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e l i s a t o c c o p r e s e n t s :


a dive into looks and personality

in this project i will show you a different asset of

personalities described through looks

before you make your decision, let me

present them:
with a glance, she could either

make you fall in love or kill you .

doesn’t look like it, but she’s one

of the most reliable people you

could ever meet. if you wanna

live in a coming of age movie ,

she is the right person to do it

with. seeing how smart she is,

you know she’ll always by your

side, but ready to call you out

when you’re on the wrong side

of the table. speaking of tables,

her favourite food is probably

truffle risotto .
are you not cool or are you just

with the coolest person ever?

because he is for sure. he will

back you up anytime and he will

get through life with you. jimmy is

not the kind of guy that gets

bored, actually he has the

biggest movie collection in the

group. being the mom friend, he

also always has a pharmacy with

him, never runs out of hand

sanitizer or tissues. tissues are

used at dinner too, know what his

favourite food is? i don’t know

either, he’s kinda private

hanna with the red hair, or

orange? she is the closest thing

to a ray of sunshine , but as

soon as you meet her she’s more

like a cloud , it takes time to

dissolve it. loves to bake but be

careful eating her cookies , there

might be linseed oil instead of

coconut butter, and if they’re

pink just know she always has

paint on her hands, no matter

how many times she washed

them. loves habits and to do

lists , but she never does much,

she’s probably eating

marshmallows .
how can you not have fun with this

folk? because it’s impossible.

they’re not the quickest at some

things, but they’re the smartest

when you have to find a way to

party, people are the key in the

moment. they love movies and

theatre, that’s probably why

they’re a great actor ; not a liar

tho, if they catch you doing better run. speaking of

running, they don’t even like to

walk, but they’re gonna sprint if

they see pasta alla carbonara in

the kitchen.
don’t stop too much looking at her

pretty face , because she has a big

personality and she doesn’t hide it.
confident , acts like a model, loves
literature and will never turn down
a chance to party . so magical you

would think she is a witch , but she

doesn’t need a potion to make you

fall in love. she loves painting too

and she’s great, but doesn’t brag

about it. doesn’t understand math;

we like to think of her in a pretty

dress running in a scottish field

with a picnic basket. there’s

probably eggplant parm inside

her eyes are the closest thing to

ice , but if you do it right you can

find her warm spot. private and

classy , but so intriguing you would

never stop looking at her if you

could. always on point but

probably really fragile inside,

she’s the kindest friend you coul

ever have, always ready to help

you but never asking for it herself.

her beauty will leave you

speechles, just like she is as soon

as she sees cannelloni with peas .

her comfort are cats though.
there’s not much to say

about this guy, he just

loves cuddles. he’s the

kind of guy to eat dog

food as a kid and i don’t

think there’s much to

not all pretty girls hatemath ,
because this is a stem model .

beautifully elegant , quiet, but but

don’t be fooled by her seriousness

because she is always ready to

speak when there’s a joke to make.

probably the most responsible , she

will always tell you the truth and do

what’s best for you. behind this

professional mask there might be

many insecurities hidden, but she

will let you help her if she trusts you

enough. like all pretty girls, she will

always chooses sushi if there’s the

everyone is at her feet, but she’s

picky , and deadly . just like jimmy,

she is the actual mom friend, the

cool mom kinda type . lots of

insecurities, but her friends look up

to her as a role model , the best

one they actually have. always

dedicated to what she loves and

true to her beliefs , all or nothing.

her jewels in the id are her
hypnotic eyes, but she’s like a

master with pearls when she wants

to unwind. red like passion and

meatballs with tomato sauce ,

cook them to her and she’s yours.

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