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7 Popular Companies setting Inspiring

Organizational Culture Examples

We have listed seven companies that are known for their
fabulous work culture and listed what sets them apart. As is
evident, a lot of thought goes into making workplaces
motivating and productive. Get inspired!

1. Zappos – Complementing the Right

People with the Right Culture
When organizational culture is the topic, Zappos always make
it into the list. Always, without exception. They weed out the
people that are just there for a paycheck and retain only
those who are committed to what the company stands for.
What Sets Them Apart: At Zappos, they carry out a culture
fit interview which carries half the weight of whether the
candidate is hired. All employees, whether they are in a
senior position or not, have to go through the same four-
week call center training where 10 core values are instilled
into each team member.  And at the end of the first week,
the Zappos CEO, Tony Hsieh will pay you $2,000 to quit if you
decide that it isn’t your cup of tea. After such rigorous
screening, it’s a wonder if their work culture didn’t work like
Takeaway: Care more about the kind of people you acquire
than the money that goes into hiring them. For if you locate
the right talent and have the right culture to nurture them,
they’ll more than pay you back with their commitment and
drive. At Zappos, employee raises are the result of their
performance, not office politics. And liberal budget portions
are set aside for team building and cultural promotion
activities. They obviously care, and they have the team to
show for it!

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