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1. Assess the Network.

We access the network in order to determine the number of physical segments and the maximum
number of hosts per physical segment. In this case, the number of physical segments is three and the
total hosts per segment is 30, 50 and 185.

2. Determine the proper subnet mask.

The default subnet mask is set to Class B (, but we need to choose a subnet mask that
creates the number of subnet IDs that are greater or equal to the number of physical segments and
hosts are greater or equal to the physical segments.

Network Address:

Default SNM:

Use Boolean AND function:

D-SNM (Binary): 11111111.11111111.0000 0000.0000 0000

Custom SNM: 11111111.11111111.1000 0000.0000 0000

(Network).(Network).SNID Host. Host

SNM (last 2 octets) SNM No. of subnet IDs No. of hosts per
subnet ID
10000000.00000000 128 2-2 = 0 32766
11000000.00000000 192 4-2 = 2 16382
11100000.00000000 224 8-2 = 6 8190
11110000.00000000 240 16-2 = 14 4094
11111000.00000000 248 32-2 = 30 2046
11111100.00000000 252 64-2 = 62 1022
11111110.00000000 254 128-2 = 126 510
11111111.00000000 255 256-2 = 254 254

Therefore, the correct custom subnet mask for this configuration will be:

a. Admin:
b. Marketing:
c. Sales:
a. Determine VLSM and FLSM notation of subnet mask for given task.
b. Do sub netting using VLSM and FLSM that satisfy the requirement.

Subnet Chart

Mask 128 192 224 240 248 252 254 255

Bits /25 /26 /27 /28 /29 /30 /31 /32
Hosts-2 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Subs 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256

Subnet Network Broadcast Hosts Subnet # /Format

Description Needed
Sales 0 185 /24
Marketing 127 50 /26
Admin 126 30 /27

c. How many bits are needed to satisfy the company requirement if you are using a fixed number?

6 bits


1. VLSM. Because we have different host addresses and each use different subnet masks.
2. The network currently has 3 subnets. We’ll need to subnet the Class B network because we’ll
use 2 bits for the network address. Using the formula 2n-2, we get 4. This leaves us with 3 bits
for hosts which gives us 12 hosts.
3. Equipment required: Cabling, routers, and switches.

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