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As the first african american ball player Jackie Robinson was a very

good baseball player he was as fierce as a cougar braver than a

lion. He was an amazing baseball player. Jackie Robinson was so
good he was recruited to a team called the Dodgers In the Major
league. I think that it was family, friends and fans that helped Jackie
break the color barrier.
One person that helped Jackie was his wife Rachel. This is
because during games people yelled and said really bad things,
after games he could just go to his wife and just talk about how his
game went and to cheer him up if people were yelling at him during
his game’s.I know this because in the text it says “After games I talked
about how it felt to sit in the stands and see people yell at my

Another example of a person that helped Jackie, was his friend

Pee Wee Reese. Pee Wee during games heard people yell at him to not
play with a black man , but Pee Wee did not care he instead walked up
to Jackie on first base and then he started talking to Jackie but
nobody remembered what he said. I know this because in the text it
said “Some fans yelled at the captain Pee Wee Reese they told him that
he shouldn't be playing with a southerner and that he shouldn’t be
playing ball with a black man but he didn’t even dare to take a glance
at the stands instead he walked up to my father and talked to him.”

But now you know that family ,friends and fans are what was
most important in Jackie Robinson's success and that Rachel and Pee
wee reese were important and if Pee wee and Rachel went there all
of us would not be here together and be in school and play together
right now. -kevin

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