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Paper pop Danny goes to another series of planning missionary to produce the paper OK so

this journey has taken about 18 years before he decided to go into this actual commercial
production of this paper now tell me there's anything that you want to ask about this very
simple process without going into the technical part of things OK essentially that's what we
do any questions so far so far so good OK so go ahead go ahead please yeah I said you think
that you want no no questions no questions are OK so green technology park is an industrial
area of about 400 acres in began behind where we have decided to locate all our pop and
paper manufacturing facilities over there OK why we chose this area is be 'cause nearby
within a 30 kilometer radius there about 10 alpam news which can supply this ifb to us anne
at 50 kilometer radius there's an additional 20 oil pump mills cause essentially FB comes
from all these meals OK so there is one of the key criteria for cho 110 pot so the delivery of
the finished products is can be easily exported out of the countryosing this particular source
in the manufacturing of paper so a couple 100 meters away from the GTP there is an ample
water source from the sunlight behind OK of course things like electricity for the trip and all
of that is actually within our green technology park all right we intend to generate our own
power we intend to produce our own treated water OK Anne of course from the bio mass
we also intend to produce team which is a necessary resource in the cooking of the meat to
produce the power OK will they despawn array 'cause we will also have a wastewater
treatment plan that would treat all the industrial waste arising from the manufacturing and
it will be treated to follow the Department of Environment DoD yeah acceptable riders OK
as far as industrial rings concern OK so in short questions so basically this entire thing is
going to be done within the plantation is also nothing is going to be outdoors or you're not
going to get any sort of assistance from any of your neighboring news nearby apart from the
ESB that is going to be getting from them everything else will be done within the condition is
it they were only the oil pump mills will only give us the raw material to do to manufacture
people power and paper OK now just to explain the process a little bit more will be collect
the USB from the oil palm bills what we have to do will have to go through some cooking
process to loosen the fiber CBFB OK and then we will extract the paper pulp OK the pump
from this FB after he's been treated and then we go through a series of mechanical and
chemical process to get the pump to the right specifications to produce printing paper of
course when the pump has to be bleach so you need some chemical process to bleach this
part to make it wait and then you will see white paper it won't farm after which somebody
else will bind us roll this white paper roll form and they will cut it into the air for people that
we all use OK so most of the manufacturing process it is within our industrial park we do not
outsource any of this manufacturing process to people outside OK maybe in the wrong
formula then somebody will buy the pro form paper at the whole country into whether 8/3
of 8/4 that depending on what is result we are manufacturers we do not do the retail part of
it Mr besides the question question moving on I think fact about questions oh more
questions alright OK so the other thing that we wanted to ask you is concurrently I think this
under we said that we have but there are two other firms in Malaysia that are practicing
someone with similar way as to what typically is doing I had a W my number you really think
into your direct competitor maybe it could be an indirect competitor but someone in the
same power with the sort of technology that you guys are introducing the industry and let
me ask who have you researched that thing on potential competitors from from Saba was
one of it and there was one other competitor I will have to pull up on my report that we
have done but these two guys are somewhat similar 20P is doing so from your point of view
would you consider them as a direct competitor to the company OK the only two companies
I can think of that produces pumpkin paper 01 is a sub on forest OK I said fine summer
forest industries if I don't know if that's the company that research OK I I think they were
busy there are two one of them is over at east and on the West side near Kentucky nabalu
there is another company or in pow wow OK so I'll go to the more recent company that
they've been around for many years summer forest summer forests actually produced well
they tried they tried to produce paper from timber they do not use all time waste OK and if
you were to do more recent research earlier this week there you will find out that I saw
before I said bye as in short sfi has gone under receivership oh OK OK alright the best recent
mobile has some issues with the state government so the court has put suba this this
summer forest into receivership OK the other company is space in power is called TSH
number what exactly is done soon what I believe OK yes age is another listed company that
went into the production of pop and people now they used yes me and unfortunately they
were not very successful uh I think they did it back in 2012 an after about three years they
lost 120 million and mothball the entire manufacturing facility OK would you by any chance
happen to know what was the reason behind us it wasn't uh I believe is like this uh the
founder of next green actually went into the research and development of the pop and
people manufacturing he together with some production specialists in China and some pop
and paper research facilities in China university together in consortium they actually
research the technology and customize the design of the pulp and paper machine
specifically for FP and they took them about 18 years in the R&D before they decided to go
into commercial production OK now TSH is different they never did any R&D on their own
they went to China and just bought the plan image the ring from some fabricator in China
and they just body off the shelf and they install it in pow wow OK I do not believe they have
much technology knowledge about this process OK so that is the main difference between
black screen and deputy galper company in summer the already basically was like the key
factor for next year because of their service search into how DSD was going to be a game
changer in the industry correct correct really did any research and I really look at how to
develop the process properly OK there are plantation company they realize that waste so
they just thought it's a very simple process of producing power and people from the waste
OK I mean it took us about 18 years of our D before we decided to go into commercial
production OK that's where the main differences are OK um and the other thing that we
wanted to ask is would you be able to touch in the store on the table with management that
is being introduced in Word for the insured there was something that was under zero would
you be able to talk a little wonder actually it is quite technical OK but essentially we have
done our baby number one our raw material is actually a waste so that itself is very
sustainable business really but over the 18 years the waste arising out of manufacturing of
the power we have also found commercial applications for those waste OK I'll just give you
one example without telling you any of our trade secrets OK LinkedIn which is a waste from
the manufacturing of the pub can we use to produce industrial glue OK so it is important
that whatever ways we have we do not contributed to the pollution of the environment that
is the reason why we say that we are a zero waste uh industrial park another example is the
ways of rising out of the selection of the ifb because not 100% yeah be is suitable for
conversion into paper pulp OK there is generally balance of about 10 to 15% of the FP which
may not be suitable for conversion to paper power So what we do is with this so called
balance of the 10 to 15% of the FB we use it to do power generation OK will you with body
to produce the electricity and Steve we need for our manufacturing process OK so at the
other day the industrial waste that we produce OK we'll go through our industrial
wastewater treatment plan we will extract all the waste aterial inside the wastewater OK
Anne subsequent effluent from the wastewater treatment we have found we are able to
produce acceptable clean water which we will we recycling to continue the production and
of our popping paper so we can produce good quality water from the from my research and
development that we can recycle and reuse OK OK so at the other day all the waste will be
fully used up OK another one more example I'd like to give you for example in the preaching
of the paper we use I think I science students face to this I was Once Upon you don't know
yeah I don't know you remember so did hydroxide any wage anyway yes yeah so it rings a
bell to some of you our website is used as a bleaching agent OK one of the ingredients of the
bleaching agent to make the paper white OK now after we've used the bleach the pump in
the production of in the production descriptive paper the wastewater will go through and
out live recovery plan so alkaline OK go to the alcohol recovery plan and we will recovery OK
and Emma green use this sodium hydroxide for future bleaching purposes OK this is a
question OK and another thing I want I would like to understand a little bit more like what
kind of challenges that you will sort of like big challenges that you are facing and what is
your approach to those challenges the moment oh OK challenges the network frequent
changes in our government I know why it wasn't that is that is one of the challenges that we
have OK but honestly speaking the cause this pop and paper in the street uh has gone
through a couple of upheavals like especially yes age OK so when you talk to financials do
you want to look at for banks to help you because all businesses need some sort of
investments OK and because some of these things have been burned earlier alright so banks
are very hesitant to finance our manufacturing facilities so the challenge is your pockets are
not deep enough OK it is very difficult to build a factory by the plant and equipment to get
your manufacturing started the entry barrier to this industry is very high because of the high
capital expenditure in the planet missionary OK so that is one of the challenges the Highbury
and high barrier to entry another issue is I'm sure you all know that anything that involves
the oil pump in the street it's frowned upon by the Europeans and Americans OK because of
the way the oil pump industry have been uh cutting down forest and burning trees in order
to create plantation area for the old pump industry OK so we hope to re educate the
Europeans and Americans that we more responsible plantation growers now OK uh but I
know I know few weeks ago we always have all these small coming from him today sure so
inclement and it's still doing it OK but I don't think they have a choice all palm oil at this one
of the most widely used edible oil in or globally OK so it is you know in the nature is a much
larger export of our mall demolition OK troll you a few of the challenges are I think there's
one last for skin on for me now with green coming up with this phone you message and
when you be or producing popping people and are we looking at increasing employment
rate or behind people are we looking at changing the economy for the problem because not
in a large scale but right OK I'm trying to attract more of the bigger players in the market I
think a big cause of it is very high capital expenditure a lot investments are required we can
grow the manufacturing facility at the pace that we would like it to be so I just give you a
simple number for the 400 acres that we are looking at the displaced in polo he died where
the plant the industrial is located we're talking about stupid and investment OK so a lot of
money is involved but will it create jobs yes it definitely will create jobs will it help the
Malaysian economy because they are looking mainly at exporting our products bring us
some of the foreign currency into the Malaysian market so yes it will help the national
economy one of our strategies is that most of the people that we intend to hire in our next
screen especially at the manufacturing level at the factories a lot of them come from the
local unit tests OK is nearby like indistinguishable hung we have continuous research and
development news in a steeper translation OK so we are also talking to UTM to recruit the
diploma and degree students who are interested to be involved in the paper industry so
hopefully for the fresh graduates yes there will be opportunities for them we tried to reduce
our reliance on boring neighborhood'cause there's no long term sustainabilty in terms of
career for them OK sorry baby yeah will be going on recruiting drive even in USM Internet
thanks pleasure OK well of course I haven't gone to Monash yet yeah right yeah I'm gonna
share I've gone reporting in Malaysia hopefully while we're there but I think that somebody
for me is there any other questions when I ask ladies please feel free to ask i don't

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