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A Thesis Proposal
Presented to the
Faculty of Graduate School
Davao City


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the degree


December 2021


The Problem and Its Setting

A learning environment is a place where learning and experiences take place and in order for effective learning to occur, the school should provide

a conducive building, complete facilities, and efficient teaching approaches. The quality of the learning environment is vital in the development of

one's intellectual aspect; hence there is a need to consider the attributes of the learning environment which potentially influence the learning

behaviors of students and their achievement. The efficacious of learning environment include intellectual environment, emotional environment,

social environment, and spiritual environment.

According to Weimer, (2009) learning environment is one of the most important factors affecting student learning. Simply put, students learn better

when they view the learning environment as positive and supportive (Dorman, Aldridge, & Fraser, 2006). A positive environment is one in which

students feel a sense of belonging, trust others, and feel encouraged to tackle challenges, take risks, and ask questions (Bucholz & Sheffler,

2009). Such an environment provides relevant content, clear learning goals and feedback, opportunities to build social skills, and strategies to help

students succeed.

In the United States, researchers evaluated learning problems based on how well students paid attention in class and stayed on tasks. They

found the problems among students in classrooms without adequate resources, students who never had adequate materials showed a percentage

increase in problem behaviors compared with students that always had adequate resources.
According to Catharine Warner, a sociology doctorate candidate, and researcher at the University of Maryland. Overall, there was an approximate

20 percent increase in these problems in students whose classrooms often or never had adequate resources versus students in classrooms who

always had sufficient resources (Welton, 2011).

In Metro-Manila Philippines, studies show that overcrowded classroom conditions not only make it difficult for students to concentrate on

their lessons but inevitably limit the number of time teachers can spend on innovative teaching methods such as cooperative learning and group

work or on teaching anything beyond the bare minimum required by the curriculum. On top of this, teachers in congested classrooms are generally

over-stretched, more likely to suffer from burnout, or have a more strained relationship with their pupils (Jones, 2017).

This problem faced by both teachers and students, as a result of the absence of learning materials and lack of school has contributed

negatively to the learning experiences of students. Thus, students often have a low achievement, have poor learning behaviors and become

unmotivated towards learning.

The researchers, therefore, find the urgency to conduct the study on the efficacious learning environment and provocative factor of grade 5

learners in the academe, purposely to find out the proactive factor to determine as the intrinsic satisfaction of an individual where self-applied to

have a better foundation to achieve the goals of the child. (Furnham & Eracleous, 2009). The intrinsic motivator deals with putting attention in

regards to the sake of the students where they may become motivated if they can feel satisfaction on what they are doing. This has a lot to do

with the self- interest, desires, and egocentricity. (2012) said that reading motivation is the enormous quantity of motivation that learners should have. For example, learners who read for

their desire to support their understanding are extremely motivated readers. Learners who consider reading to be a significant element in their

daily activities are likely to be effective readers. Students who have difficulties in understanding texts need motivation in order for them to grasp.

Hence, students with poor reading habits tend to demonstrate poor comprehension skills and low-interest level in reading various educational

materials. Students should consider the fact that motivation to read is important since it causes students to act or learn.

Furthermore, PourhoseinGilakjani and Ahmadi (2011) state that intrinsic motivations can boost self-concept, self-respect, self-confidence, and

emotional needs. If these needs are attained, the learner will become more satisfied; also they are engaged in the said activity and with a higher

tendency to understand a literary text. Through these, they will become proactive in class discussion.

Review of Significant Literature

This section presents related literature that gathered from books, internet, and other materials, which have some bearing to the present

study. The discussions are focused on the efficacious learning physical environment and influential motivator factor of grade 4 pupils in the


Efficacious Learning Environment

The learning environment is very important in teaching. Before the school year starts, all teachers are busy preparing their classrooms,

putting visuals on classroom walls, arranging chairs and tables, preparing visual aids, and changing bulletin board displays. They all want their

classrooms to be attractive to the learners when they come to school.

While decorations help create a warm environment, the organization of the furniture in the room is also important. There should be enough space

for all students to easily move throughout the classroom. Teachers should consider the use of universal design. Universal design is designing

products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for modification or specialized design

(Burgstahler, 2008).

Teachers believe that the physical environment could influence the students in their learning. While this could be true, the learning environment is

more than the physical environment that teachers prepare for the students.

The learning environment includes the Intellectual Environment, Emotional Environment, Social Environment, and Spiritual Environment, that

teachers and learners experience in school. It is influential in creating a positive atmosphere of learning in school and it is the main source of

school culture (Pawilen, 2016).

In addition, the teachers create, provide or facilitate the classroom environment for learning. Effective classroom environments of the 21st-

century will ultimately be substantially different from those of the industrial era.

The range of motivator factor attributes constituting classroom-environmental contextual factors and variables can be characterized as Health

Factors, Responsibility, Achievement, Recognition, School Policy and Teachers Supervision.

Efficacious Learning Environment. The variables of an efficacious learning physical environment refer to all of the features that influence the nature

of teacher and student performance. A positive classroom environment provides advantageous conditions for effective student learning, whereas a

negative classroom environment results in disadvantageous conditions that may cause students not to succeed.

Sandeep Paul (2013) said that the efficacious of learning physical environment includes physical materials such as the tables, desks, and chairs.

Material attributes such as curricular and instructional materials used. Interpersonal attributes are the ways in which the students and teachers are
poised to interactResearch has found that teachers who have established orderly and enabling classroom environments are those who are most

likely to teach for understanding and meaning (Paul, 2013).

According to Abbott (2014), learning physical environment refers to diverse physical locations, context, and cultures in which students learn.

Since students may learn in a wide variety of settings, such as outside-of-school locations and outdoor environments, the term is often used as a

more accurate or preferred alternative to classroom, which has more limited and traditional connotations a room with rows of desks and a

chalkboard, for example.

The term also encompasses the culture of a school or class its presiding ethos and characteristics, including how individuals interact with and treat

one another as well as the ways in which teachers may organize an educational setting to facilitate learning.

The physical attribute is described as the elements of the physical environment that impact the learning culture, including the shape and

arrangement of the classroom and the grouping of the students. Teachers who use these elements strategically encourage students to participate

enthusiastically in the learning process. It is a fact that the environment of a classroom should enable students to master intended learnings and all

students should have the same conditions while learning and demonstrating their competence (Faulk & Evanshen, 2013).

According to Phillips (2014), classrooms with minimal windows and minimal outside light increase student depression. At the other extreme,

windows without adequate room darkeners make visual media difficult to use.

Also, Pocot and Rautraut (2015) averred that a physical learning environment is a combination of social and physical qualities that create the

classroom experience. It includes classroom management, procedures, as well as the way space is organized, furnished and maintained.

Students spend much of their day in classrooms that almost never feel warm and homelike. The research revealed that rooms that are convenient

to improve student morale and make them happier to be there. This requires having more on the walls than butcher paper. It provides the

opportunity for students to help create an inviting environment that supports positive interaction and it empowers students in the process.

In addition, the classroom environment is one of the most important factors that affect student learning. Simply put, students learn better

when they view the learning environment as positive and supportive. A positive environment is one in which students feel a sense of belonging,

trust others, and feel encouraged to tackle challenges, take a risk, and ask questions such as environment provides relevant content, clear

learning goals and feedback, opportunities to build social skills, and strategies to help students succeed(Young 2014).

Intellectual Environment. Refers to doing any activity which exerts efforts and strength in order to achieve one's goals that's in the minds. In

English class, one learns sensitivity to the aesthetic force of language. One learns to enjoy a well-written paragraph as a minor symphony and
learns tone, diction, syntax, and purpose. Anyone learns the superpower of precise and forceful communication, the superpower, in short, of

reading and writing. These will not be possible if they didn't apply force and effort in doing such a thing to make it possible (Johnston, 2014).

The intellectual environment must be arranged logically to the coherent organization of the text that affects the order of the sentences and ideas

and has a lot to do in making students run their knowledge through the piece presented (Insulander2010). If the students have this logical

arrangement they can answer sorts of questions. Students can reason out if there are possible reasoning questions, and they can build different

organizers that may be used as proof that they already understood the lesson from its beginning down to its current.

In support of the idea presented above, Popham (2007) averred that arranging logically is one way in showing understanding of the students in

literary texts. It can be identified if the student shows significant progression or benchmark that build towards proficiency. It doesn’t mean that

pupils need to memorize the whole story instead he internalizes what is the sequence or the first moment that happened until it ends. If it talks

about the story form of text, students must know the characters, the settings, climax down to its end. And if talks a news report, the students may

identify the cause of the current news and supposedly its effect and resolution. And if forming a sentence through students learning, they can

create sentences that are logically arranged from its subject or object of the sentences that are comprehensible.

In like manner, Chi (2009) professed that arranging logically shows how students easily grasp and progress towards the lesson. They may answer

questions which are literally happened from the text they had read.

Moreover, Brookhart (2010) said that arranging logically practice the rote memorization of the students where they used in answering a question.

This level commits to memory the process of learning where it starts from its beginning down to it is last and from easy to complex that can help in

widening the knowledge of the students. This corresponds to the ability in remembering where students will no longer memorize the story word by

word but by the thought of the text with the actual or direct experience of the learners in the classroom or done by the different activities.

While the teacher should feel free to express and defend their opinions, the goal should be to challenge pupils to think critically about opinions on

all sides of issues inside the learning physical environment which pupils substantively disagree or agree the interaction around the process is

helpful of Intellectual endeavors to involve critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the classroom (Wood, 2015)

Teachers can encourage pupils who seem swayed one way or the other to consider different understandings of the topic being discussed. In an

English course, students are reading Moby Dick by Herman Melville, a classic text often taught at universities, they should not just be presented

with one interpretation or reading of the text. Rather, they should be presented with contrasting interpretations from various critics that challenge
them to interrogate their own ideas and challenge those being discussed, needless to say, teachers should not expect students to agree with


Emotional Environment. Refer to school culture' can be used to encompass all the attitudes, expected behaviors, and values that impact how the

school operates. Research strongly buttresses the central role of culture to school success All of these studies and others point to the multiple

ways school culture fosters improvement, collaborative decision making, professional development and staff and student learning (Fisher, 2012).

A positive classroom environment yields positive students who are motivated to learn. Creating a positive classroom is not that difficult, but the

rewards are immense and far-reaching. Achieving this improves one's professional achievement and the success of the students the teacher is

charged with teaching. It's really important for teachers to create a positive and engaging classroom atmosphere.

Research has indicated that if a positive classroom atmosphere is created, students will learn better and engage more which means that it is one

of the most effective and powerful tools teachers can use to encourage children’s learning. Lots of factors are related to a positive classroom

atmosphere, and one important factor is how teachers respond to children’s behavior. The emotional environment is the aids used by the facilitator

to help him/her in facilitating his/her lesson effectively. (Zhang, 2014).

Life is about relationships and building a positive environment in individual classrooms and throughout one’s whole school is important. It

takes commitment and consistency from the whole team such as administrators, teachers and support staff. But one can make it happen, even in

the most challenging school environments. Some of the guidelines for improving the school culture include building strong relationships, teaching

essential social skills, Get on the same page, becoming role models, classifying classroom and school rules, teaching all students problem solving,

setting appropriate consequences and praising students for good choices (Truby, 2014).

In the field of education, teaching and learning materials refer to a spectrum of educational materials that teachers use in the classroom to support

specific learning objectives, as set out in lesson plans.

Activity-based learning employs a variety of teaching/learning materials and focuses on student interaction to learn new concepts. To stress,

context-specific learning materials enhance the process (Lewis, 2016).

The emotional environment is the aids used by the facilitator to help him/her in facilitating his/her lesson effectively. Learning materials are the aids

used by the learner to help him/her learn effectively.

The purpose and importance of teaching-learning with a good emotional environment are as follows: to make lessons interesting, make learning

easy, help learning to remain in the minds of the learners for a longer time, to help the facilitator to deliver his/her lesson successfully and easily,

and to enable the facilitator to express intended concepts of learning effectively (Antofina, 2016).

Social. Interpersonal interaction is a communication process that involves the exchange of information, feelings, and meaning by means of verbal

and non-verbal messages, between two or more persons. Dealing with interpersonal relationships is a complex subject. The interpersonal

relationships between students and teachers, teachers and other teachers, teachers and administrators, school staff personnel, parents, and

community members are vital for creating a positive successful learning environment for all students. No matter how hard people work or how

many brilliant ideas they may have, if individuals can't connect with the people who work around them, their professional life will suffer (Ismail,


The interpersonal relationship is categorized as multiple contacts (Yuh-Huey Jou, 2009). Parents, peers, teachers are contacts affecting the

students since they are the persons interacting with the child. These contacts serve as important individuals who can stimulate students to do well

in their studies. In terms of a literary text, students become more confident about performing the learning tasks if they are properly supported by

these contacts. The research revealed that the learning behaviors and motivations of students towards learning are attributable to the support of

the people like parents, teachers, and peers.

According to Prino et al (2016), children with a positive relationship with their teachers are more interested to do their tasks; they are more

motivated and are willing to learn. The support extended by parents, teachers, and peers to students has given emphasis on the kind of

interpersonal relations that exist in the school.

This interpersonal relation plays a vital role in influencing students’ ability towards the learning tasks in the school. If these individuals do not

cooperate, then students’ learning effectiveness and their motivation towards learning are affected. This means that the better the relationship

among teachers, parents, and peers, the higher is the students’ motivation towards performing better in academics, and other learning activities in

the school.

In like manner, the research conducted by Gastaldi et al (2015) found out that establishing a favorable relationship with others significantly affects

students' performance in various learning areas. This means that the better the interpersonal relationships among teachers, parents, and peers,

the higher is students' motivation towards achieving at a high level which eventually improves academic performance, satisfaction, and learning

On the other hand, there's widespread anxiety that digital technology is producing children who are growing up noncommunicative and detached

from society. And while it's true that people are seeing a massive shift in how they communicate and interact, every new technology generates

exaggerated concern about its impact on society.

Heck and Socrates supposedly railed against the advent of writing as it would cause people to forget what they've remembered. Nevertheless,

teachers still need to spend time developing appropriate interpersonal skills in their students. Here are few tips for doing that in the digital age:

remember basic manners, respect personality differences, work together collaboratively and practice scenarios (Gatens, 2015).

In addition, the classroom is a social system in which the teacher and the students interact as organizational members. The quality of

classroom relations is dependent on the activities of both the instructor and the students. Several environmental conditions and circumstances

often tend to either improve or depress the academic performances of students in defiance of their natural academic endowments (Fan, 2012).

Spiritual. Zaria in Aljade (2008) averred that condition has a big impact in forming the learning of pupils. An environment that is clean, quiet and

comfortable is important components of a learning environment. An effective teacher considers the ideal learning environment as top priorities for it

stimulates students to engage actively during the learning process. The students need to feel that they are safe, respected, equally treated, and to

feel comfortable with the learning environment.

According to Apter (2014) environment condition plays a significant role in students' learning. Research has revealed that students are more

stimulated to participate actively in literary texts and feel satisfied with the learning experiences when they are exposed to an environment that is

conducive to learning. Environment captures students'attention, students may lead to focus their studies if they have a conducive environment.

Moreover, CAS (2009) reported that academic advising programs must identify environmental conditions that may positively or negatively influence

student academic achievement. This includes the facilities that the students' uses and things such as the lighting, flooring, furniture, and

architecture and can also encompass layout and spaces, accessibility and cleanliness, as well as the interior color. These must be enhanced to

have to value and respecting surroundings.

Quality teaching is the use of pedagogical techniques to produce learning outcomes for students. It involves several dimensions, including the

effective design of curriculum and course content, a variety of learning contexts including guided independent study, project-based learning,

collaborative learning, and experimentation, soliciting and using feedback, and effective assessment of learning outcomes.
It also involves well-adapted learning environments and student support services. Support for quality teaching can be manifested through a wide

range of activities that are likely to improve the quality of the teaching process, of the program content, as well as the learning conditions of

students (Henard & Roseveare, 2012).

When choosing a school, the first thing that anyone wants to know is whether or not it provides students with an effective learning

environment. By looking at results such as state test scores, student performance, retention, and graduation rates, one can get a fairly clear

picture of how well a school is doing its job.

Research carried out by David Miller Sadker and Karen R. Zittleman for McGraw-Hill Higher Education identified a common set of characteristics

that effective schools seemed to share. This is now often referred to as the “five-factor theory.” The five characteristics they identified were quality

leadership, high expectations of students and teachers, ongoing screening of student performance and development, goals and direction, and

safety and security for students (Stenger, 2013).

Pupils across the globe need effective schools. While the American school system as a whole may be falling behind international standards,

there are still some schools that stand out. Sure, the context of schooling will impact attributes that contribute to the effectiveness of specific

schools. But at the same time, there are attributes that contribute to effectiveness across schooling contexts. If the teacher understands the

attributes of effectiveness, he/she can observe which attributes exist at successful schools (Lynch, 2016).

Provocative Factor
Motivators are determined as the intrinsic satisfaction of an individual where it possesses self-applied to have a better foundation to achieve the

goals of the child (Furnham&Eracleous, 2009). The intrinsic motivator deals with putting attention in regards to the sake of the students where they

may become motivated if they can feel satisfaction on what they are doing. This has a lot to do with the self- interest, desires, and egocentricity.

Haru (2012) said that reading motivation is the enormous quantity of motivation that learners should have. For example, learners who read

for their desire to support their understanding are extremely motivated readers. Learners who consider reading to be a significant element in their

daily activities are likely to be effective readers.

Pupils who have difficulties in understanding texts need motivation in order for them to grasp. Hence, students with poor reading habits tend to

demonstrate poor comprehension skills and low-interest levels in reading various educational materials. Students should consider the fact that

motivation to read is important since it causes students to act or learn.

Furthermore, PourhoseinGilakjani and Ahmadi (2011) state that intrinsic motivations can boost self-concept, self-respect, self-confidence, and

emotional needs. If these needs are attained, the learner will become more satisfied; also they are engaged in the said activity and with a higher
tendency to understand a literary text. Through these, they will become proactive in class discussion. Maintenance factors include recognition,

school policy, interpersonal relation, teachers' supervision, and environmental condition.

In consonance with, Prescott and Simpson (2007) said that hygiene factors are the extrinsic motivators that make the student feel fulfilled

temporarily. It indicates that these factors motivated students in a short period of time.

This also said, that once environmental conditions are satisfied, the individual becomes dominated by unsatisfied needs they may seek for

another mode that will make them feel better. The failure to address these basic needs will lead to an unwillingness to do an academic task.

Health Factors. Hygiene factors are those factors that are related to the condition surrounding a person (Sylvester, 2012). Herzberg's research

proves that hygiene factors are people's strength to strive because if these factors are not present, humans feel unhappiness but if once satisfied,

the effect is only temporary. These maintenance factors include recognition, school policy, interpersonal relation, teachers' supervision, and

environmental condition.

In consonance with, Prescott and Simpson (2007) said that hygiene factors are the extrinsic motivators that make the student feel fulfilled

temporarily. It indicates that these factors motivated students in a short period of time. This also said, that once environmental conditions are

satisfied, the individual becomes dominated by unsatisfied needs they may seek for another mode that will make them feel better. The failure to

address these basic needs will lead to an unwillingness to do an academic task.

Responsibility. One of the motivator factors included in the study is responsibility. Michelle Jacobs (2015) said that individuals with a high level of

responsibility can accomplish the tasks on time with a higher level of satisfaction. An individual student has the ability to carry out his own task and

needs to become more responsible to ensure better results. These students tend to display a positive attitude towards studies, tend to comply the

assigned tasks on time, they exert a lot of effort to accomplish the works, and they are willing to collaborate with others for them to succeed in their


a task that requires the learner to think through a motivating and challenging learning situation which is not impossible to solve. A problem-solving

situation is a process of working on facts, details, information, and knowledge to reach a solution. It is an on-going activity in which students use

what they know to discover what they don't know.

There is a need to make students feel that they can do things according to their level and abilities, and this helps them gradually like the tasks and

eventually become more intrinsically motivated and responsible with the help or guidance of the people around them. It includes expectable

obstacles by generating hypotheses, predictions, and arriving at satisfactory solutions research conducted by Fishey and Frey (2007) has
confirmed that the higher the responsibility level of students in performing the tasks, the better is their academic achievement. The findings of the

said researchers have proven the fact that when students display a sense of responsiveness tend to achieve at a high level in academics.

Research has found out that students who failed in various academic endeavors were found to have a low level of responsibility. This means that

the variance in students' sense of responsibility has explained the variance in their academic performance. On the other hand, the teachers and

parents play a great role in developing the high sense of responsibility among students. These parents and teachers should model behaviors, give

advice, discuss the advantages of being responsible, and they should regularly monitor their behaviors to check for development.

The role of the teacher in developing a sense of responsibility among students is very significant all throughout the reading process of the learners

(Jacobs, 2015). There are ways or strategies that must be applied to make students motivated to read literally texts. Thinking the capabilities of

learners is said to be one factor in stimulating students to engage in the tasks. This means that the teacher should not expect too much from

students especially if these are not doable.

The idea of Jacobs (2015) is in consonance with the research finding that students are more likely to do the tasks intrinsically when they are

expected to do according to their capabilities or mental ability level. These individuals feel that they can contribute something better which gives

them an opportunity to increase their efficacy, which eventually influences favorable learning outcomes and learning success. The ideas presented

above also pointed out the importance of the people around in developing a high sense of responsiveness which serves as a potential factor in

achieving educational success.

Achievement. Students who exert educational efforts are more like to achieve something better in school. These individuals may eventually feel

that they have accomplished or done something better. It is a fact that teachers need to encourage the emotional engagement of the learners to

feel motivated in reading a literary text and other educational activities to succeed and feel a high level of satisfaction for doing the tasks. In literary

works, students should be engaged in creative activities (Henschel et. al 2016) that would trigger their mental ability, and to make them work

mentally, allowing for interesting gestures and learning important and related things. This means that students who are engaged in creative

activities will more likely to achieve high because they are motivated doing the activities and motivated students are determined to learn new

knowledge if feel that they achieved something.

According to Isnian (2009) achievement is a result of efforts that lead to progress in learning educational experience. He said that students' feeling

of achievement is considered a potential factor affecting their learning interest and involvement in the learning tasks. This means that the students

should feel that they have contributed something better which encourages them to become more engaged and determined towards doing the
tasks. With this, teachers and other school personnel play a significant role in stimulating the students to become more responsible in

accomplishing school tasks. This shows that students' attitudes towards academic endeavors may also depend on another factor like their learning


In addition, critical thinking happens when students analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs. They can then learn how to

make judgments and decisions based on others' points of view, interpret information and draw conclusions. One way one tries to foster critical

thinking skills in his or her classroom is by allowing his or her students to be creative and to inquire about topics that are of interest to them (Lange,


Recognition. Levitt et. al (2012) averred that being recognized improves the competence of students towards the tasks. These students need to be

recognized for doing a job well in order for them to become more motivated to exert more effort in the tasks. Consistency of giving feedback to the

learners about what they achieved encourages them. An example of recognition includes giving of praises to students who performed better in the

tasks. This praise encourages learners and the said encouragement should be directed to the action rather than the character of the learners.

Research has found out that the learning behavior of students is also attributable to the kind of motivation offered by other individuals. This means

that praises and other forms of rewards help in stimulating the students to engage in the tasks.

According to Bohn & Rapp (2011), recognizing a student for a job well done has many favorable effects on students. In particular, students who

are recognized for their favourite work in school stimulates them to exert more efforts in the tasks, they become aware of their positive contribution

to the group, they increase their level of efficacy, they have the chance of becoming intrinsically motivated, they become more persistent when

performing the challenging tasks, and they are more motivated to finish the assigned tasks. On the other hand, students who are not recognized

for their favourite work in school are not determined to sustain their interest in the learning tasks.

In support of the idea presented above, Sylvester (2012) averred that teachers, parents, and peers play an important role in motivating the

students to perform in the learning tasks. When these individuals appreciate students' performance favorably done, students feel pride and may

have the eagerness to finish the assigned tasks satisfactorily. This is in consonance with the research finding that students need to be appreciated

or recognized for their performance for them to increase the likelihood of demonstrating favorable learning behaviors.

The policy is a law, regulation, procedure, administrative action, incentive, or voluntary practice of the institutions defined by Graves (2008). This

policy helps in ensuring the safety and confidence of students. If students feel that they are secured in school and feel that they are equally

treated, they become more motivated to continue their studies.

Also, these pupils sustain their energy and interest to attend their classes when they feel that school has implemented policies that are responsive

to the learning needs of students. These students feel comfortable in the school when they are cared, respected and treated without

discrimination, and they become more assured of the protection offered by the school.

According to Boyce (2012) that school policies assist the institution to make good decisions for the students' wellbeing. Also, policies of the school

help define rules, regulations, procedures, and protocols that are helpful in stimulating students to remain in the school and to perform the learning

tasks. Research has revealed that school policies affect students' motivations towards studies and towards the decisions of remaining or leaving

the school.

If policies are objectively implemented, pupils are more satisfied and become more confident that they are being valued and cared for by the

school administration, thus, increases the likelihood of performing better in their academics. With this, the school administration and teachers

should see to it that policies are made to secure students, to encourage active participation of all stakeholders, and to ensure favorable learning

experiences which are important in stimulating students to exert efforts in the learning tasks.

According to Australia's Safe and Supportive School Communities Working Group (2015), school policy focuses on creating positive, safe and

supportive learning environments; rather than issues. The policy fails to make any practical differences unless it is relevant, representative, well

developed and used as a living document. The action of the makers of the policy is to nourish and shows positive actions, they serve as the role

model to the students.

Teachers Supervision. Teachers have a great factor in bridging the educational gap towards the changing world, where it portrays students’

expectations and desires(Hismanoglu and Hismanoglu, 2010). This calls for the teachers to sustain the interest of the students, and on putting

control and using up-to-date methodologies that may enhance the ability in literacy.

In addition, Rogers (2007) stated that reconstructing the traditional way of teacher's supervision improves the teaching strategies and these

improvements may help learners to develop their ability to comprehend. The supervision of the teacher may help the development of the learners

as well as the development of their techniques. Well supervised students, feel that they belong in a group, highly motivated, and willing to engage

in various activities in the class.

Furthermore, the idea of Moreno (2007) corroborates to the idea above that students' success also depends on teachers' guidance, commitment,

and educational efforts. The teacher is held responsible for addressing their learners need, they inhibit the development of students responsibility

through the use of reinforcement. Such, responsibility takes place also with the learners where they need to engage themselves in learning.
The idea presented above relates to the idea of Okumbe (2007) that the absence of teachers' supervision may result in students' low performance.

The ability of the teachers in addressing the needs of the students may lapse an impact to them.

Teachers must exert more monitoring practices that can meet their students’ willingness which has an impact on their motivation towards learning

activities. Critical thinking is a crucial skill for living life. That's why teaching critical thinking skills is a necessity with students. Every teacher is

looking for more ways to integrate it into classrooms. The term critical thinking is admittedly open to different interpretations.

In the meantime, here’s a simple perspective. It’s more than just thinking clearly or rationally. It’s about thinking  independently. Critically thinking

about something means formulating one's own opinions and drawing his or her own conclusions. This happens regardless of outside influence. It's

about the discipline of analysis and seeing the connections between ideas. Teaching with critical thinking skills doesn't require hours of lesson

planning. The teacher does not need special equipment or guest speakers. All he or she needs is curious and open minds, along with a few

strategies (Crockett, 2017). They may also interview experts in the field, and this would mean bringing the pupils closer to the real world (Othman,


Theoretical /Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored on environmental context and theory cited by Urie Bronfrenbrenner (2015). This theory contends that learning is greatly

affected by the kind of learning environment that learners are understood within the context of their environment. This theory is related to the

proposition of Rotter (2014) that social learning represents an interaction of the individual with his or her environment. Along with taking into

consideration the individuals reaction to the environment, the individual experience plays a role, too. It contends that individuals have proactive

factor needs such as achievement, responsibility; health factor, recognition, and teacher supervision.

The combination of the environment, the individual, and her reaction encourages behavior and learning. Actions are the product of an

environment which is hygiene and the performance or the work which is the motivator; these factors cause satisfaction while separate or absence

of a set of factors causes dissatisfaction (Chowdury, 2017).

The study is also guided by the theory of Social learning by Bandura (2001) who believes that people are also capable of self-regulation. Self-

regulation is developed through the interplay of self-produced and external sources of influence, including motivational standards and moral

standards. These moral standards develop from a variety of influences like direct instruction (school and religion), feedback on attitude from

significant others (family) and modeling of moral standards by others. While the home environment is supported by the concept of Binondo (2012)

who stressed that the environment has a greater influence on teacher performance.
Figure 1 shows the Theoretical/Conceptual framework of the variables of the study. The efficacious learning environment is the independent

variable of the study comprises of the following indicators namely observed: intellectual environment, emotional environment, social environment,

and spiritual environment.

While the dependent variable proactive factor has corresponding indicator health factors, responsibility, achievement, recognition and teacher


Independent Variable DependentVariable

Efficacious Learning Physical Efficacious Learning

environment Provocative Factors of Grade of Proactive Factor

 intellectual environment  health factors

 emotional environment  responsibility

Figure 1. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework of the Study.
 social environment
 achievement

 spiritual environment  recognition

On the other Kuzborska
hand, the arrows pointing  indicate the
(2011) towards both variables from the independent variables Teachers Supervision
relationship among the variables, which
& SOURCE: Hodgets (2012)
Paul, 2013 if it is significantly related considering the different indicators. The indicators depend on the variables demand the
is subject to rigid clarification

concept of this study, vis-a-vis the problem itself.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to determine the relationship between the Efficacious Learning Environment and Provocative Factor of Grade 4- learners in

the Academe of Generoso Elementary School in Talomo A District Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of the efficacious learning environment of grade 4 learners in terms of :

1.1 intellectual environment;

1.2 emotional environment;

1.4 social environment; and

1.5 spiritual environment?

2. What is the level of a proactive factor of grade 4 learners in terms of:

2.1 health factors;

2.2 responsibility;

2.3 achievement;

2.4 recognition; and

2.5 teacher supervision?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the efficacious of the learning environment and the provocative factor of grade 5 learners in the


4. Do an efficacious learning environment that significantly influences to the provocative factor of grade 5 learners.

The null hypothesis below were tested at the 0.05 alpha level.

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between the efficacious learning environment and provocative factors of grade 5 learners in the


Ho2: Efficacious learning environment does not significantly influence the provocative factors of grade 4 learners.

The beneficiaries of this study are the following:

School Administrators. The findings of the study would give awareness to the school administrators about the impact of the efficacious of learning

physical environment on the motivators of grade 4 pupils in the academe.

Teacher. This study encourages teachers to focus on the motivator factor and the efficacious learning physical environment which can affect the

pupils academic success.

Students. The present study would enable the students to understand the role of a learning environment in the learning process.

Future Researchers. The findings of the study will allow future researchers to determine the importance of the attributes of the learning

environment in the teaching and learning process. It can also give insight into future studies related to this study.
The study dealt with the attributes of the learning environment and the intellectual endeavor of special program students. Survey Questionnaire

was used in gathering the data for the study and the survey was administered to 40 grade 4 pupils in the academe of Generoso Elementary of the

academic school year 2019-2020

Definition of terms
The terms used in the study are defined to have a better understanding of the terms used in the study:

Efficacious Learning Environment. Learning Environment refers to the whole range of components and activities within which learning happens. In

the study, the term is composed of the physical, material, interpersonal, institutional and intellectual environment of an efficacious learning physical

environment (Trinidad, 2013).

Provocative Factors. This refers to the satisfiers that are associated with what individuals actually do in the school or those that are related to

esteem and self-actualization needs in the task (Hodgets, 2012). In the study, the term refers to the recognition, achievement, enjoyment to the

work, and responsibility factors.

This refers to carrying out one's progress on improvement (Glickman, 2014). In the study, the term refers to the chance to learn skills, acquire

knowledge, and achieve growth and development.


Presented in this chapter are the research design, research respondents, research instruments, gathering procedure, and data analysis


Research Design

The non-experimental quantitative method used in this study. This method determines the nature of existing conditions, personal, situational

environment, factors, and practices. As cited by Catane (2002), is used to determine the relationship between the two or more variables and to
explore their implications. This is designed to gather information about present conditions. It is concerned with conditions or relations that exist,

practices that prevail, beliefs and processes that are going on, effects that are being felt or trends that are developing.

Therefore, this method is suitable for the present study for it deals with the relationship between the efficacious learning environment and

provocative factors of grade 4 learners in Generoso Elementary School.

Research Respondents
The respondents of the study are the 40 grade pupils of Generoso Elementary School academic school year 2019-2020. The total

enumeration technique is used in the study for all grade 4 pupils who are included to be the respondents. The respondents. The study used

universal sampling due to the average number of the population of grade 4 pupils within Talomo A district.

Research Instrument
The instrument used in the study is researcher-constructed designed to draw out information concerning the efficacious learning environment

and provocative factor of grade 4 learners in the academe. For the necessity of refinement validation and comprehensive content of the

instrument, the researcher asked knowledgeable persons for comments,corrections, and suggestions.

The first draft of the research instrument was reviewed by the advisers to improve its presentation and contents. Each item of the questionnaire

was carefully selected and the whole content of the instrument was submitted to the experts for checking and validation.

The revision was made by incorporating the corrections, comments, and suggestions given by the experts. The instrument was pilot tested before

it was finalized for administration.

Data Gathering Procedure

The following steps were observed in the gathering of data from the respondents:

The researchers requested permission from the Dean of the graduate school of Rizal Memorial Colleges concerning the conduct of the study.

Upon the approval of the said letter, the researchers personally administered the instruments to the respondents of the study. The researchers

administered the instrument, right after the administration. The data gathered were tallied based on the objectives of this investigation and treated

using the appropriate statistical tools.

Data analysis tools

The data gathered were tallied and treated using the following statistical tools.

Mean. This was used to describe the level of the efficacious learning environment and motivator factor of grade 4 learners in the academe.
Product moment correlation coefficient or Pearson r This tool was used to determine the significant relationship between the efficacious learning

environment and provocative factors of grade 5 pupils.

Linear Regression Model Using the Enter Method was used to determine the

Domains that significantly influence the efficacious of the learning environment and

provocative factors of grade 4 learners in the academe.

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