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Name: Roseinne A.

Section code: B79

National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) is an agency of the

national government of the Philippines that formulates and implements
policies, plans and programs for the recognition, promotion and protection
of the rights and well-being of Indigenous Peoples with due regard to their
ancestral domains and lands, self-governance and empowerment, social
justice and human rights.
National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) formulates and
implements policies and plans that will conserve and promote the nation’s
historical and cultural heritage. Preserve and integrate traditional culture
and its various creative expressions as a dynamic part of the national
cultural mainstream.
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), is an international
organization whose objective of to improve agricultural development and
livelihoods in developing countries. IFAD-supported activities in the
Philippines includes securing access to land in ancestral domains for
indigenous peoples and documenting customary laws and traditional
practices. In the Philippines, IFAD is working to enable poor rural people to
improve their incomes and food security and provide better food, education
and health care for their families.
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) is a global human
rights organization dedicated to promoting, protecting and defending
Indigenous Peoples’ rights, promoting inclusion in climate action and
participation in local and international decision-making processes. IWGIA
works to empower Indigenous Peoples through documentation, capacity
development and advocacy on local, regional and international level
Cultural Survival has helped indigenous people and ethnic minorities deal
as equals in their encounters with industrial society since 1972.CS promotes
the rights, voices, and visions of indigenous peoples. CS helps indigenous
peoples and ethnic minorities design and implement their own culturally
sensitive programs. They defend rights, lands, and cultures offer an
alternative to victimization by economic interests and ideological
International Labour Organization (ILO), Its main aims are to promote
rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance
social protection and strengthen dialogue in handling work-related issues.
The ILO has been engaged with indigenous and tribal peoples' issues since
the 1920s. It is responsible for the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples
Convention, 1989 (No. 169), the only international treaty opens for
ratification that deals exclusively with the rights of these peoples.
Indigenous Peoples Council on Bio-colonialism (IPCB) The IPCB assists
indigenous peoples in developing safeguards to protect their biological
resources, indigenous knowledge and to develop policies which prevent the
unethical collection and commercialization of human DNA from indigenous
United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) deals with
indigenous issues related to economic and social development, culture, the
environment, education, health and human rights. The UNPFII can be
utilized by Indigenous Peoples to raise awareness, bring policy change to
other UN bodies, and influence how Indigenous rights are implemented at
the local and national levels.
UN HUMAN RIGHTS raises awareness, promotes and develop laws and
policy that have an impact on indigenous peoples, including in devising
means to best address the claims made by indigenous peoples. Some of the
most important substantive rights are; self-determination; rights to lands,
territories and resources; economic, social and cultural rights; collective
rights; equality and non-discrimination; and rights in relation to treaties,
agreements and other constructive arrangements between Indigenous
Instructions: List 5 stereotypes/biased opinions about the Muslim Tribes in Mindanao.
Explain in your own words why these stereotypes/biased opinions exist within
mainstream society.


Most Filipinos often associate the Muslims as

rebels specially in the area of Luzon and Visayas
where there is a diminutive number of them living
there. I think people see it that way particularly me
is because it is what we always see in the news
Muslim are rebellious
where the military is always fighting with the
Muslims. In addition, we can see that most of the
Muslim areas like Maguindanao, Marawi and Sulu
is not peaceful and even the government cannot
control them.
We see the Muslims as brave and fearless
because it is stated in our history lesson in
elementary and even in high school that the
Muslims always fought back against the invaders of
our country that is why the whole Mindanao
Muslims are brave and fearless
archipelago was not fully conquered and controlled
by the invaders like Spaniard and Americans. They
always fought regardless of the enemy’s strength
and number, they are willing to offer their lives for
their land and honor.
Muslims are violent people We always associate the Muslim as violent people,
even I myself is afraid of them because a simple
misunderstanding can lead to murder. We always
heard that a small error like unpaid debt can always
lead to killings. They don’t talk and work things out
instead they always resort to force and violence.
They always take revenge no matter how petty the
offense, they are willing to put their life at stake just
to prove their worth and reputation.
It is instilled in us since we were kids that Muslims
are easily offended. I always heard that if you stare
or look closely to them, they will be offended and if
you accidentally bump them and don’t say sorry
sincerely, they will be insulted and they always take
things seriously. I also heard that you should be
Muslims are easily offended
careful because when you do something and
seems like it offended them or they fell like they
were shamed, they will take revenge on you and
you will pay dearly to it. I think it’s one of the
reasons why most of us especially non-Muslims are
afraid of them and avoid them if possible.
We always believe that the Muslims are very
faithful, devoted, loyal, steadfast and pious since
they pray 5 times a day and not just a simple
prayer but they have to bow down to pray and face
Muslims are faithful and devoutful on the appropriate direction and position, they have
to be clean when they pray and enter in a mosque,
they endure the fasting, they don’t really eat what is
restricted not to eat and etc. They really follow the
rules and firmly believe in their faith or religion.
WHAT I LEARNED (Reflective Essay)
Instructions: Write a reflective essay about the biased opinions that mainstream
society has towards our Muslim brothers and sisters. You may use the biased opinions
you indicated in Activity A. Explain how these biased opinions can be corrected and
how we can live peacefully and harmoniously not only with our Muslim brothers and
sisters but also with other indigenous communities.

We had always been having these biases and stereotype regarding our
Muslim brothers and sisters, particularly to those people who doesn’t personally know a
Muslim and just base their opinions on what they heard on other people’s opinion and
ideas about Muslims. Most of us thought that the Muslims are rebellious, violent, easily
offended, fearless and they don’t care on others besides a fellow Muslim.

Even me as a kid I have always had this unconscious fear regarding the Muslims
because of what I heard around me and maybe it multiplied with the negative opinions
about them that I see and heard in the televisions and elders. However, when I started
high school, I was transferred in Polomolok, South Cotabato where there are lots of
Muslims. At first, I was anxious and at the same time afraid having them as classmate,
but faith as it is, I have one as a seatmate. I didn’t how should I approach her, should I
approach her differently? or just normally? but what if she will be offended? what should
I say and do? these are some of the questions that goes into my mind.

Since she is very quiet, I introduced myself and so does her. To make the story
shorter we became good friends actually a really good one, I’ve known her better and
she change my views towards the Muslims. I learned a lot about their culture, practices
and beliefs because I always ask her about it as I’m very curious about it. Honestly, we
have a lot of common ground and just like we have stereotype and biases on them they
also have stereotype and biases on us specially Christians.

My friendship with her made me realize a lot of things. She even changes my
views about them and because of it I made a lot of Muslim friends regardless their
gender and they made me realize that most of my biases and stereotypes on them are
wrong and it is actually the opposite of it. I learn that they are very disciplined and has a
strong resolve one of the evidences of this is the fasting in Ramadan where even
swallowing their saliva is prohibited, I cannot believe at first how can they resist a day
without food and water in a span of 40 days. Another thing that got my respect on them
is they are very dedicated and religious, most of them specially when you’re a teen you
have to study the Arabic language so every Saturday and Sunday, they enter Arabic
language classes. I ask them why do they have to study the language when they don’t
have a plan in going to Arabic countries their answer was they are doing it so that they
could read the Qur’an since there are no translation in English or any language because
it is not allowed and they really live by and follow what is stated in the Qur’an. I also ask
them about why there are lot of Muslim terrorists and then she answered me just like
there are bad Christians and good Christians there are also good and bad Muslim. Her
answer really enlightened me and opened my mind. It changes my view on things
specially on my family because they don’t like the fact that I have a lot of Muslim friends
they don’t even allow me to go to their house if I were invited, they were afraid that
something might happen to me.

So, with that, I realized that biases and stereotypes on Muslims and them on
Christians had been pass down to generation and generation and we are creating a
barrier without even realizing it. Hence, in order to be able to stop this nonsensical
discord and misconceptions, we have to be the first to step forward in introducing
ourselves, knowing them better and setting aside those stereotypes and biases
because it is the key for understanding each other.
The video SALUGPONGAN, Lit-ag sa Kaparutan (trap to ruination) was about
the revelation of awful truth behind the Salugpungan Ta’tanu Igkanugon Community
Learning Center, Incorporated. The Indigenous People uncover the real color, blood
and evil intentions of this believed school of the Indigenous People’s. One of the student
exposes that they were used as a tool of the New People’s Army and the said
Community Learning Center to make a rally and to incite a revolution. He added that the
moment they started school they have been summoned to rally and the streets seems
to have been their extended classroom. They have no other choice but to follow their
teachers command to be spare from their anger. Furthermore, one of the members of
the IP community who was good enough to teach his fellow tribesmen’s children
however, he was threatened by the member of the New People’s Army and the
administrators of the Salugpongan Ta’tanu Igkanugon Community Learning,
Incorporated, to stop his teaching and he received multiple death threats. In spite of
this, he did not shrink back but instead he fought and was able to bring forth real
education to the young ones in their village.

[Grab your reader’s  It belongs to  Refers to lands,

 Refers attention with a
only to the
great quote from the ICCs/IPs inland waters,
landthe document or use
occupied,  Both are
space to emphasize a keyand
point. To place this coastal area, and text
possessed subjected to
box anywhereutilized
on the by
page, just drag it.] natural resources
ICC/IP. property rights.
owned by ICC/IP.
 It Includes  They have been
there since  It includes Hunting
residential lots,
time ground, burial
private forest, rice
immemorial. ground, worship
terraces or
 ICC/IP have areas, bodies of
paddies, swidden
right to water, minerals and
farms and tree lots ownership to other natural
 It covers only the both.
physical  They have to
 Covers the total
ecological environment
balance to both including spiritual
and restore and cultural bonds.
denuded areas
Ancestral Land Ancestral Domain

Right to transfer land/property Right of ownership

Right to develop, control and use lands

Right to redemption
and natural resources

Right to stay in their territories and not

Right of ownership over their lands
to displaced therefrom

Right to benefit from the utilization, use Right of resettlement in suitable sites
and development of their land. in case of displacement

Right to regulate entry of immigrants

and other entities.

Right to safe and clean air and water.

Right to claim parts of reservations

Right to resolve conflicts according to

customary laws.
1. Thou shall accept and respect each other’s rights.

2. Thou shall not discriminate.

3. Thou shall not insult their different beliefs and practices.

4. Thou shall not covet anything that belongs to IP/ICC.

5. Thou shall respect their laws and rules.

6. Thou shall not ridicule or mock each other.

7. Thou shall recognize each other’s role in our society.

8. Thou shall embrace cultural diversity.

9. Thou shall neglect your stereotypes and prejudices.

10. Thou shall take action in preserving each other’s culture.

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