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Jackie was a great person,he was the first black player to join the

major leagues.A lot of fans did hated him.jr was mad, he needed
someone that could support him.In the meanwhile branch rickey was
trying to find someone that can control his temper,then br found jr,
branch rickey tested was saying mean stuff that could make
him mad or end badly.on pg#28 it says rickey jumped into a
monologue where he quickly shifted roles from that of a racist fan to
a spiteful teammate.

Jr found a good women that can help him,he was luckey

having rachel r.Each time when jackie was having a bad time rr was
there to cheer him up.on pg#39 It says, I talked about how it felt to
sit in the stands and hear fans yelling at my husband.I think IT was
support from family and friends to help jackie jet better.not only did
br help jr control his temper,he helped Jackie feel better.Now you
know what I think what my factor is.

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