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We are always tempted to do things that we are not supposed to do at various times, no matter how hard we try or how much we want to do
good. It's a lot like when we're getting ready to say the obligatory prayer at the end of each day. More important things in my life, like as my
relationship with God and my family, had taken a back seat to my enjoyment of myself and desire to have a good time. Instead of praying on
time, I find myself engaging in activities that are not permitted, like as watching television or playing video games. However, it wasn't until I
started thinking about the long-term risks and rewards that I realized just how huge of a trade-off I was committing to. In the long run, I
would have wasted a significant amount of time, missed several opportunities, damaged numerous relationships, and probably even
jeopardized my health if I had done so. Yes, there are bragging rights to be obtained as well as delight to be gained. It was, however, simply
not worth it in the end. For the time being, I'm limiting my activities to video games. Despite the fact that I must admit that the games were
fun, I soon discovered that they were taking up much too much of my precious free time. While I was concentrating on my studies, I made
the decision to spend some time praying and asking for forgiveness for the sins that I had committed.

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