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Sonya Granita (019)

Manajemen A1


1.      I am write a report for my homework. (Write)

2.      Berlin study is English last years. (Study)
3.      She is finish her work at six o'clock yesterday. (Finish)
4.      Last year I am Travel to England with my family. (Travel)
5.      They are go to the museum for research yesterday. (Go)
6.      I will not go in the program because of my busy schedule. (Attend)
7.      He will write is articles on different topics next month. (Write)
8.      Tomorrow, my father is apply for a new job. (Apply)
9.      I am read the newspaper when i go to the bus station. (Read)
10.  The train are leave every morning at 8 AM. (Leave)


Translate the sentences below!

1.      Dia membersihkan kantornya setiap pagi.

2.      Kebanyakan orang saat ini menyimpan tabungan mereka di rekening bank.

3.      Saya dulu adalah pemilik supermarket itu.

4.      Petugas bank menunjukkan Deni bagaimana cara menulis cek yang benar.

5.      Saya akan menyetor gaji saya di bank setiap bulannya ketika saya memulai pekerjaan baru saya.

6.      Ada kemungkinan bank akan meminjamkan uang itu kepadamu.

7.      Dia mencoba mengubah tagihan kartu kredit menjadi uang tunai.

8.      Ibu saya bekerja di kantor.

9.      Dia adalah seorang dosen manajemen bisnis.

10.  Muhtar akan mengambil penerbangan lain, karena penerbangan sebelumnya bermasalah.

1. He cleans his office every morning. (pastense)

2. Most people nowadays keep their savings in bank accounts. (pastense)

3. I used to be a supermarket owner. (pastense)

4. The bank clerk showed Deni the correct way to write a check. (present tense)
Sonya Granita (019)
Manajemen A1

5. I will deposit my salary in the bank every month when I start my new job. (present affirmative)

6. There is a possibility that the bank will lend you money. (Sentense)

7. He tried to convert credit card bills into cash. (pastense)

8. My mother works in an office. (pastense)

9. He is a lecturer in business management. (pastense)

10. Muhtar will take another flight, because the previous flight had problems. (tense)

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