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Chapter 3: Why We Work

By: Soomaitah Ferdous

List the five basic lifestyle factors.

There are five basic lifestyle factors you consider when making decisions about the
career: location, salary, education, time, environment.

List four physical needs.

Physical needs are the items you need to survive. Water, food, clothing, and shelter are
four basic necessities to live.

Why can wanting or needing something be a powerful motivator?

Wanting and needing something can be a powerful motivator because it encourages you
to make goals and set decisions. For example, if you want a new desk, you can make a
goal so you can attain the object.

What is the labor market?

The labor market refers to a situation in which workers compete for jobs and employers
compete for workers.

List four examples of people who provide services.

Hair stylist, doctors, lawyers, and bus drivers are four examples of people that provide

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