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ICE - 6

1. Use the dataset (Responses.xls) to build a CB-SEM as prescribed by Anderson & Gerbing.

CFA Analysis:
2. How is the measurement model fit? How is the structural model fit? Can you report the
important fit indices you get?

Measurement MODEL fit:

Goodness of fit indices Value

CFI 0.937 >0.9
TLI 0.920 >0.9
RMSEA 0.53 <0.06
CMIN/DF 3.923 <5

Structural MODEL fit:

Goodness of fit indices Value

CFI 0.931 >0.9
TLI 0.914 >0.9
RMSEA 0.55 <0.06
CMIN/DF 4.148 <5

In both CFA and path analysis where CFI, TLI, RMSEA and CMIN/DF values are coming under
their limit so that the model is best fit model.

3. What is the relationship between the predictors and the DV? Explain the statistical output
you get.

The Predictors and DV are Statistically significant in this case. Yet we can identity the highly
and least significant factors
Highly significant factors are
• Teacher Efficacy (TE) has influence of Emotional Exhaustion (EE)
• Emotional Exhaustion (EE), Depersonalization (DP), and Reduced Personal Accomplishment
(RPA) has the highest covariance of all the other factor
• Teacher Efficacy (TE) to TE4(I provide appropriate challenges for very capable students)
show that teachers in the survey have always wanted to take their students to next stage
• We could RPA1(I cannot easily create a relaxed atmosphere with my students.) and RPA2 (I
do not feel exhilarated after working closely with my students) have toughest part in their day
to day job
Least significant factors are
• Teacher Self-Concept (TSC) are less influential compared to Teacher Efficacy (TE) rate
• We could RPA4(I do not feel like I’m at the end of my rope) and RPA5 (In my work, I do not
deal with emotional problems very calmly) has least effect in the teacher’s outburst in their

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