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Brainstorming areas - Learning spaces Free

thinking spaces are now emerging in offices where

sharing of ideas and learning new things happen
with a goal of problem-solving. Most
interdisciplinary interactions are fostered in these
areas and people with different expertise come
together, and knowledge sharing is encouraged.
Such spaces are often open spaces to invite more
people in and have the flexibility to accommodate
more strength. They are also used as collaboration
pockets within the space.

Fig 3.2.10. Microsoft office where such /earning spaces are spill overs Fig 3.2.11. Cluster of learning spaces in the and in nearest
proximity to work area to encourage cross team learnings. circulation increases participation and interaction.

Work Cafe
It reflects the concept of work and feast. It is a
hybrid setting comprising amenity as well as a
workspace. Here, through furniture arrangements as
well as the application of technology, work is
encouraged even in break time. Majority of seating
spaces are equipped with technological controls to
facilitate mobile working. Here, mainly informal and

social interactions are fostered. There are
community tables and other configurations for

shared space so that maximum interactions are

Fig 3.2.12. Woi*cafe where there are various spatial

configurations and to encourage social engagement

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