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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 74 (1999) 425–441

Ants as bioindicators of soil function in rural environments

L.A. Lobry de Bruyn ∗
School of Rural Science and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Management, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 2351, Australia

Farmers are being encouraged to redress the problems of land degradation by implementing a series of changes in their land
management. However, there are few tools to monitor soil condition which can reliably inform farmers of the state of their soil.
This paper examines ants and their importance in ecosystem functioning, principally their ability to maintain or restore soil
quality in rural environments, and their value as bioindicators of soil quality. The reader is provided with a summary of those
studies which have recorded the species composition and activity of ant fauna in agricultural soils and naturally vegetated
environments. However, it is rare to find studies which sample both environments concurrently. An overview of the types
of measures available to assess ant biodiversity is followed by a discussion of the current status of biopedological research
into ant–soil relationships and the trends and gaps in current research knowledge, principally in the areas of water and soil
movement and nutrient effects. Lastly the paper seeks to forecast the future directions of ant biopedological research, and to
identify the type of research required to fully appreciate the value of ants as soil quality indicators to monitor the sustainability
of the soil resource. Ants should be considered an important group of soil fauna, yet they have received meagre attention in
comparison with other soil fauna such as earthworms. There is a need for specific experiments to test the hypothesis that ants
can be used as bioindicators of soil quality. ©1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Soil quality; Ants; Bioindicators; Soil macrofauna; Agriculture; Biodiversity; Biopedological

1. Introduction soils, in comparison with naturally vegetated en-

This review of ants in rural environments concen- 3. To overview the types of measures available to
trates on their importance in ecosystem functioning, assess ant biodiversity.
principally in their ability to maintain or restore soil 4. To establish the current status of biopedological
quality. The biology and ecology of ants is not consid- research into ant–soil relationships and to examine
ered in detail here and for this information the author- the trends and gaps in current research knowledge.
itative work by Hölldobler and Wilson (1990) should 5. To forecast future directions in ant biopedological
be consulted. The objectives of this review are: research, including the value of ants as soil quality
1. To examine the need for soil sustainability indi- indicators to monitor the sustainability of the soil
cators and their desirable attributes. resource.
2. To establish an understanding of the ant fauna The approach has followed two courses of action. In
that exists, survives and proliferates in agricultural the process of writing another paper (Lobry de Bruyn,
1997) the author asked eminent Australian researchers
∗ Tel.: +61-2-6773-3119; fax : +61-2-6773-2769 in agricultural ecology questions pertaining to the di-
E-mail address: (L.A. Lobry de Bruyn) rection of soil macrofauna research, the trends and

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426 L.A. Lobry de Bruyn / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 74 (1999) 425–441

gaps in current research, and the importance of soil also identified soil biota as potential bioindicators of
macrofauna as a tool to monitor soil sustainability. The soil sustainability at the farm level, although presently
other avenue was to examine Current ContentsTM over there is little rigorous experimentation to test their
1993–1998 for published research in this area; in ad- validity in agroecosystems (Pankhurst et al., 1995;
dition a range of review articles summarising research Doran et al., 1996).
before 1993 was consulted. An additional reason for examining soil biota,
specifically ants, and their relationship with soil qual-
ity and soil sustainability is that farmers need indica-
2. The need for ants as bioindicators of soil tors of soil quality which they can easily and reliably
function and their desirable attributes use to monitor soil sustainability. Ease and reliability
are significant properties, as farmers are unlikely to
The rapid rate at which land (0.3–0.5% of arable adopt the soil sustainability indicators derived by sci-
land per annum) is being degraded by erosion, salin- entists if they require too much technical expertise,
isation, and contamination (Lal and Stewart, 1992) expense and time to monitor, and produce results that
is the most compelling reason to establish bioindica- are difficult to interpret (Baker and Dalby, 1994).
tors of soil function. The interactions of soil quality Farmers have been slow to adopt sustainable manage-
along with soil stability and soil resilience contribute ment practices because they cannot see the benefits
to the sustainable use of the soil resource (Lal, 1993). of the new techniques and perceive a higher risk and
Soil quality is defined by Doran and Parkin (1994) as uncertainty with them (Vanclay, 1992; Carter, 1994).
“The capacity of the soil to function within ecosystem At the same time there is a strong desire by farmers
boundaries to sustain biological productivity, maintain to monitor their farm goals and determine if changes
environmental quality, and promote plant and animal in farm management are leading towards a more sus-
health.” tainable farming system. A simple monitoring tool
Soil macrofauna, which includes ants, can be used which illustrates trends in soil quality may act as a
as an integrative measure of soil quality, assuming persuader to change or affirm management practices
their importance in regulating soil processes which are (Romig et al., 1995).
vital to the continued formation of soil and as pro- Ants are not often considered as soil biota, and in-
tection against soil degradation as highlighted in sev- deed are sometimes excluded in definitions of soil
eral international workshops on sustainable agriculture biota (e.g. Killham, 1994; Wood, 1996). In relation to
(Hawksworth, 1991; Doran et al., 1994). their interaction with the soil, soil biota can be cate-
These bioindicators are required to monitor changes gorised into three groups: epigeic (those which process
in soil quality and to provide early warning of adverse organic matter on or near the soil surface), endogeic
trends and identify problem areas (Pieri et al., 1995). (those living in the soil) and anecic (those which trans-
Governments around the world (The Standing Com- fer materials between soil and litter habitats) (Bouché,
mittee on Agriculture, 1991; Acton and Gregorich, 1977). Ants could be placed in either the anecic or
1995; Munasinghe and Shearer, 1995) have identified epigeic groups. Soil biota are also categorised accord-
three areas of agricultural sustainability which need ing to size, and ants are considered to be macrofauna
to be monitored to ascertain whether the agricultural (body width 2–20 mm). It seems that ants and their
management practices that are being advocated are role in soil functioning are often overlooked in favour
achieving the goal of sustainable agriculture. These are of other invertebrate groups such as earthworms or
the natural resource base, economic viability of agri- termites. The author maintains that ants have a re-
cultural production, and other ecosystems which are silient role in maintaining soil quality because of their
influenced by agricultural activities. The protection of ability to survive in agricultural soils despite the va-
the natural resource base—soil—and the prevention of garies of climate and disturbance regimes, albeit as a
its further degradation are critical to the development less diverse fauna. Moreover, Majer (1983), stated that
of sustainable agriculture and continued production of ants conform to most of the following attributes which
food and fibre (Acton and Gregorich, 1995). Govern- are considered desirable qualities of an indicator. The
ment reports (Hamblin, 1992; SCARM, 1993) have indicator should be:
L.A. Lobry de Bruyn / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 74 (1999) 425–441 427

Table 1
• closely related to one or more of the assessment
Number of described soil species of Formicidaea
• important to the overall structure and function of Region Number of species
the agroecosystem, Neotropical Region 2233
• responsive to a range of environmental stresses, Australia 1100
• easily measured and quantifiable, North America (+ USA) 585
USA 400+
• easily interpreted,
France 180
• holistic and Sweden 61
• have integrative effects over time (Pankhurst, 1994). Denmark 49
Others have been more cautious in their endorse- Finland 47
ment of bioindicators and suggest that much more ba- Norway 46
UK 46
sic research is required (Paoletti and Bressen, 1996).
New Zealand 23
There is an important impediment in using ant bio- a Source: Groombridge (1992).
diversity (measured simply by species richness) as an
indicator of a healthy soil. Firstly, there is a need to forestry (Majer, 1984, 1985; Majer et al., 1987) ei-
understand and be able to identify which species or ther at the species or community level. Earlier studies
groups of species have key functions in the mainte- of the biodiversity of soil biota in agricultural soils
nance of energy and material flows through an ecosys- (Abbott and Parker, 1980) usually have sorted the in-
tem (Silver et al., 1996). It has been assumed that a vertebrates to a higher taxonomic level (class, order or
soil ecosystem with low biodiversity is less resilient, family level) or have used morphospecies (Oliver and
more vulnerable to perturbations, and ultimately not as Beattie, 1993). Again, few studies traverse ecological
able to function as well as a soil ecosystem with high boundaries by examining ant biodiversity in both rural
biodiveristy. However, little is known about the con- and naturally vegetated environments. Tables 2 and 3
tribution of individual species or groups of species to summarise data on ant biodiversity in rural environ-
ecosystem functioning and the effect of their removal ments and adjacent naturally vegetated environments.
from the soil ecosystem. There is a tendency in ant Many studies have found high species diversity in
biopedological research to emphasize a single species natural environments within Australia (Majer, 1978;
or groups of species. These ant species have been se- Greenslade and Mott, 1979; Andersen, 1983). The
lected because of their dominance either in terms of studies presented in Table 2 indicate that species
foraging activity, visibility of nest sites or abundance richness is nearly always lower in farmland environ-
as gauged by nest density. However, the justification ments than in naturally vegetated areas. However, the
for concentrating on a single species is rarely given, information from each study can rarely be directly
and few studies have quantified the impact of the total compared either because of differences in soil type,
ant community. Establishing which ant species are im- rainfall or intensity of agricultural activity (Table 2).
portant in terms of soil quality requires an understand- Work by Lavelle and Pashanasi (1989) in a range
ing and quantification of their impact on the soil pro- of land management types (forest, traditional and
file, and their association with soil types. high input cropping systems, traditional and improved
pasture and palm-trees) in the tropics (Peruvian
Amazonia) recorded ant biomass between 0.1 and
3. Ant biodiversity in rural and naturally 0.8 g f wt m−2 . The proportion of biomass represented
vegetated environments by ants in comparison with other soil macrofauna (ter-
mites and earthworms) was minor (0.02–5%) (Lavelle
World-wide, the largest numbers of ant species and Pashanasi, 1989). However, in terms of popula-
are found in Australia and in the Tropics (Table 1). tion density, ants make a more significant contribution
Understanding of ant biodiversity in modified land- (7–53%) when compared with the total abundance
scapes, especially agricultural, is fragmented. Invari- of macrofauna in each land management type, espe-
ably, research into ant biodiversity has focused on cially in traditional cropping (53%) and traditional
natural environments or those affected by mining or pastures (49%). According to a study of Petersen
428 L.A. Lobry de Bruyn / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 74 (1999) 425–441

Table 2
Number of ant species found in rural and neighbouring naturally vegetated habitats
Location Rural environments Naturally vegetated Reference

Species Habitat Species Habitat

number number

Chihuahuan Desert, USA – – 3–36 Desert grass/shrubland Whitford, 1996

Kellerberrin, Australia 32 Wheat/Pasture rotation 65 Heath shrubland Lobry de Bruyn, 1993b
Kellerberrin, Australia 29 Wheat/Pasture rotation 89 Wandoo woodland Lobry de Bruyn, 1993b
Katanning, Australia 19 Improved pastures, grazed – – Twigg et al., 1982
Deniliquin, Australia 27 Native pastures, grazed – – Briese and Macauley, 1977
Wubi-Perenjori, Australia 12 Lupin stubble 35 Open woodland Keals and Majer, 1991
Emmet Vale Australia 17 Native pastures, grazed 22 Saltbush Briese and Macauley, 1977
Kellerberrin, Australia – – 15–40 Gimlet woodland Abensperg-Traun et al.,
Biebrza, Poland 1–6 Meadows on peat soils 39 Pine forests Petal, 1991
Costa Rica, South America 23 Coffee plantations – – Perfecto and Snelling, 1995

(1982), the calculated biomass of ants in Europe Agricultural systems which are considered to be
ranged from 1.9 g day wt m−2 for three ant species more sustainable are those which imitate those envi-
at Mols, Denmark, to 12 g day wt m−2 for Formica ronmental conditions found in natural environments.
rufa in Siberian forests. Although the ant biomass Brussaard et al. (1988) outlined a new research di-
was much lower for grassland sites in America and rection for agroecosystems which would compare the
Africa (0.1–0.5 g day wt m−2 ; Petersen, 1982), ants functioning of a soil–crop ecosystem in conventional
are nevertheless considered important relative to and integrated farming systems. The outcome would
other soil fauna in these environments. More recent be an agroecosystem which promotes better soil struc-
work by Petal and Kusinska (1994) in Poland gave ture, improved nutrient use efficiency and controlled
ranges of ant biomass for Myrmica spp. and Lasius diseases, pests and weeds more effectively. They fore-
niger as 0.8–6.3 g day wt m−2 . In Australia, Davison saw changes in agricultural practices that would re-
(1987) found that the colony biomass of Chelaner duce nutrient inputs, soil tillage and use of biocides
whitei ranged from 2.24–161.05 g day w m−2 , to (Brussaard et al., 1988). The general consensus is that
6.21–55.27 g day wt m−2 for C. rothsteini. ant biodiversity and abundance increase under mini-
The advent of agriculture usually produces a de- mum tillage and stubble retention. A study by Rad-
cline in ant biodiversity. There are three common ex- ford et al. (1995) found four times the density of ant
planations for the loss of species in agricultural envi- colonies under a no tillage system compared with a
ronments: the changes in microclimate conditions ad- conventional tillage system. Wang et al. (1996a) found
versely affect development of larvae and pupae (Höll- more ant burrow openings in the less irrigated and no
dobler and Wilson, 1990), foraging activity and nest- tillage plots than in the more ploughed and irrigated
ing places; food availability is reduced from use of treatments. However, the previous year had shown no
agrochemicals (fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides) effect of agricultural practices. In a study of the ef-
and reduction in litter and soil organic matter; and fects of soil type and cultural practices on the fire ant
interactions with other species leads to alterations in (Solenopsis invicta) in South Louisiana sugar cane-
community structure. Agricultural soils are then sub- fields, Ali et al. (1986) recorded the highest densi-
ject to varying levels of cultivation which causes dis- ties in fields with clay soil and high levels of ground
ruption to the habitat and nesting places of ants, but the cover. The ant nests of Messor spp. were more abun-
effects are often transitory (Lobry de Bruyn, 1993b). dant in unploughed than in ploughed plots, and the
However, the observed patterns may also be indepen- shrublands showed higher numbers of nests than the
dent of the above factors and merely arise as an arte- adjacent agricultural fields (Diaz, 1991). An exam-
fact of site selection. ple from a study in Kellerberrin in Western Australia
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shows that the advent of agricultural development has • The technique gives no indication of absolute inver-
produced a decrease in ant species richness by as much tebrate density.
as 50% (Lobry de Bruyn, 1993b). However, ant activ- • The technique has difficulty in establishing whether
ity was similar (measured by foraging activity and ac- the species caught is residing in the habitat sampled
tive nest density) in farmland and naturally vegetated or only foraging.
land of the same soil type. Such similarity provides Despite the above caveats, there are some obvious
hope for the further development of sustainable agri- advantages to pitfall traps: they are simple to use, op-
cultural systems, because it is through their activities erate continuously through day and night, and yield
of nest building and foraging that ants have the po- high numbers of ants which then can be statistically
tential for abating soil degradation. The environmen- analysed (Majer, 1997a). Greenslade and Greenslade
tal factors which control ant species distributions were (1971) and Greenslade (1973) have examined in
most highly correlated to climatic factors, soil type greater detail some of the operational concerns. More
and vegetation structure and floristics (Hölldobler and consideration needs to be given to foraging distances
Wilson, 1990). of ants, which vary considerably, from less than 0.5 m
up to 50 m (Hölldobler and Wilson, 1990). This is
especially important for examining variation in ant
activity in agricultural plots which are in close prox-
4. Methods to estimate ant biodiversity imity to each other, to ensure the independence of
plots. Abensperg-Traun and Steven (1995) concluded
4.1. Techniques to sample ants that the optimal relationship between trap diameter
and trap density will be a compromise between cap-
Techniques available to sample ant fauna include ture efficiency (experimental design), logistics and
baits, nest mapping, hand sampling, litter and/or soil the use of complementary sampling methods.
extraction, and pitfall traps (Edwards, 1991; Paoletti Lobry de Bruyn (1993a, 1993b) combined pitfall
et al., 1991). The choice of sampling technique is trapping with the mapping of ant nests to give a more
very much dependent on the aim of the survey. For a accurate representation of the ant fauna, especially
complete census of the ant biodiversity of an area it those species with a more active role in soil func-
is advisable to undertake a combination of the above tion. Crist and Wiens (1996) assessed the spatial pat-
techniques. Majer (1997a) and others (Adis, 1979; terns of prominent ant nests using aerial photography,
Abensperg-Traun and Steven, 1995), have critiqued vector-based Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
the efficacy of relying on pitfall trapping as the only and ground-truthing. This method is only appropriate
sampling procedure to collect ants; concerns can be for conspicuous nests. The density and dispersion of
summarised as follows: soil ant nest activity of less conspicuous nests can be
• The diameter of the pitfall trap affects the num- mapped using fixed quadrats over a smaller area, e.g.,
ber of species caught (Abensperg-Traun and Steven, 5 m2 (Wang et al., 1996a) or 6.25 m2 (Lobry de Bruyn,
1995). 1993b). Furthermore, mapping has to be carried out
• Some ant species are easier to trap than others over a year to cover the seasonal fluctuations in species
(Marsh, 1984). activity and to monitor the activity of individual nests.
• The true representation of the total ant fauna, espe- Nest monitoring is important for defining the spatial
cially in habitats with dense litter cover and cryptic and temporal impact of a particular ant species whose
or rare species (Andersen, 1991), is unlikely. nests may have been identified as having a beneficial
• The technique only samples surface-active ants. effect on water infiltration or to assess the influence
Andersen (1983, 1991) also noted that the close of ant activity on soil turnover rates.
proximity of a pitfall trap to an active nest or forag- Another sampling procedure is to use soil cores,
ing trail can lead to a higher abundance of certain which will give an absolute population density. The
species or, in the case of species which have low standardised sampling method designed by the Trop-
locomotor activity from its nest, will lead to an ical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBP) programme
underestimation of its abundance. relies on 10 samples of 25 cm × 25 cm × 30 cm soil
432 L.A. Lobry de Bruyn / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 74 (1999) 425–441

monoliths, taken 5 m apart, and hand-sorted into

four strata (litter, 0–10, 10–20, 20–30 cm) (Ander-
son and Ingram, 1988). In Australia, Robertson et
al. (1994) and Radford et al. (1995) took 10 samples
of 18 cm × 18 cm × 15 cm soil monoliths to quantify
macrofauna density in agricultural plots, but recorded
low ant abundances. Soil cores or monoliths are con-
sidered inappropriate for estimating the contribution
of ants to soil ecosystem functioning, and are more
suitable to less mobile soil macrofauna such as earth-
worms. Fig. 1. A drawing of an Aphaenogaster sp. which is a soil specialist
and a major contributor to soil turnover in semi-arid environments
To achieve a comprehensive understanding of ant
of Australia. Scale bar = 1 mm.
activities and their effects on soil properties there has
to be an appreciation of the temporal and spatial ex-
tent of their activity, which can be gained through pit-
fall trapping and mapping as well as other techniques
(Lobry de Bruyn, 1993a; Perfecto and Snelling, 1995).

4.2. Classification of ants

To reduce the complexity of ant taxonomy but still

Fig. 2. A drawing of Rhytidoponera metallica which is an op-
develop an interpretable model for examining ant com- portunist and is often found in disturbed environments such as
munity structure and its relationship with land use, agricultural soils. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Andersen (1986, 1990, 1993) has further developed a
classification of ants into functional groups that was phological, physiological and/or behavioural
originally proposed by Greenslade (1978). This classi- adaptations.
fication has gained wide acceptance, especially in Aus- 4. Cryptic species – These ant species live, feed
tralia, but still suffers from problems of interpretation. and forage within the soil and litter (Brachypon-
Andersen (1997) has recently adapted the functional era lutea), thus avoiding contact with other ant
group classification for North American ant communi- species.
ties. The functional group classification is based on the 5. Opportunists – These ant species (Rhytidopon-
adaptations employed by other ant genera in avoiding era spp. (Fig. 2), Paratrechina spp.) are scav-
interaction with Iridomyrmex spp. which are extremely engers and predators, poor competitors and are of-
abundant, active and aggressive in arid environments ten found in disturbed habitats such as farmland.
in Australia. The characteristics of each group can be 6. Generalised Myrmicinae spp. – These include ant
summarised as follows: species of the genera Monomorium, Cremato-
1. Dominant species – Iridomyrmex spp., which are gaster and Pheidole (Fig. 3) which are flexible in
highly abundant and aggressive, influence the dis- their foraging times and feeding requirements.
tribution and activity of other ant species. 7. Large, solitary foragers – Large ant species of
2. Subordinate species – Usually Camponotus spp. the genera Myrmecia, Bothroponera and Odon-
which because of their size, periods of activity tomachus are solitary predators that do not inter-
and submissive behaviour are able to coexist with act greatly with other ants.
Iridomyrmex spp. Taxonomy needs to be developed in order to im-
3. Climate and soil specialists – These ant species prove our understanding of how soil communities
(Melophorus spp., Meranoplus spp., Aphaenogaster function. The work of Oliver and Beattie (1993, 1996)
spp. (Fig. 1) and Notoncus spp.) reduce their suggested that the most cost-effective and accurate
competition with the dominant species by mor- assessment of species turnover would be to allow
L.A. Lobry de Bruyn / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 74 (1999) 425–441 433

might be expected that ant channels contribute to in-

creased aeration, drainage and improved root growth,
given that biopores greater than 1 mm in diameter have
been found to be responsible for such benefits (Oades,
1984). However, there is little evidence to confirm this
Ants may facilitate water movement by increasing
porosity. For instance, Denning et al. (1977) found
that 16% of the volume of the upper section of a
Formica cinerea mound (140 cm across and 40 cm
high) contained macropores with a saturated conduc-
tivity of 10 000–44 000 cm/day. This is up to 4000
times the conductivity needed to cope with the max-
imum precipitation expected in a 24 h period. Majer
et al. (1987) found that the mean infiltration rate on
ant nests (8.3 ± 5.4 min/l) was much faster than on un-
affected soil (27.2 ± 3.9 min/l). In areas of semi-arid
Fig. 3. A drawing of a Pheidole sp. (major and minor) which
is found in high nest densities in agricultural soils in semi-arid Australia under natural vegetation, studies have been
Australia, and builds nests to depths of 60 cm. They have flexible conducted to assess the influence of ant nests on water
foraging times and feeding requirements. Scale bar = 1 mm. infiltration (Eldridge, 1993). These studies recorded
ponded water infiltration rates four times faster over
non-specialists to sort specimens into morphospecies Aphaenogaster barbigula nest entrances (5–43 mm)
and to target sampling to known optimum periods of than on the control soil. On the other hand, the soil
activity. around some ant burrows has been found to be bare.
Thorp (1967), for example, described a 2–10 m circle
of bare ground around the nest of a harvester ant on
5. Current status of biopedological research into the Great Plains of North America, which could im-
ant–soil relationships: trends and gaps pede water infiltration and encourage soil erosion.
However, few studies have directly assessed the in-
There is little understanding of the role that ants fluence of ant biopores on water infiltration (Eldridge,
play in soil processes and plant growth, especially the 1993; Lobry de Bruyn and Conacher, 1994a; Wang et
mechanisms by which ants exert their influence on soil al., 1996b). The density and form of these biopores
processes, in particular soil structure, soil hydraulic needs to be assessed in situ (Lobry de Bruyn and
properties and nutrient cycling. There has been no at- Conacher, 1994a), using a disc permeameter (Perroux
tempt to quantify the relationship between ant activity and White, 1988).
and pasture production or crop yields. Research find- Lobry de Bruyn and Conacher (1994a) examined
ings often present the end results of the interaction be- the influence of ant biopores on water infiltration un-
tween ants and soil processes rather than information der negative tensions (−5, −10, −40 mm) and positive
on how ants facilitate, impede or have inconsequential pressure (+10 mm) in the wheatbelt of Western Aus-
influences on soil function. tralia. Ant biopores were found to conduct water four
to six times faster than the control soil, but only under
5.1. Water movement ponded conditions, which would occur under high en-
ergy rainfall events. The studies by Wang et al. (1995,
The connection between ant activity and changes 1996a, 1996b) demonstrate the importance of quanti-
in soil physical properties has been given meagre at- fying the impacts of ants, in this case a single species
tention, with research showing that the channels and – Lasius neoniger – on bioporosity and water flow
galleries of ants may either impede or facilitate water by examining the spatial and temporal patterns of ant
infiltration (Lobry de Bruyn and Conacher, 1990). It burrows, nest architecture and water infiltration down
434 L.A. Lobry de Bruyn / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 74 (1999) 425–441

ant burrows. All the measurements were conducted in calic. Nevertheless, Sisson and Wierenga (1981) ob-
agricultural fields. served that a large fraction of the water passes through
The effectiveness of ant biopores in conducting wa- a small fraction of the plot area, because of the spatial
ter under ponded conditions is dependent on several variability of the steady-state infiltration rate. The ag-
factors. The ant nest biopores must remain open dur- gregated distribution of ant nests may not, therefore,
ing a rainfall event which eventuates in overland flow, be a problem. Indeed, the localised, higher densities
in order to absorb runoff which could otherwise lead may prove to be more efficient in intercepting and ab-
to erosion. During heavy rainfall events there is a sorbing overland flow than a more evenly distributed
likelihood of raindrop impact or turbulent overland pattern of nests with lower densities. Finally, the sea-
flow dislodging the surrounding ant nest spoil and sonal fluctuation of nest densities influences the pe-
sealing the nest entrance, as was observed in Dur- riod during which ant nests would be effective in con-
rokoppin farmland after a rainfall event of 73 mm in trolling water erosion. Ant nests will probably remain
24 h; it was not clear at what point during the rain- open only until farmers begin to plough; afterward, it
fall event the sealing occurred (Lobry de Bruyn and is doubtful whether the biopores would be of much
Conacher, 1994a). Wang et al. (1996b) found the main importance until the ants reopen their nests, usually a
reason why ant burrows were not significant in wa- month after seed is drilled.
ter flow was that they tended to close during an irri- As mentioned above, ant biopores have a positive in-
gation or rainfall event. It was found that after only fluence on steady-state water infiltration rates, but only
5 mm of irrigation, 80% of the burrows had closed, under ponded conditions (at positive heads). Thus, the
but within 2 h the equivalent proportion had reopened frequency and duration of ponded conditions in farm-
(Wang et al., 1996b). land needs to be investigated. It would be necessary
Wang et al. (1995) examined the nest structure of to carry out rainfall simulation experiments on repli-
Lasius neoniger by impregnating the nests with dental cated plots with and without ant nests, and compare
gypsum. The nest volume varied from 20 to 250 cm3 , the time to ponding and volume of runoff generated
with the galleries concentrated in the top 30 cm from the two treatments.
(100.33 cm3 ), and only 15.35 cm3 below 30 cm to a
depth of 70 cm. Other studies have used lead (Markin,
1964), latex (Brian and Downing, 1958), and wax 5.2. Nutrient effects
(Salinitri, 1976) to characterise ant nest morphology.
Lobry de Bruyn, (1990) found polyurethane foam to The impact of ants on nutrient cycling is not ex-
be very effective in making a cast of an ant nest, es- tensively documented in rural environments (Lobry de
pecially those with entrance holes greater than 2 mm Bruyn and Conacher, 1990). In recent years ecologists
in diameter. Ant nests may extend to depths of up to identified the ant mounds of Pogonomyrmex barbatus
0.8 m (Gray, 1974), but in some cases can be quite (Wagner et al., 1997) and Formica podzolica (Lesica
shallow (0.2 m) (Ettershank, 1968; Eldridge, 1993). and Kannowski, 1998) in naturally vegetated environ-
In addition to their capacity to remain open to con- ments as contributing positively to the resource base
duct water, the spatial distribution and density of ant for other biota, and nest mounds of Lasius flavus, La-
nest biopores are also important factors that influence sius alienus and Formica rufibarbis to resource patch-
water drainage. Table 3 shows various studies which iness (Dean et al., 1997). Researchers have examined
have mapped the density of ant nests and/or burrows the chemical composition of nest spoils and com-
in agricultural or naturally vegetated environments, pared them with adjacent soils which are unaffected
but rarely concurrently. On average, ant nest openings by ant activity. Typically, researchers have examined
rarely exceed 3 per m2 in farmland sites. For effective ant species with conspicuous nests, such as Beattie
infiltration of water, it might be assumed that ant nest and Culver (1983) and Culver and Beattie (1983),
openings need to be sufficiently evenly spaced and who examined nests of Formica canadensis in Col-
dense, but often ant nests are highly aggregated, espe- orado, USA. Such conspicuous, long-lived nests are
cially if they are connected underground to each other, usually recorded at low nest densities (5/ha; Frouz
which is often the case in ant species which are poly- et al., 1997). Epigeic invertebrates, such as ants, de-
L.A. Lobry de Bruyn / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 74 (1999) 425–441 435

posit undecomposed organic material at the soil sur- Stone (1983) found that the immediate sub-mound soil
face or in chambers within the soil. The decomposed had elevated pH and levels of PO4 and Ca and lower
organic material may move down through the soil ei- levels of organic matter than the corresponding control
ther by biological mixing or by water and gravity, or soil. They argued that equal or lower organic matter
be dispersed over the soil surface by overland flow content compared with the surrounding soil reflected
or wind action. Rogers and Lavigne (1974), Wiken the soil’s origin as surface soil/subsoil composites. A
et al. (1976) and Levan and Stone (1983) studied the simple mixing model can be used to explain elevated
influence of ants on the chemical properties of soils nutrient levels but is inadequate to explain the extent
and, in general, found some nutrient enrichment at ant of nutrient increase. In cases where nutrient enrich-
nest sites. Presumably these nutrients are redistributed ment exceeds the expected, Levan and Stone (1983)
when the nest is eroded. This may occur quickly with suggested that inputs from exogenous sources must
ant nest structures which are unstable, not long-lived account for such values. Briese (1982) claimed that
and not compacted. Such nutrient enrichment is point accumulation of C, PO4 and N at the nest site arose
centered and its overall influence depends on the den- from the decomposition of seeds and plant material
sity of ant nests. Ant-modified soil invariably con- discarded at the nest entrance. Wiken et al. (1976) ex-
tains increased levels of nutrients such as organic C, plained the increases in organic matter in ant-affected
PO4 and N, but sometimes the increases are small sections of the soil pedon as the result of deposition
or negligible. However, organic matter content is not of somatic exudates, because microscope examination
always greater at ant nests compared with adjacent did not reveal incorporation of forest litter or humified
soils. Greenslade (1974), for example, found no ap- material. Higher concentrations of these substances
preciable change in organic matter content between (C, N and PO4 ) were maintained in the nests for at
Iridomyrmex purpureus mounds (5.47%) and the ad- least 2 years after the nests had been abandoned
jacent soil (5.5%). Petal (1978, 1980) and Petal and (Czerwinski et al., 1971).
Kusinska (1994) investigated the environmental condi- Lobry de Bruyn (1990) identified high percentages
tions in ant nests to determine if conditions for organic of carbon at various depths down the nest systems of
matter mineralisation and its humification are more ad- two species of Rhytidoponera, whereas the other ant
vantageous in the ant nest than in the surrounding soil. species (Pheidole sp. 10) had higher percentages of
Their findings confirmed that total carbon content and carbon in the top 2 cm than in the control soil. These ar-
humic acids were lower in anthill soils than in soils eas of increased carbon could encourage plant growth,
surrounding the ant nest, which indicates that condi- and seeds located in nest middens were observed to
tions in the nest were more favourable for organic mat- germinate. The spoils of most ant nests would also en-
ter mineralisation and less favourable for its humifi- courage germination because they are less compacted
cation (Petal and Kusinska, 1994). Frouz et al. (1997) than the control soil. It was further observed that newly
found a higher decomposition rate of autochthonous dug nests of Pheidole sp. D10 (most of which occurred
material, higher respiration activity and higher micro- in farmland), did not show a significant increase in
bial counts in the nests of Formica polyctena in a carbon or other nutrients at a depth of 2 cm in compar-
spruce plantation than the surrounding soil. Wagner ison with the control soil, whereas more established
(1997) also found that soil from ant nests had signifi- nests of Pheidole sp. D10 in the naturally vegetated
cantly higher nitrogen mineralisation rates, and in an- sites did show an increase in carbon at the same depth
other study recorded 30-fold higher densities of mi- (Lobry de Bruyn, 1990). Hence, age of the nest, or
croarthropods and 5-fold higher densities of protozoa more appropriately the age of the nest midden, will
in soil from ant nests than in surrounding, control soils influence the degree to which soil chemical properties
(Wagner et al., 1997). Hence ant nests, especially those are modified.
which are conspicuous and long-lived, constitute an
important source of resource variability and availabil- 5.3. Soil movement
ity for other organisms.
The following ideas have been expressed to explain The movement of soil by ants (bioturbation) has im-
alterations of nutrient status at the nest site. Levan and portant implications for soil formation rates and the
436 L.A. Lobry de Bruyn / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 74 (1999) 425–441

redistribution of soil particles, nutrients and organic Determination of nest/spoil longevity is the most
matter. The significance of ants to nutrient cycling is problematic factor in estimating soil turnover rates
closely related to the amount of soil they move during and making long-term predictions. No accurate tech-
nest construction and to the longevity of the nest site. nique for dating ant nests exists except by monitoring
The basic technique used to construct nests by ants nest growth from inception to final decay. Eldridge
is by pulling out soil particles with their mandibles, and Pickard (1994) monitored the nest entrances of
and carrying a load of loosened soil to another place Aphaenogaster barbigula in fixed quadrats for nearly
where they deposit it. Hole (1981) described the exca- 2 years, and found that nest entrances lasted 9 months,
vation activity of ants and termites as that of “miners and changed about twice a year. Reliable estimates of
that seize sand grains or bite off fragments of aggre- spoil decay by erosion requires observations over pe-
gates with their mandibles, leaving a pitted surface on riods longer than 10 years. The longevity of ants nests,
gallery walls”. This burrowing technique sharply con- although variable, ranges from several months to about
trasts with that of earthworms, which tunnel by push- 10 years (Greenslade, 1974). With agricultural distur-
ing or eating their way through soil. Ants construct bance, nest longevity may be reduced. Lobry de Bruyn
nests to reduce the problems of weather variations, (1993a) monitored ant nests in farmland over a crop-
to have a central base for the storage of food, and to ping season, and found that although nest entrances
locate the queen and brood in a defensible structure disappeared after cultivation, they quickly reappeared
(Sudd and Franks, 1987). in less than 2 months.
The effects of a total ant community on the for- The percentage surface area occupied by ant nests
mation of soil texture profiles requires an assessment is usually less than 1% of the soil surface, but occa-
of bioturbation rates. The variables which affect the sionally may be as high as 10% (Table 3). In Aube-
depth and rate of ant bioturbation are: nest longevity, nas, France, which experiences a sub-mediterranean
which includes duration of habitation and growth and climate, Aalders et al. (1989) estimated that 5% of
erosion rates when the nests are active and senes- the ant spoil was transported by erosion and the re-
cent; mass of soil held in ant spoils (excavated soil mainder was compacted and returned to the soil. The
brought to the soil surface), and nest densities. Table end result of such processes is a gradual accumulation
3 shows that there have been few studies assess- of soil material on the soil surface by ant burrowing
ing bioturbation rates by the total ant community activity.
in semi-arid environments of the southern hemi-
sphere (Briese, 1982; Lobry de Bruyn and Conacher,
1994b). Humphreys (1981), Eldridge and Pickard 6. Research implications
(1994), and Lobry de Bruyn and Conacher (1994b)
assessed the bioturbation rates of a single species A priority for future research is to quantify the role
of Aphaenogaster in semi-arid environments, and of ants in soil processes, and to elucidate their function
found it was responsible for significant movements of in agroecosystems. This objective would be realised
soil (Table 3). The consequences of ant bioturbation by integration of ant research with other related areas
and its effects on the soil texture profile have varied and the inception of multidisciplinary projects (Faeth
(Lobry de Bruyn and Conacher, 1990), ranging from et al., 1991 cited in Doran et al., 1996). There is an in-
clay enrichment (Baxter and Hole, 1967; Salem and creasing demand for real-time information on the con-
Hole, 1968; Wiken et al., 1976), to no apprecia- dition of the soil resource and for suitable indicators
ble alteration in comparison with the surface soil which can monitor soil quality and act as early warn-
(Greenslade, 1974), to an increase in coarse material ing indicators of land degradation (De Soyza et al.,
(Mandel and Sorenson, 1982; Cowan et al., 1985). 1998).
Wang et al. (1995) estimated that Lasius neoniger The value of ants as indicators of soil quality to
could turn over the upper 30 cm of soil once every monitor the sustainability of the soil is still unclear
2800 years for a corn field, and once every 1000 (Linden et al., 1994; Lobry de Bruyn, 1997), even
years for the grass borders, where ant nest densities though they have been used widely in establishing
are three times greater. the success of mining rehabilitation (Majer, 1997b).
L.A. Lobry de Bruyn / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 74 (1999) 425–441 437

More research is required to understand the relation- points in the year, with similar environmental condi-
ships among ant community structure and particular tions.
soil types, land use types and climatic regions in ru- Researchers have often utilised data from well es-
ral landscapes such as attempted by Way et al. (1997). tablished experimental sites which were initiated for
Giller et al. (1997) emphasised caution in establishing other purposes, rather than setting up completely new
causal links between soil biodiversity and sustained experiments. However, this precludes a baseline sur-
soil fertility, and stressed that the scale of investiga- vey of the ant fauna, and hence does not consider the
tion can influence research findings. One of the major patchiness of the population before experimentation.
obstacles to identify definitive links between ants and Moreover, the experimental design usually is not ap-
soil processes is that the majority of research projects propriate for examining biota which are mobile. When
have been observational. There has been little manip- experimental plots are long and narrow sampling is
ulation or true experimentation of macrofauna such limited to in situ methods such as soil cores or hand
as demonstrated in experiments carried out by Bohlen sorting sods of soil. In these circumstances, pitfall
et al. (1995) on earthworm populations in large-scale traps will not necessarily sample specimens which re-
field experiments in agroecosystems. side within the sample plot.
A greater understanding of the habitat needs of ants To test the importance of ants in nutrient cycling
in relation to treatment of the soil ecosystem is re- and soil structure maintenance, one must compare
quired. Even then, widely recognised observations of ant-inhabited soils to similar soils without ants. This
population changes or species composition fluxes may is difficult because the soil could have been influenced
be a result of factors other than farm management. by ants at any time during its formation. For examin-
Confounding factors such as geographic location or ing ant activity the usual strategy has been to use areas
timing of sampling are not always considered but can which show obvious signs of ant activity, such as an
significantly affect results. Ants may be useful indica- ant nest, and compare them with areas where there is
tors at the farm scale, especially as part of a broader no activity (Lobry de Bruyn, 1990; Holt et al., 1996).
system of ecosystem process indicators. Any advances An understanding of the limits of sustainable land
in this area will also simultaneously require the de- use requires identification of the critical biological in-
velopment of taxonomic tools that could be used by dicators of soil quality and their thresholds and hence
non-specialists to identify specimens. of soil sustainability (Lobry de Bruyn, 1997). Soil
Another limitation of ant biopedological research is resilience is an important determinant of the soil’s
that funding agencies are concerned with agricultural response to degradative processes, and has been high-
land use only and have a 3–5 year life span for projects. lighted in the international scientific arena as an issue
This precludes studies of native fauna in naturally veg- of global concern, especially under current agricul-
etated regions or on transcending boundaries between tural land use practices (Lal, 1993; Greenland and Sz-
agricultural and naturally vegetated land. The consid- abolcs, 1994). There is a need to test the role of ants in
erable time frame required for this type of study also soil resilience and to define the critical limits of a soil
constrains research outcomes. In Australia there have property from which the soil can recover to its initial
been few studies which have examined ant communi- state, and the rate of that recovery. Lobry de Bruyn
ties for more than 1 or 2 years. Often conclusions have (1997) emphasised the type of research direction
been based on a sampling strategy with low intensity which is required if soil macrofauna are to be consid-
and frequency accompanied by scanty or fragmented ered in maintaining a healthy, functioning soil. The
information regarding environmental conditions. Ob- most pressing need is the commitment to develop rig-
viously, climatic variables will strongly influence the orous, adequately-funded and long-term experiments
outcome of the sampling activity. that measure soil biota at various levels (population or
Comparisons between research projects require a community or biological process level), and to relate
standardised sampling protocol. Yet this would seem these changes to other aspects of soil quality. Research
impossible to achieve considering the diverse nature of needs to take a holistic approach in order to understand
biopedological studies and the various logistical con- the function of ants in healthy and degraded soils.
straints. Ant sampling could be restricted to strategic Examining the relationship between ants and soil
438 L.A. Lobry de Bruyn / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 74 (1999) 425–441

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