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The most important factor for Jakie Robinson success in

leading social change was family and fans.

One reason for my opinion ,that family is important. Rachel

supported all the hate of jakie Robinson . Rachel went to his
baseball games and talked also with him about his feelings. I
know this because on page 39 it says “during Jack's baseball
career . I attended every home game, I wanted to be with him
and to experience his world. After the game , I talked about
how it felt like, sitting in the stands and also ,hearing fans
yell at my husband . Jack talked about how hard it was to
hold back his anger. Together ,we thought of pessimism and
despair.” next…

My second reason is that fans are important because on

page 39 it says ,’’white fans filled in the remaining seats on
the field, the royal’s black players worked as a team and
3500 excited fans.’’ And Jakie robinson was success

The factor of ,success that was the most important in my

opinion is family and fans .I believe if Jackie Robinson did
not have the support of family and fans he would have not
been able to face the anger from people who did not want
him to succeed. But his fans,family success to him.

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