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1. An introduction to sociolinguistics

Peter trudgil

2. an introduction to sociolinguistics

Ronald Wardhaugh

3. Bilingualism

Suzana Romaine

4. Perspectives: sociolinguistics and TESOL_


5. Sociolinguistics

Pride & Holmes

6. The sociolinguistics of language

Ralf Fasold

7. the sociolinguistics of society

Ralf Fasold

8. Sociolinguistics: a resource book for students

Peter Stockwell


1. Bachman, L.1989. Fundamental considerations in language

2. Oller, L. Issues in second language testing research. Newbury

3. Hughes and porter. 1983. Current developments in language testing.

Academic press

4. Oller, j. language tests at school. Longman

5. A guide to language testing: development. Evaluation . Research.

Grant Henning

Newbury house publishers 1987

6. Language testing in practice: designing and developing useful language tests

Lyle f. Bachman and Adrians s. Palmer

7. Interfaces between second language acquisition and language testing research

Ed. Lyle f. Bachman and Andrew d. Cohen

8. basic statistics for the behavioral sciences

Robert M. Kaplan

Discourse analysis and pragmatics:

1. Discourse Analysis


2. Pragmatics

Jean Stilwell Peccei

3. English language teaching in its social context

A reader

Edited by Christopher N. Candling and Neil Mercer

4. Genre analysis

John M Swales

5. The Discourse Reader

Ed. Adam Lyjaworski et all.

6. Semantics: a course book

7. Pragmatics and discourse: a recourse book for students

Joan Cutting

8. Pragmatics


9. Discourse analysis

Yule and brow

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