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NAME: __________________________ DATE: _____________________

1. Match these FRUIT words with the pictures:

apple pear bananas lemon orange peach pineapple grapes (black)currants

plums cherries strawberries raspberry pomegranate melon

2. Complete the sentences with the following words:

bunches, skin, stones, bitter, exotic

a. Monkeys are funny, they never take off the ________ of a banana.
b. Starfruits, kiwis and goldenberries are _________ fruit.
c. A grapefruit is similar to an orange but much more _________.
d. Avocados and plums have big _________.
e. Grapes and bananas grow in _________.

3. Match these VEGETABLES words with the pictures:

potato mushroom carrot onion cabbage broccoli turnip leek courgette eggplant
cauliflower Brussels sprouts peas beans sweet corn

4. Complete the sentences with the following words:

pickles, zucchini, paprika, shell, peel,

a. Sweet peppers are red, yellow and green and sometimes are called ________ .
b. You have to _______ potatoes before you cook them.
c. In English we sometimes use the Italian word _________ for courgette.
d. Before you cook peas, you need to take off their _________.
e. Small cucumbers which are preserved in a jar are called __________.
5. Pre Listening exercise - Discussion
What are some common things people eat for breakfast in your hometown? Are any of these things
unique to your culture that you might not find in other countries? Who usually prepares meals in your
house: you, a parent, or someone else? In this activity, you will hear a father and daughter talking about
breakfast choices. Which is most appetizing to you?

6. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

1. Why does the daughter complain about having a banana for breakfast?
A. The banana is still green.
B. Their pet ate part of it.
C. The daughter hates bananas.

2. Why does the daughter not want to eat cereal for breakfast.
A. She has to prepare the milk.
B. There's no cereal left.
C. She ate the same thing yesterday.

3. What other food did the father try to prepare for his family before, but it didn't turn out well?
A. rice and eggs
B. steak and bacon
C. pancakes

4. Why is the father preparing breakfast for his daughter?

A. Because she helped him in the kitchen.
B. Because it's the girl's birthday.
C. Because she can't cook well.

5. What is the big surprise at the end of the conversation?

A. The girl's friend drops by and brings breakfast.
B. The father decides to make his daughter fish.
C. The girl might be getting married.

taken from:

7. Speaking. Complete the conversation with suitable words and play it out with a partner.

- Hi Luisa. Where are you going?

- Hi Stephen. I'm going to the grocery store to buy some food, do you want to come with me?
- Sure. What are you going to buy?
- I'm going to buy some _________ and __________ to make pizza and also a ________ , an
________ and some _________ to make a salad.
- Great, now that we are going there I will buy something too.
- Good idea. What do you want to buy?
- I'm going to buy some ________ and __________ for my breakfast and a jar of ________ and a can of
_________ because I don't have any left.

8. Match the words in bold with the definitions below:

1. Have you had breakfast? a. an small meal eaten just before you go to bed
2. What time do you have lunch? b. the desire for food.
3. What are we having for dinner? c. the meal eaten around midday.
4. Do you want some supper? d. very hungry.
5. We only have time for a snack. e. the first meal of the day
6. I hope you have good appetite. f. a quick and easy meal
7. I'm starving. g. when you grill food outside.
8. We had a barbecue in the garden h. the main evening meal.

9. Write what do you usually have for breakfast and dinner.


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