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‫كلية اآلداب‬

‫قسم اللغة اإلنجليزية و آدابها‬

‫تاريخ تسليم البحث‪ 21 :‬يونيو ‪2020‬‬

‫اسم الطالب كامال باللغة العربية ‪ :‬احمد حسن احمد محمد‬

‫الحالة (انتظام‪-‬ا‪.‬م‪ -‬ا‪.‬ع) ‪ :‬انتظام‬

‫الرقم القومي ‪29809090201878 :‬‬

‫رقم الجلوس ‪30631 :‬‬

‫اسم المادة باللغة العربية ‪ :‬الرواية في القرن ال ـ ‪19‬‬

‫الشعبة (ادب ام لغة) ‪ :‬ادب‬

‫ايميل الطالب ‪ :‬‬

‫ايميل استاذ المادة ‪ :‬‬

‫موبايل الطالب ‪01112459746 :‬‬

Ahmed 1

Ahmed Hassan Ahmed

Professor Asmaa Elshikh
3rd year (Novel)
21 June 2020

The Allegory in Animal Farm


George Orwell is born on 25 June 1903 in Bengal, India and alias of Eric Arthur Blair. Died on

21 January 1950 in London, UK. A famous Essayist, critic famous, English novelist for his

novels Nineteen Eighty-four and Animal Farm. He worked hard but while devoting himself to

reading. He did not go to university, instead he went to the civil service and passed the exam. Of

course, in 1921 he became a videotape in the city of Burma. The animal farm is of course one of

the most important novels and expresses its strong hatred for tyranny and refers to the injustice

of the Russian revolution, using depictions and signs that are not clear and clear at the animal

farm. Talks Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) about describe a dark future supervised by Big Brother.

The books were translated all over the world, and were read differently by the warring parties

during the Cold War. Orwell died of tuberculosis in 1950.

Well, during World War II, George Orol began writing this novel and the novel was published in

1945, so some consider it a modern myth or a metaphorical novel belittling the Communist

regime under Estalin's leadership or about Soviet totalitarianism. The novel dealt with the events

that took place in Russia when it was under the leadership of Stalin and the units that occurred in

the Soviet Union during this period, especially political events. In short, when the novel talks

about it, the animals on the farm try to get rid of human rule and tear effort and effort to get rid
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of human rule, and it is known that the czar wanted to form a society without classes and this is

what made citizens laugh at him and also mocks the author and from the basic conditions the

system that was It is located in Russia. The basic old dream is that the concept of "Karl Max",

"Friedrich Engel" and "Capital House" to unleash a character that was used in Russia to form a

society, an imaginary kingdom. Snowball's death indicates Trotsky's death and he died because

of Stalin and was the chief agent. Napoleon was an arrogant arrogant and a dictator to the utmost

point, referring to Stalin, of course, who changed society due to his erroneous views, which were

changing and causing destruction. The animal farm was also destroyed by Napoleon. He

mentioned trade with Germany and Britain, and Napoleon cut off opponents of animals on the

farm that were protesting against his decisions, and this reflected the corrupt practices of power

in Bolshevik society. In this research paper internationality and verisimilitude in his allegory of

the unconventional animal farm by George Orwell is highlighted. This expresses the thoughts of

defective system, political corruption and the instances of Russian revolution in 1917. Notion it

appears an easy and plain story of animals, approximately their suffering and battle classless

society. Animal farm is an animal story outwardly but inwardly this novel is an allegory and a

satire approximately Russian revolution of 1971 with fake qualities of sophistication warfare.


Animal farm opened with news that old major had called a meeting to share his dream as he

explained his dream for other animals, explaining: "people have been using it for years, and it is

time to finish man cooking. His message was reduced to "rebellion ". Indeed, through the old

leader's speech, Orwell presents a simpler version of the basic principles of communism, which

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels set out in the communist manifesto. "Ordinary workers have
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nothing to lose but their shackles. They have a world to win for the workers of the world, unite! "

The grand major basically finishes his speech in the same way as his last call to " Rebellion!”

Although animals begin to prepare to rebel as soon as the old major dies, they do not know when

they will come. However, we soon learned that "the mutiny took place much earlier and much

easier than expected ". What happens is that Mr. Jones goes out drinking and forgets to feed the

beasts, the cows get tired and kick the barn door, all the animals eat from the boxes, when Mr.

Jones and his men come to beat the animals obediently, a massive revolution erupts, and the

animals chase Mr. Jones and his men off the farm. In this scenario, Mr. Jones refers to Nicholas

ii as the last czar (governor) of Russia. The czars were notoriously cut off from the Russian

people for a long time, but Nicholas was in a very bad state. In 1914, he implicated Russia in

World War I, and then mismanaged it. As a result of various closures (shortages of food,

supplies, etc.) as a result of the war, famine began to creep into Russia (think of farm animals

that do not feed). On the other hand, Nicholas was not strong enough to inspire public confidence

(they did not.)

On the animal farm, animals have time to start organizing a large harvest before Mr. Jones and

some men return. Various animals begin to take more prominent roles, and we know that

Napoleon weakened Stalin and Snowball would be a substitute for Leon Trotsky. The horse

boxer is like the proletariat (working class) with its personal slogan "I will work hard". All this

indicates the early Bolshevik efforts to organize after the October Revolution. At the animal

farm, Mr. Jones sneaks into the pub to complain about his misfortune but can't get anyone to

follow him because the neighboring farmers - Mr. Here we take an early look at relations

between the us and the UK, Germany, and Russia. Mr. Frederick, as it will become increasingly
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evident, is a position of the Germans. Bollington represents the United States and the United

Kingdom. There are some things to see about the Battle of Cowshed Snowball (Trotsky) emerges

as a military hero. Second, Molly runs, representing the Russian bourgeoisie and playing little

role in battle. The third factor is the boxer, or the weakness of the proletariat, which reveals itself

as a powerful military force. As the narrator says, "the scariest scene ever was boxer, who grew

up on his hind legs and hit his great iron edges like a horse." The actual Russian civil war ended

in 1922 with the defeat of the white army and the establishment of the Soviet state. Likewise,

after the kwacha battle, the animal farm was firmly established in the English spectacle of the


The divide between Stalin and Trotsky (Napoleon and Snowball) is represented by the argument

over the windmill. The windmill mostly refers to communist expansion, and of course it

represents a great dream, and also it cannot be realized, because it is a big dream. The dream

here is the Communist Revolution and its realization throughout the world, and when Snowball

is immediately outside the animal farm he works and Napoleon begins to consolidate his

authority, and here he indicates to Astaline that he did the same in Russia after Trotsky was

denied. Naplium raised nine dogs to be under service and always loyal and made him guard, and

here he referred to the Stalin Police (NKVD), and this act made Squealer the main assistant to

Stalin and all of these actions made the animals confused and mysterious of everything that


In this story (Animal Farm) we see that Napoleon's animals worked hard and more than ever

before (and this indicates five-year plans). Then we see Morrill the horse read the modified
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commandment, "No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets." Perhaps it is because of

Nampoleon, although there is an acute shortage of food and animals in the animal (paralleling

the famines in Russia). Napoleon immediately realizes that he must hide the truth of this famine

from the outside world and lie in the amount of the crop, and here he refers to Stalin who was

struggling and lying to impress the world that his reform policy succeeded. Here we see that

chickens refuse to provide and give eggs to pigs, so Napoleon decides not to give them food to

starve them in order to change their decisions. Certainly many chickens died as a result, and in

the end the rest of the chickens adjust and surrender with ease. Napoleon calls a general meeting,

and therefore the dogs drag out several pigs "squealing with pain and terror". The pigs confess

that they were working with Snowball and Mr. Frederick, and a flash later the dogs "tore their

throats out". Then, an equivalent thing happens with the surviving hens from the rebellion, a

goose, and a number of other sheep. What we've here may be a nightmarish allusion to the good

Purge. What we read and watch in this story may be a simple explanation, a hint, or a direct

demonstration of the process of purification of Stalin, and then Schuyler tells the antivirus that

Snowball is healthy and a scapegoat for everything that has happened. Once again, he is trying to

destroy the farm and destroy them from the inside, and Snowball here refers to Stalin’s paranoia.

After Napoleon’s executions that has got to do with the necessity to sell a pile of timber to either

Mr. Frederick or Mr. Pilkington. Mr. Frederick stands certain Hitler, and Mr. Pilkington stands

certain the UK. Now as Napoleon is first trying to make a decision to whom he will sell the

timber, he notices that Frederick is "the more anxious to urge hold of it, but he wouldn't offer an

inexpensive price". Then suddenly, Napoleon swaps sides and sells the timber to Frederick. But

Napoleon soon learns that Frederick has given him forged money, and has gotten the timber for

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What’s happening here? Well, Hitler and Stalin had long been mortal enemies. Stalin nearly

signed an anti-German political alliance with France and Britain (represented by Mr. Pilkington).

Yet when that fell through, Stalin stunned the planet by signing a non-aggression (no fighting)

pact with Hitler instead. The pact divided variety of Eastern countries into German and Soviet

realms of influence. Stalin began to urge word from his spies that Hitler was getting to break the

pact. Hitler did indeed launch Operation Barbarossa. This cause Russia getting involved in war

II. Actually, the bloody fighting that unfolded on the Eastern Front eventually destroyed an

enormous a part of Hitler’s military, resulting in Germany’s defeat in 1945. If Hitler had not

broken the non-aggression pact, the whole landscape of our times could be entirely different.

Hitler betrayed Stalin, and, as we learn in Animal Farm, "The very next morning the attack

came...”. Animal Farm has its own miniature version of war II within the Battle of the Windmill.

The book ends with a gathering between the pigs and therefore the neighboring humans. the pigs

need to form it clear to the humans that they never meant to incite rebellion; their entire goal has

been "to live asleep and in normal business relations" The meeting between the pigs and

therefore the humans is an allusion to the Tehran Conference, and which was intended to map a

technique to finish war II. Though the creatures cannot tell pig from man, as they observe them,

the pigs and therefore the men are caught in ferocious argument. The rationale is that they’re

both cheating one another: "Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington had each played an ace of spades

simultaneously". The end of Animal Farm, the instant when that ace of spades hits the table,

could be taken because the allegorical beginning of the conflict. At the time the West decided to

play cards with the Soviet Union; they’d do anything to defeat the Germans. The sheep, who
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blindly follow and believe whatever they're told, represent the citizens of the Soviet Union.

Clover represents the feminine side of the labor, the feminine counterpart to Boxer.


Orwell criticizes in a very realistic way the political situation of Russia from 1917 to 1945. The

way Stalin grabs freedom and asserts his authority over others and when someone becomes in

power, he becomes energetic for more authority and assertiveness. His lust for power generates

more lust in him and this generated craving generates corruption. Orwell reveals the socialist

ideals in a metaphorical manner with the harshness attached to Russia. He mocks the entire

society that violated his example, and the incentive to power and power is satisfied, once the

ruler holds power, Pharaoh, Nimrod or Stalin, and the purpose is the same. Classless society is a

dream, and the ruler's satire does not want to be fulfilled. Orwell wrote a classic symbol and

perfect spelling, but is bitter.

Works Cited

“Third year Novel book” Dr. Asmaa Elshikh, Damanhur, 2020.

“Third year Novel Lectures” Dr. Asmaa Elshikh, Damanhur, 2020.


Iqra Jabeen, Tanzeela Rao, Abida Bibi, Fatima Afzal & Saba Sadaqat, 5, 2015,

George-Orwell.pdf, Accessed 4 May 2020.

“The Allegory in Animal Farm”

796/allegory_in_animal_farm.pdf, Accessed 3 May 2020.

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