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1. Discover Your Ideal Self
There is often a gap between who we are and who we ultimately want to
be. So, the first step in making an intentional change is to define your ideal
self. Start by forming a clear sense of who you'd like to be. Be specific: would
you like to have more empathy? Arrive at work with more energy? Have
more patience?

2. Discover Your Real Self

Your next step is to define your real self – the person you are right now.
Where you are today in comparison to where you want to be. This can be a
challenging step, because many of us have trouble seeing our strengths and
gaps clearly.

3. Strengths
This is identified with the overlap of your ideal and real self. These qualities
need to be enhanced.

4. Gaps
This is identified where the ideal and real self differ. Where the gaps impact
the final outcome, it must be bridged.

5. Create Your Learning Agenda

Now that you've defined who you are and who you'd like to be, you can
create a "learning agenda" to align reality with the vision. Your learning
agenda (also known as a personal development plan ) will also help you
stay on track.
First, define what you need to do to move from your current self to your ideal
self. Who can help you along this path? What resources do you need?

6. Experiment
This step is about testing and stretching yourself– that is, finding stimulating
ways to learn – and then testing your new knowledge, skills, or attitudes.

7. Practice New Habits

Once you're heading in the right direction, it's time to practice. This will help
you turn the changes you've made into new habits. Whether you're
adopting a new skill, starting a micro-business, or changing an attitude or
belief, do something – however small – every day that reinforces the
changes you've made.

8. Get Support
None of us gets far alone. Friends, family, colleagues, and our community
can encourage us and give support that propels us through challenging
times. As you're going through the process, draw on the support of the
people around you. Tell people you trust about what you want to do, and
why you want to do it. Share your learning agenda, and ask for their support
as you move forward.

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