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Error Analysis of NOMA-Based User Cooperation

with SWIPT
(Invited Paper)

Suyue Li‡ , Lina Bariah∗ , Sami Muhaidat∗,† , Paschalis C. Sofotasios∗,¶ , Jie Liang∗∗ , and Anhong Wang‡

‡ Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Taiyuan University of

Science and Technology, 030024, Taiyuan, China
E-mail:; wah
∗ Center on Cyber-Physical Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,

Khalifa University, 127 788, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

E-mail: {lina.bariah; sami.muhaidat; paschalis.sofotasios}
† Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Surrey, GU2 7XH, Guildford, United Kingdom
¶ Department of Electrical Engineering, Tampere University, 33101, Tampere, Finland

∗∗ School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada


Abstract—The present contribution analyzes the performance It is recalled that NOMA can be realized according to
of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)-based user coopera- different strategies. A popular method is by allocating different
tion with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer power levels to different users according to their encountered
(SWIPT). In particular, we consider a two-user NOMA-based
cooperative SWIPT scenario, in which the near user acts as channel conditions [2]. This power allocation scheme assists
a SWIPT-enabled relay that assists the farthest user. In this users that experience unfavored fading conditions such as
context, we derive analytic expressions for the pairwise error severe multiath fading and shadowing. In addition, it enables
probability (PEP) of both users assuming the both amplify-and- the efficient implementation of successive interference cancel-
forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) relay protocols. The lation (SIC), which aims at removing multi-user interference
derived expressions are expressed in closed-form and have a
tractable algebraic representation which renders them convenient in multi-user detection systems. In this case, SIC is performed
to handle both analytically and numerically. In addition to this, by the users with the best channel conditions and it is carried
we derive a simple asymptotic closed-form expression for the out in descending order of the encountered channel [3].
PEP in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime which provide Recently, RF energy harvesting and simultaneous wireless
useful insights on the impact of the involved parameters on the information and power transfer (SWIPT) have been proposed
overall system performance. Capitalizing on this, we subsequently
quantify the maximum achievable diversity order of both users. as promising solutions that are capable of providing perpetual
It is shown that numerical and simulation results corroborate energy replenishment for low power energy-constrained de-
the derived analytic expressions. Furthermore, the offered results vices [4]. In addition, SWIPT has been shown to provide gains
provide interesting insights into the error rate performance of in terms of power and spectral efficiency by enabling simulta-
each user, which are expected to be useful in future designs and neous information processing and wireless power transfer [5].
deployments of NOMA based SWIPT systems.
These advantageous characteristics are of paramount important
in various emerging wireless technologies and particularly in
applications relating to the Internet of Things (IoT), which are
The explosive growth of connected devices poses challeng- largely characterized by high quality of service requirements
ing requirements for the fifth generation (5G) wireless net- and stringent energy efficiency levels.
works and beyond. These requirements include, among others, In the same context, user cooperation was proposed as
high spectral efficiency, low latency and massive connectivity. an effective paradigm that exhibits several key advantages
In this context, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) was as compared to point-to-point systems. Such advantages are
recently proposed as a promising solution that is capable of typically concerned with lower power consumption, increased
addressing some of these challenges. As a result, NOMA throughput, better coverage, and improved diversity perfor-
is envisioned to be one of the key enabling technologies mance [6]. Assuming constant energy supplies at user ter-
for future generations of mobile communications, enabling minals, user cooperation was thoroughly investigated in the
increased throughput and connectivity of devices [1]. literature (see e.g., [7] and the references therein). Motivated

by this, the present contribution is concerned with the attempt the BS to the far user. In more details, the near user receiver
to effectively integrate NOMA, user cooperation and SWIPT harvests energy from the received RF signal and utilizes the
in terms of error rate performance, which in turn is sought to harvested energy to forward the signal to the far user. It is
improve spectral efficiency, energy efficiency, and reliability. worth mentioning that the direct link between the BS and the
far user is ignored. Based on this and in order to realize the
A. Related Work implementation of SIC, the far user is allocated a higher power
Recent contributions have addressed aspects of NOMA coefficient. Henceforth, the near user is referred to as user 1
based cooperative communication systems. Specifically, Yang and the far user as user 2, as shown in Fig. 1.
et al. investigated the outage probability performance of a
cooperative NOMA configuration with relay selection [8].
Likewise, the corresponding error rate performance was in-
vestigated for a point-to-point NOMA system over Nakagami- Energy
U y1
m fading channels in [9]. Recently, there have been some harvesting
results on cooperative NOMA with SWIPT [7], [10], while Receiver
user cooperation in a conventional wireless powered communi- hs1 1  U y1 Information
SIC h21
cation network was investigated in [7]. In this contribution, the
authors analyzed the weighted sum-rate of a two user scenario User 1 Receiver
by jointly optimizing the time and power allocation of both
wireless energy transfer and wireless information transmission.
;ĐĂŶƐĞƌǀĞĂƐĂƌĞůĂLJͿ s1 User 2 s2
In [10], the authors investigated the sum rate performance of D1Ps s1  D 2 Ps s2 &ĂƌƵƐĞƌ
a cooperative-NOMA scheme with full-duplex relaying and
energy harvesting. In addition, the impact of self-interference
was further analyzed.
However, although there have been considerable research Fig. 1: The illustration of two user NOMA system with
efforts on the performance of cooperative NOMA, only a few SWIPT.
contributions have been reported on the error rate analysis of
NOMA-based systems [9], which do not include investigations Based on the above, the BS broadcasts the superimposed
in the context of user-cooperation with energy harvesting. signal  
Motivated by this, the present contribution provides interesting x = α1 Ps s1 + α2 Ps s2 , (1)
insights of theoretical and technical usefulness on the perfor- where s1 and s2 denote the data symbols of the near and
mance of NOMA-based user cooperation with SWIPT. far users, respectively. Moreover, α1 and α2 denote the cor-
B. Contributions responding power allocation coefficients of the near user and
far user, respectively, where α2 > α1 and α2 + α1 = 1, while
In this paper, we analyze the error performance for NOMA- Ps represents the total power transmitted by the BS.
based user cooperation with SWIPT over Rayleigh fading
For the considered system, the near user not only serves as a
channels. Specifically, the main contributions of this paper are
relay, but also decodes its own signal. To this end, it receives
summarized as follows:
the signal from the BS, which can be expressed as
• We derive closed-form expressions for the pairwise error
probability (PEP) of the near and farthest users over y1 = hs1 x + n1 (2)
Rayleigh fading channels. The derived expressions of the where hs1 ∼ CN (0, λ1 ) represents the channel between the
farthest user assume the AF and DF relaying protocols. BS and the near user. Here CN (0, λ1 ) denotes a complex
• To quantify the diversity order of both users, accurate
Gaussian distribution with zero mean and variance λ1 . More-
asymptotic closed-form PEP expressions are deduced. over, n1 ∼ CN (0, σn2 ) indicates the additive Gaussian white
• Simulation results are provided to verify the derived
noise (AWGN) of the near user.
expressions in terms of both error performance and Recalling that the near user exploits the power splitting (PS)
maximum diversity order. energy harvesting protocol with splitting factor ρ, the received
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the offered results signal y1 is split into two streams, namely,
have not been previously reported in the open literature. √
y1E = ρ(hs1 x + n1 ) (3)
A downlink NOMA system is considered consisting of one
y1I = 1 − ρ(hs1 x + n1 ) + nc . (4)
base station (BS) and two users, each of which is equipped
with single antenna, as depicted in Fig. 1. Without loss of The first stream, y1E , is used to harvest energy which is then
generality, the BS selects two users with distinctive channel used to forward the signal to the other user. On the contrary,
gains to perform NOMA. The near user acts as relay with RF the second stream, y1I , will be forwarded to the information
energy harvesting capability to forward the information from decoder for signal detection. Here, ρ ∈ (0, 1) is a PS factor

and nc ∼ CN (0, σn2 ) is the RF to baseband conversion noise. Moreover, recalling that (13) is conditioned on hs1 , the deci-
Subsequently, the near user forwards its information signal sion variable in it follows the normal distribution, namely
to the far user using the AF or DF relay protocols. For AF   
relaying, the received signal at the far user can be written as 2Re hs1 Δ̂1 ñ∗1 ∼ N 0, 2(2 − ρ)σn2 |hs1 |2 |Δ̂1 |2 . (15)

y2 = Gr h21 y1I + n2 (5) Therefore, the conditional PEP is given by

g s δ1
which can be equivalently expressed by the following repre- Pr(s1 → ŝ1 |gs ) = Q , (16)
sentation ϕ1
y2 = Gr ρ h21 hs1 x + Gr ρ h21 n1 + Gr h21 nc + n2 , (6) 
ϕ1 = 2(2 − ρ)σn |Δ̂1 | (17)
where ρ = 1 − ρ, whereas h21 ∼ CN (0, λ2 ) represents the
and gs = |hs1 |.
channel coefficient between the near and far users. Without
According to order statistics [12], the ordered probability
loss of generality, it is assumed that λ1 = λ2 = λ. It is also
distribution function (PDF) of channel gain gs of the kth user
worth noting that hs1 and h21 are independent and identically
out of K users is given by
distributed, whereas n2 ∼ CN (0, σn2 ) is the AWGN at the
far user. Considering average power scaling scheme [11], the fk (gs ) = Ak f (gs )[F (gs )]k−1 [1 − F (gs )]K−k , (18)
amplification factor Gr of the near user is represented as
follows  where k = 1, · · · , K, and
P1 K!
Gr = , (7) Ak = . (19)
ρ λPs + (2 − ρ)σn2 (k − 1)!(K − k)!
where The channel amplitudes from BS to different users are sorted
P1 = ηρλPs (8) in ascending order, which means that the aforementioned gs
corresponds to the best channel. In other words, for two users
denotes the harvested energy by the near user, whereas system, the order statistic with k = 2 in (18) belongs to the
η ∼ (0, 1] represents the corresponding energy conversion ordered channel of the near user.
efficiency. Referring to the PDF and CDF of Rayleigh random variables
[13], the ordered PDF of the near user can be represented as
gs −gs2 2
A. PEP analysis for the near user fs (gs ) = A2 2 e 2σ2 1 − e 2σ2 . (20)
Before detecting its own signal, the near user should
perform interference cancellation for the far user’s signal. Hence, the unconditional PEP can be obtained by averaging
Considering the realistic assumption of imperfect SIC, the the conditional PEP in (16) over the ordered PDF in (20), i.e.

output signal at the SIC receiver can be then expressed as g s δ1
Pr(s1 → ŝ1 ) = fs (gs )Q dgs . (21)
follows: 0 ϕ1
ỹ1I = ρ α1 Ps hs1 s1 + ρ α2 Ps hs1 Δ2 + ñ1 , (9) By recalling the standard function identity between
Q−function and error functions,
ñ1 = ρ n 1 + n c (10) 1 x
Q(x) = 1 − erf √ (22)
2 2
and Δ2 = s2 − ŝ2 . Hence, the conditional PEP of the near
user can be expressed as and using [14, Eq. 4.3.4], equation (21) can be solved as
 2  2  1 A2 A2
Pr(s1 → ŝ1 |hs1 ) = Pr ỹ1I − G1 hs1 ŝ1  ≤ ỹ1I − G1 hs1 s1  Pr(s1 → ŝ1 ) = −  +  , (23)
2 2 1 + ϕ21 4 1 +
δ σ 2 2
δ σ 2
(11) 1 1

where which has a rather simple algebraic representation.

G1 = α1 Ps ρ . (12)
B. PEP analysis for the far user
Based on this and after some mathematical simplifications (11) 1) Amplify and Forward (AF) Protocol: Owing to the
can be re-written as adopted power allocation scheme, the far user detects its own

 signal without performing SIC by treating the other signal as

∗ 2
Pr(s1 → ŝ1 |hs1 ) = Pr 2Re hs1 Δ̂1 ñ1 ≤ − |hs1 | δ1 noise. To evaluate the PEP of the far user, we express (6) as
(13) y2 = Gr α2 Ps hs1 h21 s2 + Gr α1 Ps hs1 h21 s1 + ñ2 , (24)
where Δ̂1 = s1 − ŝ1 , s1 = ŝ1 and
δ1 = G1 |Δ̂1 |2 + 2 ρ α2 Ps Re Δ̂1 Δ∗2 . (14) Gr = Gr ρ (25)

and (37) can be evaluated as
ñ2 = Gr h21 n1 + Gr h21 nc + n2 . (26) ∞ 2 2
gw −gw
I21 =  e 2σ2 dgw (40)
Hence, the conditional PEP of the far user can be written as 1 1
0 σ 2 ua g w
2 + (1 −
u2a ) G2c
Pr(s2 → ŝ2 |hs1 , h21 )
  (27) which can be expressed in closed-form as follows:
2 2
= Pr |y2 − G2 hs1 h21 ŝ2 | ≤ |y2 − G2 hs1 h21 s2 | , 1
I21 = ξa eξa (K1 (ξa ) − K0 (ξa )), (41)
where  ua
G2 = Gr α2 Ps . (28) where

Alternatively, we can express the conditional PEP of the far 2σn2 |Δ̂2 |2 G2c
user as ua = 1+ (42)
g s g w δ2 δ22 σ 2
Pr(s2 → ŝ2 |gs , gw ) = Q , (29)
ϕ2 and

where gw = |h21 |, whereas 1 1
ξa = 1− , (43)
  4σ G2c
2 u2a
δ2 = G2 |Δ̂2 | + 2Gr α1 Ps Re Δ̂2 s∗1 (30)
with Kv (·) signifying the modified Bessel functions of the
and √  second kind with order v. Similarly, the second integral in
ϕ2 = 2σn |Δ̂2 | 1 + G2c gw
2, (31) (38) can be represented as
where  I22 = ξb eξb (K1 (ξb ) − K0 (ξb )), (44)
Gc = G2r + Gr 2 . (32) ub
By averaging over the respective channel power gains, we can 4σn2 |Δ̂2 |2 G2c
rewrite the PEP of the far user based on (29), namely ub = 1+ (45)
∞ ∞ δ22 σ 2
g s g w δ2
Pr(s2 → ŝ2 ) = fs (gs )Q dgs f (gw )dgw . and
0 0 ϕ2 1 1
(33) ξb = 1− 2 . (46)
4σ 2 G2c ub
Having formulated the PEP of the considered setup, the double
Therefore, the exact closed-form PEP expression of the far
integral in (33) can be evaluated using two steps. For the first
user can be expressed as follows:
step, one obtains
1 A2
1 1 ∞ g s g w δ2 Pr(s2 → ŝ2 ) = − ξa eξa (K1 (ξa ) − K0 (ξa ))
I1 = − fs (gs )erf √ dgs (34) 2 2ua
2 2 0 2ϕ2 A2
which upon using [14, Eq. 4.3.4] it can be expressed as + ξb eξb (K1 (ξb ) − K0 (ξb )) (47)
1 A2 A2 which is again given in closed-form expression in terms of the
I1 = −  +  . (35)
2 2 1 + ϕ22 2ϕ2
4 1 + g2 δ22σ2 modified Bessel function of the second kind.
g2 δ2 σ2 w 2 w 2

2) Decode and Forward (DF) Protocol: Recalling that the

In the second step, the PEP derivation of the far user is near user initially detects the far user’s signal in order to
1 A2 A2 perform SIC, the near user forwards the decoded signal of the
Pr(s2 → ŝ2 ) = I2 = − I21 + I22 , (36) far user only, instead of the superimposed symbol. Assuming
2 2 4
perfect decoding, then the received signal at the far user can
where ∞ be expressed as
I21 =  f (gw )dgw (37) 
0 ϕ22 y2 = P1 h21 s2 + nw (48)
1+ 2 δ2 σ2
gw 2

and which can be re-written as

I22 =  f (gw )dgw (38) y2 = ηρPs |hs1 | h21 s2 + nw . (49)
0 2ϕ22
1+ 2 δ2 σ2
gw 2
To this effect and following similar steps as in Subsection
with 2 III-B1, the conditional PEP of the far user for DF protocol is
gw −gw
f (gw ) =
e . 2σ 2 (39) represented as
σ2 ∞
To this effect and after some algebraic manipulations along gs gw δ2d
Pr(s2 → ŝ2 |gw ) = fs (gs )Q dgs (50)
with using [15, Eqs. 3.366.2 & 3.364.3], the first integral in 0 ϕ2d

which can be expressed in closed-form as written as

1 A2
Pr(s2 → ŝ2 |gw ) = − 
gw δ2d σ Ωs γ̄δ12
2 2 σ 2 + ϕ2 Pr(s1 → ŝ1 ) ≤ fs (Ωs ) exp − dΩs
2 2 gw δ2d 2d 0 4(2 − ρ)|Δ̂1 |2
A2 gw δ2d σ (62)
+  ,
4 2 δ 2 σ 2 + 2ϕ2
gw 2d 2d which after the necessary change of variables it can be
where  expressed as
δ2d = ηρPs |Δ̂2 |. (52) ∞
1 γ1
√ Pr(s1 → ŝ1 ) = fs exp(−γ1 a1 )dγ1 , (63)
and ϕ2d = 2σn . 0 γ̄ γ̄
Finally, the closed-form PEP expression can be obtained by where
averaging Pr(s2 → ŝ2 |gw ) over the PDF of gw , namely δ12
∞ a1 = . (64)
4(2 − ρ)|Δ̂1 |2
Pr(s2 → ŝ2 ) = Pr(s2 → ŝ2 |gw )f (gw )dgw (53)
0 Based on this, the involved integral in (63) can be readily
which yields expressed in closed-form, yielding
1 A2 A2
Pr(s2 → ŝ2 ) = − τa eτa (K1 (τa ) − K0 (τa )) Pr(s1 → ŝ1 ) ≤ , (65)
2 2 (1 + a1 γ̄)(2 + a1 γ̄)
A2 τb which as γ̄ → ∞, the asymptotic PEP in (65) converges
+ τb e (K1 (τb ) − K0 (τb ))
4 satisfactorily, namely
ϕ22d A2
τa = (55) lim log ≈ log γ̄ −2 . (66)
2 σ4
γ̄→∞ (1 + a1 γ̄)(2 + a1 γ̄)

and Based on this, it follows that the diversity order can be

ϕ2 approximated as
τb = 22d 4 . (56)
2δ2d σ log γ̄ −2
d≈− = 2. (67)
Diversity order is commonly used to quantify the asymptotic Following the same approach and considering the DF protocol,
performance of wireless systems, which is defined as the slope the conditional asymptotic PEP of the far user is expressed as
of the PEP in log-scale in the high SNR regime, namely follows:

log Pr(s → ŝ) 2

γ2 δ2d
d = lim − , (57) Pr(s2 → ŝ2 | γ2 ) ≤ exp − , (68)
γ̄→∞ log γ̄ 4|Δ̂2 |2
where γ̄ = 1/σn2 indicates the average SNR. In this section, where
we investigate the achievable diversity order of the near Ω s Ωw
γ2 = = γ̄Ωs Ωw (69)
and far users. To this end, we first derive the asymptotic σn2
PEP. Therefore, considering Chernoff bound, the conditional
is the instantaneous SNR and Ωw = |h21 |2 , with PDF
asymptotic PEP of the near user is

f (Ωw ) = exp (−Ωw ). Given Ωw , the ordered PDF of Ωs =
γ1 δ12 Ωw γ̄ is evaluated as
Pr(s1 → ŝ1 | γ1 ) ≤ exp − , (58)
4(2 − ρ)|Δ̂1 |2 fs (Ωs ) = A2 f (Ωs )F(Ωs ) (70)
where γ1 = gs2 /σn2
= γ̄ Ωs is the instantaneous SNR. = A2 [exp (−Ωs ) − exp (−2Ωs )] . (71)
Moreover, Ωs = |hs1 |2 follows the exponential distribution
Consequently, the conditional CDF of γ2 can be written as
with the PDF and CDF represented as
f (Ωs ) = exp (−Ωs ) (59) F(γ2 |Ωw ) = fs (Ωs )dΩs (72)
and which is expressed in closed-form as follows:
F (Ωs ) = 1 − exp (−Ωs ) (60)  
1 γ2 1 2γ2
respectively. To this effect, the ordered PDF of Ωs can be F(γ2 |Ωw ) = A2 − exp − + exp − .
2 Ωw γ̄ 2 Ωw γ̄
represented by referring to (18), as (73)
γ1 2γ1 Likewise, the unconditional CDF of γ2 is given by
fs (Ωs ) = A2 exp − − exp − . (61)
γ̄ γ̄ ∞
To this effect, the asymptotic PEP of the near user can be F(γ2 ) = F(γ2 |Ωw )f (Ωw )dΩw (74)

which can be expressed in closed-form as 0
A2 γ2 γ2
F(γ2 ) = − 2A2 K1 2
2 γ̄ γ̄ Far user
  (75) −1
2γ2 2γ2 10
+ A2 K1 2 .
γ̄ γ̄

Union bound
To obtain the PDF, we determine the first derivative of (75)
with respect to γ2 , yielding −2
2A2 γ2 2γ2
f (γ2 ) = K0 2 − K0 2 . (76) Near user
γ̄ γ̄ γ̄
Therefore, the unconditional asymptotic PEP of the far user is Simulated
expressed as ρ=0.3
∞ ρ=0.6
Pr(s2 → ŝ2 ) ≤ f (γ2 ) exp (−a2 γ2 ) dγ2 , (77) −4
0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
where SNR (dB)
a2 = , (78) Fig. 2: Union bound vs. SNR for the near and far users with
4|Δ̂2 |2
different ρ.
which, using [15, Eq. 6.614.4], can be further simplified as

A2 1 1
Pr(s2 → ŝ2 ) ≤ √ exp W− 12 ,0 1
γ̄a2 2γ̄a2 γ̄a2 10
A2 1 2
−√ exp W− 12 ,0 , (79) Near user
2γ̄a2 γ̄a2 γ̄a2 Far user
where Wa,b (.) is the Whittaker function. The achievable Average
diversity order of the far user is evaluated numerically in
Union bound

Section V. It is worth highlighting here that in the case of

the DF protocol, the achievable diversity order of the far user 2
is unity.

In this section, both Monte Carlo simulation and numerical
results are provided to validate the analysis and investigate
the error performance of NOMA-based user cooperation with
SWIPT. To this end, we consider a two user scenario with 3
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation. The power
allocation coefficients of the two NOMA users are selected to
be α1 = 0.28 and α2 = 0.72, the energy conversion efficiency Fig. 3: Average and individual Union bounds vs. power
is η = 0.8, and the average SNR = Ps /σn2 and Ps = 1. It splitting ratio (ρ) for two users.
is also noted that the simulation results are shown with lines,
whereas markers are used to illustrate the respective numerical
results, which are based on (23) for near user and on (47) for of (4). It is clear from Fig. 3 that the choice of ρ is an
the far user. It is observed that all results demonstrate a perfect essential requirement for better performance. In particular, for
match between the simulated and the derived analytic results. high ρ values, both users experience degradation in the error
Fig. 2 demonstrates the union bound performance of the rate performance, which is primarily due to the low power
near and far users under different power splitting factors, i.e, allocated for the near user’s decoding receiver. On the other
ρ = 0.3 and ρ = 0.6. For the near user, increasing ρ from 0.3 hand, small ρ values lead to an enhancement in the near user
to 0.6 implies the power reduction of information receiver. performance only. Clearly, ρ = 0.6 yields the best average rate
Hence, the union bound with ρ = 0.3 is superior to ρ = 0.6, performance while guaranteeing users’ fairness.
for the near user. On the contrary, a noticeable improvement For the far user, we compare its error performance with
in the far user performance is observed as ρ increases. AF and DF schemes given two ρ values as depicted in
It is illustrated in Fig. 3 that at SNR = 25dB and assuming Fig. 4, where analytical curves are generated by (47) and
the DF protocol, the performance of the far user is affected (54). Under the assumption of perfect decoding, DF achieves
not only by the harvested energy but also by the power

AF and DF protocols, were derived. Our asymptotic analysis
revealed that the maximum achievable diversity orders are one
and two for the far and near users, respectively. Simulation
and numerical results demonstrated that the optimization of the
power splitting factor is crucial for the effective realization and
robust operation of self-sustainable NOMA-based cooperative
Union bound

2 DF
This work was supported in part by National Natural
Science Foundation of China (No. 61501315; No. 61672373),
Scientific and Technological Innovation Project (2015169) and
Simulated Team (201705D131025) of Shanxi Province, 1331 Key Inno-
ρ=0.4 vation Team of Shanxi (2017015), and by Khalifa University
ρ=0.6 under Grant No. KU/RC1-C2PS-T2/8474000137 and Grant
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 No. KU/FSU-8474000122.
SNR (dB)
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We investigated the performance of NOMA-based user-
assisted transmission with SWIPT. For the underlying sce-
nario, closed-form expressions of the PEPs, assuming the

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