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7 hr ~ISLAMIAT 205 8/1 wanes BOOK Zafar Hlam’s Tutorials THE EARLY MUSLIM COMMUNITY Prepared by Sir Dr. Zafar Alam (Ph.D) £ €\ Sir Zafar Alam @ 0300-2101569 * / > ~ i -. Zafar Alam’s Tutorials SALAMIAT 2058 Topic THE EARLY MUSLAIM COMMUNITY & The Early Mastin Sir Zafer Alam ‘Community TEN BLESSED COMPANIONS (A’sharah Mubasharah) HADRAT ABU BAKR (RA) His real name was Abdul Ka’ba, the Prophet changed his name to Abdullah. He belonged to the tribe of Banu Taym. His father was ‘Abu Quhafa. Bakr means a fowl of cam people called him Abu Bakf. He was two years younger He was away from all ‘who was known as siddig. ; He was the only companion who joined the Prophet in his journey of migration. He arranged the camels and his daughter prepared the meal for the Prophet. He entered the cave of Thawr first and cleaned it and filled all the holes for the Prophet's safety from poisonous insects. He placed his foot on one of the holes. A snake stung on his foot but he did not move his leg as the Prophet was sleeping Page (1 Books age (1) Sir Zafar Alam mM Unis, _ and jead was in his lay tears fell on the Prophet then the Prophet his saliva on is foot and the pain vanished. “...when they (Muhammag q °° Bakr ) were in the cave, and he said to his companion (Abu Bakr ); np"! 4¥ 7 (00 aa), surely Alta swith sn. "(9:40 oat ag He bought the plot for the Masjid Nabvi and paid the money guardian. 710 ora Y He became the father in law of the Prophet i phet in 2AH whep, th Hadrat Ayesha (RA). © Prophet mang Y He was present in battles and other events. The @f always asked for his SUBBeStiON about iy Y He was very brave : » Strong andinfluehtial né, ¥ His father was Khatsatrahd he bone NT idol wor Y He was literate and Sasked’Allah to give guidance to at ) sarah, Alllah accepted it for Umar. Zayed) neyo was informed that his sister eae accepted Islam. He went to their io they would never renounce thei ally the gat a Surah Taha, He recited the Y the word of Allah. So he went to the rgam and accepted Pied Islam. It happened in 6 year of Prophethood. ¥ Muslims were extremely happy on ita 4 mn that their voice echoed in th the exclaimed All i ae jah o Akber so loudly Y First time Muslims offer: venus of Makkah. ed an with them. Prayers openly in front of Kaba as Hadrat Umar weS BRI eee | ‘The Early Muslim Commanity ahr ¥ With his conversion persecutions reduced and Muslims got confidence. He wanted to fight against Quraysh but Jihad was not allowed. ¥ He migrated to Madina openly and no one could dare to intercept him. Y He had the dream about the way of Adhan. Y He was a wise person and many revelations were revealed after his suggestion. Sir Zafar Alam You desire the good of th captives), but Allah desires Messenger). [9:84] Y The Prophet said “) injustice with Muslims v He donated half of hisdvedith in Tabuk Expedition. Y He played important role in the election of H. Abu Bakr. He r suggestion of two caliphs and was the first one to pledge on his hand. V He gave the idea of the compilation of the Holy Quran. Y He was known as Farooq as he could easily distinguished between the truth and falsehood. ejected the eG) a Page (3) ‘Community J abe Sir Zafar Alam HADRAT UTHMAN IBN AFFAN (RA) amcrnens Se ¥ He belonged to the tribe of Banu Umayya. ¥. He was away from all bad practices even before Islam. i ¥ “He accepted Islam on the invitation of H, Abu Bakr. “He was the first person to accept Islam from his tribe. ¥ He was tortured by his uncle, Hakam, but never renounced his faith. Y He was locked in a room and not given any food or geink until he fainted. Sometimes he was rolled in a mat and fire was lit aroundNy Ibrahim and his wife.” Y After two years the news Quraysh of Mecca ba ( took place in the town was handled by the J sillerable space for the Muslims in promoting trade ‘ed hard and honestly, and his business flourished, richest men in Medina, ¥ In Madina he bought the ort thousand dirhams. It wd f : €Kulthum was given in his marriage, and then he eas oes the titleJof Zunnurain. On her death in 9AH the Prophet said: “If J jad any other dauglit€r I would have given her in the m ; i n arric ” i Y The liked him so much due to his modesty. He said: ee modesty in front of Uthman.” Y He was sent to Meccans to convey his massa; but a rumour spread that he was killed. On thi 4 t . On this Prophet to it- P eRiwan. The Prophet did pledge on his behalf. . acc le donated 1000 dinars and 200 camel: ; a Is laden witl ii Expedition. The Prophet gave him the tidings oe of tes in Ta Book 3 eae § “Even angels appear with ge at the time of Treaty of Hudaibiya ‘The Early Muslim ‘Community Zhe Vv He was also a frequent scribe of revelation. He was the first person who wrote Quran with his hand. ¥ During Umar’s caliphate once there was famine in Madina. He distributed his whole caravan of food free of cost among people. He was known as Ghant for his generosity. . Sir Zafar Alam HADRAT ALI IBN ABI TALIB (RA) Y He was the son of Abu Talib and belonged to the tribe gf Bank Hashim. ¥ As Abu Talib was poor so the Prophet took the resposibMtY of his upbringing. v He-was appointed by the Holy Prophet to sleep in his bs to the respective owners and theprisked his |ife-s about the prophet but he did ng i the Prophet as hid dressed the Prophet’s|whupds with Hadrat Fatima. ¥ He killed Amr Ibn Abeud who crossed the Trench and challenged Muslims for individual combat. Y He was the scribe of the treaty of Hudaibiya. . Y In Khyber, Qamus fortress proved to be a hard nut to crack. Many companions were appointed as leaders but remained unsuccessful so the Holy Prophet said: “Tomorrow I will give the flag to a man through whose hand Allah will give us A victory. He loves Allah and His Apostle, and He is loved by Allah and His Book,3 Page (5) The Early Muslin Community Sir Zafar Afam Apostle.” He gave flag to Ali and he killed Marhab with famous sword Zulfigar and conquered Khyber. Y Due to his bravery and strength he was called Asadullah (the lion of Allah). Y ‘He was appointed as the deputy of the Prophet in Madina during Tabuk Expedition. The Holy Prophet said: “You are to me as Haroon was to Moosa as iene appointed Haroon to take care of Bani Israil when he went to Mount ur.” Y The Prophet appointed him as the Qadi (judge) of Yer Put truth on his tongue, and enlighten his heart with Y He washed the Prophet's body’at Y He was also very knowledgéabl in important matters. Y It was his idea to stagt pnd prayed, “O Allah! ide“ am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate.” rely simple life and never had wealth. paradise here. ¥- The Prophet also said: “If sor “If som a Tatha.” someone wants 10 see a living martyr he should see Y He donated big amount in Ts ‘abuk Expediti . Fayyaz. ‘xpedition, The Prophet gave him the title of v When H. Abu Bakr was going to ap, ' int H. i about his harshness, butt shows thet he ac con ts sueeessor he complained lat he was consulted in decision making. ek 0 Sir Zafar Alam Y He was one of the six people named by Umar to be the next caliph but he declined the offer. ¥ After the death of H. Uthman he demanded Ali to take the revenge of his blood and finally battle of camel was fought in which he was martyred although he was not taking the part in the battle as he had negotiated not to fight and Ali would take revenge. Y He was standing away from the fray of the battle when 9 poisoned arrow which hit him in his knee. ¥ He died in 36 AH. Y During the Battle of Trench # situation there. v Hekilled Yasir, Y He played importan\ ¥ He was one of the si the offer. Y After the death of H\ and finally battle of c2 not taking the part in Y He had left the battle’ him when he was offering his prayer. Y He was martyred in 36 AH. HADRAT SAAD IBN ABI WAQQAS (RA) mal uncle as he belonged to Banu far’s caliphate. iph but he declined agtle. fd but-a mischief maker followed him secretly and killed Y His father Abu Waggas was prophet’s mate! Zuhra. Y He was a very young early convert. Y Her mother stopped eating and drinking in prote: Book 3 st but he remained firm. Page (7) ‘The Early Muslin Community Sir Zafar Alam ¥ In 614, the Muslims were on their way to the hills of Mecca to offer prayer wit, the prophet Muhammad, when a group ofpolytheists observed them. They began tg abuse and fight them. Sa'ad beat a polytheist and shed his blood, reportedly becoming the first Muslim to shed blood in the name of Islam. Y He lived with the Prophet during the boycott of Banu Hashim. He said: Once | ‘was so hungry that I found a piece of leather so I burnt it and rubbed it between two stones and drank it with water. . years. % He was the best archer and shot t . Islam. Quraysh and was fa bravery. rie so he migrated to Abyssinia. He came atéd to Madina. The Prohet joined Muadh ibn king them brothers in faith. v He was a great wa ‘many campaigns. ¥ In Badr. he was attacked by his father Abdullah i alongside the army of Quraysh. Abu Ubaidah eventually his father succeeded in blocking Abu UI attacked him and killed him.The follow this display of character by Abu ‘Ubaidahy fog ees riten about < “Ye Believe in Allah and the latter day befriendi oT not find a people who li Books bn al-Jarrah, who was fighting avoided fighting with him but lbaidah’s path. Abu Ubaidah then ing those who act in opposition to - Page (8) Sir Zafar Alam ‘The Early Muslim ‘Community Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their (own) fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their kinsfolk; these are they into whose hearts He has impressed faith, and whom He has strengthened with an inspiration from Him: and He will cause them to enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein; Allah is well-pleased with them and they are well-pleased with Him these are Allah's party: now surely the party of Allah are the successful ones.” 158:22] ; ¥ In Uhad Abu Ubaidah was one of them and he guarded attacks of the Qurayshi soldiers. On that day, Aby-tJbaita teeth while trying to extract tram into his cheeks. Tabuk, a Christian delegation of one of them. His through the Tabuk aya Y On 22 August 634, Cajiph_Abu Sakr died and Umar became caliph. Umar relieved Khalid ibn al-Walid {onthe command of the Islamic army and appointed Abu Ubaidah as the new commander. This was done to dispel the impression that the victories were due to Khalid. Y Abu Ubaidah's caravans of food supplies were the first to reach Medina, with 4,000 camels arriving full of food. To handle the overwhelming amount, Umar appointed Abu Ubaidah to distribute this among the thousands of people living in the outskirts of Medina. Y He spent extremely simple life. ‘Book 3 Page (9) ‘The Farly Mustig a far ‘Community Str Zafar Alam ee ; 7 tte died due to plague in 639 C.E, and was buried at Jabiya, It haw been narrateg that his funeral was led by Muah bin Jabal. | VFL Dinar aid on hin death bed: “Aad Abu Ubatdah allve today I would appoiny him as my successor” HADRAT ABDUL RAHMAN IBN AWF (RA) His original name was Abdul Amr (“servant of Amr"). It was Muhammad who, on his conversion, renamed him Abdur Rahman ("servant of thé Nost Merciful”), ¥ He accepted Islam on Abu Bakr's invitation, jatelieve in God. Do not be deceitful with the spoil; for mutilate, nor kill children. This is God’s or: v¥ One Rahman, who repli standing. I swear merchandise, J will gh He took part in all hatlés ant“got severely injured in Uhad. He received 21 ‘wounds in it and spen{ bis femaining life as a lame person, Y He was also a very knowledgeable person and was considered an a ithority in the nd raat v He was made Ameer “ul-Hajj in L1A.H. He was one of the six people named by the offer. ¥ He was given the fi as the next caliph Umar to be the next caliph but he declined nal authority to choose the caliph and he appointed HI, Uthman Books Page (10) The arty Moston Community Str Zafar Alam ¥ Abdur Rahman died in the Levant in 33 AH (653-654 CE) during the reign of Uthman. He was buried on a hill to the north-east of present day Amman, Jordan. HADRAT SAEED IBN ZAYD (RA) He is also nicknamed "Abu-al-Aawar". He was born in 593-4 AD and was an early convert to Islam. He was not yet twenty when he embraced Islam, thet was before 613. ¥ His father Zayd used to condemn idol worshipping and4iH(ng af daughters. ¥ In his early career, he served, and recorded the a, HADRAT! Y She belonged to a Ie ‘and rich family. Khadija's caravan equalled the caravans of all other trades of the Quraysh put together. Y She was known by the by-names Ameerat-Quraysh ("Princess of Quraysh"), al- Tahira ("The Pure One") and Khadija Al-Kubra (Khadija “the Great"). ¥ She was known as Tahira due her pious character. Y Shé had widowed twice and her father was killed in the battle of Fijar. * Y She was looking for an honest person to help her in trade. ~ She came to about the Prophet and she sent him to Syria with her merchandise and also sent her slave Maysarah to observe his dealings. Book3 Page (11) ‘The Early Mustim a Community Sir Zafar Alam ee ee She sent one of her servants, Maysarah, to assist him, Upon retuming, Mayan gave accounts of the honorable way that Muhammad had conducte 7 usiness, with the result that he brought back twice as much profit as Khadija had expected, Maysarah also relayed thet onthe retum journey, Muhammad had stopped to res under a tee. A passing monk, Nestora, informed Maysara that, "None but q prophet ever sat beneath this tree.” Maysara also claimed that while he stood near Muhammad as he slept, he had seen two angels standing above Muhammad creating a cloud to protect him from the heat and glare of t ‘Asad ibn ‘Abdu'l- then Muhammad was is also said Khadijah courtyard, fully ed, for the sun ofinestly and Maysarah also praised his nice he had witnessed during the journey. age through her friend Nufaysah and they got married. Her age] wad 40 \and Prophet's age was 25. Y The prophet-Became financially independent after this marriage Says:And he found you in need and He made you indepen ¥ All of his children were from Khadija except Ibrabien Y After the first revelation she copafo; utfammad believe in his mission and her wealth in the mission. When the polytheists and aripiderats of the Quraysh harassed the Muslims, she used her money to ransom MusfiarSlaves and feed the Muslim community, ¥ She lived with him in the valley of Abu Talib and was a very faithful wife. ~ She passed away in the tenth year of prophethood and was buried in Jannatul- The Prophet named this year Aam-ul-Huzn. The Prophet praised her and remember her in mentioned Khadija near Aisha, Aisha responded: such of an old lady, y v good words. Once the Prophet "She was not but a such and and Allah replaced her with a better one for you." He Books ‘The Early Muslim ‘Commusity Str Zafar Alam replied: "Indeed Allah did not grant me better than her; she accepted me when eople rejected me, she believed in me when people doubted me, she shared her ‘vealth with me when people deprived me, and Allah granted me children only through her.” HADRAT SAWDAH BINT ZAMA’A (RA) Abyssinia in the way her aged father. She ¥ She was Abu Bakr” Y She was given in th have some family t Holy Prophet through her. eee he Used to ask many questions and had:a very sharp Y She was fond of lea and retentive memory hemos. Y The prophet did justice among his wives but he loved Hadrat Grae F aaa Y Once the Holy Prophet took her to show the acrobats of Abys: with her as long as she wished. shen She Y Once some other wife sent some eatable to the Prophet ce a ian got angry on this interference and threw the bowl on ground. the floor and did not say anything to her. Page (13) Books T Community 8 abr seco ah proved her piety by revealing verses jy ronahed wit 80 I2shes each, “And hag Mer juce not four witnesses, log them wi ante testimony forever, they indeed are Allah.” [24:4] and the time of prayer Was short and saying that due to Ayesha the prayer il, or on a journey, ob you have been in ‘ayammum with clean ») Truly, Allah is : sir a ZiT en blessings of Allah be upon him) had expressed an interest in marrying her. When Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) went to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to complain about their behavior, the Prophet smiled, and said, "Hafsah will marry one better than Uthman and Uthman will marry one better than Hafsah." Y Then after the waiting period the Prophet married her in order to give her support and protection and to strengthen ties with Hadrat Umar’s tribe. cd her but All Y Once hypocrites accuse ee were ‘Surah Nur and those accus who accuse chaste Wome ‘eity stripes, and reject elr iene igen (ars, rebellious disbedlent 10 Once she lost her necklace during camping water wis not avaiable, THe ene wes sng vis Allah revealed: © +» be delayed. On this Al you vos vy pou comes after answering the call Of cont dno wa Ayesha, Y She quoted 60 traditions. Ever Ofi-Pardoning, Oft-Rorgivirs. Y The Prophet lived with her ja the Kgst dy 3, ath’ The Prephet{was| Y She died within three months € ul-Bagi. 5 Y She was called a a She was aggrieved o setook part in politics. . Y Her real name was HI ¥ She passed away on H and was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi. Y Her father was the le Y She was an early converte ‘migrated to Abysssinia with her husband, came back to IADRAT HAFSA (RA) Makkah and then she migrated to Madinah, Y ‘She was the daughter of Hadrat Umar. At the time of migration family, Banu Mughira, stopped her and her son Salama ¥ Heer first husband was Khunais, and bu Salama migrated alone as migration was obtewony. On this Bans Asad ¥ They migrated to Abyssinia and ; ook away Salama from her. So she used to sit everyday on a mount weeping anc Y Khunais was martyred in Bate ‘ser migrated to Madina, ssking for the permission to go to Madina. Finally her showed mercy and allowed ¥ She was widowed wh i . oth er her to go. , : ‘Abu Bakr and Uth: Sel Was still very young, only eighteen. Umar asked b' Y Her husband died due to the injuries he received if the Battle of Uhad. After the man ibn Affan, one after another, if th Id like to mar laa ‘i - her, but they both declined by , if they woul 7 lat the Prophet married her in 4 A.H. ‘ecause they knew that the Prophet (peace Books Page (sy Book 3 ——14) Ga eee ne quoted many traditions on the ii st Y ‘She was next to Hadrat Ayesha ae authority of her first husband, Abu . ales ar iing and sed 10 stop doing everything when the Proph ¥ She was fond o! in jue. ; started his Sermon i nsmed the Treaty of Hudaibiya and ordered hig 1 a ea tram they didnot start so the Prophet got ps an we aoeraiienp. Hadrat Umm-e-Salame suggested that he show renoe te that then the companions will also do that, The Proph seen and the problem got solved. © companions left the good news se f thi outhived dil the wives/bPthe Prophet as she died in 63 A.H. Her funeral prayer can’t marry with the Quran says: “..., “ divorced her), We gave {0 the believers in respekt of (ie marriage of) the wives of their adopted sons when the latter have ng-désire to keep them. [33:37] Y She used to feel proud herself and used to say tht the people gave other wives it Prophet's marriage on earth but Allah got me married to the Prophet in the heavens, ¥ The Prophet had the most lavish vali about hijab were also revealed on this Y Ayesha said: generous, Books ima reception on this marriage. The verse occasion, “T have not seen any woman more religious, pious, éruthifus charitable or engaged in the pleasure of Allah than Zaynab.” Pane (16) ‘The Early Muslim a arly Mi Sir Zafar Alam ‘Community ¥ The Prophet had foretold that among his wives the one wi ith a long hand would join him first in paradise. : ¥ By “long hand” he meant the most generous. She passed away in 29 A.H. Hadrat ‘Umar led the funeral prayer and was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi. She was 53 (lunar) years old, HADRAT JAWAIRIYAH BINT HARI (RA) v Her tribe Banu Mustaliq was preparing to go launcl Muslims caught wind of their pta the marriage in 628. On this marriage 600 She was brought up i princess. Intelligent and wise, $1€ mastered language and literary style. All who saw [Juwayrigg}-Were stunned by her exceptional beauty. Brought up as She had been in one of the foremost families of the time, she was not only beautiful but graceful, elegant, and eloquent. . She was very religious, the Prophet always found her in prayers. A number of traditions have been quoted by her. | She died at the age of sixty five in 50 AH and was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi. BR S—<$$ Page (17) eT MGS hig o Zz, Ar Community a ‘T ‘The Earty Musi eof nin ey i Sir Zafar Alam Community -E-HABIB. HADRAT UMM-E Y She died in 45 A.H (664 or 665 C.E.) at the age of seventy three, during the reign fs the daughter of Abu Sufyan ibn Harb and Safiyyay of his brother Muawiya. She was buries in Jannat ul Bagi. mmayad caliph, Muawiyah 1, was Ramla's broth, ¥ Her name was Ramla. She w bint Abi al'As. The first U : «and Uthman ibn Affan was her maternal first oust 4 tum and ¥ She was married to Ubaidullah Ibn Jhash. They accepted Islam and migrated ig Y Her real name was Zainab. Safiya (c. 610 c, 670) was bom in Medina to Huyai b. ‘Abyssinia. There she gave birth toa daughter named Habibah, ‘Akiitab, the chief of the Jewish tribe Banu Nadir. . Y Ubayd-Allah later converted to Christianity. He to persugde Ramla to do the Y According to a source, she was married off to Sallam il jishkam who later HADRAT SAFIYAH BINT HUYAI (RA) same, but she held on to Islam. His conversion led to paration. They all divorced her. continued to live in Abyssinia until Ubayd-Allah's déa ¥ They were expelled from Madi Y Muhammad sent Ramla a pfopesal of prdtri ved on the day she ¥ In 627 or early in 628, Safa completed her idda (widow(s waiting Rei64) e of Abyssinia sent Nadir; she was about 17 years\gld lly accepted the Kenana of a dream she had Jn whi lap. Kenana int ough Muhammad was not 1¢ Negus gave her a dower of Y ravelled toMedinain two boats. Shurabb nied Ramla on this journey. According to so iammad one year after the Hijra, though she did ‘Abu Sufyan’s family, Y On one occasion, Abu Sa would avenge her good for me or that - doubts and reaffirm Regarding Safiya's J discriminate you agal was the Prophet Aarpnap ‘Superior to you.” fat your husband is Muhammad, your father your uncle was prophet Musa. In this case I'm Her suffering and reputation for crying won her a place in Sufi works. She is ‘mentioned in all major books of hadith for relating a few traditions and a number Aisha (RA) and asked her to forgive her fot of events in her life serve as legal precedents. ae during their lifer; her She was also known for her knowledge, soberness and generosity. bei 7 8 their lifetimes, due to the two of s ae ne Gn “Opposing” sides from the co-wives of Nabi (SAW). Hadhrat Aisha (RA) Y She died at the age of sixty during the reign of Hadrat Muawiya and was buried in forgave her and made du'aa ; i Jannat-ul-Bagi. tatbe yc, ae forgiveness. Thereafter, Hadhrat Umité ul-Bai me happy now. ‘ala make you happy, just as you have malt Bek — Books Page (19) her deathbed, she called for Hadhrat any trouble she may have caused her § ZN im HADRAT MAIMOON: AH BINT HARITH (RA) Ic -d to Quraish. ‘She was the sister in iw e Loire as she was 2 ¥ She belonged to . SEG Tania va ae er he deah of her husband on the initiative of jig Y The Prophet marrie uncle Abbas. vi Sara but after the marriage with the prophet in 7 A.H. he change ler name 210 miles away from adk after Umrah, ¥ In6 AH. she was brought as ah ¥ The Prophet proposed accepted. ¥ She was gifted as alsfive git to thy (Cyrus) in 629, Y Early sources, inclulingtbn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya claim that she was only aconcubine. She is ‘So not mer - : ' \-Ishaq’s ¥ She accepted Islam on her way to i Prophe’s Messenger to Egyptian kis rophet to Hassan b. Thabit, the Prophet's Y The Prophet married her and the gee bin c his son, Ibrahim, After which she among his wives, , Phet’s death and was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi. ee ahr Teac Maan LEADING COMPANIONS ABU TALIB IBN ABDUL MUTTALIB Y He was the real uncle of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Y Afler the death of Abd al-Muttalib he inherited this position and the offices of sigaya and rifada (Food & Beverages) of Hajj pilgrims. Y He became his guardian after the death of his grandfatho Y He loved the Prophet even more th complain about the Prophet he 2. He said to the Prophet, "Go, nephew, vieCéa into a valley Shi’b-e-Abi Talib, where they lived d lots of difficulties but even then he gave his spp alteG it year of grief. ¥ After Abu Talib's death, Muhamyrd Abu Lahab, did not protect hig. persecution. Muhammad) i harmed me so mi of Abysinna who was baktured $ft€r the event of Amul-Fil (the attempt to destroy the Kaaba) and put int slavery. Being born into slavery, Bilal had no other option but to work for his master, Umayyah ibn Khalaf. ¥ Muhammad Abdul-Rauf in his book, Bilal ibn Rabah, states, “He [Bilal] was of a handsome and impressive stature, dark brown complexion with sparkling eyes, a fine nose and bright skin. He was also gifted with a deep, melodious, resonant voice. He wore a beard which was thin on both cheeks. He ‘was endowed with great wisdom and a sense of dignity and self esteem” Y He was the first slave to accept Islam. Books Page @i) aie Early My a b T Communigs™ Str Zafar Alam ver who exposed him to the burning sand ang ri was beaten with sticks and HUMES and ya, laced heavy rocks sand his neck. dean store aren He used to say Ahad! Ahad! eT r ted to Madina. He used to fan and set hm free. Later he migrates YO Abu Bakr bough Mayer caler of Islam He chose Bilal as the first muezy He became the first prayer pi eae of his deep, melodious, and resonant ve the Y After Medina emerged as @ well established state, the secretary of treasure of the Islamic State of Med position within the Islamic Sjat v He took part in all battles ard killed Y After the Muslim forces capfured a, Bil it was the fst red brutally by his yrtul v He was ‘on his chest. SAN phefso he got furious and went oto Abu Jahl| dannounced to be Muslim publically. He later migrated to ANA = = ¢ S z 3 with his spear. ¥, After death they mutilated his body. The Prophet gave him the title of Syed-ul-Shuhada (chief of martyrs). HADRAT ABU SUF YAN IBN HARB (RA) ¥ He belonged to the tribe of Ba nu Uma ¥ He opposed Islam almost the whole life, fm Pees of the leaders of Mecca. et. ¥ He was one of the members of the det Books legation, which came to Abu Talib. » Sir Zafar Alam The Early Moslim ‘Community ¥ The Prophet planned to attack his caravan in 624 but he escaped unhurt and battle of Badr was fought. ¥ He was appointed as the chief of Makkah after the death of many leaders in Badr. ¥ He attacked Madina the next year and battle of Uhad was fought. Y When the Prophet wrote a letter to Heraclius, he called Abu Sufyan into in his court and asked some questions about the Prophet and understood that he was a true messenger. ¥ When treaty of Hudaibiya was dissolved he went to Madi to resign the treaty but he refused. eirib¢ of Banu Makhzum. # of the Makhzum clan, who were amongst ths him. Khalid was threptebsd by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb with dire consequences, but was restrained by Ikfiffiah who is reported to have said: "Steady, O Abu Sufyan! Your anger may well lead me also to join Muhammad. Khalid is free to follow whatever religion he chooses". In May 629, Khalid set out for: Medina and accepted Islam after Treaty of Hudaibiya. Y He took part in battle of Muta, where he was made the leader after the death of three Muslim commanders. He fought so much that seven swords broke in his hand but he successfully brought the Muslim army back. Y He was given the title of Saifullah, sword of Allah, in this battle. Books ne Carly Maslin fn Zht Community Str Zafar Alam se prophets ike Musailma. He defeated him ig Y He played important roe aginst fl the battle of Yamama. Tt was under his mil united under a single pol ow Khalid, was victorious in 7 the Byenntine Roman Empire, Sasson addition to other Arab tribes. Under his eommand, Daiascus was eePiin © against the Byzantine forces was achieved al led to the conquest of the Bilgéaf-Bham (Leva In 638, at the zenith of his readership that Arabi, fr the fist time i history, yay tary lea f Jitical entity, the Caliphate st te § a hundred battles, against the forces op Sessanid-Persian Empire, and their allies, jy v v tured in 634 ang Khadiijah, on her pal Prophet. ‘The Prophet loved hfnSo much that he refused to 20 with real father. He said, "I will not choose anyone but you, for you are a father and an uncle to me." TH Prophet's eyes were full of thankful and . bo Paaee and walked to the Ka'bah, when Compassionate tears. He held Zaid’s hi e the Quraish were holdi ing, and rid Be Zh ing a meeting, ani oul "bear witness that Zaid is my son, and in case I die first, Ine will inherll from me, and in case ke dies frst, " Twill inherit from him," acceptance of Islam, ding the boycott of Bany Hashim, Beam —) ¥ He was next to Khadija in the ~ He sufféred persecutions inci 8 ie Barts Sir Zafar Alam hate) ¥ He was the only companion who joined him visit to Taif. . v He migrated to Madina and took Part in all battles and he was the ‘one ho conveyed to Medinah the news of the Muslims victory in Badr . ¥ He is the only companion whose name is mentioned in the Holy Quran. (Detail of his marriage with Zaynab bint Jahsh should be checked in her biography) v Aa'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said, “The Prophet (PBUH) never sent Zaid on an expedition but as a commander and if his life bad not been so short, he would have made him his successor”. ¥ Usaamah son of Zaid had not yet reached the age and blessings be upon him, 9 its, soldiers Abu Bakr and Muslims who were distress Muhaajiruun (emigi nf). Allah and then said, they criticized his father’s command 0 be the commander as well as Usaamah, He is abolish corrupt human relatio It established new, ratio Y He was very young atthetime of the Prophet's migration to Madina, He was not allowed to take part in the battle of Badr. He leat reading and writing from the captives of Badr. Y An:Nawwar, Zayd's widowed mother, asked some of her male relatives to mention to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), her son's desire to be closely associated with the Prophet through constant companionship. ~ He first Tear dese il Surse pee on the prophet’s command and became his(oi interpretdy and iranslatar of the Prophet.) Then Prophet often called him and dictated him the revelations. Books Page (25) ‘The Early M, Z ‘Comment a Str Zafar Alam verses I_wrote them prophet ee ea” “ Y He reported “Whenever, th rnd he made corrections ifneeded. it tit ) then recited them before A tuaing th t . ¥ He took part in ee he was appointed PY. H, Abu Baky to compile the v After the battle o! iy within his caliphate . ae Se as uade the judge in Madina) He was very expen ¥ During H. Umar’s caligbale prudencaland f inheritance) Umar once 24 in(islamic, Juris, rudencejand law of oud a and seid'"O people, whoever wants. thn Tha : ¥ During the caliphate of H. thpagy he the Holy Quran in the dial Et of Qurais jb statédk 1 atl Ab @ G f ig feinwuever wishes 10 know how hat is Jike this that knowledge leaves. 1 in the Prophet pres Abdullah, you do welcome.” ¥ He devoted himself tending the goats. Y He was the first one to recite the Hol beaten by them badly. He suffered persecutions in Mecca and later migrated to Madina ¥ He took part inal bates and beheaded Abu lah in Badr, , Y He said: “I can tell about \ revealed.” every verse of the Holy Quran why and where was it ompletely to gain knowledge from the Prophet and left ly Quran loudly in front of Meccans and was Book, 3 __ Str Zafar Alam ‘The Earty Mastin Community ¥ The Holy Prophet said: “If anyone likes 10 recite the Quran as fresh as it had descended then he must recite it on the reading of Adullah Ibn Masood.” ¥ He was also an authority in the field of Hadith and quoted more than 800 traditions. ¥ The majority of Fatwahs of Iraq and the Hanafi Figh are based upon the Fatwahs of Abdullah Ibn Masood His authority in Figh was such that the other Sahabahwould refuse to give a Fatwah during while he was gill alive. They would always refer any seeker to him. ¥ He became qadi (judge) of Kufa in about’642 CE) as penior arid frequen scrike of teve ¢ lastirevelltifn o efitten by him, i@ Prophet encouraged his companions to Persons: Abd-Allah ibn Mas!s Kab and Muadh ibn Jabl." v The Prophet (sallahAHé him: (knowledge i Y The Prophet (salla Y He died in29 AH. — R MUAWIYA (RA) v He was the son of and accepted Islam with his parents in the conquest of Mecca’) v ‘The Prophet appointed him secretary and he wrote revelations on his dictation, YH. Umar appointed him theKgovernor. of Syrie.) Y Heremained on his post during the caliphate of Uthman. ¥ ‘He led the first naval attack of the Isiamic history. There was a fleet of{500 ships} and they captured|Cyprus| Book 3 Page (27) ok ly ole Uihman he demanded Ali to take the is uncle ~ i : Lev Ph until and ye “dues of his blood or Fo in Sysja but he ref ffice of gov' : Cfused, to vaste ee ‘erween their forces which ended withoy, v ; 1 Finally battle of Sift oe of Muawiy > it Fi eft Syria in the hands . I Then H.Alite the caliph of the whole empire, OMB Deriog, ‘After H, Alihe becats He passed away inf60 AH aN DESCENDAN gHand she was buried in Jannat ul Baqi. weeping and calming hi 7 Profusely that the people saw the Prophet hins#l life anymore widion pe enn, Ad ELASS Would say, "By Allah, I can't si w Zainab", He died one year ater Zainab's death Her son Alj oe " was the person who Sat with the Py ‘a time of his triumphal ino Mecca We reat reavaty in N on WI sir Zafar Alam S48 Books ahr HADRAT RUQAYYAH (RA) She was given in the Nikah of Utba, son of Abu Lahab, before prophethood. When prophethood was announced, Abu Lahab forced his sons to divorce the daughters. He said, “Unless you both divorce the daughters of Muhammad, I am not going to see your faces.” s0 they did. Later she was given in the marriage of H. Uthman. They both migrated to Madina, The Prophet said: “It is the first couple to migrate in the way of Allah after Ibrahim and his wife.” ‘A son was born to Hadrat Rugayyah in Abyssinia, The Early Muslim Community Madina. She fell ill and passed awa of Ctaiba, son of Abu Lahab, before prophethood. announced, Abu Lahab forced his son to divore people: “I am aff my son." They happened to ch rest of the people slebt ¢ : sleeping round the pife|Then i} jympéd over the people and reached Utaibah. He gave out a shriek, but \ndg ‘the lion had severed his head from his body. She migrated to Madjag-with Hadrat Sawdah (RA). ; ; After the death of H. Rugayyah she was given in the marriage of H. Uthman in 3AH. The Prophet Mohammad (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) said: “I have given Urnme Kulsum in marriage to Usman by command." ; Hence he was given the title of Zul-Noorain (possessor of two lights). She passed away in 9 A.H. when her husband was away on Tabuk Expedition. The Prophet Mohammad is reported to have emarked: “If I had another daughter, I would have given her in marriage to ‘Usman” , Page (29) seagate HADRAT FATIMAH (RA) xr of the Holy. Prophet: (pee. vat, when he was 41. yaraaee one", and she is commonly referteg “ql-Batul" (the chaste and pure one) ting the Qur'an and in other act She was the youngest daughter She was born in the Ist year of Nub Y Her ttle is “al-Zahra”, meaning “the to as Fatimah Zahra:She was also known 8" fas she spent much of her time in prayer, F i the salat (prayer) in the Kaaba, Ayor ibn Hisham ( di was performing hed to her father and time of marriage, and Umm e Kulthum, the produce of Khaybar was @ situations of the Muslinrg Y Once she asked the tell you a better thi We girl and he asked her to say 33 times imdolillah and 34 times Allah-o-akber. It is called Tasbeeh e Fatimah, ¥ Ali and Fatima fasted for three days continuously without eating any food giving away their Ifiari to a beggar, an orphan and a Prisoner who arrived at their door and asked for food. The Verse in Surah Dahr revealed in praise of their extremely charitable actin the way of Allah, . He used to stand up to welcome her, kissed her ', when she came to meet him, T Page GO) a sir Zafar Alam and expressed her grief to the Proph to Hadhrat Ali: "Fatimah is q ” Part of my body. Whoes me. The Prophet informed her thet she would be the fi i paradise. rst from his family to join him in ¥ She passed away six months after the Prophet 'S death in J AJH. and was buried in Jannat-ul-Bagi, y ‘made them sit in his them the leaders of the youth of from the Prophet and father, Ali, They played fon of Empire in Persian side. They were eppointed as ein father Guring the siege of H. Uthman, They took part in # squad had a clash for spreading this ru forces revolted agaitsi\ Hassaq ARKA)and not only looted his camp but also manhandled him, He) haybto take refuge in Chosroes' palace. But this incidem shook the confidence'6f Hassan Ibn Ali (RAA) in bis Kufi supporters; he therefore sent a word to Ameer Mu'awiya (RAA) for peace talks. Ameer Mu'awiya (RAAA) not only accepted the offer but also sent a blank cheque, 50 to say, fora settlement in accordance with the terms of Hassan (RAA)who laid down the following conditions: 1. The tax collections fro (RAA), wm the province of Ahwaz shall be paid to Hassan Page GN) OY Shin, Community Sir Zafar Alam hall be paid annually to Hussain (RAA), pi. shal 2. A grant of two million dirham . ibuti ces an younger brother. be preferred in the distribution of allowance a Bran, ee part in re. ne wy shall be declared for all who took pi 4. A general amnes Y Ameer Mu'awiya (RAA) accepted a eee ‘re forced allegiance from all under one central authority as ; Ibn Ali (RAA), cot i fer of authorit A mmenting on the transi ‘a oe A pene 0 the Caliphate, he has recetged i dif I had that righ, e ri 5 1 these terms and peace was restored in the d all me to an end and the state was unifieg nr € dissidents. Hassan honor béstow' ere vigitly \ndigha [Blamtfag H. Muawiya for his murder is @ Shia belief. Jawdah bint Ashath and promised er to give her-in-t poisons Hasan. Sunnis reject ion and gi they give to other comy with the prophet gn H. Uthhman). Sajda so that the child does not get hurt. ay, Hasan ibn Ali handed over power to Muawiya. Hasan and Husayn fen moved to Medina, Following this, Mu'awiyah began the Umayyad dynasty, with its capital in Damascus. This brought to an end the era of the Rightly Guided Caliphs for im. It was Muawiya's ijtihad that without nominating iPh.can he would leave the communi someone as the next calij ‘ i ity in confusion which Book 3 Sir Zafar Alam ‘The Early Muslin ‘Community anions accepted ‘Yazid as caliph but some disagreed with it including Hadrat Hussain, Husayn believed that the succession of Yazid w, as ; illegitimate hereditary dynasty, an attempt to establish an ¥ Many of Husayn's friends in Mecca — XN fight against Yazid from Mecca, Husay and they advised him not to go to Kufa Y The religious attitudes of the Uma that leadership of the Musfi m had a lot of suppor in Iraq. lecea, change their loyalties,” the three \¢ appeared to have taken a firm decision. In Kufa Yazid replaced Noma& i the latter to disperse th decided to leave Mecta| On re a received the report of Muslim Ibn Ageel's (RAA) death at the hands of Ameer Yazeed’s mth and the apathy and indifference displayed by the People o Kufa at this incident, and also the news that the Kufis had shifted their loyalties to Ameer Yazeed, pledging support to him against Hussain (RAA) and his followers Now Hussain (RAA) was in a dilemma: should he continue his jouney EB fe Kufa or retumn to Makkah? The Arab tradition of avenging the a Sete man, at all costs, was too strong for him to resist Besides, Sranmel “of Muslim Ibn Ageel (RAA), who were accompanying Hussain (1 Page (33) Book3 5 Zh ~~ Communi muni Sir Zafar Alam iy tinue their march. For Hussain (RAA), it ish the assassins and con! A vrs below his ign satpandon them and resum to Makkah. So, he decided t. continue his march to Kufa. Meanwhile Aon and Mohammad, the Tayyar, a cousin of Hussain (RAA), two young sons of Abdullah Ibn Jaffer arrived with their father’s message: "Fo, God's sake, don't go to Kufa.” However, Hussain (RAA) continued his joumey with these two boys joining his camp and arrived at the desert of Karbala, Ziyad, the governor of Kufa, arrived there with one thousar “command and offered one option to Hussain (RA instruction from Ameer Yazged™ "You cau-neither < S cordance with the settle the issue with \ ¥ The conspirators, hot uucceetied ih und Ned ih unde forced Amr in Sad th qomeritusen Np img the reconciliation talks and , *A), "Either surrender unconditionally fed. Obviously an unconditional surrender by erder and ., constrained to fight the enemy tho rr to his honor and dignity. He was : q : conspiracy that saby reavily outnumbered. bites ed the Peace talks just before the by we ee e and i attles of Jamal again, and ir Hussain (RAA) and all his camp followers © shai the sands of unflinching couage snd vas ksi However, all of them displayed : : je id not surrender. Finally they kiled him a thea Suffered many difficulties but of Muharram 61 A.H. we ae sir Zafar Alam i 7 V He gave us the lesson by his sacrifice that we even we need to give sacrifice of our life, ‘Must not compromise with injusti ‘The Early Mastin Community The Events of the Battle The caravan of Muhammad's family ari ed at Karbala ha (October 2, 680 CE). They were forced 10 pitch » camp ae A a 2, 61AH iry, bare land and Hur, the leader of the vanguard of Ubsidulah 8 army, stationed his Ziyad also urged Umar ibn Sa'ad to initicte the iongs\ his army nearby, Ton ied-40 negotiate some sort of access to é@ continued up to the end of the battle on ‘AshobspH@sein ibn Ali completed the moming Prayers with his compahidns. He pptinted Zuhayr ibn Qayn to command the right Aank of his army, Habit) SP Muzairo command the lft lank and his hale bein AlAbbas ibn Ali as the Sanda beater. Hosein bn Al's companions numbered 22 horsemen and 40 infantrymen. Hussein rode on his horse Zuljanah. Hussein ibn Ali called the people around him to join him forthe sake of od ete defend ‘Muhammad's family. His speech effected Hur, the commablly the Tamim and Heandan ‘tribes who had stopped Hussein from Bis J Abandoned Umar ibn Sa'ad and joined Hussein's small band of followers. O On Muharram 10th, alsor calle ant Page (35) EE EET Community Sir Zafar Alam is chit ander) to replace U; ide, Yazid had sent Shime ibn Thil-Jawshan (his chief comm: mar side, Yazic ibn Sa'ad as the commander. - saueun irmis between the right flank of Hussein's army with € left of the Sin un Aca en under the command of Zuhayr ibn Qayn fough, m Syrian army. A couple of dozen rocess destroyed the left heroically and repulsed the initial infantry ick and in the pt i Ised the initial infantry atta , s fan fe Syrian army which in disarray collided with the middle of the army, of the Seeing this, the Syrian army quickly retreated and broke the pye“War verbal agreement : d ew I of not using arrows and lances. This agreement was mg f the small number of Hussein ibn Ali's companion: son of Hussein ibn All, sons of Agee! ibn seventy-two Hashemit Hussein ibn Ali told Yagid)sarmy to offer him single battle, and they gave him his reauest, He killed every664y that fought him in single bates He frequently forced his enemy into retreat, kil Opponents. Hussein and earlier his 'n were the two warriors who penetrated and dispersed the core of ibn Sa'ad's army. his enemies invaded back toward him. They Continuously attacked each other, until his numerous injuries caused him to stay a Moment. At this time he was hit on his Book 3 sir Zafar Alam ir forehead with a stone. He was cleanin heart with arrow and he said: "In 4 religion of the messenger of Allah,” chest, which caused heavy bleeding. The enemies hesitat decided to surround him. At this time Abdullah ibn from the tents and ran to Hussein, When a Soldier int ibn Hasan defended his uncle with his arm, which Allah, but the boy was already bj ‘The Earty Matin Community 8 blood from his face while he was hi i€ name of Altah, othe and by Allah, and on the id pulled the arrow out of his ¢d to fight Hussein, but they asan, an underage boy, escaped itended to was eine and needed support. They suffered iced. their faith. Some members of their communi ty died like “Wthman, Zubayr, Abu Obaidah and Abdul Rahm: sacrifice for Islam was their migratjat Some Muhajreen were " Tole in the co and some gave their lives like Hamza and Muse : as ete very rich they gave financial support to Islam like Uthman an Seaver blessed companions were from Muhajreen. The four rightly pas tenis They Muhaireen who took care of the Islmic Empire ater the dis abi Wagges end Played remarkable role in the expansion of empire also like Saad Abu obaidah, wee eee Boor > ahr Tee Eary Moa ANSAR [HELPERS] t in the 11 year of port. Their greatest town and shared their part of Ansar.” Some fq Ibn Muadh. 5 Ansar were Zayd Ibn Thabit, Abu Ayub Ansari, Saad nail - A ‘The Early Muslin ‘sir pe Alam ZAT ‘Community TWELVE IMAMS 1, HADRAT ALI IBN ABI TALIB 2. HADRAT HASAN IBNALI 3. HADRAT HUSSAIN IBN ALI ISSAIN ia, the daughter of ar during the caliphate \ and married her to 4, HADRAT ZAIN-UL-ABIDEEN, ALI IB: ¥ His mother was Bibi Shahar Bano who was a print the Kind Yaad Gard Il. She ywaS Brought ps-rpri As he“Aged, Ali ibn Husayn became thin and weak. ‘worshipped Allah constantly.In adgition, the Trag, Sajjad. 5. MUHAMMAD AL-BAQIR IBN ZAIN-UL-ABIDEEN (676-733 AD or 1 Rajab $7 AH ~7 Dhu al-Hijjah 114 A) He was born in Madina. Due of his resemblance to his great-grandfather he wes named Muhammad, ledge and made manifest its secrets he because of it that he analyzed the know! became known with the title of al-Bagir. Books Page (39)

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