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 Can you tell me about the town you come from?

- I come from Ankara. It is the second populous city of Turkey. Ankara is an official city because of it
is the capital city of Turkey. But I love this town.
 Has your family always lived in Ankara?
- No, my father was a soldier but now he is retired. We lived in many places because of my father's job.
For example, I was born in Erzurum. And then, we lived in Erzincan, Çankırı, Edirne and Çanakkale.
 Where are you living now?
- Now, I am living in Ankara with my family.
 It is nice place? What is it like?
- Ankara is the second populous city of Turkey. Ankara is an official city because of it is the capital
city of Turkey. But I love this town.
 Who do you share with?
- We share the same house with my mother, my father and my little sister.
 What do your parents do?
- My father was a soldier but now he is retired. My mother is a housewife and has never worked before.
My sister is a student in high school.
 Tell me about your family. What do your family members do for a living?
- My father was a soldier but now he is retired. My mother is a housewife and has never worked before.
My sister is a student in high school.
 What do you and your family like to do together?
- We like to go on a picnic together. Especially, go to the Soğuksu national park in Kızılcahamam. It is
a very quiet and natural place. There we have a lot of opportunity to talk with each other.
 How often do you contact your parents?
- Actually all the time, because we live together. We almost always have dinner together. This is a rule
in our home.
 What kind of place do you live in a house?
- I live in a small apartment. I have a small room at home. Only a bed, a wardrobe and a desk.
 Describe the neighbourhood that you live in at the moment.
- My neighbourhood is quite small and few people live. Because, it is a new settlement. We moved to
this neighbourhood 2 years ago. Most of the people living are old and retired.
 Have you ever had a full-time job? If you have, tell me about it.
- While I was a student at the university, I worked in the security sector for about 5 years. I was a
security guard in big apartments. I only worked at night. Because I went to school during the day. I
was very tired but I liked my job.
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of this job?
- I always worked at night. There was no intensity at night as everybody was sleeping. I could study
easily too. But insomnia was the only disadvantage to this job.
 Have you ever had a part-time or casual job?
- Yes, I have been working at Landscape Company. This is a casual job. I mow grass all day long. I go
when I need money. For example, I saved the exam money from this job.
 Did you enjoy your time at school? Tell me what you liked and what you didn’t like.
- Actually, I didn't have a good time at school. Because I did a double major and my school time was
very busy. I had no time to do anything else. But, my school friendships were so good. I miss my
school friendships. I had field lessons and I hate those lessons. I had to walk all day even in sunny and
rainy weather.
 Are you studying at the moment? If so, what are you studying and where?
- I am not studying at the moment. I graduated from Ankara University, Department of Geophysical
Engineering two years ago. Last year, I gained a scholarship to do master degree in UK. I have only
been studying English for a while.
 What do you find most difficult about your study and why?
- When I was a student at the university, the most difficult lesson of the department was field lessons,
because we had to walk a lot during the day, sometimes 9 or 10 kilometres.
 What is your favourite pastime? Why do you enjoy doing this?
- I love camping in my spare time and I like to be in nature. I think camping is very relaxing and health
activity. I get rid of all my stress when I am at camp. I go to camp at least once or twice a month.
 Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities? Why?
- I prefer more outdoor activities. Such as camping. I love camping in my spare time and I like to be in
nature. I think camping is very relaxing and health activity. I get rid of all my stress when I am at
camp. I go to camp at least once or twice a month.
 Do you belong to any clubs? If so, why did you join?
- Yes, I am a member of the Earth Sciences club. Because there are many trainings in the club. I care
about these trainings to improve myself. It also happens at social events in the club. By this means, I
meet new people.
 Do you read much? What do you like to read?
- Actually, I don't like to read a lot. But I try to read when I get the chance. I like to read science fiction
novels. They are usually gripping and exciting.
 What else do you like to do in your spare time?
- I love shopping. Especially at times of sale. And then, my father has a small hobby garden. I like to
help my father there and deal with the land.
 What do you like about the work or study you are doing?
- I am a Geophysics and Geological Engineer. We collect data for underground modelling in the field.
And then we process this data in a computer environment. As a result, I like that my job is both a desk
job and field work.
 Describe your school or workplace.
- I graduated from Ankara University, Department of Geophysical Engineering two years ago. I am not
working now. Ankara University is a respected school in Turkey. Especially, it ranks second in
Turkey in terms of my department. Thereafter, my school consists of several campuses. My
department is on the Gölbaşı campus. Gölbaşı is far from the city center.
 What is your favourite subject at school? Why?
- My favourite subject was computer programming at school. I think, developing an algorithm for
writing a program is like a puzzle. I love this very much.
 What hobbies do you have if any?
- Camping is my favourite hobby. I go to camp with my cousins at least once or twice a month and we
usually go to Çamlıdıre most of the time.
 Why do you enjoy this activity?
- I like to be in nature. I think camping is very relaxing and health activity. I get rid of all my stress
when I am at camp.
 What do you do and where do you go when you get together with your friends?
- When we get together with our friends, we usually go to the Devrim stadium in METU. We sit there
on the grass and drink coffee. Sometimes we play games like taboo there.
 What kind of holidays do you like?
- I like summer holidays, because I enjoy sunbathing and swimming. I love to drink cold beer in hot
 What sports do you play or like to watch?
- I played football in the school team for 4 years when I was a student at the university. I was a
defender in the team, and I like to watch football matches.
 What type of books do you enjoy reading?
- I like to read science fiction novels. They are often gripping and exciting.
 Is there anything you find difficult in your present life?
- I have been struggling financially lately. I can't get a full time job, because I have to study English. I
must send my IELTS score to the university where I accepted, it as soon as possible.

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