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Literally production

During Augustan Age change both economical background both literally production.

Economical Background: Agriculture used method still backward but were introduced new crop.
Slowly but surely Britain became a very important industrial power. Change the method of
production fist in Britain, and in a second time in the rest of Europe. People starts to move from the
country to the centre of the town and change the way of production ‘cause first people produced
their goods at home for themselves and after they start to use the technology and the new method of
production that transformed row materials and manufactory.
There was the introduce of new machine, for example the Spinning Jenny a new type of frame, or
the Water Frame, a type of loom driven by water power.
To these reasons the factories was near the river.
However, the most important invention was the Steam Power created by James Watt.
Industries (the important were the cloth industries); Commerce (was divided into Slave Trade and
Colonial Trade).
Social Background: Were open literary clubs like Coffee Houses, which became the real center of
social life. Coffee House become a social and professional meeting point for debate, was a place of
social meeting and became the centre of the culture and entertainment. People were not only to
drink coffee or chocolate but also to comment and discuss and criticise the current issue. The most
important was Lloyd’s Coffee House. The middle class growing in power and prestige because an
unequal distribution of wealth. Born a new concept of the family and there was more attention to
the grow of children.
In the 18th century was a great use of prose.
It developed prose genres like biographies, essay and diaries. Journalism become a profession and
woman began to go to school or became journalist. Journalism had the function of inform and witty
entertainment the readers, spreading ideas and promoting critical answers in the readers. So middle
class people became more interesting in literature, art, social and political problems.
In England start to born some magazine for example: The Spectator by Joseph Adison, (Mr Spec-
tator comments the customs and gives a moral) The Tatler by Richard Joseph, (written in conversa-
tional style) and the Review by Defoe.
In the meanwhile, in Italy the writer Giuseppe Baretti, after stay in London, inspired by English
journalism and wrote La Frusta Letteraria. Other example of Italian journalism is L’Osservatore
Veneto by Gasparo Gozzi and Il Caffè by Alessandro and Pietro Verri.
The novel was also very used. It is based on realism because time and setting was very important,
with real name and real place to capture reading’s attention and Bourgeois man (the development of
the plot in a very precise way) and it talk about middle class, social problems, social struggle, moral
and virtue (Pamela).
There was some types of novel:
 Historical novel, Richard I or Richard III by Shakespeare
 Picaro, Picaresque novel, talk about a rascal, negative person using round characters who
change in positive person.
 Sentimental novel, as Pamela with felling all a round
 Gothic novel, Frankenstein, Dorian Gary based on the intervention of the devil, murder,
mysteries, obscure side of the life.
 Psychological novel, Victorian novelist used pseudo name cause women can’t write with
moral development. (George Eliot, Mary Ann Evans)
 Novel of manners, as like Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, social behaviour
 Epistolary novels, letters (Pamela)
 Utopian novels, Thomas More
 Dystopian novels, George Orwell 1984
Poetry is a minor genre and is divided in philosophical poetry with moral function and Mock-
heroic poem which talks about every day life in an heroic way.
The satire it's a way used by writers to depict the dark side of human nature by making it explicit
and by omitting any direct comment upon the events. Techniques used by writers who use a satire
way to describe:
 Irony: writers say the opposite of what they really mean
 Parallelism: it's generally used. Satire isn't directly evoked, but rather represented by means
of a metaphor
 Neutrality: it's only apparent. The more detailed and the more reliable the reader appears,
the more effective and entertaining the satire will be for him
 Exaggeration : the author pushes a metaphor to the extreme of absurdity

Satire is also use by Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift and they founded with Jhon Gay founded
the “Scriblerus Club” whose main object was to pillory and criticize all literary incompetence.

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