5. Walk ____ the shopping centre and go out the other side.
a. up
b. through
c. in
____ 6. I'm sorry but the lift isn't working so you'll have to walk ____ to the meeting room.
a. on
b. through
c. up
____ 7. In the hotel, the dining room is ____ to the café.
a. next
b. across
c. through
____ 8. This is the fifth floor. You'll have to go ____ two floors to get to the photocopying machine on the third floor.
a. along
b. into
c. down
____ 9. This is the town ____ is famous for its cheese.
a. which
b. who
c. where
____ 10. That's the shop ____ has all those expensive clothes.
a. who
b. which
c. where
____ 11. Look! That's the phone ____ works on solar energy.
a. where
b. who
c. that
____ 12. The office ____ I work is only a five minute walk from the city centre.
a. where
b. that
c. which
____ 13. Is that the house ____ they found those dead bodies?
a. which
b. where
c. that
____ 14. The bank robber ____ the police caught has escaped.
a. which
b. where
c. who
____ 15. Isn't that the boy ____ had a fight with your brother?
a. which
b. who
c. where
____ 16. She's the girl ____ got the best exam results in our school.
a. that
b. which
c. where
____ 17. The dog wasn't happy when I ____ his bone.
a. gave up
b. set up
c. took away
____ 18. We ____ eating meat last year but I do miss it sometimes.
a. died out
b. gave up
c. took away
____ 19. I ____ with my friends at least once a week and we usually have dinner in a nice restaurant.
a. get together
b. pick up
c. set up
____ 20. A lot of uncommon words in the language eventually ____.
a. die out
b. pass on
c. give up
____ 21. I know I ____ Nick's number somewhere, but I've lost it.
a. picked up
b. wrote down
c. passed on
____ 22. This old recipe was ____ to me from my grandmother.
a. picked up
b. set up
c. passed on
____ 23. I ____ a few words of Chinese when I was there, but it's a very difficult language to learn.
a. picked up
b. got together
c. set up
____ 24. The parents ____ an after-school club to teach traditional dances to the children.
a. passed on
b. set up
c. wrote down

Instructions: Listen to Track 2.14 and answer the questions.

____ 25. What are the people going to do?

a. go camping
b. stay in a hotel
c. visit their brother
____ 26. Why does Speaker B need a coat?
a. It's going to be cold.
b. It's winter
c. It might rain.
____ 27. How many different kinds of lighting can the torch provide?
a. one
b. two
c. three
____ 28. How can the torch help in an emergency?
a. It has a built-in mobile phone.
b. It makes a special sound.
c. It has its own GPS.
____ 29. How long does the battery last?
a. 160 hours
b. 116 hours
c. for ever

Complete each statement.
Instructions: Complete the sentence with the present perfect simple of the verb in brackets.

1. I ______________________________ my mobile phone. Do you know where it is? (lose)

2. David says he ______________________________ the perfect job. He'll tell us about it tomorrow. (find)

3. The children ______________________________ their pets do to do some funny things. (teach)

4. The company ______________________________ in the last year and we need to recruit new staff. (grow)

5. Did you know that my colleague ______________________________ all the way round Britain to raise
money for homeless children? (run)

6. You ______________________________ a lot of stupid things in your life, but leaving your job is the worst.

7. House prices ______________________________ so much that we're not going to sell our house now. (fall)

8. ______________________________ your parents ______________________________ their car yet? (sell)

9. ______________________________ you ______________________________ everything that was on the

shopping list? (buy)

10. I ______________________________ much about what job I'd like to do in the future. (not think)

11. Our team ______________________________ a match for three weeks. (not win)

12. The children ______________________________ in a plane before and they're very excited. (not fly)

Instructions: Complete the sentence with since or for.

13. I've been an engineer ____________________ ten years.

14. Tom and Mary have been engaged ____________________ six months.

15. I haven't seen my cousin Paul ____________________ we were children.

16. We have lived in New York ____________________ 2006.

Instructions: Complete the sentence with made or done.

17. I've ____________________ the beds and washed the floors.

18. I'm sorry, but I think you've ____________________ a mistake.

19. When you've ____________________ your homework, you can watch television.

20. I know I haven't ____________________ very well in my exams.

Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to make zero conditional

21. If my dog ______________________________ (hear) a noise outside, he

______________________________ (bark).

22. When the kettle ______________________________ (boil), it ______________________________ (switch)

itself off.

23. If there ______________________________ (be) no sun, we ______________________________ (not have)

any hot water.

24. Mr Peters ______________________________ (not be) happy if he ______________________________

(not have) lunch at exactly one o'clock.

25. The air conditioning in the hotel ______________________________ (not work) if the windows
______________________________ (be) open.

26. When it ______________________________ (rain), my cat ______________________________ (not go)

outside into the garden.

Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to make first conditional

27. If you ______________________________ (not use) sun cream, you ______________________________


28. The children ______________________________ (phone) us when they

______________________________ (arrive) at summer camp.

29. The computer ______________________________ (not work) if you ______________________________

(not plug) it in.

30. If I ______________________________ (get) the job I ______________________________ (have) a party.

31. If the world ______________________________ (run out) of water, there

______________________________ (be) a war.
32. My brother ______________________________ (be) very angry if I ______________________________
(use) his laptop without asking him.

Instructions: Complete the sentence with the present simple passive of the verb in brackets.

33. Self-defence ______________________________ in many schools nowadays. (teach)

34. Students ______________________________ their timetables at the beginning of each academic year. (give)

35. Ancient languages ______________________________ by many people anymore. (not study)

36. The British Museum ______________________________ by more than a million people every year. (visit)

37. English ______________________________ as the official language in more than 50 countries. (speak)

Instructions: Complete the sentence with the past simple passive of the verb in brackets.

38. Your order ______________________________ yesterday. You should receive it tomorrow. (send)

39. The tourists ______________________________ on a tour of the temple. (take)

40. We ______________________________ up by a loud noise at five o'clock in the morning. (wake)

41. I ______________________________ at the airport  I took the bus. (not pick up)

42. The teachers ______________________________ by the children’s good behaviour on the school trip. (not

Short Answer

Instructions: Write the words from the descriptions.

1. This adjective means 'not modern'.


2. This is a person you work with.


3. This is a letter that says positive things about you and the way you work.


4. You use this to describe a building or room that has a lot of space.

5. This is another word for 'help'.


6. This verb means to manage or organise other people.


7. This is a person who has applied for a job.


8. This is what you have when you get a better job with more money.


9. This is the amount of money you earn every month or every year.

10. This adjective describes work where you do not need to have any special knowledge or training.


11. This describes a person who has done a lot of training, and/or is very experienced at what they do.


12. This is another word for 'employ'.


13. knowledge or ability you need to do something well


14. an examination you pass because you need it to get a job or go to university


15. a period of time when people learn something with a teacher


16. a topic you learn about at school


17. instructions that say what you must and mustn't do


18. making people follow rules


19. to join and pay for a course


20. to fill in a form to ask to join a course or to get a new job


21. days and times for subjects in school each week


22. a plan of events or tasks with times and dates


23. to tell someone to do something


24. to help people learn a new subject or skill by explaining or demonstrating it


Instructions: Put the sentences in order to make a conversation.

25. Reorder the following:

A. Yes, we do offer various training courses. We'd like you to come in for a second interview
next week and we will discuss the salary and working conditions then, if that suits you.
We'll phone you to arrange the time.
B. I see. Now, tell us some of your main strengths.
C. And to finish with, are there any questions you'd like to ask us about the job?
D. Good morning. Shall I sit here?
E. Yes, of course. I'll wait for your call next week then. Thank you and goodbye.
F. Yes, I'd like to know about the salary and whether you offer any further training.
G. Yes, of course. I've just finished a course in personnel management and I think I'd be
really happy working for a small company like yours.
H. Yes, that's fine. First of all, can you tell us why you'd like to do this job?
I. Good morning, Miss Palmer. Please have a seat.
J. Well, I'm hardworking and quite ambitious. I'm also patient and I like listening to what
people say.
Sentence 1 ____
Sentence 2 ____
Sentence 3 ____
Sentence 4 ____
Sentence 5 ____
Sentence 6 ____
Sentence 7 ____
Sentence 8 ____
Sentence 9 ____
Sentence 10 ____

26. Reorder the following:

A. That's amazing, you won't need reading glasses. What's the screen like?
B. An e-reader! How does it work?
C. That's great. It looks just like a real book. How do you turn the page?
D. Yes, it means I will never have to carry a suitcase full of heavy books when I go on
E. As you said, it's like a normal book. You can even read in full sunlight.
F. Oh, you've got a new gadget. What is it?
G. So you can take it away with you and read on the beach?
H. You buy and download books from a special website and then you read them on the
I. Well, you just press this button here. And you can change the size of the print, too.
J. It's an e-reader.

Sentence 1 ____
Sentence 2 ____
Sentence 3 ____
Sentence 4 ____
Sentence 5 ____
Sentence 6 ____
Sentence 7 ____
Sentence 8 ____
Sentence 9 ____
Sentence 10 ____
27. Reorder the following:

A. Can I download the form from your website and send it electronically?
B. How much is the course and how do I pay?
C. Yes, it's not difficult but if you have any problems with your application, call me again
and I'll see if I can help. Goodbye, now.
D. Once we've received payment, we'll send you a receipt confirming your enrolment, and
you'll be ready to start your lessons.
E. Certainly. Firstly, you need to fill in an application form.
F. I see. Then what happens after I've paid the fees?
G. That sounds easy, thank you.
H. Yes, and it's better for us if you email it to us. Then after that, you need to send payment.
I. Good morning. I'd like to enrol on the modern Greek for beginners course.
J. If you look on our site, you'll see the prices and payment options available to you.

Sentence 1 ____
Sentence 2 ____
Sentence 3 ____
Sentence 4 ____
Sentence 5 ____
Sentence 6 ____
Sentence 7 ____
Sentence 8 ____
Sentence 9 ____
Sentence 10 ____

Instructions: Listen to the interview and answer the questions.

28. How many years has the engineer worked for the same company?


29. In which year did the engineer come to live in Pennsylvania?


30. Where did the engineer live for three months?


31. What were some of the people in Pennsylvania worried about?

32. What have the changes brought back to the region?


Instructions: Replace the underlined words with the correct words.

33. The battery on this phone lasts a long time but you have to subscribe it quite often if you use it a lot.


34. When you share a computer with someone else you need to switch on with your name and password.


35. I'll recharge our holiday photos onto my homepage so our friends can see them.


36. There are lots of sites where you can set up music and videos.


37. You don't need to download this modem in because it's wireless.


38. I uploaded the computer but nothing happened. Is it working properly?


39. If you search this red button, a light will come on.


40. When you have written your email, just press plug and off it goes!


41. I set up to a daily newspaper online which means I don't have to go out and buy it every day.


42. Tell me what you want to buy and I'll send for it online to get the best price.


Instructions: Read the dialogue. Five sentences have been taken out of the dialogue. Match the gaps (1–5)
with the sentences A–E).

43. Match the following:

A. What exactly do you want to do on it?
B. Yes, you've always liked gadgets  even when you were a little boy.
C. Would you like me to help you?
D. I design them, we send them to a printer's and then give them out at the theatre.
E. I've spent the last few days doing research on the Internet.

Bobby: Hello, Gran! What are you doing here?

Grandmother: Good morning, Bobby. I'm buying a new computer.
Bobby: Oh, I see. (1) ____
Grandmother: That's very kind of you, but I think I know what I want. (2) ____ If you're
not busy, I wouldn't mind some company, though.
Bobby: I've got lots of time, and you know I like these kind of shops.
Grandmother: (3)
____ Look this is what I was thinking of getting – an all-in-one
Bobby: They're great! And they take up less space too. (4) ____
Grandmother: You probably don't know, but I've taken a little course in graphic design. I
help my local theatre club with all their leaflets and programmes. (5) ____
Bobby: You could get a real job doing that kind of thing.
Grandmother: I only did a short course. I'm not really good enough yet but I'm going to
learn some more. Then who knows what I'll be able to do?

(1) ____
(2) ____
(3) ____
(4) ____
(5) ____

Instructions: Write a present simple passive question for this answer. Use the words in brackets.

44. This chocolate is made in Belgium. (Where)


45. The children are taught English and Spanish. (Which languages)


46. Dog and Cat Times is published every month. (How often)


47. The orders are sent by first class mail. (How)


48. Breakfast is served between seven and ten o'clock. (What time)

Instructions: Write a past simple passive question for this answer. Use the words in brackets.

49. That picture was painted by my son. (Who)


50. That play was written in 1673. (When)


51. The man was arrested for stealing money from work. (Why)


52. These vegetables were grown in my garden. (Where)


53. More than a million copies of his CD were sold last year. (How many)


Instructions: Look at the first page of an application form. Correct the statements (1–5). Write full sentences.

Title: Ms
First name: Anna
Middle initial: 
Surname: Svensson
Gender: Female
DOB: 23/06/1979
No of dependents: 2
Country of origin: Sweden
First language: English
Current occupation: Primary school teacher
Nationality: American
Marital status: Divorced

54. Ms Svensson is married.


55. She was born in America.


56. She has three children.


57. She is unemployed.


58. She has a Swedish passport.



Instructions: Look at the CV below. Read sentences and answer A, B or C.

A = The sentence is true. The information is in the text.
B = The sentence is false. The information is in the text.
C = We don't know if it's true or false. The information is not the text.

Curriculum Vitae Address

Samantha Hopkins 71 Seaville Mansions, London NW3

Nationality Email
British and Italian

Date of birth Mobile

4th December 1982 07763 45287

20102011 MSc in Psychology, University of Smallville
20072010 BSc in Psychology, University of Smallville

Work experience
20072011 Part-time assistant to Dr Garibaldi at Smallville Psychiatric Hospital, working with
patients aged 316.

Summers 20092010: Supervisor at Craggy Mountain Children's Summer Camp: was

responsible for the day-to-day care of twenty children.

Languages: Italian and English (bilingual), Russian (fluent)
Computing: Word, Excel, Photoshop

Travelling, cooking, reading, dancing.

Dr Katarina Garibaldi, Smallville Psychiatric Hospital
Mr Phips, Craggy Mountain Children's Summer Camp
____ 1. Samantha speaks three languages equally well.
____ 2. Samantha has not had a full-time job.
____ 3. Samantha has experience of working with children.
____ 4. Samantha likes working with young people.
____ 5. Samantha doesn't have good computing skills.

Instructions: Match the descriptions with the nouns (a–j).

a. sunglasses
b. matches
c. hair dryer
d. microwave oven
e. torch
f. hat
g. telescope
h. laptop
i. towel
j. GPS
____ 6. You use this when your hair is wet.
____ 7. If you use this to find your way, you will not get lost.
____ 8. This is a computer that you can carry about with you.
____ 9. You wear this on your head.
____ 10. These protect your eyes from the sun.
____ 11. You use this to see in the dark.
____ 12. You dry yourself with this after a shower or a swim.
____ 13. This cooks food very quickly.
____ 14. This lets you see the stars more clearly.
____ 15. You use these to light a fire or a candle.


1. Write a short email applying for a summer job as a waiter in a café.

Say why you are applying for the job and why you think you would be suitable. Say what experience you've
had and if you have any references.

2. Think about a technological gadget that you can't imagine living without. Write a paragraph explaining why it
is important to you.

3. Design an application form for a children's summer sport camp. Think about the kind of information the
camp's organisers might need and write your questions.

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Instructions: Listen to a radio documentary. Are the statements true or false? Write true or false.

____ 1. Kung Fu began in the Shaolin temple.

____ 2. People have been learning Kung Fu for two thousand years.

____ 3. Only boys can study martial arts at Dengfend's schools.

____ 4. The students have to wear red clothes.

____ 5. The schools are very comfortable and students have an easy life.
B2-U 7-9
Answer Section


1. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p83 OBJ: Grammar

TOP: Prepositions of place and movement
2. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p83 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Prepositions of place and movement
3. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p83 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Prepositions of place and movement
4. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p83 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Prepositions of place and movement
5. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p83 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Prepositions of place and movement
6. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p83 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Prepositions of place and movement
7. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p83 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Prepositions of place and movement
8. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p83 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Prepositions of place and movement
9. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p95 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Defining relative clauses
10. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p95 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Defining relative clauses
11. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p95 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Defining relative clauses
12. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p95 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Defining relative clauses
13. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p95 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Defining relative clauses
14. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p95 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Defining relative clauses
15. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p95 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Defining relative clauses
16. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p95 OBJ: Grammar
TOP: Defining relative clauses
17. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Phrasal verbs
18. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Phrasal verbs
19. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Phrasal verbs
20. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Phrasal verbs
21. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Phrasal verbs
22. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Phrasal verbs
23. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Phrasal verbs
24. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p110 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Phrasal verbs
25. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 OBJ: Listening
TOP: Listening for specific information MSC: Track 2.14
26. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 OBJ: Listening
TOP: Listening for specific information MSC: Track 2.14
27. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 OBJ: Listening
TOP: Listening for specific information MSC: Track 2.14
28. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 OBJ: Listening
TOP: Listening for specific information MSC: Track 2.14
29. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 OBJ: Listening
TOP: Listening for specific information MSC: Track 2.14


1. ANS:
have lost
've lost

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p84 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect simple
2. ANS:
has found
's found

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p84 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect simple
3. ANS: have taught

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p84 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect simple
4. ANS:
has grown
's grown

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p84 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect simple
5. ANS: has run

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p84 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect simple
6. ANS:
have done
've done

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p84 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect simple
7. ANS: have fallen

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p84 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect simple
8. ANS: Have, sold
PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p84 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect simple
9. ANS: Have, bought

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p84 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect simple
10. ANS:
haven't thought
have not thought

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p84 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect simple
11. ANS:
haven't won
have not won

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p84 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect simple
12. ANS:
haven't flown
have not flown

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p84 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present perfect simple
13. ANS: for

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p85 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: 'for' or 'since'

14. ANS: for

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p85 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: 'for' or 'since'

15. ANS: since

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p85 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: 'for' or 'since'

16. ANS: since

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p85 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: 'for' or 'since'

17. ANS: made

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p86 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: 'make' or 'do'

18. ANS: made

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p86 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: 'make' or 'do'

19. ANS: done

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p86 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: 'make' or 'do'

20. ANS: done

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p86 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: 'make' or 'do'

21. ANS: hears, barks

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Zero and first conditional
22. ANS: boils, switches
PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Zero and first conditional
23. ANS:
is, do not have
is, don't have

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Zero and first conditional
24. ANS:
is not, does not have
is not, doesn't have
isn't, does not have
isn't, doesn't have

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Zero and first conditional
25. ANS:
does not work, are
doesn't work, are

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Zero and first conditional
26. ANS:
rains, does not go
rains, doesn't go

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Zero and first conditional
27. ANS:
do not use, will burn
don't use, will burn

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Zero and first conditional
28. ANS: will phone, arrive

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Zero and first conditional
29. ANS:
will not work, do not plug
won't work, don't plug

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Zero and first conditional
30. ANS:
get, will have
get, 'll have

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Zero and first conditional
31. ANS: runs out, will be

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Zero and first conditional
32. ANS:
will be, use
'll be, use

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Zero and first conditional
33. ANS: is taught
PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present simple passive
34. ANS: are given

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present simple passive
35. ANS:
aren't studied
are not studied

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present simple passive
36. ANS: is visited

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present simple passive
37. ANS: is spoken

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present simple passive
38. ANS: was sent

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Past simple passive
39. ANS: were taken

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Past simple passive
40. ANS: were woken

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Past simple passive
41. ANS:
wasn't picked up
was not picked up

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Past simple passive
42. ANS:
were not surprised
weren't surprised

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Past simple passive


1. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p82–89 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: Jobs and work
2. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p82–89 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: Jobs and work
3. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p82–89 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: Jobs and work
4. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p82–89 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: Jobs and work
5. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p82–89 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: Jobs and work
6. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p82–89 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: Jobs and work
7. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p82–89 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: Jobs and work
8. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p82–89 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: Jobs and work
9. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p82–89 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: Jobs and work
10. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p82–89 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: Jobs and work
11. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p82–89 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: Jobs and work
12. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p82–89 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: Jobs and work
13. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p106 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Education

14. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p106 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Education

15. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p106 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Education

16. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p106 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Education

17. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p106 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Education

18. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p106 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Education

19. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p106 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Education

20. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p106 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Education

21. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p106 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Education

22. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p106 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Education

23. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p106 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Education

24. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p106 OBJ: Vocabulary TOP: Education

25. ANS:

Sentence 1 I
Sentence 2 D
Sentence 3 H
Sentence 4 G
Sentence 5 B
Sentence 6 J
Sentence 7 C
Sentence 8 F
Sentence 9 A
Sentence 10 E

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p88 OBJ: Real life TOP: A job interview
26. ANS:

Sentence 1 F
Sentence 2 J
Sentence 3 B
Sentence 4 H
Sentence 5 C
Sentence 6 I
Sentence 7 A
Sentence 8 E
Sentence 9 G
Sentence 10 D

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 OBJ: Real life TOP: Asking how something works
27. ANS:

Sentence 1 I
Sentence 2 E
Sentence 3 A
Sentence 4 H
Sentence 5 B
Sentence 6 J
Sentence 7 F
Sentence 8 D
Sentence 9 G
Sentence 10 C

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p112 OBJ: Real life TOP: Describing a process
28. ANS:
Twenty five

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 OBJ: Listening TOP: Listening for specific information
MSC: Track 2.5
29. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 OBJ: Listening TOP: Listening for specific information
MSC: Track 2.5
30. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 OBJ: Listening TOP: Listening for specific information
MSC: Track 2.5
31. ANS:
the environment

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 OBJ: Listening TOP: Listening for specific information
MSC: Track 2.5
32. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 OBJ: Listening TOP: Listening for specific information
MSC: Track 2.5
33. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p96 | Unit 8 p100 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: The Internet and technology verbs
34. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p96 | Unit 8 p100 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: The Internet and technology verbs
35. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p96 | Unit 8 p100 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: The Internet and technology verbs
36. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p96 | Unit 8 p100 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: The Internet and technology verbs
37. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p96 | Unit 8 p100 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: The Internet and technology verbs
38. ANS:
switched on

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p96 | Unit 8 p100 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: The Internet and technology verbs
39. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p96 | Unit 8 p100 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: The Internet and technology verbs
40. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p96 | Unit 8 p100 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: The Internet and technology verbs
41. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p96 | Unit 8 p100 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: The Internet and technology verbs
42. ANS:

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p96 | Unit 8 p100 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: The Internet and technology verbs
43. ANS:

(1) C
(2) E
(3) B
(4) A
(5) D

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for general meaning
44. ANS:
Where is this chocolate made?

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present simple passive (questions)
45. ANS:
Which languages are the children taught?

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present simple passive (questions)
46. ANS:
How often is Dog and Cat Times published?

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present simple passive (questions)
47. ANS:
How are the orders sent?

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present simple passive (questions)
48. ANS:
What time is breakfast served?

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p107 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Present simple passive (questions)
49. ANS:
Who was that picture painted by?

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Past simple passive (questions)
50. ANS:
When was that play written?
PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Past simple passive (questions)
51. ANS:
Why was the man arrested?

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Past simple passive (questions)
52. ANS:
Where were these vegetables grown?

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Past simple passive (questions)
53. ANS:
How many copies of his CD were sold last year?

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 p108 OBJ: Grammar TOP: Past simple passive (questions)
54. ANS:
Ms Svensson is divorced.

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for specific information
55. ANS:
She was born in Sweden.

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for specific information
56. ANS:
She has two children.

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for specific information
57. ANS:
She is a (primary school) teacher.

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for specific information
58. ANS:
She has an American passport.

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 OBJ: Reading TOP: Reading for specific information


1. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 OBJ: Reading

TOP: Reading for specific information
2. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 OBJ: Reading
TOP: Reading for specific information
3. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 OBJ: Reading
TOP: Reading for specific information
4. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 OBJ: Reading
TOP: Reading for specific information
5. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 OBJ: Reading
TOP: Reading for specific information

6. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Vocabulary

TOP: Useful items
7. ANS: J PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Useful items
8. ANS: H PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Useful items
9. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Useful items
10. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Useful items
11. ANS: E PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Useful items
12. ANS: I PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Useful items
13. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Useful items
14. ANS: G PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Useful items
15. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p97 OBJ: Vocabulary
TOP: Useful items


1. ANS:
Students' own answers

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 7 p89 OBJ: Writing TOP: Applying for a summer job
2. ANS:
Students' own answers

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 8 p101 OBJ: Writing TOP: A paragraph

3. ANS:
Students' own answers

PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 OBJ: Writing TOP: Filling in a form


1. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 OBJ: Listening

TOP: Listening for detail MSC: Track 2.20
2. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 OBJ: Listening
TOP: Listening for detail MSC: Track 2.20
3. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 OBJ: Listening
TOP: Listening for detail MSC: Track 2.20
4. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 OBJ: Listening
TOP: Listening for detail MSC: Track 2.20
5. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: Unit 9 OBJ: Listening
TOP: Listening for detail MSC: Track 2.20

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