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Physical Activity, Fitness, and Serum Leptin Concentrations in Adolescents

David Jimenez-Pavon, PhD1,2, Francisco B. Ortega, PhD2,3, Enrique G. Artero, PhD2, Idoia Labayen, PhD4,
German Vicente-Rodriguez, PhD1, Inge Huybrechts, PhD5, Luis A. Moreno, PhD1, Yannis Manios, PhD6, Laurent Beghin, PhD7,
Angela Polito, PhD8, Stefaan De Henauw, PhD5, Michael Sj€ostr€om, PhD3, Manuel J. Castillo, PhD2,
Marcela Gonzalez-Gross, PhD9, and Jonatan R. Ruiz, PhD3,10, on behalf of the HELENA Study Group*

Objective To examine the association of physical activity and fitness with leptin concentrations in European
adolescents, after taking into account several potential confounders including total body fat (TBF).
Study design We conducted a cross-sectional study in a school setting for the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nu-
trition in Adolescence Cross-Sectional Study. This study included 902 (509 girls) adolescents aged 12.5-17.5 years.
Weight, height, and TBF (sum of 6 skinfold thickness) were measured, and fat free mass and body mass index were
calculated. Physical activity was assessed by accelerometry. Physical fitness was assessed by the handgrip, standing
long jump, 4  10-m shuttle run, and 20-m shuttle run tests. Serum fasting leptin, insulin, and glucose concentrations
were measured, and homeostasis model assessment was computed. Multiple linear regression models were used.
Results Vigorous physical activity and fitness tests (all P < .05) were negatively associated with leptin, indepen-
dently of several confounders including TBF and homeostasis model assessment. These associations remained
significant after further controlling for each other (physical activity and fitness).
Conclusion These results suggest that vigorous physical activity and fitness moderate the levels of leptin concen-
trations, regardless of relevant confounders including TBF. Intervention programs addressed to increase high inten-
sity physical activity and fitness as well as to assess its impact on leptin concentration are required. (J Pediatr

eptin is a cytokine primarily expressed by adipose tissue, which was described as an important regulator of energy home-
sotasis by means of informing the brain about the body’s energy store.1 Increased serum leptin concentrations are prom-
inent in obese youth.2 Leptin concentrations are associated with cardiovascular disease risk factors, insulin resistance,
and type 2 diabetes in children3,4 and is an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease in adults.5
Physical activity seems to attenuate the negative influence of fatness on several cardiovascular disease risk factors in adoles-
cents.6,7 The association between physical activity (PA) and leptin in adolescents is contradictory. Several studies showed that
PA assessed by questionnaire8-10 or accelerometers11 was inversely associated
with leptin in adolescents, whereas another found no association between objec-
tively assessed PA and leptin concentrations.12 1
From the GENUD (Growth, Exercise, Nutrition and
Physical fitness is considered an important marker of health in children and Development) Research Group, E.U. Ciencias de la
Salud, University of Zaragoza, Spain; Department of
adolescents.13 We observed negative associations between cardiorespiratory fit- Medical Physiology, School of Medicine, University of
Granada, Spain; Unit for Preventive Nutrition,
ness and insulin resistance, blood pressure, and low-grade inflammatory proteins Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska
14-16 4
in youth with relatively high levels of total and central body fat. However, few Institutet, Sweden; Department of Nutrition and Food
Science, University of the Basque Country, Vitoria,
studies have analyzed the relationship between fitness and leptin concentrations 5
Spain; Department of Public Health, Gent University, De
among adolescents.11,17,18 In fact, most of these studies are focused on obese ad- Pintelaan, Ghent, Belgium; Department of Nutrition and
Dietetics, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece;
 Lille 2 Droit et Sante
 and Division of
olescents and they used only one fitness component (mainly cardiorespiratory Universite
Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Cystic
17 18
fitness or muscular strength ). Studies analyzing the role of objectively mea- 8
Fibrosis Center, Lille, France; Human Nutrition Unit,
National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition,
sured PA and the main health-related physical fitness components (muscular 9
Rome, Italy; Department of Health and Human
Performance, Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport
Sciences-INEF, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid,
Spain; and 10Department of Physical Education and
FFM Fat free mass sport, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
HELENA-CSS Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by *A list of members of the HELENA Study Group is listed in
Nutrition in Adolescence the Appendix (available at

Cross-Sectional Study The HELENA Study is supported by European Commu-

nity Sixth RTD Framework Programme (contract FOOD-
HOMA Homeostasis model assessment CT-2005-007034), Spanish Ministry of Education (grants
MPA Moderate physical activity JCI-2010-07055, AP-2005-4358, RYC-2010-05957, EX-
2008-0641), Spanish Ministry of Health: Maternal, Child
MET Metabolic equivalent Health and Development Network (grant RD08/0072),
MVPA Moderate to vigorous physical activity Science-FEDER funds (Acciones Complementarias
DEP2007-29933-E), Swedish Council for Working Life
PA Physical activity and Social Research, and the ALPHA study, a European
SLJ Standing long jump Union-funded study, in the framework of the Public
SRT Shuttle run test Health Programme (Ref: 2006120). The authors declare
no conflicts of interest.
TBF Total body fat
VPA Vigorous physical activity 0022-3476/$ - see front matter. Copyright ª 2012 Mosby Inc.
All rights reserved. 10.1016/j.jpeds.2011.09.058

Vol. 160, No. 4  April 2012

strength, speed-agility, and cardiorespiratory fitness) on lep- and reliability was >95%. Interobserver reliability for skinfold
tin concentrations in a large sample of European adolescents measurements was >90%.20
are scarce. Pubertal status was assessed by a physician according to
The aim of the present study was to examine the associa- Tanner and Whitehouse.23 Systolic blood pressure was
tion of PA and fitness with leptin concentrations in European measured with an automatic oscilometric device (M6,
adolescents, after taking into account several potential con- HEM-7001-E; Omron, Kyoto, Japan).
founders including total body fat (TBF). A detailed description of the blood samples analysis has
been reported elsewhere.24 Venous blood was obtained by ve-
Methods nipuncture after an overnight fast. Serum was aliquoted and
frozen at 18-25 C until assays were performed. The concen-
The Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence tration of serum leptin (ng/mL) was measured using the
Cross-Sectional Study (HELENA-CSS) is a multicenter study RayBio Human Leptin ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosor-
of nutritional habits and patterns, body composition, and bent Assay; RayBiotech, Norcross, Georgia) kit. The sensitiv-
levels of PA and fitness in European adolescents aged 12.5- ity of the leptin assay was <6 pg/mL, with intra-assay and
17.5 years.19 The total sample of the HELENA-CSS included interassay coefficients of variation of <10% and <12%. The
3528 adolescents; a subset of 1089 of had blood samples. The homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) was calculated as
present study is confined to a sample of 902 adolescents, with [fasting insulin (mlU/mL)  fasting glucose (mmol/L)]/22.5.
complete data on leptin and at least 1 physical fitness test. The The Actigraph accelerometer (Actigraph MTI, model
adolescents from this subsample of the HELENA-CSS in- GT1M, Manufacturing Technology Inc, Fort Walton Beach,
cluded in the analyses did not differ from those excluded in Florida) was used to assess PA.25 Prior to data collection,
the study variables (ie, age, sex, weight, height, PA levels, fit- the adolescents were instructed on how to handle the acceler-
ness tests) (all P > .1). ometer. Adolescents were asked to wear the accelerometer
Ten cities in 9 different European countries included in during the daytime for 7 consecutive days, except during
the HELENA-CSS were chosen to get a rough geographical water-based activities. The criterion for inclusion was to
balance across Europe—Stockholm (Sweden), Athens record at least 8 hours per day, for at least 3 days.26
(Greece), Heraklion (Greece), Rome (Italy), Zaragoza In this study, the time sampling interval (epoch) was set at
(Spain), Pecs (Hungary), Ghent (Belgium) Lille (France), 15 seconds.25 A measure of average volume of activity (here-
Dortmund (Germany), and Vienna (Austria).19 Data collec- after called average PA) was expressed as the sum of recorded
tion took place between October 2006 and December 2007. counts divided by total daily registered time expressed in
Parents and adolescents gave their written informed consent minutes (counts/min). The time engaged in moderate phys-
to participate in the research. The study was performed fol- ical activity and vigorous physical activity (MPA and VPA,
lowing the ethical guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki respectively) was calculated and presented as the average
1961 (revision of Edinburgh 2000), the Good Clinical Prac- time per day during the complete registration. The time en-
tice, and the legislation regarding clinical research in humans gaged at MPA [3-6 metabolic equivalents] was calculated
in each of the participating countries. The protocol was ap- based upon a cut-off of 2000-3999 counts/min. The lower
proved by the Human Research Review Committees of the cut-off for MPA (2000 counts/min) is equivalent to walking
involved centers. at 3 km/h. The time engaged at VPA (>6 Metabolic equiva-
The anthropometric measurement protocols followed in lents) was calculated based upon a cut-off of $4000
the HELENA-CSS were described in detail by Nagy et al.20 counts/min. We calculated the time spent in at least moder-
Weight was measured in underwear and without shoes with ate intensity level (>3 Metabolic equivalents) as the sum
an electronic scale (Type SECA 861; Seca, Hamburg, of time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity
Germany) to the nearest 0.05 kg, and height was measured (MVPA).25
barefoot with the head in the Frankfort plane with a telescopic The scientific rationale for the selection of the fitness tests,
height measuring instrument (Type SECA 225) to the nearest as well as their validity and reliability in young people, has
0.1 cm. Body mass index was calculated as body weight (kg) been published elsewhere.27,28 All the tests were performed
divided by the height (m) squared (kg/m2). Skinfold thick- twice and the best score was retained, except the 20-m shuttle
nesses were measured to the nearest 0.2 mm in triplicate in run test (SRT), which was performed only once. Physical fit-
the left side at biceps, triceps, subscapular, suprailiac, thigh, ness was assessed by the tests described next.
and medial calf with a Holtain Caliper (Crymmych, United
Kingdom).21 The sum of 6 skinfold thickness measurements Handgrip Test (Maximum Handgrip Strength)
was used as an indicator of TBF. We calculated body fat per- A hand dynamometer with adjustable grip was used (TKK
centage using skinfold thickness from the Slaughter equa- 5101 Grip D; Takey, Tokyo, Japan). The adolescent squeezes
tion,22 and fat free mass (kg) (FFM) was derived by gradually and continuously for at least 2 seconds, performing
subtracting fat mass from total body weight. In every city, the test with the right and left hand alternatively, using the
the same trained investigator made all skinfold thickness mea- optimal grip-span. The maximum score in kilograms for
surements. For all the skinfold thickness measurements, in- each hand was recorded. The sum of the maximum scores
traobserver technical errors of measurement were <1 mm achieved by left and right hands was used in the analysis.

Standing Long Jump Test (Lower Body Explosive We performed additional models where the PA-leptin as-
Strength) sociation was controlled for the physical fitness compo-
The participant stands behind the starting line and is in- nents; handgrip strength, standing long jump (SLJ), 4 
structed to push off vigorously and jump as far as possible. 10-m shuttle run, and 20-m SRTs (1 model for each
The distance is measured from the take-off line to the point variable). Similarity, the physical fitness-leptin association
where the back of the heel nearest to the take-off line lands on was additionally controlled for PA levels; average PA,
the mat. The result was recorded in centimeters (cm). MPA, VPA, and MVPA (1 model for each variable). The
analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for
The 4 3 10-m Shuttle Run Test (Speed-Agility) Social Science (v. 15.0 for Windows; SPSS Inc, Chicago,
The adolescent runs as fast as possible from the starting line Illinois) and the level of significance was set to .05.
to the other line and returns to the starting line (10 m apart),
crossing each line with both feet every time. This is per- Results
formed twice, covering a distance of 40 m (4  10 m). Every
time the adolescent crosses any of the lines, he/she picks up Valid data on handgrip strength, SLJ, 4  10-m SRT, 20-m
(the first time) or exchanges a sponge, which has been previ- SRT, and PA, were available in 100% (n = 902), 99% (n =
ously placed behind the lines. The time taken to complete the 893), 97% (n = 875), 82% (n = 744), and 68% (n = 612) of
test was recorded to the nearest tenth of a second. the studied adolescents, respectively. Table I shows the
descriptive characteristics of the study sample and the
The 20-m Shuttle Run Test (Cardiorespiratory differences between boys and girls.
Fitness) Table II shows partial correlations among the study
Adolescents run back and forth between 2 lines set 20 m variables after controlling for pubertal status and sex.
apart. Running pace was determined by audio signals, emit- Leptin was positively associated with TBF, insulin, HOMA,
ted from a prerecorded compact disk. The initial speed was and systolic blood pressure (r = 0.243-0.418, P < .05) and
8.5 km$h1, increasing by 0.5 km$h1 every minute (1 min- negatively associated with FFM (r = 0.268, P < .01).
ute equals 1 stage). Participants were instructed to run in Moreover, leptin and insulin levels were negatively
a straight line, to pivot upon completing a shuttle, and to associated with all the PA and fitness variables, except with
pace themselves in accordance with the time intervals. The MPA and handgrip strength.
test was finished when the adolescent failed to reach the The results of the multiple linear regression models showing
end lines concurrent with the audio signals on 2 consecutive the association of PA and fitness with leptin concentrations are
occasions. Otherwise, the test ends when the adolescent stops presented in Tables III and IV. Average PA and VPA as well as
because of exhaustion. The final score was computed as the MVPA were negatively associated with leptin concentrations
number of stages completed (precision of 0.5 stage). (all P < .05) after controlling for sex, pubertal status, and
country (Table III; Model 1). The results remained
Statistical Analysis significant for VPA after further controlling for other
The data are presented as mean  standard deviation, unless potential confounders (Table III; Model 2). When TBF was
otherwise stated. To achieve normality in the residuals, lep- added as confounder, average PA and VPA were negatively
tin, sum of skinfold thickness, insulin, 20-m SRT, average associated with leptin (Table III; Model 3). The association
PA, MPA, VPA, and MVPA were transformed to the natural between average PA and leptin only disappeared after further
logarithm and HOMA was raised to the power of 1/3. Inter- controlling for 20-m SRT, whereas VPA remained
action products between sex and both PA and fitness were significantly associated with leptin concentration after
calculated. Because there were no significant interactions in additional controlling for the 4 different fitness tests (Table IV).
the association of sex and leptin with PA and fitness, all the The handgrip strength, SLJ, 4  10-m SRT, and 20-m SRT
analyses were performed for girls and boys together. performances were negatively associated with leptin (all P <
Partial correlation analyses controlling for pubertal status .001, except handgrip P < .05) after controlling for sex, pubertal
and sex were performed to examine the association of leptin status, and country (Table III; Model 1), and these associations
and insulin concentrations with PA, fitness, TBF, and other remained significant after controlling for FFM, HOMA,
potential confounders. systolic blood pressure (Table III; Model 2), TBF (Table III;
Multiple linear regression models were used to study the Model 3), and PA (Table IV). The results were similar when
association of both PA and fitness with leptin. Regression body mass index was used in Model 3 instead of skinfold
analysis was performed in 4 steps: Model 1 included sex, pu- thickness as a TBF marker (data not shown). Despite the
bertal status, and country (entered as dummy variable) as differences between sexes shown in most of variables from
confounders. Model 2 included model 1 plus FFMs, Table I, the pattern of the associations did not change when
HOMA, and systolic blood pressure; Model 3 included the the analyses were repeated separately for boys and girls (data
confounders involved in Model 2 plus TBF. The criteria to in- not shown). The analyses were repeated removing the
clude these confounders into Model 2 were based on the overweight adolescents (overweight + obese, N = 195) and
previous significant relationship showed with leptin concen- the result did not change for physical fitness tests (models 1,
tration. 2, and 3 and model 3 + PA levels); however, the PA-leptin
600 nez-Pavo
Jime  n et al

Table I. Descriptive characteristics of the study participants

All (n = 902) Girls (n = 509) Boys (n = 393) P value*
Age (y) 15.0  1.2 15.0  1.2 15.0  1.3 NS
Pubertal status (I/II/III/IV/V) (%) 1/6/20/44/29 0/5/21/44/30 2/8/20/42/28
Height (m) 1.7  0.1 1.6  0.1 1.7  0.1 <.001
Weight (kg) 59.3  12.7 56.2  10.1 62.7  14.3 <.001
BMI (kg/m2) 21.4  3.7 21.4  3.4 21.5  4.0 NS
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 120.4  13.4 116.5  11.5 125  13.9 <.001
TBF (mm)† 90.2  39.8 103.1  35.9 75.5  38.9 <.001
Body fat percentage (%) 23.6  9.4 26.4  7.0 20.0  10.8 <.001
FFM (kg) 44.6  8.2 40.9  5.2 75.5  38.9 <.001
Insulin (mlU/mL)† 10.1  7.6 10.2  6.4 10.1  8.7 NS
HOMAz 2.3  1.9 2.3  1.6 2.3  2.2 NS
Leptin (ng/mL)† 19.7  22.5 28.5  24.6 9.3  13.8 <.001
Average PA (cpm)† 439.1  156.5 387.0  123.1 503.6  169.1 <.001
MPA (min/day)† 40.5  14.5 37.6  13.0 44.0  15.3 <.001
VPA (min/day)† 19.0  14.3 13.9  10.9 25.2  15.5 <.001
MVPA (min/day)† 59.4  24.4 51.5  20.5 69.2  25.2 <.001
Handgrip strength (kg) 61.6  18.1 52.0  9.9 72.7  19.1 <.001
SLJ (cm) 163.1  35.3 144.7  25.7 184.5  32.9 <.001
4  10-m SRT (s) 12.2  1.3 12.8  1.2 11.5  1.1 <.001
20-m SRT (stage)† 4.8  2.8 3.4  1.8 6.3  2.8 <.001

NS, no significant difference; BMI, body mass index.

All values are mean  standard deviation or percentages (pubertal status).
Nontransformed data are presented in this Table, but analyses were performed on †log-transformed data or zpower of 1/3-transformed data.
*P value for difference between sexes.

association remained significant after removing the overweight The use of PA assessed by questionnaire has shown to have
adolescents (models 1, 2, and 3) but became nonsignificant important drawbacks when used in pediatric populations.29
(borderline; all P values .06-.08) when controlling for the Therefore, the contradictory findings among studies could be
different physical fitness tests (data not shown). partially due to the use of less accurate measurements of PA
such as questionnaires8-10 and the relatively small sample size
Discussion (N = 74).8 Another reason for the discrepancies among studies
could be the differences in age and pubertal development.12
The results of the present study indicate that PA, specifically A major finding in this study was that the association of
VPA, is negatively associated with leptin concentrations after VPA with leptin concentrations remained significant after
controlling for potential confounders including TBF in Euro- further controlling for physical fitness. To our knowledge,
pean adolescents. These results are in agreement with some there are no studies examining the association between PA
previous studies,9-11 but others failed to find an association and leptin concentrations after controlling for physical fit-
between objectively assessed PA and leptin.12 Platat and col- ness, so these results suggest that not only average PA but
leagues showed that total PA assessed by questionnaire was in- also high intensity PA could influence leptin concentrations
versely associated with leptin after controlling for body fat in independently of the physical fitness levels. This is in agree-
adolescents.9 Similarly, Romon and coworkers found a nega- ment with previous studies that found several health benefits
tive association of PA (assessed by both questionnaire and pe- associated with high intensity PA.30,31
dometer) with leptin, also after controlling for body fat in We also observed a negative association between physical
girls.10 In contrast, a recent study in children (mean age z8 fitness (particularly muscular strength and cardiorespiratory
years) did not find an association of objectively assessed PA fitness) and leptin concentrations independently of potential
(average PA and MVPA by accelerometry) with leptin con- confounders including TBF. Furthermore, the results per-
centrations either before or after controlling for body fat.12 sisted after further controlling for PA, which suggest that

Table II. Partial correlations of serum leptin and insulin concentrations with PA, physical fitness, and potential
confounders, controlling for pubertal status and sex
PA Physical fitness Confounders
Systolic blood
Average PAz MPAz VPAz MVPAz Handgrip SLJ 4 3 10-m SRT 20-m SRTz TBFz FFM Insulinz HOMAx pressure
Leptin (ng/mL)z 0.125* 0.002 0.234* 0.109† 0.014 0.472* 0.415* 0.368* 0.74* 0.268† 0.418* 0.397* 0.243*
Insulin (mlU/mL)z 0.106* 0.037 0.097* 0.139* 0.058 0.218* 0.220* 0.276* 0.347* 0.114† - 0.973* 0.221*
*P < .01.
†P < .05.
zLog-transformed data.
xPower of 1/3-transformed data.

Physical Activity, Fitness, and Serum Leptin Concentrations in Adolescents 601


Table III. Multiple linear regression models showing the association of PA and physical fitness with leptin levels in
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Predictor variables b R 2
P b R2
P b R 2
Average PA* 0.083 0.497 .019 0.053 0.559 .084 0.054 0.742 .021
MPA* 0.007 0.491 .808 0.011 0.557 .708 0.022 0.740 .335
VPA* 0.165 0.513 <.001 0.121 0.569 <.001 0.055 0.742 .023
MVPA* 0.09 0.498 .011 0.055 0.560 .074 0.044 0.741 .071
Physical fitness
Handgrip strength 0.088 0.461 .020 0.203 0.543 <.001 0.146 0.737 <.001
SLJ 0.374 0.526 <.001 0.332 0.583 <.001 0.090 0.732 .002
4  10-m SRT† 0.339 0.523 <.001 0.274 0.574 <.001 0.052 0.732 .048
20-m SRT* 0.384 0.517 <.001 0.331 0.569 <.001 0.075 0.745 .008

b, standardized regression coefficients; R2, coefficients of determination.

Bold values mean statistical significance of the model.
Confounders in Model 1: sex, pubertal status, and country.
Confounders in Model 2: Model 1 + FFM, HOMA, and systolic blood pressure.
Confounders in Model 3: Model 2 + TBF.
*Log-transformed data.
†Higher scores mean worse performance.

the associations of both PA and fitness with leptin in adoles- with a similar characteristic (age, body composition, or
cents are independent of each other. These results highlight pubertal status) hampers further comparisons.
the separately importance of both components, PA and fit- Intervention studies have shown that a long or intense sin-
ness, as well as relevance of the PA0 intensity to regulate leptin gle bouts of exercise, as well as physical training, reduces
concentration. Our results concur with one of the few studies serum leptin concentrations in children.32 Gutin and col-
analyzing the relationship of leptin concentrations with fit- leagues showed that a 4-month PA (training) intervention
ness in youth.17 However, these authors found that the rela- program (heart rate >150 beats/min) significantly decreased
tionship between leptin and peak aerobic fitness was no leptin concentrations in obese children even after controlling
longer significant when percent body fat was added to the for changes in body fat.32 The mechanisms by which high in-
models, and when the analysis was repeated by weight tensity PA/high fitness levels influence leptin concentrations
groups, the relationship remained significant only for the is not clear; however, physical exercise per se is a metabolic
overweight group.17 We also concur with the findings of regulator for several hormones such as insulin/insulin sensi-
Martinez-G omez and colleagues, who found that PA and fit- tivity, which could consequently affect leptin concentration.
ness were inversely associated with leptin concentrations in It is also plausible that the mechanism through which VPA
adolescents after controlling for waist circumference in and fitness influence leptin levels could be mediated by the
a small sample.11 The different physical fitness components same physiological response of the organism to exercise be-
examined, subjects’ characteristic (overweight adoles- cause high intensity PA could activate a similar response
cents),17 and sample size (N = 74 vs 90217 or 198 vs 90211) that exercise. Moreover, the performance of high intensity ac-
may partially explain the differences between studies. Addi- tivities is known to be necessary to achieve a high fitness level.
tionally, the limited number of studies analyzing the associa- The cross-sectional nature of this study limits the ability to
tion between physical fitness levels and leptin in adolescents determine any causality in the results. The use of harmonized

Table IV. Multiple linear regression models showing the association of PA and physical fitness with serum leptin
concentrations in adolescents, after controlling for each other
Predictor variables b R2 P b R2 P b R2 P b R2 P
PA Model 3 + handgrip strength Model 3 + SLJ Model 3 + 4  10-m SRT Model 3 + 20-m SRT
Average PA* 0.057 0.745 .017 0.048 0.745 .048 0.053 0.740 .029 0.037 0.759 .148
MPA* 0.023 0.743 0.312 0.017 0.744 .464 0.019 0.738 .416 0.052 0.758 .958
VPA* 0.059 0.745 .017 0.052 0.745 .038 0.056 0.740 .026 0.058 0.760 .032
MVPA* 0.046 0.744 0.057 0.038 0.744 .113 0.042 0.739 .086 0.026 0.758 .311
Physical fitness Model 3 + average PA Model 3 + MPA Model 3 + VPA Model 3 + MVPA
Handgrip strength 0.146 0.745 <.001 0.147 0.743 <.001 0.144 0.737 .001 0.146 0.744 <.001
SLJ 0.138 0.745 <.001 0.143 0.744 <.001 0.138 0.745 <.001 0.140 0.744 <.001
4  10-m SRT† 0.060 0.740 .058 0.64 0.738 .044 0.059 0.740 .065 0.62 0.739 .054
20-m SRT* 0.082 0.759 .019 0.088 0.758 .012 0.078 0.760 .027 0.085 0.758 .016

b, standardized regression coefficients; R2, coefficient of determination.

Confounders in Model 3: sex, pubertal status, country, FFM, HOMA, systolic blood pressure, and TBF.
Bold values mean statistical significance of the model.
*Log-transformed data.
†Higher scores mean worse performance.

602 nez-Pavo
Jime  n et al

and standardized methods in 9 different countries and the ob- school-aged children: the European Youth Heart Study. Diabetologia
jective assessment of PA, fitness, and potential confounders 2007;50:1401-8.
15. Ruiz JR, Ortega FB, Loit HM, Veidebaum T, Sjostrom M. Body fat is
including HOMA and TBF are strengths of our study.
associated with blood pressure in school-aged girls with low cardiorespi-
More intervention studies are needed, and these should be ratory fitness: the European Youth Heart Study. J Hypertens 2007;25:
addressed to increase not only average PA or cardiorespira- 2027-34.
tory fitness but also VPA and muscular fitness. In addition, 16. Ruiz JR, Ortega FB, Warnberg J, Sjostrom M. Associations of low-grade
it is necessary to know how body fat and insulin levels could inflammation with physical activity, fitness and fatness in prepubertal
children; the European Youth Heart Study. Int J Obes (Lond) 2007;31:
affect this influence in adolescents. n
17. Hosick PA, McMurray RG, Cooper DM. The relationships between lep-
We gratefully acknowledge all participating children and adolescents, tin and measures of fitness and fatness are dependent upon obesity status
and their parents and teachers for their collaboration. We also ac- in youth. Pediatr Exerc Sci 2010;22:195-204.
knowledge all the members involved in the field work for their efforts 18. Lau PWC, Kong Z, Choi C, Yu CCW, Chan DFY, Sung RYT, et al. Effects
and great enthusiasm. of short-term resistance training on serum leptin levels in obese adoles-
cents. J Exerc Sci Fit 2010;8:54-60.
Submitted for publication Aug 9, 2011; last revision received Sep 6, 2011; 19. Moreno LA, De Henauw S, Gonzalez-Gross M, Kersting M, Molnar D,
accepted Sep 27, 2011. Gottrand F, et al. Design and implementation of the Healthy Lifestyle
Reprint requests: David Jime  n, GENUD: ‘‘Growth, Exercise, Nutrition in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence Cross-Sectional Study. Int J
and Development’’ Research Group, Department of Physiotherapy and Obes (Lond) 2008;32(Suppl 5):S4-11.
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Physical Activity, Fitness, and Serum Leptin Concentrations in Adolescents 603


Appendix 8. University of Granada (Spain)

Manuel J. Castillo Garz 
on, Angel Gutierrez Sainz,
Francisco B. Ortega Porcel, Jonatan Ruiz Ruiz, Enrique
HELENA Study Group members include: Garcıa Artero, Vanesa Espa~ na Romero, David Jimenez
Coordinator: Luis A. Moreno. Pav on, Crist
obal Sanchez Mu~ noz, Victor Soto, Palma
Core Group members: Luis A. Moreno, Frederic Got- Chillon, Jose M. Heredia, Virginia Aparicio, Pedro
trand, Stefaan De Henauw, Marcela Gonzalez-Gross, Chantal Baena, Claudia M. Cardia, Ana Carbonell.
Gilbert. 9. Istituto Nazionalen di Ricerca per gli Alimenti e la Nu-
Steering Committee: Anthony Kafatos (President), Luis trizione (Italy)
A. Moreno, Christian Libersa, Stefaan De Henauw, Jackie Davide Arcella, Giovina Catasta, Laura Censi, Dona-
Sanchez, Frederic Gottrand, Mathilde Kersting, Michael tella Ciarapica, Marika Ferrari, Cinzia Le Donne, Cath-
Sj€ostrom, Denes Molnar, Marcela Gonzalez-Gross, Jean Dal- erine Leclerq, Luciana Magrı, Giuseppe Maiani,
longeville, Chantal Gilbert, Gunnar Hall, Lea Maes, Luca Rafaela Piccinelli, Angela Polito, Raffaela Spada, Elisa-
Scalfi. betta Toti.
Project Manager: Pilar Melendez. 10. University of Napoli ‘‘Federico II’’ Dept of Food Sci-
1. Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) ence (Italy)
Luis A. Moreno, Jes us Fleta, Jose A. Casaj
us, Gerardo Luca Scalfi, Paola Vitaglione, Concetta Montagnese.
Rodrıguez, Concepci on Tomas, Marıa I. Mesana, 11. Ghent University (Belgium)
German Vicente-Rodrıguez, Adoraci on Villarroya, Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij, Stefaan De Henauw, Tineke De
Carlos M. Gil, Ignacio Ara, Juan Revenga, Carmen La- Vriendt, Lea Maes, Christophe Matthys, Carine Ver-
chen, Juan Fernandez Alvira, Gloria Bueno, Aurora eecken, Mieke de Maeyer, Charlene Ottevaere, Inge
Lazaro, Olga Bueno, Juan F. Le on, Jesus Ma Garagorri, Huybrechts.
Manuel Bueno, Juan Pablo Rey L opez, Iris Iglesia, 12. Medical University of Vienna (Austria)
Paula Velasco, Silvia Bel. Kurt Widhalm, Katharina Phillipp, Sabine Dietrich,
2. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientıficas (Spain) Birgit Kubelka Marion Boriss-Riedl.
Ascensi on Marcos, Julia W€arnberg, Esther Nova, Sonia 13. Harokopio University (Greece)
Gomez, Esperanza Ligia Dıaz, Javier Romeo, Ana Ve- Yannis Manios, Eva Grammatikaki, Zoi Bouloubasi,
ses, Mari Angeles Puertollano, Belen Zapatera, Tamara Tina Louisa Cook, Sofia Eleutheriou, Orsalia Consta,
Pozo. George Moschonis, Ioanna Katsaroli, George Kraniou,
3. Universite de Lille 2 (France) Stalo Papoutsou, Despoina Keke, Ioanna Petraki,
Laurent Beghin, Christian Libersa, Frederic Gottrand, Elena Bellou, Sofia Tanagra, Kostalenia Kallianoti, Di-
Catalina Iliescu, Juliana Von Berlepsch. onysia Argyropoulou, Katerina Kondaki, Stamatoula
4. Research Institute of Child Nutrition Dortmund, Rhei- Tsikrika, Christos Karaiskos.
nische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit€at Bonn (Ger- 14. Institut Pasteur de Lille (France)
many) Jean Dallongeville, Aline Meirhaeghe.
Mathilde Kersting, Wolfgang Sichert-Hellert, Ellen 15. Karolinska Institutet (Sweden)
Koeppen. Michael Sj€ ostrom, Patrick Bergman, Marıa
5. Pecsi Tudomanyegyetem (University of Pecs) (Hun- Hagstr€ omer, Lena Hallstr€ om, M arten Hallberg, Eric
gary) Poortvliet, Julia W€arnberg, Nico Rizzo, Linda Beck-
Denes Molnar, Eva Erhardt, Katalin Csernus, Katalin man, Anita Hurtig Wennl€ of, Emma Patterson, Lydia
T€or€ok, Szilvia Bokor, Mrs. Angster, Enik€ o Nagy, Orso- Kwak, Lars Cernerud, Per Tillgren, Stefaan S€ orensen.
lya Kovacs, Judit Repasi. 16. Asociacion de Investigaci on de la Industria Agroali-
6. University of Crete School of Medicine (Greece) mentaria (Spain)
Anthony Kafatos, Caroline Codrington, Marıa Plada, Jackie Sanchez-Molero, Elena Pic o, Maite Navarro,
Angeliki Papadaki, Katerina Sarri, Anna Viskadourou, Blanca Viadel, Jose Enrique Carreres, Gema Merino,
Christos Hatzis, Michael Kiriakakis, George Tsibinos, Rosa Sanjuan, Marıa Lorente, Marıa Jose Sanchez,
Constantine Vardavas Manolis Sbokos, Eva Protoyer- Sara Castello.
aki, Maria Fasoulaki. 17. Campden BRI (United Kingdom)
7. Institut f€
ur Ern€ahrungs- und Lebensmittelwissenschaf- Chantal Gilbert, Sarah Thomas, Elaine Allchurch, Pe-
ten – Ern€ahrungphysiologie. Rheinische Friedrich Wil- ter Burguess.
helms Universit€at (Germany) 18. SIK - Institutet foer Livsmedel och Bioteknik (Sweden)
Peter Stehle, Klaus Pietrzik, Marcela Gonzalez-Gross, Gunnar Hall, Annika Astrom, Anna Sverken, Agneta
Christina Breidenassel, Andre Spinneker, Jasmin Al- Broberg.
Tahan, Miriam Segoviano, Anke Berchtold, Christine 19. Meurice Recherche & Development asbl (Belgium)
Bierschbach, Erika Blatzheim, Adelheid Schuch, Petra Annick Masson, Claire Lehoux, Pascal Brabant, Phil-
Pickert. ippe Pate, Laurence Fontaine.

603.e1 nez-Pavo
Jime  n et al

20. Campden & Chorleywood Food Development Insti-

tute (Hungary)
Andras Sebok, Tunde Kuti, Adrienn Hegyi.
21. Productos Aditivos SA (Spain)
Cristina Maldonado, Ana Llorente.
22. Carnicas Serrano SL (Spain)
Emilio Garcıa.
23. Cederroth International AB (Sweden)
Holger von Fircks, Marianne Lilja Hallberg, Maria
24. Lantm€annen Food R&D (Sweden)
Mats Larsson, Helena Fredriksson, Viola Adamsson,
Ingmar B€ orjesson.
25. European Food Information Council (Belgium)
Laura Fernandez, Laura Smillie, Josephine Wills.
26. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)
Marcela Gonzalez-Gross, Agustın Melendez, Pedro J.
Benito, Javier Calderon, David Jimenez-Pav on, Jara
Valtue~na, Paloma Navarro, Alejandro Urzanqui, Ul-
rike Albers, Raquel Pedrero, Juan Jose G
omez Lorente.

Physical Activity, Fitness, and Serum Leptin Concentrations in Adolescents 603.e2

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