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SCS B315 Ecommerce Assignment Sem 2 2021-22


1st Feb, 2022

Question 1.
1.1 Products that Sam can sell online
i. Back Cushions- Back cushions are among the many things that Sammy can sell online.
They are the preffered perfect solution to people who are looking for extra spine support
more especially those who work while sitting remotely for long hours . Back cushions
are quick and convinient way to improve posture while seated for long hours.
ii. Neck Massager- Neck massagers are of different forms, there are those that can be
wraped around the chair one is using or those that can be wrapped around the shoulders
of the user. For this case, Sammy should stock both as this will provide customers with a
variety of goods to sell from.
iii. Temporary Tattoos- Sammy can sale temporary tattoos to users who do not want their
skin tattoed permanently. Temporary tattoos are of different colors and shapes. Sammy
shoul also stock a variety of colors and shapes of temporary tattoos so that his customers
have a wide range to choose from.
iv. Nail Polish- Both male and female love using Nail Polish to customize nails and this
makes it the best products that one can sell. These also are of different colors snd sizes .
1.2 Why these four particular products
Sammy should sell back cushions as they are in high demand in the market righ now.
With remote work still being the preferred mode since COVID, the demand for back cushions
has increased dramatically (Veeragandham ,2020).
Consequently, Sammy should sell Neck massagers as they are also in high demand due
to the change of work mode to Remote work.
On the other hand, Sammy should sell Temporary tattoos online because temporary
tattoos are becoming more and more popular as people look to flaunt their own styles without
committing to permanence. Temporary tattoos have fantastic profitable margins, making them a
great choice to sell in your store(Chebichiy et al.,2020)
Lastly, Sammy should sell Nail polish as there’s a slight uptick in demand as people have
been spending more and more time at home over the past year(Chebichiy et al.,2020).

Question 2
a. Two of the products that I will encourage Nellie to sell are Back cushions and Neck
Massager. I will advise Nellie to sell the aforementioned products in the following Market
i. Kilimall- Killmall is the most trusted online shopping company and is one of the largest
in Africa based in Kenya with expanded market to many other African countries such as
Nigeria, Uganda and many other.
ii. Jumia- Selling on Jumia is a program that enables businesses to sell their products on Jumia is one of the vast growing online Market places in Africa. Nellie as a
marketplace seller will select the two products and set prices for each one of the pruct. By
selling in Jumia, Nellie can benefit from the ready available customers.
iii. Amazon- is among the top vast Internet-based enterprises that sells books,
music, movies, housewares, electronics, toys, and many other good. Nellie can register
with Amazon and start seling her products online on global grounds
iv. eBay- This is an online shopping site that's best known for its auctions and consumer to
consumer sales. It's also extremely popular for online merchants to use as a sales channel.
Nellie can utilized availability of this marketplace in many different countries to sell her
products to different people both nationally and internationally.

Question 3
Between building and hosting his website , I will reccomend hosting his website.
Building a website is much expenxive and Douggie may spend all the kshs 90,000 and even
more in building the website unless he opts for using website builders which are cheap but not
much effective in terms of marketing his products. I will reccomend web hosting where he will
be paying between $5-$15 per month((Maia et al., 2021).
In order to attract more customers, each page of his website should feature a simple,
intuitive navigation that's easy to use. It should load quickly and display equally well on mobile
devices as on a laptop or desktop computer. Also, each page of his website should feature a
specific call to action, such as "Shop Now," or "Call for a Consultation" or "Sign Up". Use of
such pop-ups and chat windows tend to grab customers who start navigating away from a page
without taking action(Maia et al., 2021) . Additionally, his website should have social sharing
buttons to get website visitors to become social followers. He should also have accurate
information about his products, prices, payment options, additional charges and means of
delivery. Having inaccurate or missing information on the web can negatively impact search
engine rankings((Maia et al., 2021) . Also, confusing website will drive customers away instead
of enticing them((Maia et al., 2021) ).
Douggie can earn extra income in his website in various ways. To begin with, he can earn
through affiliate markerting by endorsing other producta and promoting them to his website
visitors and email subscribers. If the product or service resonates with these people, they’ll click
on the affiliate link, purchasing the product and Douggie will get a commision on the sale price,
Secondly, he can earn extra income through google ads by signing up on AdSense(google
advertising network). Upon signing up, google will simple code on his website and start
displaying advertisements. Douggie can earn through clicks on these ads by his website visitors.
On the same, Douggie can make extra income by selling Ad Space in his website. In selling Ad
space, one cget paid depending on how many visitors the get.
There different marketing tools that Douggie can use to increase his sales. To begin with,
he can use google. According to Maia et al., With an estimated market share of 80-85 percent,
Google is the most popular search engine on the planet. Through google, Douggie can increase
sales by ranking his website for keywords. Secondly, he can use Email Marketing . Email
marketing is ranked among the most effective technique to generate high-quality sales (Maia et
al., 2021) . Douggie will get email addresses from people who are interested in his goods.  Also
he can use Social Media as a marketing tool to increase his sales. Douggie can post his products
on social media platforms such as instagram, facebook, and twitter and attach a link to his
website on the product description. Also he can pay those platforms so that they can promote his
posts so that they can reach many people. Laslty, Douggie can use Statistics Tracking tools in
order to increases his sales. In marketing, statistics play a crucial role in planning different
strategies and organizing different campaigns for the business. Data collection tools help in
tracking business progress and ranking various business campaigns. By using such tools,
Douggie can keep track of what he did right and what he did wrong and improve on the same,
hence increasing sales.

Chebichiy, R., & Odhiambo, E. Challenges and Opportunities of E-Commerce in Kenya:
A Case Study of Jumia Kenya. Rethinking Sustainable Development Goals in Africa: Emerging
Trends and Issues, 188.
Maia, C., Lunardi, G., Longaray, A., & Munhoz, P. (2018). Factors and characteristics that
influence consumers’ participation in social commerce. Revista de Gestão.

Veeragandham, M(2020). Consumer buying behaviour towards e-commerce during COVID-19.

International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, 3(9), 78-82.

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