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Subject-Verb Concordance
Directions: Read and analyze the given statements and select from the given choices which agrees to the
number of subject/s.
1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.
2. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.
3. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.
4. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.
5. George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.
6. Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.
7. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.
8. The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.
9. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.
10. The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.
11. Either answer (is, are) acceptable.
12. Every one of those books (is, are) fiction.
13. Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I've seen.
14. (Is, Are) the news on at five or six?
15. Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject.
16. Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days.
17. (Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?
18. Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner's.
19. There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag.
20. The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully.
21. The committee members (leads, lead) very different lives in private.
22. The Prime Minister, together with his wife, (greets, greet) the press cordially.
23. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (is, are) in this case.
24. Every one of the shirts (has, have) a green collar.
25. Each of the dancers (twirl, twirls) brilliantly.

B. Identifying Errors
Directions: Choose from the given underline word/s which make the sentence incorrect.
1. Because of the Internet, working at jobs at home have become much more
common. No error.
2. “Pull it out by its plug, not by the cord,” said dad. No error.
3. Symptoms of this illness that warrant a doctor visit includes fever, vomiting, and
diarrhea, as well as the loss of appetite. No error.
4. Either Lisa or Karen will always volunteer their valuable time to serve on our board. 
No error.
5. The conversation with her mother had a more profound affect on her than 
she expected. No error.
6. The President and the Speaker of the House found the Congressional Republicans’ filibusters
to be all together specious. No error.
7. Professor Lane, our Computer Science teacher, was excited when he had the opportunity to
meet Bill Gates, the president of Microsoft, Inc. No error.
8. Do you think they will except our plan without an argument? No error.
9. “They had went to the lake without me by the time I got there,” said Jacques. No error.
10. Work as quick as you can but as carefully as possible when you take the test. No error.

C. Spelling
Directions: Select from the given choices the misspelled word.
1. A. occasion B. ocassion
2. A. coup d’ etat B. coup de tat
3. A. denouement B. denoument
4. A. rapport B. raport
5. A. fision B. fission
6. A. apparel B. aparrel
7. A. accomodation B. accommodation
8. A. duvet B. dovet
9. A. grateful B. greatful
10. A. privilege B. privilege
11. A. irresistible B. irresistable
12. A. camoflage B. camouflage
13. A. conscientious B. conscienscious
14. A. embarrass B. embarass
15. A. harrassment B. harassment

D. Prepositions
Directions: Read and analyze carefully the given sentences and choose from the choices the preposition that
fits the sentence.
1. Were you born _____ September? A. in B. on
2. She was born _____ July 10, 1965. A. in B. on
3. Put your sunglasses _____. A. in B. on
4. Fill the water _____ the glass. A. in B. into
5. Are you going to school _____ foot? A. by B. on
6. Will you be riding _____ the bus? A. in B. on
7. You must search _____ the woods to find the deer. A. into B. through
8. Look for my keys _____ my drawer. A. on B. in
9. What is your purpose _____ earth? A. on B. in
10. I live _____ #123 Rizal St., Alimannao, Baggao, Cagayan. A. at B. in
11. I will see my friend _____ winter. A. at B. in
12. Analyze the story word-_____-word. A. by B. for
13. The orator passed _____ in front of the crowd due to anxiety. A. out B. away
14. He is moving _____ her while she’s crying unnoticeably. A. to B. towards
15. The fire alarm went _____. A. on B. off
16. Be sure that you filled _____ the form before submitting. A. out B. in
17. There are unknown creatures you can find _____ the sea. A. under B. beneath
18. The temperature is _____ 50 degrees during summer. A. above B. over
19. I held an umbrella _____ my head when it started raining. A. above B. over
20. When you go to sleep you lie _____ the covers. A. below B. under
21. The store has been established _____ 1881. A. since B. until
22. You must rise _____ the rank to achieve the highest position. A. from B. to
23. Their house is _____ the cafeteria. A. beside B. beyond
24. The students were asked to hold _____ their voices. A. up B. down
25. Tom is living _____ the street. A. beneath B. down

E. Correct Usage
Directions: Carefully read the statements given and select the appropriate word that makes the sentence
1. Alex and Troy are fetching (there, their) grandparents in the bus station.
2. Is this bag and scarf (her, hers)?
3. Which of (this, these) is your notebook?
4. (There, Their) are two silos in the backyard.
5. She is the teacher (whose, whom) house was burnt.
6. Is he the person (who’s, whom) you are looking at?
7. Scheffe will be seeing (their, her) friends in the party.
8. In today’s generation, adults must (adopt, adapt) with the young.
9. Amidst turbulent times, we are expected to cope (up, with) the situation.
10. Will you be needing (him, his) during your presentation?
11. You must seek an (advice, advise) from our research teacher.
12. The students will (devise, device) some objects to create an investigatory project.
13. The battles (between, among) the twins are over since last night.
14. (Were, Where) will you be tomorrow evening?
15. (A, The) teacher is expected to be of high-moral standards all the time.

F. Adverb or Adjective
Directions: Read the statements carefully and select from the given options which fits the idea of the
1. The white Porsche car runs _____. A. fast B. faster
2. Carl walks _____ than I. A. fast B. faster
3. She was touched _____ by the song rendered for her. A. deep B. deeply
4. The rain pours _____ on the roof. A. heavy B. heavily
5. We should have a _____ analysis of the situation. A. thorough B. thoroughly
6. Are you feeling _____? A. well B. good
7. Your idea is the _____ I’ve ever known. A. worst B. worse
8. I can _____ get your point on the issue. A. hard B. hardly
9. The laborers carry _____ loads from the truck. A. heavy B. heavily
10. She was dancing with the man with _____ movements. A. graceful B. gracefully

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