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Ads Quality Rubric 

  Bad  Reasonable  Good 

1. Creativity  The ad was not  The ad seems to be  Creativity is 

elaborated in a  well produced but it  established through 
creative way  doesn’t present a  images, words or 
creative idea  innovative ideas 

Score of the item 1  0  3  10 

2. Meaningful/  There isn’t a  The catchphrase/  The catchphrase/ 

Inspirational  good/meaningful/  catchword is not  catchword is really 
catchphrase or  inspirational  meaningful/  meaningful and/or 
catchword  catchphrase or  inspirational enough  inspirational 

Score of the item 2  0  3  10 

3. Gender  It presents gender  The woman is not  The ad doesn’t show 

stereotype  stereotype. The  presented as  gender stereotypes or 
woman is objectified  inferior or  man/woman’s body 
or presented as  objectified but there  idealization 
inferior to the man  is an idealized image 
OR the man is  of her OR There is 
presented as being  an idealized image 
superior to the  of the man 

Score of the item 3  0  3  10 

4. Nonverbal  The nonverbal  The nonverbal  The nonverbal 

resources: colors,  resources are not  resources chosen  resources are well 
size of letters,  well organized. The  are well organized.  organized and work as 
images)  colors are not  However, they are  persuasive resources. 
appropriate and the  not meaningful  The colors, size and 
images were not well  enough. They are  source of letters, 
selected. The letters  not working as good  images were well 
(size and source)  persuasive  organized in order to 
were also not well  resources.  call the reader’s 
chosen.  attention and produce 
the desired meaning 

Score of the item 4  0  3  10 

Ad total score   

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