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Four ethnic communities have been identified and described in the interior foothills and remote
coastal areas of Panay and negros islands, (“Sulod” (sometimes identified as bukidnon), the “magahat”,
the “ata”, and the “ati”).

The sulod and the magahats are slash-and-burn agriculturist.

The Ati of Iloilo have been reported but no detailed ethnography of their lifeway’s is available.

All these ethnic communities speak a language related to the central Philippines family of languages

Mindanao area

In the island of Mindanao there are about fifteen major ethnic groups and a numbers of subgroups living
in the interior rainforest, hills, plateaus, narrow valleys and marginal plains.
The people are non-Muslim and non-christian comparatively, they share many of the generalized
outline of Filipino indigenous culture.

The names of most ethnic groups are derived from the generic terms given by the visayan lowlanders.


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