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India is a vast and diverse country, however, the beauty and the goodwill of this great nation gets

spoilt with the corruption

that is happening in India.

Almost in every sector, one could find corruption happening and corrupt people growing in great abundance day by day.

Money and power have ruled men and it has come to such an extent that if a common man needs any kind of help from the
government sector they need to take the corrupt route.

In every sector bureaucrats and politicians influence with power and money in such a manner that even the talented and most
efficient people are not recruited.

Hence, in these places, the work efficiency also gets corrupted and altered as per the interests of the people in power.

Corruption starts at the higher levels and it is carried forward to the lowest levels too. From the senior officer to the junior
officers to the clerks, one would find corrupted people and the common man would find it difficult to bypass and get his things

Now, this does not happen only in the sophisticated cities, but throughout India. Villages and towns are all a part of these
games s and it is the common man who gets affected.

The heights of corruption have reached a great extent where there are no proper laws to end these corrupt people. Because of
the highly corrupt people who just would do anything for money, it has become very difficult for the common man to survive.

This has to come to an end and we need to reach a position where every Indian can proudly say that they live in a corruption
free country.

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