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GED0102 - SECTION 57




The following are my realizations upon reading the article:

1. Wisdom and intelligence are the most powerful weapons used by Rizal in
battling against the foreign colonizers. Having violence will never be a solution to
a problem and will only add fuel to the fire. The knowledge he had became an eye-
opener and inspiration to many Filipinos that we should fight for our country at all

2. Even though Rizal came to a wealthy family, he chose to live a simple and
humble life. This only shows that his parents really raised him to be a good man. I
realized that being surrounded by good role models either by blood or not is very
important to one’s moral and character development.

3. Rizal exhibited composure and capacity to think sensibly even in the most
difficult and darkest times. Through his passion in writings, he wrote several
literary pieces to help awaken the revolutionary spirit of Filipinos and promote
lawful and non-violent Philippine independence. With that, his commitment and
love for our country brought us to where we are today.

1. What are the important factors which shaped the life of Rizal? Explain.

 Teodora Alonso, his mother, had greatly influenced his personal

development. She instilled in him the value of consciousness. As a result, he
developed a sense of hard work and passion in various fields. Also, his
mother taught him the value of hard-earned wealth and the importance of
being thrifty and limiting oneself in order to save money and use it against
life’s whims. Despite growing up with luxury and affluence, he learned to
save and economize. These helped him throughout his journey in Europe as
he experienced poverty and hunger. More than anything, he learned about
obedience but not necessarily in all aspects.
 Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt, a professor, lecturer, and writer, is famous in the
Philippines for his relationship with our national hero. These two individuals
have quite different personalities but also have a lot in common that’s why
they easily got along with each other. There are several examples
showcasing Rizal’s admiration for Blumentritt’s discernment which are
evident that Blumentritt had a significant influence on Rizal’s philosophy.
 Many Filipinos in the late-nineteenth century were deeply affected on how
GomBurZa have been executed. With that, Rizal came to the rescue as he
eventually became the country’s national hero. Through his masterpiece, El
Filibusterismo, he gave honor to the three Filipino Catholic priests who were
falsely accused of treason and sedition. Jose Rizal was driven by a desire to
undertake reforms and achieve equality for his fellow countrymen. His
observations on prevalent injustices and abuses led him to have Propaganda
Movement which happened upon the death of GomBurZa.

2. Agree/Disagree: Rizal is a pacifist. Why/Why not?

Yes, Rizal is a pacifist. Fifteen days before his execution at Bagumbayan in

Luneta, he wrote a manifesto dedicated to his compatriots who were in the midst of
an armed insurrection against the Spanish colonizers. Rizal emphasized that this
war against the Spaniards disgraces us Filipinos and delegitimizes those who are in
capable of defending our position. For him, the greatest way to obtain freedom is
education. Many Filipino scholars have the desire to have improvements for our
nation, if not instant freedom but there was no looking back for plebeians who are
in to unifying force. Rizal’s mark was completely reactive for they continued to
fight for our rights.

3. Prove: Rizal is worthy of emulation.

Rizal’s eagerness and determination to learn and equip himself with new
acquired skills and knowledge aided not only his self-development but also the
entire nation. He never stopped learning because he believed that having a decent
education is the key to societal advancements in all aspects rather than staying
ignorant. As a Filipino, we must also do our part to contribute and be the change
for our country just like what Rizal did. Everyone has the potential to develop,
flourish, and be a living treasure. All that is required is to nurture these qualities
and draw inspirations from notable accomplishments made by our national hero.
Filipinos, especially the youth, should promote and protect our history and be able
to pass them to future generations because it is very important that we embrace
one’s roots. Appreciating Rizal’s contributions is not only remembering them but
also, applying his life and works in reality.
4. Create an overview of the notable experiences in the life of Rizal and the lessons
he acquired.

Nonviolent revolutionary was being advocated by Rizal to eliminate the

dominance of Spanish colony in the Philippines. Rizal had become a symbol of
liberation movement in his execution in 1896. During his living in Europe, he
reflected the inequality which made Spaniards’ authority dominant in his
homeland. In 1892, he returned to Philippines, but he was deported because of his
desire for reform. Same case with GomBurZa, Rizal was condemned of treason
and killed on December 30, 1896 despite his good intention to attain sustainable
peace. He is known for being an intelligent and talented student during his era in
University of Manila. When he was in Europe, he met other democratic Filipinos
because of his interest with Propaganda Movement. He authored different literary
pieces such as Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo which both have stories
behind these works and made contributions to La Solidaridad, a Propaganda
Movement-affiliated paper. His demands were not for independence instead, for
equality and fairness of his fellow Filipinos. The feeling of making a difference
made him returned to his homeland in 1892 regardless of the fact that he was
banished to Dapitan because of his support to nonviolent resistance and founded
Liga Filipina.

5. What song or philosophy that can be associated with the life of Rizal. Explain.

A song that best described the life of Rizal would be High Hopes from
Panic! At the Disco. This song shows optimism and hope which talks about
pursuing your dreams in life no matter how hard it is to achieve. Everyone has
his/her own goals that they want to succeed just like Jose Rizal. He started with a
little dream with an innocent mind until he became conscious and aware with the
societal problems that the Philippines has back then. He never thought of giving up
in achieving his dreams for our country even after his last breath. His life can be
associated with a moth in his dream in which he had the hunger and thirst for the
light of knowledge, the light of truth and reason, justice, equality - the light
towards freedom. Truly, his love and dedication for his beloved nation is

Blackwidow. (2019, February 28). The childhood of Jose Rizal.

Rizal and the lessons his mother taught him. (2015, September 04). National

Commission of the Philippines.



The pride of the Malay race, a biography of Rizal. (n.d.). WorldCat.


Valdeavilla, R. (2018, May 29). The life and legacy of Rizal: National hero of the

Philippines. Culture Trip.


Vergara, E. J. (2017, December 29). Philosopher influenced dr. Jose Rizal.



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