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Executive Summary

Company Description

Competitive advantage



Market Target – target customer





Every business needs a good marketing plan to succeed. If you belive in your product or services
then you should be happy to tell people about it. But you need a marketing plan to know what to say
and how to sell. So start by creating a simple 1 page marketing plan or mini marketing plan and review it
in few months.

Now there are seven key parts to make a successful marketing plan,.

First 1. Defune what is your business and what it does – going detail what is your business
unique from its competition. Then define your mission and goals and strengths and weaknesses

2. Second, Describe your product or service

What are the benefits of it and what problem that is solve for your customer.

3. Third, Define your target (audience) to potential customer, who are they, where are they,
and what are their characteruistics

4,. Fourth, Go in depth the 4P’s of your product or service, what position they have, what promoton,
what place and price its price.

5. Fifth, what is your offer or messages to your potential customer, what are your trying to say or what
are trying to be done or do

6. Sixth, what is communication medium, are your using radio, ads, billboards, website, social media or
traditional teacher

7. then, how are you going to convert and turn those potential customer into sales
Once you have your marketing plan make sure to uopdate it and change it to make it better and adopt
to changing world. Don’t make it too complicated but take the time to make it good and pay off in the

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