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Christian McGonagle

January 30th, 2022

Can O’ Hawaii

The initial project was hard to begin but I do struggle with this for most projects. I decided to first
outline what I wanted to include on the project. I thought of what do I do often for fun or what I know
many of the locals enjoy doing and decided that a mix of both would be a great representation of
Hawaii. The most challenging aspect of this project surprisingly was creating the bar code. I couldn’t
think of any ways at first on how to tackle this part but with enough fiddling around, I figured out the
way that I wanted to create the bar code. Creating the bar code was a very tedious process that took
much longer than I anticipated but I was satisfied with the result. For the project, I am satisfied with
the way that it came out. I know that having an outline for a project like this is the best way for me to
stay organized and to ensure that the project does come out looking visually pleasing. I did learn a
few things while doing this project. I didn’t know before doing this assignment that measuring a flat
item in real life can be exactly measured and that size be replicated exactly inside of Microsoft
PowerPoint. I didn’t know this skill previously and another thing that I learned is that I learned a little
bit more about myself. Doing this project made me think about what I enjoy doing when I am in
Hawaii and what makes Hawaii feel special to me.

Standard 4.a: Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating
ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

This project is a great way for students to get to know a little bit more about themselves and about
where they are from. In my project, I included pictures of masubis, shocka, Hawaiian state flag, the
beach, and a nutrition label that included all great things to do in Hawaii. I included every single one
of these things as they all represent something about Hawaii. Even the numbers on the barcode
represents the phone number area code. The number 808 is a very important number to those who
live in Hawaii, you see it everywhere, especially stickers on a car. This project can also be used for
students to learn about a place that they wish to go to or even a place that they have no idea about at
all. This is great for them to learn what the rest of the world is like and broaden their scope. I also can
see this project be given in any classroom. If this project was to be given to introduce yourself, it
would be great as an ice breaker. I wish I did get to get a little bit more personal on the project
because there are many fun things that I got to do in Hawaii but due to space constraints, I didn’t
have the opportunity to include everything. When I go to Hawaii to see family, it feels like every day is
a journey. You get to see so many people, visit many sites to see, and indulge in an endless buffet of
tasty food. I do wish that the label was bigger or another format, so I get to share as many
experiences as possible that allows me to.

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