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1)Talk to experts

2)Start with an MVP(Minimum viable product) other things will follow

3)Build a specialized skillset and Build an additional skill related to that
4) Setting right realistic goals is V.Important and another factor is Time
Management at start of each semester.
5) Prioritize various tasks (Have a list of tasks) (Not all recent tasks are
important saying no is also important)
6) Problem solving : a)State the problem b)Do a root cause analysis


MBA (2nd video)

MBA Specialisations : HR , Marketing , Finance , Engineering management
Jobs : Consulting / Investment banking / Marketing and Sales / General
management / Product management / HR Management
(Can be my type)
There is diversity of students abroad compared to indian colleges and also , it's
highly depende on peers
CAT(Mostly mathematics and English) and GMAT(Almost same + Written assessement)
Skills : Team Work , Communication skills , Problem solving.
Preparations : Study and Give tests.
Time managenment is important.
Crack CAT: Practice a lot , Discuss , Study group.

Machine Learning:
Getting into top universities : Be PASSIONATE about it (You must actually do
something in that field) / SOP** / CGPA / Strong LOR
If you are really passionate : Take additionals / Do projects / If you are really
able to do some good work , go for publishing.
**Learn to code(Algo / DS)**
You should enjoy what you are doing, don't do it because it's a race.
Get your hands dirty.
**Learn Soft Skills**


Management / Enterpreneurship
1) Motivate people to be Creative and Innovative in any working
environment(Knowledge based work force)
2) Is monday morning something that they look forward to!?
3)Be extremely curious abt everything, must be self aware(EQ)
3)Be able to figure out what is the right approxiamtion and assumption to make in
any situation.
4) Hire someone who has equal respect for other fields of engineering along with
his own.
5) Entrepreneur is someone who focusses on delivering outcomes
6)Resilience is very important(What you do the day after you had a bad day)
7)The entrepreual soul(Book)


Quantum bit can be in both states 0 and 1 simultaneously

Online masters programme is also available
If not sure....don't go for PhD directly and choose masters instead
AI nad ML skills is important
Open source projects on GitHub
Look for problems in your domain & also, teamwork is important

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