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Department of Computer Science and Technology

Course: B.Tech. CSE Semester: 6 Session: Jan 2022-May 2022
Subject: Agile Technologies (CSW317B)

Name: OM Singh
Roll no:2K19CSUN01154

LAB 0 Experiment
1. Install JDK (Java Development Kit) any version 1.5 or above and verify the correctness
of installation
2. Write the following Java programs:
(i) Write a Java program to find the minimum of a set of 10 numbers


(ii) Write a Java program to compute the annual increment number of employees using
the following strategy:
- If monthly salary of employee is less than Rs. 1 Lakh increment should be 15 % of
annual salary
- If monthly salary is in the range of Rs.1 Lakh to Rs. 2 Lakh increment should be
10% of annual salary
- If monthly salary is more than Rs. 2 Lakh increment should be 5% of annual salary

Department of Computer Science and Technology
Course: B.Tech. CSE Semester: 6 Session: Jan 2022-May 2022
Subject: Agile Technologies (CSW317B)
Name: OM Singh
Roll no: 2K19CSUN01154

LAB 1 Experiment
3. In LAB 0 you have installed JDK version 1.5 or above (1.8 was preferred version) and
verified the correctness of installation
4. Now install JUnit and setup the environment and verify the correctness of installation
5. Write JUnit Test Cases for the following programs, execute test cases and log test results:
(i) Java program which you have written in LAB 0 to find the minimum of a set of
10 numbers
(ii) Java program which you have written in LAB 0 to compute the annual increment
number of employees using the following strategy:
- If monthly salary of employee is less than Rs. 1 Lakh increment should be 15 % of
annual salary
- If monthly salary is in the range of Rs.1 Lakh to Rs. 2 Lakh increment should be
10% of annual salary
- If monthly salary is more than Rs. 2 Lakh increment should be 5% of annual salary
(iii) Create JUnit Test Suite for JUnit test cases developed in above program (ii) and
execute the test cases with Test Runner and log test results
Department of Computer Science and Technology
Course: B.Tech. CSE Semester: 6 Session: Jan 2021-May 2022
Subject: Agile Technologies (CSW317B)
Name: OM Singh
Roll no: 2K19CSUN01154
LAB 2 Experiment

Git Experiments 
1. Install Git. Capture screen snapshot of successful installation [done]
2. Execute the following Git commands and capture screen snapshot for each command

 git config
 git init
 git add
 git commit
 git diff
 git reset
 git status
 git rm
 git log
 git show
 git tag
 git checkout
3. Create a GitHub account to have a remote repository or else you can use an existing remote
repository if you already have a GitHub account. Clone the Remote Repository to a local
repository. Create new branch from the main development branch and modify some files on it.
After that merge the changes to main branch and push to remote repository. Use the following
additional commands to achieve this. Capture screen snapshots of all Git commands execution

 git clone
 git branch
 git checkout
 git merge
 git remote
 git push
 git pull
 git stash
Department of Computer Science and Technology
Course: B.Tech. CSE Semester: 6 Session: Jan 2022-May 2022
Subject: Agile Technologies (CSW317B)

LAB 3 Agile

Eclipse Experiments
1. Install Eclipse
2. Use Eclipse framework to write the HelloWorld program and run it as Java Application.
3. Access a Git repository from Eclipse. Do some file updations in Eclipse IDE and push the
changes to Git Repository.
Adding it to the git

Committing the files:

Pushing it to GitHub

4. Run JUnit Test cases developed under JUnit Experiment from Eclipse
Test Passed
5. Capture screen snapshots of all the above 4 activities performed in Eclipse

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