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Calculation of optimum directional overcurrent relays settings: the parallel

lines case

Article  in  IEEE Power Engineering Review · June 2000

DOI: 10.1109/39.841356 · Source: IEEE Xplore


6 665

2 authors, including:

Alberto Urdaneta



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speclruiii iii this way. For cocli, n reliability index i s defined togethcr Calculation of Optimum Directional
will1 aiinther inclex thiil includes the wholc duration, which incaiis th;it
the iiiformatioii is now proporcc1 iii matrix form.
Ovcrcurrent Relays Settings:
i,mely, h e following nc\v relinlility indiccs h w c heen presented The Parallel J.ioes Case
1s I:
* systciii average R M S ( v m n r i o n ) frcquciicy iiidexvoltilgc
Luis G. l’krez, Albcrto J. Urdaneta
(SARF la),
system iiist:iiit;iiicws averngc RMS (variiiliorl) bequency Author Affilistiuii: Univcrsidiid Sirnrin Holfvar, Carxiis, Vcnc-
i ridexvol~asc (SIAR 17Ix), %Lidn.
@ systerri iiiuincntsiry average RMS (viirialiori) frequency hhstmct: A siinplc ;iiirl priiclicd cderion is proposctl tr) considel.
i ndcx it ;,Kc(SM AR FIX), h e tmsicnt c1i;ingcc duc io nonsiiiiulta ticuiis o11criitir)ntrl’tlii’eciionnl
a systcin teqmrni’y nvcr.;igc I1MS (variation) frcqucncy ovcrcurrcnl i-elays in parallcl lincs. Thc criterion coiicirt<of using two
iildexv,,llugc (STARPI,). diffcrcnl iinie coorrlinatioti intcrvds: niic Vor rclay conrdiaatioii piiir~
Concliisions: It is iccessary to consiilcr thc power quality issuc ilxil (In not hrlong to Ixtr:illcl lincs rimi luinther I“Iinirs belunging to
during (orbcrtcr, i i ) ndvaiweof)1thc protcciioii sysieiii design, Thccoin- parallel lincs. Thc inclhod c u i tie uiiplcmcntcil i i i Iirugrilms iliiil uce tlic
plete iniliviilu;ilizririunora voltage sag is given by i t s liiiigliit~id~, pkasc flplimimtion tcchiiiqw I“ 1111: cnlculatiori of relay settings. Niiiiierical
anglc jump, :ind duration. Sag CHIISCS ai-c rial oiily tlic systcm l‘uullh. 111 rcsiilts showing h e pcrl’oiwince of the incthocl iirc iilco presented.
thc rc1i;ihility nscessineiit study, scvcrnl uucertnirities mist tliiit cim he Kcywords: Po\.r.crsysleni protectirm, rclay cuorilinalion, optimizo-
cotisirlcrcrl by applicolion of experiincntal p;irairieters.Thc hiaturic IC- linn lechiiiqiics.
liability is ; i l ‘ l c ~ c dhy lempolal ;ind wcallier depending t’xtws. There I ~ ~ t r o ~ l ~ iTllcc t ~cmpulation
~i~: of dircctioliiil overcurwit relay
is ii gcncral iaideiicy Iretwccii vriltigi: sag nuinber and clcpth. Proirc- scltings in puwcr nctworks w i t h Inultiplc rings rind inrihiple sourccc l i x
tion shoiild hetlesigrietl kccping iii iniiid rile reliability indiccs iliai coli- been Iiistoriciilly irccngriizetl as ii rlifriciilt pwhlcin I I ] . A solution tu
sirlcr va1t;igc sags in depth iis well a s in duriition, this problcni using liiieai4progixiiuniag rcchtiiqucs has been proposcrl
Rcfcrcims: 121-151,This lediniqiic pcod~iccstlic “q>tiinal” time dial scttingsf’ur thc
1 1 1 IEEE Shiiirl;iid 1346, ‘WEE Rccommciidcd Practice for Eviilii- dircclional overciirrciir rcloys ;iccoi-iliiiglo ilie tradition;il 5iiiiclncI\i or
ating Elcctric Powcr Systein Coinpatibility with Mxlroiiic Proccss thc rclay coordination constraiiils (sciisi(ivi(y, speed, security, and sc-
Erpipinenl,” 1998. lectivity). Ti-irtlilionally,the selectivity constriiints iiIc based on thc prc-
12.1ANSIIIEEH Stmliird 403, “Kecointncntlctl Pleclicc I”the De- viouq st;ilcmciil o r a SCI of relay courdiniition pails. Encli of tlicsc p i I s
qigii or keliable 1idustri;il imtl Comiiierciol Powcr Systelris,” 1990. 1i;is two rcl:iyh involved: ihc iiiiiiii rcl;iy, which slinuld operatc iis fast :is
I3 ] PoWCT ’Vcc 11 no I ogics In c ., I )is Iri b U (io11h i 1t C I I I-rciiI A ii a1y si s, pussiblcf(ir Iliiilrs i i i 3 given zoiiccd‘tlie Iiowcr nctwork; aricl t1icb;ickup
I’W1 Report EL-3085, 1983. rcliiy, which would operatc if thc tnriiii I-cliiy failed Thc basic sclccliv-
[d,] M.H.J. Dollcn, “FL~riawess:nctitinclhurls for voltagc sags in dis- ily conslrnints, stated iri tcriiis d Ilie relays’ opeintion timc.: o r a given
Irihiition systcins,” IRf.:l:’ 7’rrirt.t Itid. Applicrrt., vol. IA-32, lip. cuoi-rliiuilioripir ( H I b), , h w c the general rorm [41:
I 4 1 4- 1423. I 036.
151 U.L. Brooks, ct til.> “Indices Cor assessing utility rlislrihiitiori 5)’s- 4 - r,,,CI, (1)
~ I I llMS
I vnri;ition ~~crfimntince,” I M E Trt7us Porwr Ileiiwly, vol.
I’WKU-I 3, pp. 254-259, 1098. w h a t f,,, and I,, arc thc olicriilioii limes or ihe iriniri arid biickup relays,
Cupyright Slalcmcnt: 1SSN 0282-3724/00/$10.00 0 2000 IlXIC, respectivcly, for till Iclcwinl I h i i l l s on tlic powcr nctwork zoiie assignctl
Milnilscrip1 receiv,ed h Octobcr 1909; i-cvised. This paper is pthlisliecl to tlie’inriin icluy rrt (denotecl Z,,,.), and CI is tlic cuonlinntion intcrviil,
ticrcin iii its eiuirely. After iiprqicr beatiiienl, (lie set ofsclcctivity constniin(s togcthcr with
thc orhcr cowdiii:i(ioii constl.aiiits form :Isct ( i f incquuliries that iiiiikc
the prohlcm suitable to bc sulvcd using optimization tcchnirliics, being
tha sum nltlie tiinc dial scltingi llic ohjeclive function to minimize 141.
2000 Electrical Energy Storage Systems So h r , the problem liiis hccn staled and solvccl using the saiiie coortlina-
Applicaliaos and Technologies Conference tioii intcrval liir iill seleclivity cotistriiints iind h:is produced good E-
sulis for triinnmissioii mid s~ibtransmissionnctwtwks o ~nny ’ practical
18-20 September, Lake Buena Vista, Florida s i x . A complete program liiis bcm develflped to this erld 141, 151.
'The l’roblcm ut’ P;irallcl Ihcs-A I’mctirttl niirl Siiiiplc Sdn-
The 2000 Electrical Energy Storage Systems Applica- tion: A well-knowii cIi;mc(erislic of Iprotcctioir schcincs haset1 on cli-
tions and Technologies (EESAT 2000) conference will rectional o v x w n ” rclays (DOCR)is thc iiorisitnultaiieousoperation
be held at t h e Hotel Royal Plaza at tire Walt Disney “5with the siiiiic clciiiciii. 11‘ the powcr nctwork hiis
World Resort, Lake Buena Vista, Florida. EESAT 2000 pnr;illal elemeiiis (lilies, rransformcrr), this lack (dsitiiiiltaIlco1Is upera-
covers the full range of electrical energy storage tech- tion c i i i i pi-nduce, iii some cascs, ii triiiicieiilsilualiori dint lends tu the vi-
nologies, including conventional and advanced battery o1;ition of [lie selectivity conrli tioil. I;or exairiple, relay I upcrnies firs1
energy storage, super capacitors, SMES, flywheels,
CAES, and pumped hydro. Components of interest arc
the energy storage, power electronics, control and data
acquisition subsystems. Applicalion areas include gen-
’hblc I. Co~nparisonof resiilts

Timc Uial Srttltrn
= 0.8 s
IC:, = 0 . 4 s
eration, transmission, distributed resources, distribu-
Rchy IC, z-0.4 s IC2 = 0 . G s
tion power qliallty, energy maflagement, and customer
1 2.6 3.8
applications. Research into advanced systems and
components identification ot the potential uses and 2 tj.9 1.4
needs for energy storage and the future of the deregu- 3 26 3.8
lated utility are of interest 4 0,7 1 .‘i
More information on EESAT 2000 is available on the 5 4: 1 1
62’ 1 1
tor ii hiultiitpuiiit b'l i n the system of Figiirc I , In the period of time hc- Thc rcsiilIs u(I ;ipplyinp tlic opliini miioil Iccliiiiqiic lo 111i iiiiui xe the
twccn rclay I opcratim nnrl relay 2 opcriitioii, the systein's configurit- timc tliril scltings or the pli;isc ~-clriysarc s h o w i i ill Riblc I . I n oiic C;ISE,
tioii is diffcrciit lliari the original m c . Rcliiys 2 rind 3 "see" currents thc siiiiic UI wiis uscrl(C~'I,= Ci, = 0.4 scc.): in tlic othcr cmc, Cl? wiis
Iargcr thiin the curl-enbcnlciilatcd for thc originill conCigurntinn. Thcre- incwiscd to0.2:: I1'tlics;imcCIisusetl (0.4 s), itcrinbc w r i l i u l thathe
furc, tliesc IWI) r,ehys will accclcr;itc iintl its I'iiial operation time w i l l bc. rcsiilting tiiiic tliril scltiiigs w i l l he liiwcr h i n ilic ciisc witli cqtial C A ,
tlifl'ercnt llinn the iirnc cxpcctcd. Uiilcss this el'recr is consirlcred in tlic h i t thc I-clays rlo ticit ;rtciiiiiplish h e cooidiiialioii coiisIi,i1iilt whcii tlic
rclny sclting calculatinn proccss, it could prutliicc II vidation of tlic sc- tr;iinsicnt upcr;ilion Iiiippciis. 111 XI, i t ciir hc c i i l c ~ i l r i ~ c111i11,
i l foi,;I fault
leclivily consirnilit. An claboriitc mcthod to coiisider I l l i s cffcct using :it VI, llic tiiiic rlifl'ci-cnccheiwcelircl;iys 3 :iiid 2 i s 0.7 s, which violatcs
the optiinization tcchniqiic wiis proposed 131,This techniqiic implies ii llic c o o i r l i i i n h cnusiraiiit (0.4 s). 0 1 1the other Iiand, foI thc ciisc (ir
significant iricrensc of the niimbcr of conslraints t m l a relatively c o n - rliffcrcnl C f s , tlic tiinc dil'l'ci-cricc hetruecl1 ihcsc i&ys i s 0.43 s; I1ciicc,
plicnted iterativc proccd~irct o stale rhc coilstmints as rctpircri in ilic i h e origiilnl c o l i s h i i l l h x lieeii ovtfi"mc.
v i d n t i i ~ i id'
1inc;ir pmglnminiiig techniqiie. Coiirliisinn: Thc propscrl mcthotl to consider tlic possible
Fur srikc nf simpticily of the cotriputcr progriiiii ; n t l to reduce ihe inisc oortliria t ion of d ircct ion;iI o vcrc U rrc in t I'C Iiiy s d [IC
nirmhcr ol'ctliisli'sin(s involved, ii siiiiplc ; i p p ~ ~ i i ctoh solve lhe prohlem iionsimiiltoricous opcriition on piiriillcl lincs 1x1s provcii trr bc iIppr(>pI'i-
i s proposed I~elt?.This soliitioti consists of wing rr Inrgcr w t w d i w t t h atc. TIic iiiniii ndviintngcs of tlic mcthotl ;wc Ihc rclutivc simplicity ol'
imwu/,fiw flrosc c o n r c i i w h i i p0ir.s rhnr helorig to p w d l u l d c i n c i i n . computcr imp1crnciit;ition rluc tu tiic t1iriiiinIic siinplificiiiioii of ttic
h'ole that the original optimiziitiun tccliiiiqiic i i l l n ~ sthc iisc of iiidc- prciblcm stiliil.ion pr(icedirrc iiiid i i sigi1ilic;iiil r e h c l i o i i 01' lhc ntlnihcr
pentlent ri iiic coorrli iiritiun iiitcrvals (U)for each cooirliniitioii piiir. of cocirdiniitioii cons[l.aiiils.
IIowcvcr, the cwirdiiirihm pair set i s atitorriatically dctcmiinctl hy thc Refcrciiccs:
program and the iiscr docs 1101 liiive to know the set. Looking ;it thc sct 1 I ll+ki 1"Vei- Syslein Kelyiiig Conunitlee, GII!?~~IIICI'/lidcd CO-
to iniiniiiilly fix ;I L'I [or each cmrdiiintiori pair cuiilil bc iinpriicticnt. />J'dflli/liOtl ($ L b l C i'!-Ol<'ClkJ#i LyChCiltL!s, h b . # LIOTt102K5-7 PwI<,
Wh;u the program does i s to assign oiic C! = CI, to tlic ctiordiiintinn 1EEE Rcport, 1989.
piiirs that rlti not hclong lo a pai'allel line, and ;i 1;irgcr U!, say 121 A.J. tJrtlarieta, R. Nadirs, iiiid L.G. P h w , "Optiniiil wirdiiiiitiiiii
CI, = C/, t 0.2 scc., rnr the cnotrliriatiirn pairs h i i t helung to l > i i i ~ i ~ l l t l 01: ditcctioiial overcurrcnt reliiys in intci-cconncctctl powcr syslciiis,"
lines iiiid cnii experiericc the untlcsircd cft'cct. IIXL I h ~ v/'~rwr, Ilelivcly, vol. 3, IIU. 3, pp. 903-9 I I , Ji~iy19x8.
Nwicricrtl ExntiipIc:Thc simplc systcm of F'ig1ii.e I w i l l he iisccl as 1.3:]A.J. Urdnnctii, I,,G. Pdrci., iiiitl II. I ~ C S ~ I - C ~ ~"Optiiiial
I, coorrliria-
xi example. Thc timc dial scttiiig o1'relays S aiid liair given. Thc pro- lion ni' rlircctioniil ovcrcurrcnl iclnys ctmsiilei-ing ilyiiiiiilic cllangcs iin
posed incthotl hiis bccn s~~cccssf~illy applied 10 Inrge systcms, but lhc Ihc nclwork topology," f M / <Y w m . Poww I M i i w y , vol. 12, 110.4, pp.
rcsiilts ;ire not prcscntcd Iiei-e due io space reasons. Thc cuurtliniilion 1458-1404, 0~1.1997.
cunslriiinty for (tic simple syslem follow. 141 L.G. 1 ' 6 1 ' ~iiiid A.J. Urdiiticta, "Optiml coortliniitiun u11 direc-
Cwrdiiiatioii paii.s that do iiot belong to tlic piiriillcl linc: 1inii;ll ovcrcwciit rcl iiys consitlcring dc I'iiiitc tinic b;ickup I-cIays,"
iLXETrrrrrs. P,iwo,I)crlir~~!r:1., vol. 14,110. 4, 1311. 127h-12x4, O a . 1999.
ll(z,3)-r<](/,3) 1.5I I*,G,I'6rcs, A, Ilrilaiic~a,i i n r l I<. Sotwi1liiio, "Coinparison o f
t,(L3)- (,(L3) >Cll tiinc cuurtliniitioii crilcriii f(w ii suhlriiiisiuissit~i~ syskln protcctioti
sclwiiie," I'resenlzd a( 2nd IEEh lntcriintional Coriic;is Confcrcncc o r 1
4 ( L 4 ) - f 5 ( L 4 ) >Cfl l ~ c v i c cCirciiiis
~, uiwl S y s t c ~ i i sMar.
~ 199s.
tl( Z A ) - Is( 1.4) 2 C.'I I (2) Cnpyright Shlcinciii: tSSN 0282- 1724/1)0/$I(1.00 8 2000 lTiF,T:.
Miiintiscripl received 4 behru:iry 2000: iuviscd. This paper i s publixhctl
herein i n i l s ciiiirety.
. -. . .

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